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    Abstrak: Gagasan tentang pemidanaan terhadap kasus perkawinan yang tidak dicatatkan—biasa disebut perkawinan sirrî—yang mencuat di awal 2010 langsung memunculkan polemik. Bagi masyarakat yang mendukung, pemidanaan perkawinan yang tidak dicatatkan akan bisa memperketat prilaku perkawinan yang semena-mena, melindungi hak-hak perempuan dan anak-anak, serta menumbuhkan budaya tertib hukum di masyarakat. Sementara bagi kalangan yang menentang, perkawinan yang tidak dicatatkan adalah tetap sah secara agama (Islam)—jika dilakukan sesuai syarat dan rukun nikahnya—dan negara tidak bisa memidanakan pelaku perkawinan yang tidak mencatatkan perkawinannyake instansi pemerintah.Tulisan ini berusaha mengana-lisis polemik tersebut dari sudut pandang siyâsah syar`iyyah, utamanya berkait dengan peluang dimasukkannya aspek hukum pidana dalam penerapan hukum perkawinan di Indonesia. Abstract: The notion of criminalizing on illegal (not legally registered) marriage appearing in the early 2010 resulted polemics. Those who support this idea argue that it could tighten an unfair marriage, protect children and women rights, and create law-abiding culture concerning marriage in society. Those who deny the notion claim that an unregistered marriage is consider lawful from the perspective of Islam as long as it fulfils marriage principles and requirements. This article aims to analyze the case of unregistered marriage in Indonesia by siyâsah shar’iyyah perspective. Kata Kunci: Pemidanaan, perkawinansirrî, hukum Islam, siyâsah syar’iyya

    Aspek Pemidanaan dalam Hukum Perkawinan (Analisis terhadap Perkawinan yang Tidak Dicatatkan di Indonesia

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     Artikel ini mencoba untuk mengkritik gagasan hukuman terhadap perkawinan tidak terdaftar seperti pernikahan diam-diam, kawin kontrak, dan poligami tanpa izin resmi dari pengadilan yang telah muncul sejak awal 2010 dan telah menyebabkan polemik di kalangan masyarakat. Banyak orang mendukung ide ini, sementara orang lain menolaknya. Mereka yang mendukung gagasan melihat bahwa hukuman terhadap perkawinan terdaftar akan membatasi pernikahan kasar, melindungi hak-hak perempuan dan anak-anak, dan membawa tentang budaya hukum dan ketertiban di kalangan masyarakat dalam hal pernikahan. Sebaliknya, mereka yang menolak gagasan berpendapat bahwa pernikahan tidak terdaftar dianggap agama hukum dan berlaku terutama dalam Islam ketika itu dilakukan sesuai dengan persyaratan dan prinsip-prinsip pernikahan. &nbsp

    Penerapan Hukuman Mati Bagi Pelaku Kejahatan Korupsi di Indonesia: Analisis Pendekatan Teori Maqãshid Al-syarãah

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    Corruption is a serious crime in Indonesia that has destroyed the foundation of the state and nation. Not only is corruption detrimental to the state, but it also snatches social rights and economic developments in general. This crime is very difficult to eradicate, because it is often committed through a systematic way and involved the people who hold economic and political power. The impacts of corruption are devastating. It is time now to classify corruption an extraordinary crime that needs an extra effort, comprehensive approach and systematic way to eradicate it. One way to do this is by imposing death penalty to corruptors because it is often committed through a systematic way and involved the people who hold economic and political power. The impacts of corruption are devastating. It is time now to classify corruption an extraordinary crime that needs an extra effort, comprehensive approach and systematic way to eradicate it. One way to do this is by imposing death penalty to corruptor

