3,832 research outputs found

    Clinical and service implications of a cognitive analytic therapy model of psychosis

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    Cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) is an integrative, interpersonal model of therapy predicated on a radically social concept of self, developed over recent years in the UK by Anthony Ryle. A CAT-based model of psychotic disorder has been developed much more recently based on encouraging early experience in this area. The model describes and accounts for many psychotic experiences and symptoms in terms of distorted, amplified or muddled enactments of normal or ‘neurotic’ reciprocal role procedures (RRPs) and of damage at a meta-procedural level to the structures of the self. Reciprocal role procedures are understood in CAT to represent the outcome of the process of internalization of early, sign-mediated, interpersonal experience and to constitute the basis for all mental activity, normal or otherwise. Enactments of maladaptive RRPs generated by early interpersonal stress are seen in this model to constitute a form of ‘internal expressed emotion’. Joint description of these RRPs and their enactments (both internally and externally) and their subsequent revision is central to the practice of CAT during which they are mapped out through written and diagrammatic reformulations. This model may usefully complement and extend existing approaches, notably recent CBT-based interventions, particularly with ‘difficult’ patients, and generate meaningful and helpful understandings of these disorders for both patients and their treating teams. We suggest that use of a coherent and robust model such as CAT could have important clinical and service implications in terms of developing and researching models of these disorders as well as for the training of multidisciplinary teams in their effective treatment

    Neuromorphic Event-based Action Recognition

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    An action can be viewed as spike trains or streams of events when observed and captured by neuromorphic imaging hardware such as the iniLabs DVS128. These streams are unique to each action enabling them to be used to form descriptors. This paper describes an approach for detecting specific actions based on space-time template matching by forming such descriptors and using them as comparative tools. The developed approach is used to detect symbols from the popular RoShambo (rock, paper and scissors) game. The results demonstrate that the developed approach can be used to correctly detect the motions involved in producing RoShambo symbols

    Feasibility and use of the mobile food record for capturing eating occasions among children ages 3–10 years in Guam

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    Children’s readiness to use technology supports the idea of children using mobile applications for dietary assessment. Our goal was to determine if children 3–10 years could successfully use the mobile food record (mFR) to capture a usable image pair or pairs. Children in Sample 1 were tasked to use the mFR to capture an image pair of one eating occasion while attending summer camp. For Sample 2, children were tasked to record all eating occasions for two consecutive days at two time periods that were two to four weeks apart. Trained analysts evaluated images. In Sample 1, 90% (57/63) captured one usable image pair. All children (63/63) returned the mFR undamaged. Sixty-two children reported: The mFR was easy to use (89%); willingness to use the mFR again (87%); and the fiducial marker easy to manage (94%). Children in Sample 2 used the mFR at least one day at Time 1 (59/63, 94%); Time 2 (49/63, 78%); and at both times (47/63, 75%). This latter group captured 6.21 ± 4.65 and 5.65 ± 3.26 mean (±SD) image pairs for Time 1 and Time 2, respectively Results support the potential for children to independently record dietary intakes using the mFR

    On Convergence and Threshold Properties of Discrete Lotka-Volterra Population Protocols

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    In this work we focus on a natural class of population protocols whose dynamics are modelled by the discrete version of Lotka-Volterra equations. In such protocols, when an agent aa of type (species) ii interacts with an agent bb of type (species) jj with aa as the initiator, then bb's type becomes ii with probability P_ijP\_{ij}. In such an interaction, we think of aa as the predator, bb as the prey, and the type of the prey is either converted to that of the predator or stays as is. Such protocols capture the dynamics of some opinion spreading models and generalize the well-known Rock-Paper-Scissors discrete dynamics. We consider the pairwise interactions among agents that are scheduled uniformly at random. We start by considering the convergence time and show that any Lotka-Volterra-type protocol on an nn-agent population converges to some absorbing state in time polynomial in nn, w.h.p., when any pair of agents is allowed to interact. By contrast, when the interaction graph is a star, even the Rock-Paper-Scissors protocol requires exponential time to converge. We then study threshold effects exhibited by Lotka-Volterra-type protocols with 3 and more species under interactions between any pair of agents. We start by presenting a simple 4-type protocol in which the probability difference of reaching the two possible absorbing states is strongly amplified by the ratio of the initial populations of the two other types, which are transient, but "control" convergence. We then prove that the Rock-Paper-Scissors protocol reaches each of its three possible absorbing states with almost equal probability, starting from any configuration satisfying some sub-linear lower bound on the initial size of each species. That is, Rock-Paper-Scissors is a realization of a "coin-flip consensus" in a distributed system. Some of our techniques may be of independent value

    Interacting dark matter contribution to the Galactic 511 keV gamma ray emission: constraining the morphology with INTEGRAL/SPI observations

