6,775 research outputs found

    Lifshitz Tails in Constant Magnetic Fields

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    We consider the 2D Landau Hamiltonian HH perturbed by a random alloy-type potential, and investigate the Lifshitz tails, i.e. the asymptotic behavior of the corresponding integrated density of states (IDS) near the edges in the spectrum of HH. If a given edge coincides with a Landau level, we obtain different asymptotic formulae for power-like, exponential sub-Gaussian, and super-Gaussian decay of the one-site potential. If the edge is away from the Landau levels, we impose a rational-flux assumption on the magnetic field, consider compactly supported one-site potentials, and formulate a theorem which is analogous to a result obtained in the case of a vanishing magnetic field

    Wegner estimate for discrete alloy-type models

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    We study discrete alloy-type random Schr\"odinger operators on 2(Zd)\ell^2(\mathbb{Z}^d). Wegner estimates are bounds on the average number of eigenvalues in an energy interval of finite box restrictions of these types of operators. If the single site potential is compactly supported and the distribution of the coupling constant is of bounded variation a Wegner estimate holds. The bound is polynomial in the volume of the box and thus applicable as an ingredient for a localisation proof via multiscale analysis.Comment: Accepted for publication in AHP. For an earlier version see http://www.ma.utexas.edu/mp_arc-bin/mpa?yn=09-10

    The weak localization for the alloy-type Anderson model on a cubic lattice

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    We consider alloy type random Schr\"odinger operators on a cubic lattice whose randomness is generated by the sign-indefinite single-site potential. We derive Anderson localization for this class of models in the Lifshitz tails regime, i.e. when the coupling parameter λ\lambda is small, for the energies ECλ2E \le -C \lambda^2.Comment: 45 pages, 2 figures. To appear in J. Stat. Phy

    Disentangling performance-monitoring signals encoded in feedback-related EEG dynamics

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    The feedback-related negativity (FRN) is a well-established electrophysiological correlate of feedback-processing. However, there is still an ongoing debate whether the FRN is driven by negative or positive reward prediction errors (RPE), valence of feedback, or mere surprise. Our study disentangles independent contributions of valence, surprise, and RPE on the feedback-related neuronal signal including the FRN and P3 components using the statistical power of a sample of N = 992 healthy individuals. The participants performed a modified time-estimation task, while EEG from 64 scalp electrodes was recorded. Our results show that valence coding is present during the FRN with larger amplitudes for negative feedback. The FRN is further modulated by surprise in a valence-dependent way being more positive-going for surprising positive outcomes. The P3 was strongly driven by both global and local surprise, with larger amplitudes for unexpected feedback and local deviants. Behavioral adaptations after feedback and FRN just show small associations. Results support the theory of the FRN as a representation of a signed RPE. Additionally, our data indicates that surprising positive feedback enhances the EEG response in the time window of the P3. These results corroborate previous findings linking the P3 to the evaluation of PEs in decision making and learning tasks

    Low lying spectrum of weak-disorder quantum waveguides

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    We study the low-lying spectrum of the Dirichlet Laplace operator on a randomly wiggled strip. More precisely, our results are formulated in terms of the eigenvalues of finite segment approximations of the infinite waveguide. Under appropriate weak-disorder assumptions we obtain deterministic and probabilistic bounds on the position of the lowest eigenvalue. A Combes-Thomas argument allows us to obtain so-called 'initial length scale decay estimates' at they are used in the proof of spectral localization using the multiscale analysis.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Statistical Physics http://www.springerlink.com/content/0022-471

    Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation over S1 differentially modulates proprioceptive accuracy in young and old adults

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    Background: Proprioception is a prerequisite for successful motor control but declines throughout the lifespan. Brain stimulation techniques such as anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (a-tDCS) are capable of enhancing sensorimotor performance across different tasks and age groups. Despite such growing evidence for a restorative potential of tDCS, its impact on proprioceptive accuracy has not been studied in detail yet. Objective: This study investigated online effects of a-tDCS over S1 on proprioceptive accuracy in young (YA) and old healthy adults (OA). Methods: The effect of 15 min of a-tDCS vs. sham on proprioceptive accuracy was assessed in a cross-over, double blind experiment in both age groups. Performance changes were tested using an arm position matching task in a robotic environment. Electrical field (EF) strengths in the target area S1 and control areas were assessed based on individualized simulations. Results: a-tDCS elicited differential changes in proprioceptive accuracy and EF strengths in the two groups: while YA showed a slight improvement, OA exhibited a decrease in performance during a-tDCS. Stronger EF were induced in target S1 and control areas in the YA group. However, no relationship between EF strength and performance change was found. Conclusion: a-tDCS over S1 elicits opposing effects on proprioceptive accuracy as a function of age, a result that is important for future studies investigating the restorative potential of a-tDCS in healthy aging and in the rehabilitation of neurological diseases that occur at advanced age. Modeling approaches could help elucidate the relationship between tDCS protocols, brain structure and performance modulation

    Huygens Titan Probe Trajectory Reconstruction Using Traditional Methods and the Program to Optimize Simulated Trajectories II

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    On January 14, 2005, ESA's Huygens probe separated from NASA's Cassini spacecraft, entered the Titan atmosphere and landed on its surface. As part of NASA Engineering Safety Center Independent Technical Assessment of the Huygens entry, descent, and landing, and an agreement with ESA, NASA provided results of all EDL analyses and associated findings to the Huygens project team prior to probe entry. In return, NASA was provided the flight data from the probe so that trajectory reconstruction could be done and simulation models assessed. Trajectory reconstruction of the Huygens entry probe at Titan was accomplished using two independent approaches: a traditional method and a POST2-based method. Results from both approaches are discussed in this paper

    Gamma-widths, lifetimes and fluctuations in the nuclear quasi-continuum

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    Statistical γ\gamma-decay from highly excited states is determined by the nuclear level density (NLD) and the γ\gamma-ray strength function (γ\gammaSF). These average quantities have been measured for several nuclei using the Oslo method. For the first time, we exploit the NLD and γ\gammaSF to evaluate the γ\gamma-width in the energy region below the neutron binding energy, often called the quasi-continuum region. The lifetimes of states in the quasi-continuum are important benchmarks for a theoretical description of nuclear structure and dynamics at high temperature. The lifetimes may also have impact on reaction rates for the rapid neutron-capture process, now demonstrated to take place in neutron star mergers.Comment: CGS16, Shanghai 2017, Proceedings, 5 pages, 3 figure

    Localization Bounds for Multiparticle Systems

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    We consider the spectral and dynamical properties of quantum systems of nn particles on the lattice Zd\Z^d, of arbitrary dimension, with a Hamiltonian which in addition to the kinetic term includes a random potential with iid values at the lattice sites and a finite-range interaction. Two basic parameters of the model are the strength of the disorder and the strength of the interparticle interaction. It is established here that for all nn there are regimes of high disorder, and/or weak enough interactions, for which the system exhibits spectral and dynamical localization. The localization is expressed through bounds on the transition amplitudes, which are uniform in time and decay exponentially in the Hausdorff distance in the configuration space. The results are derived through the analysis of fractional moments of the nn-particle Green function, and related bounds on the eigenfunction correlators