    Analisis Pendekatan Teks dan Konteks dalam Penentuan Pembagian Waris Islam

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    Abstract: Analysis of a Text and Context Approach within the Formulation of Islamic Inheritance Distributions. For about fourteen centuries Islamic inheritance law has always been regarded as a qat‘î doctrine which covers for ijtihad and should be taken for granted. However, changes and developments over time, the existence of Islamic inheritance in the Quran have started to be claimed. To some liberalists and feminist activists, the law on Islamic inheritance is a product of salaf scholars to be regarded as rules that tend to be discriminative—just like the discrediting and prejudicing the rights of women—and not oriented towards human justice. Therefore, the provisions of Islamic inheritance need to be reviewed, even deconstructed by considering the social development of society.Keywords: Islamic law, justice, inheritance, tafsîrAbstraksi: Analisis Pendekatan Teks dan Konteks dalam Penentuan Pembagian Waris Islam. Selama lebih kurang empat belas abad hukum kewarisan Islam selalu dianggap sebagai doktrin yang bersifat qat‘î yang menutup rapat ruang ijtihad dan harus diterima secara taken for granted. Namun seiring perubahan dan perkembangan zaman, eksistensi hukum kewarisan Islam dalam Alquran mulai digugat. Oleh sebagian pemikir liberal dan aktivis feminisme, hukum kewarisan Islam produk ulama salaf dianggap sebagai aturan yang cenderung diskriminatif—semisal mendiskreditkan dan merugikan hak-hak perempuan—dan tidak berorientasi pada keadilan manusia. Karenanya, ketentuan hukum waris Islam tersebut harus ditafsir ulang, bahkan didekonstruksi dengan mempertimbangkan perkembangan sosial masyarakat.Kata Kunci: hukum Islam, keadilan, kewarisan, tafsirDOI: 10.15408/ajis.v13i2.941</p

    Mungkinkah Koruptor Dihukum Mati? Analisis Perdebatan tentang Pelaksanaan Hukuman Mati di Indonesia

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    Abstract Crime of corruption in Indonesia has caused enormous destruction to the survival of the state and nation. Not only detrimental to the state, but it also snatched social rights and economic development in general. This crime is very difficult to eradicate, because it is often done in a systematic and involve the people in power. We can feel how great and extraordinary dangers caused by this crime. It is true if this crime is classified as an extraordinary crime that must be eradicated by a remarkable way as well, that is by way of executing the perpetrators of corruption in this country. Abstrak Kejahatan korupsi di Indonesia telah menyebabkan kehancuran yang sangat besar bagi kelangsungan hidup berbangsa dan bernegara. Tidak hanya merugikan keuangan negara, tetapi kejahatan korupsi juga telah merampas hak-hak sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat secara luas. Kejahatan ini sangat sulit diberantas, karena seringkali dilakukan secara sistematis dan melibatkan orang-orang yang berkuasa. Kita pun bisa merasakan betapa besar dan luar biasa bahaya yang ditimbulkan akibat kejahatan ini. Sangatlah wajar jika kejahatan korupsi digolongkan sebagai kejahatan luar biasa yang harus diberantas dengan cara yang luar biasa pula, yaitu dengan cara menghukum mati para pelaku korupsi di negeri ini. Kata Kunci: Korupsi, Hukuman Mati, Kejahatan Luar Bias

    Representasi Islam Dan Cina Dalam Hoaks Di Masa Pra Pandemi Covid-19

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    The Covid-19 pandemic is the worst pandemic in the last century, one of the factors is because the Covid-19 pandemic is accompanied by the massive spread of hoaxes related to the virus. The spread of hoaxes during the pandemic has a negative impact, including influencing public perceptions. One of the disturbing hoaxes in the pre-covid-19 pandemic was a hoax related to Islam and China. Researchers reveal how the relationship between Islam and China is represented in the Covid-19 hoax. If the relationship between Islam and China is misrepresented, it can create a wrong perception for society. This study uses an analytical model of the critical language approach of Roger Fowler et al. The results of the research, most of the hoax narratives in the pre-pandemic period represented Islam in a positive narrative, while China was represented in a negative narrative. However, the represantation of Islam and China is based on unsubstantiated claims

    Ketawa sehat bareng para ahli Fikih

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    Perempuan dalam politik hukum perkawinan di Indonesia

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