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    We compare the full-sky morphology of the 511 keV gamma ray excess measured by the INTEGRAL/SPI experiment to predictions of models based on dark matter (DM) scatterings that produce low-energy positrons: either MeV-scale DM that annihilates directly into e+e- pairs, or heavy DM that inelastically scatters into an excited state (XDM) followed by decay into e+e- and the ground state.By direct comparison to the data, we find that such explanations are consistent with dark matter halo profiles predicted by numerical many-body simulations for a Milky Way-like galaxy. Our results favor an Einasto profile over the cuspier NFW distribution and exclude decaying dark matter scenarios whose predicted spatial distribution is too broad. We obtain a good fit to the shape of the signal using six fewer degrees of freedom than previous empirical fits to the 511 keV data. We find that the ratio of flux at Earth from the galactic bulge to that of the disk is between 1.9 and 2.4, taking into account that 73% of the disk contribution may be attributed to the beta decay of radioactive 26Al.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Includes minor corrections, and a discussion of threshold energies in XDM models. Published in JCA

    Enantioselective N-heterocyclic carbene catalyzed formal [3+2] cycloaddition using α-aroyloxyaldehydes and oxaziridines

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    We thank the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Critical Resource Catalysis (CRITICAT, grant code EP/L016419/1) (R.W.F.K.) for funding. The European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) ERC Grant Agreement No. 279850 is also acknowledged. A.D.S. thanks the Royal Society for a Wolfson Research Merit Award.An enantioselective N-heterocyclic carbene catalysed formal [3+2] cycloaddition has been developed for the synthesis of oxazolindin-4-one products. The reaction of oxaziridines and α-aroyloxyaldehydes under N-heterocyclic carbene catalysis provides the formal cycloaddition products with excellent control of the diastereo- and enantioselectivity (12 examples, up to >95:5 dr, >99:1 er). A matched-mismatched effect between the enantiomer of the catalyst and oxaziridine was identified, and preliminary mechanistic studies have allowed the proposal of a model to explain these observations.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Chemical Characterization and Source Apportionment of Household Fine Particulate Matter in Rural, Peri-urban, and Urban West Africa

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    Household air pollution in sub-Saharan Africa and other developing regions is an important cause of disease burden. Little is known about the chemical composition and sources of household air pollution in sub-Saharan Africa, and how they differ between rural and urban homes. We analyzed the chemical composition and sources of fine particles (PM2.5) in household cooking areas of multiple neighborhoods in Accra, Ghana, and in peri-urban (Banjul) and rural (Basse) areas in The Gambia. In Accra, biomass burning accounted for 39–62% of total PM2.5 mass in the cooking area in different neighborhoods; the absolute contributions were 10–45 μg/m3. Road dust and vehicle emissions comprised 12–33% of PM2.5 mass. Solid waste burning was also a significant contributor to household PM2.5 in a low-income neighborhood but not for those living in better-off areas. In Banjul and Basse, biomass burning was the single dominant source of cooking-area PM2.5, accounting for 74–87% of its total mass; the relative and absolute contributions of biomass smoke to PM2.5 mass were larger in households that used firewood than in those using charcoal, reaching as high as 463 μg/m3 in Basse homes that used firewood for cooking. Our findings demonstrate the need for policies that enhance access to cleaner fuels in both rural and urban areas, and for controlling traffic emissions in cities in sub-Saharan Africa

    Nucleosomes in pancreatic cancer patients during radiochemotherapy

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    Nucleosomes appear spontaneously in elevated concentrations in the serum of patients with malignant diseases as well as during chemo- and radiotherapy. We analyzed whether their kinetics show typical characteristics during radiochemotherapy and enable an early estimation of therapy efficacy. We used the Cell Death Detection Elisaplus ( Roche Diagnostics) and investigated the course of nucleosomes in the serum of 32 patients with a local stage of pancreatic cancer who were treated with radiochemotherapy for several weeks. Ten of them received postsurgical therapy, 21 received primary therapy and 1 received therapy for local relapse. Blood was taken before the beginning of therapy, daily during the first week, once weekly during the following weeks and at the end of radiochemotherapy. The response to therapy was defined according to the kinetics of CA 19-9: a decrease of CA 19-9 650% after radiochemotherapy was considered as `remission'; an increase of >= 100% ( which was confirmed by two following values) was defined as `progression'. Patients with `stable disease' ranged intermediately. Most of the examined patients showed a decrease of the concentration of nucleosomes within 6 h after the first dose of radiation. Afterwards, nucleosome levels increased rapidly, reaching their maximum during the following days. Patients receiving postsurgery, primary or relapse therapies did not show significant differences in nucleosome values during the time of treatment. Single nucleosome values, measured at 6, 24 and 48 h after the application of therapy, could not discriminate significantly between patients with no progression and those with progression of disease. However, the area under the curve of the first 3 days, which integrated all variables of the initial therapeutic phase, showed a significant correlation with the progression-free interval ( p = 0.008). Our results indicate that the area under the curve of nucleosomes during the initial phase of radiochemotherapy could be valuable for the early prediction of the progression-free interval. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel
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