152 research outputs found

    Neuroendocrine Breast Cancer. Clinical Observation. Personalized Approach

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    Introduction. Neuroendocrine breast tumors represent a rare subtype of breast cancer, accounting for less than 1 % of all neuroendocrine neoplasms. Starting from their pathology definition, and going through their prevalence, prognosis and treatment, our knowledge is still really uncertain.Materials and methods. The article presents a rare clinical observation of a neuroendocrine breast tumor. A breast fibroadenoma was diagnosed at the initial diagnosis stage in a private clinic; after a surgical treatment and further morphological study, it was estimated: a diagnosis of Cancer in situ of the left breast T1N0M0, stage I. Next, 3D-conformal remote radiation therapy was performed on the area of the left breast.Results and discussion. After conducting positron emission tomography, multiple metastases were detected in the lymph nodes, bones, and liver. Additionally, micropreparations were consulted at the Federal Reference Center in St. Petersburg and at an independent third-party molecular biological laboratory in Germany (Munich). Given all the instrumental, molecular biological, histological and immunohistochemical studies of the patient, an individual regimen of drug therapy was selected.Conclusion. After 18 months of personalized drug therapy, we observed a positive trend and a significant decrease in metabolic activity according to positron emission tomography

    Нейроэндокринный рак молочной железы. Клиническое наблюдение. Индивидуальный подход

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    Introduction. Neuroendocrine breast tumors represent a rare subtype of breast cancer, accounting for less than 1 % of all neuroendocrine neoplasms. Starting from their pathology definition, and going through their prevalence, prognosis and treatment, our knowledge is still really uncertain.Materials and methods. The article presents a rare clinical observation of a neuroendocrine breast tumor. A breast fibroadenoma was diagnosed at the initial diagnosis stage in a private clinic; after a surgical treatment and further morphological study, it was estimated: a diagnosis of Cancer in situ of the left breast T1N0M0, stage I. Next, 3D-conformal remote radiation therapy was performed on the area of the left breast.Results and discussion. After conducting positron emission tomography, multiple metastases were detected in the lymph nodes, bones, and liver. Additionally, micropreparations were consulted at the Federal Reference Center in St. Petersburg and at an independent third-party molecular biological laboratory in Germany (Munich). Given all the instrumental, molecular biological, histological and immunohistochemical studies of the patient, an individual regimen of drug therapy was selected.Conclusion. After 18 months of personalized drug therapy, we observed a positive trend and a significant decrease in metabolic activity according to positron emission tomography.Введение. Нейроэндокринные опухоли молочной железы представляют собой редкий подтип рака молочной железы, составляя менее 1 % всех нейроэндокринных новообразований. Исходя из определения патологии, распространенности, прогноза и лечения, наши знания все еще остаются неоформленными.Материалы и методы. В статье представлено редкое клиническое наблюдение нейроэндокринной опухоли молочной железы. Фиброаденома молочной железы диагностирована на начальном этапе в частной клинике. После хирургического лечения и дальнейшего морфологического исследования было оценено: диагноз «Рак in situ» левой груди T1N0M0, I стадия. Затем была проведена 3D-конформная дистанционная лучевая терапия в области левой груди.Результаты и обсуждение. После проведения позитронно-эмиссионной томографии обнаружены множественные метастазы в лимфатических узлах, костях и печени. Кроме того, по микропрепаратам консультировались в Федеральном справочном центре в Санкт-Петербурге и в независимой сторонней молекулярно-биологической лаборатории в Германии (Мюнхен). Учитывая все инструментальные, молекулярно-биологические, гистологические и иммуногистохимические исследования пациента, была подобрана индивидуальная схема медикаментозной терапии.Заключение. После 18 месяцев индивидуальной лекарственной терапии мы наблюдали положительную динамику и значительное снижение метаболической активности по данным позитронно-эмиссионной томографии

    Personality Traits in Miners with Past Occupational Elemental Mercury Exposure

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    In this study, we evaluated the impact of long-term occupational exposure to elemental mercury vapor (Hg(0)) on the personality traits of ex-mercury miners. Study groups included 53 ex-miners previously exposed to Hg(0) and 53 age-matched controls. Miners and controls completed the self-reporting Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and the Emotional States Questionnaire. The relationship between the indices of past occupational exposure and the observed personality traits was evaluated using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and on a subgroup level by machine learning methods (regression trees). The ex-mercury miners were intermittently exposed to Hg(0) for a period of 7–31 years. The means of exposure-cycle urine mercury (U-Hg) concentrations ranged from 20 to 120 μg/L. The results obtained indicate that ex-miners tend to be more introverted and sincere, more depressive, more rigid in expressing their emotions and are likely to have more negative self-concepts than controls, but no correlations were found with the indices of past occupational exposure. Despite certain limitations, results obtained by the regression tree suggest that higher alcohol consumption per se and long-term intermittent, moderate exposure to Hg(0) (exposure cycle mean U-Hg concentrations > 38.7 < 53.5 μg/L) in interaction with alcohol remain a plausible explanation for the depression associated with negative self-concept found in subgroups of ex-mercury miners. This could be one of the reason for the higher risk of suicide among miners of the Idrija Mercury Mine in the last 45 years

    New surgical approach for late complications from spinal cord injury

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    BACKGROUND: The most frequent late complications in spinal cord injury result from arachnoiditis and consequent alterations in dynamics of cerebrospinal fluid flow. A surgical procedure carried out on patients with these alterations, resolved the various pathologies more efficiently in all cases. METHODS: From October 2000 to March 2006, 23 patients were selected for surgery: three showed signs of syringomyelia, three presented with microcystic lesions, three presented with arachnoid cysts in different locations but always confluent to the scar area, and 14 showed evidence of tethered cords. The surgery consisted of laminectomy at four levels, followed by dural opening in order to remove all the arachnoiditis at the level of the scar and to remove the altered arachnoid and its cysts, at least at two levels above and below the lesion. The dentate ligaments were cut at all exposed levels. RESULTS: The patients had no postoperative problems and not only retained all neurological functions but also showed neurological recovery. According to the motor and sensory scale of the American Spinal Injury Association, the recoveries were motor 20.6% (P < 0.001), touch 15.6% ((P < 0.001) and pinprick 14.4% (P < 0.001). These patients showed no signs of relapse at 4–66 month follow-up. CONCLUSION: This alternative surgery resolved the pathologies provoking neurological deterioration by releasing the complete spinal cord at the level of the scar and the levels above and below it. It thus avoids myelotomies and the use of shunts and stents, which have a high long-term failure rate and consequent relapses. Nevertheless, this surgical procedure allows patients the chance to opt for any further treatment that may evolve in the future

    Microsurgical and tractographic anatomical study of insular and transsylvian transinsular approach

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    This study is to define the operative anatomy of the insula with emphasis on the transsylvian transinsular approach. The anatomy was studied in 15 brain specimens, among five were dissected by use of fiber dissection technique; diffusion tensor imaging of 10 healthy volunteers was obtained with a 1.5-T MR system. The temporal stem consists mainly of the uncinate fasciculus, inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus, Meyer’s loop of the optic radiation and anterior commissure. The transinsular approach requires an incision of the inferior limiting sulcus. In this procedure, the fibers of the temporal stem can be interrupted to various degrees. The fiber dissection technique is a very relevant and reliable method for neurosurgeons to study the details of brain anatomic features. The DTI fiber tracking technique can identify the fiber tracts of the temporal stem. Moreover, it will also help further functional study of human insula

    The Main Belt Comets and ice in the Solar System

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    We review the evidence for buried ice in the asteroid belt; specifically the questions around the so-called Main Belt Comets (MBCs). We summarise the evidence for water throughout the Solar System, and describe the various methods for detecting it, including remote sensing from ultraviolet to radio wavelengths. We review progress in the first decade of study of MBCs, including observations, modelling of ice survival, and discussion on their origins. We then look at which methods will likely be most effective for further progress, including the key challenge of direct detection of (escaping) water in these bodies

    Host Cell Invasion and Virulence Mediated by Candida albicans Ssa1

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    Candida albicans Ssa1 and Ssa2 are members of the HSP70 family of heat shock proteins that are expressed on the cell surface and function as receptors for antimicrobial peptides such as histatins. We investigated the role of Ssa1 and Ssa2 in mediating pathogenic host cell interactions and virulence. A C. albicans ssa1Δ/Δ mutant had attenuated virulence in murine models of disseminated and oropharyngeal candidiasis, whereas an ssa2Δ/Δ mutant did not. In vitro studies revealed that the ssa1Δ/Δ mutant caused markedly less damage to endothelial cells and oral epithelial cell lines. Also, the ssa1Δ/Δ mutant had defective binding to endothelial cell N-cadherin and epithelial cell E-cadherin, receptors that mediate host cell endocytosis of C. albicans. As a result, this mutant had impaired capacity to induce its own endocytosis by endothelial cells and oral epithelial cells. Latex beads coated with recombinant Ssa1 were avidly endocytosed by both endothelial cells and oral epithelial cells, demonstrating that Ssa1 is sufficient to induce host cell endocytosis. These results indicate that Ssa1 is a novel invasin that binds to host cell cadherins, induces host cell endocytosis, and is critical for C. albicans to cause maximal damage to host cells and induce disseminated and oropharyngeal disease

    Dwarf Galaxies of the Local Group

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    The Local Group (LG) dwarf galaxies offer a unique window to the detailed properties of the most common type of galaxy in the Universe. In this review, I update the census of LG dwarfs based on the most recent distance and radial velocity determinations. I then discuss the detailed properties of this sample, including (a) the integrated photometric parameters and optical structures of these galaxies, (b) the content, nature and distribution of their ISM, (c) their heavy-element abundances derived from both stars and nebulae, (d) the complex and varied star-formation histories of these dwarfs, (e) their internal kinematics, stressing the relevance of these galaxies to the dark-matter problem and to alternative interpretations, and (f) evidence for past, ongoing and future interactions of these dwarfs with other galaxies in the Local Group and beyond. To complement the discussion and to serve as a foundation for future work, I present an extensive set of basic observational data in tables that summarize much of what we know, and what we still do not know, about these nearby dwarfs. Our understanding of these galaxies has grown impressively in the past decade, but fundamental puzzles remain that will keep the Local Group at the forefront of galaxy evolution studies for some time.Comment: 66 pages; 9 figures; 8 table

    Влияние фосфатных связующих на физико-механические свойства периклазохромитовых огнеупоров

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    У данній статті наведено та порівняно фізико-механічні властивості периклазо-хромітових матеріалів в залежності від різних типів фосфатних зв’язуючих та введення різних домішок. Визначено, що найбільш раціональним є введення триполіфосфату натрію.In given clause are resulted and the physycal-mechanical properties periclase-cgromite of materials are compared depending on different of types phosphate binding and introduction of the various additives. Is determined, that most rational is the introduction treepolyphosphate sodume