59 research outputs found

    The Effects of Itikaf on State-Trait Anger, Intrinsic Religiousness, and Subjective Well-Being

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    Itikaf (seclusion in a mosque) is prayer maintained with deep hunger during Ramadan, the month of fasting. Hunger has a positive psychological impact on people. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of itikaf on spirituality and mental health by examining its effects on anger control and subjective well-being. This experimenal study investigates the effects and changes on trait anger, intrinsic religiousness, and subjective well-being during the period of itikaf on healthy adults practicing itikaf worship. While a statistically significant difference exists between the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory and Subjective Well-Being Inventory scores collected before and after the itikaf (p 0.05). At the end of itikaf, anger-control scores were observed to increase as anger scores decreased. A significant difference has been observed in the Subjective Well-Being Inventory and State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory posttests in terms of the duration of the fast. Itikaf has been found to have positive psychological effects due to being an intensive worship program

    The effect of carprofen treatment on conception rate after insemination in cows with increased days in milk

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    Bu çalışmada doğumdan sonra uzun süre gebeliğin sağlanamadığı Holstein ırkı ineklerde, tohumlama sonrası karprofen uygulamasının gebe kalma oranı üzerine etkisi değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada sağımda geçen gün süresi ˃120 gün olan 200 Holstein ırkı inek kullanıldı. Çalışmaya dahil edilen ineklere progesteron+ovsynch esaslı östrüs senkronizasyon protokolü uygulandı. Bu amaçla GnRH enjeksiyonu ile birlikte progesteron kaynağı intravaginal olarak yerleştirildi. Yedi gün sonra progesteron kaynağı vaginadan uzaklaştırıldı ve PGF2α enjeksiyonu yapıldı. PGF2α enjeksiyonundan 48 saat sonra GnRH enjeksiyonu uygulandı ve 12-16 saat sonra ineklere sabit zamanlı tohumlama yapıldı. Tohumlama sonrası hayvanlar rastgele olarak 2 gruba ayrıldı. Karprofen grubuna (n=100) tohumlama sonrası 14. gün deri altı karprofen ve kontrol grubuna (n=100) ise aynı gün fizyolojik tuzlu su uygulandı. Karprofen grubundan 3 ve kontrol grubundan ise 5 inek çeşitli nedenlerle çalışmadan çıkarıldı. Gebe kalma oranı; karprofen grubunda %42,26 (41/97), kontrol grubunda ise %25,26 (24/95) olarak belirlendi (p120 were used. A progesterone + ovsynch-based estrus synchronization protocol was applied to the cows included in the study. For this purpose, the progesterone device was placed intravaginally together with GnRH injection. Seven days later, the progesterone source was removed from the vagina and PGF2α injection was administered. GnRH injection was administered 48 hours following PGF2α injection and fixed-time insemination was performed 12-16 hours later. After insemination, animals were randomly divided into 2 groups. Subcutaneous carprofen was applied to the carprofen group (n = 100) on the 14th day after insemination and physiological saline was applied to the control group (n = 100) on the same day. Three cows from the carprofen group and 5 cows from the control group were excluded from the study for various reasons. The pregnancy rate was 42.26% (41/97) in the carprofen group and 25.26% (24/95) in the control group (p 30 kg) in the control group. In addition, it was found that carprofen administration to cows with high milk yield increased the rate of conception. However, it was determined that the days in milk had no effect on pregnancy rate. As a result, it was concluded that the administration of carprofen on the 14th day after insemination to cows who could not conceive for a long time after parturition may be effective in increasing the rate of conception

    Analyzing the views of the science teachers about in-class integration of stem applications

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    Taking into account the Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) integration, it is important to investigate teachers' understandings, perceptions about STEM and how STEM practices should be incorporated into the classroom in order to explore the perceptions of science teachers on this subject and provide important information to teachers and researchers in connection with how STEM applications can be applied at high quality. The purpose of this study is to analyze the views of the science teachers about in-class integration of stem applications. 5 science teachers working in the province of Denizli participated in the study. The teachers received STEM training for 5 days in 2015-2016 school year. The training provides instructional strategies to assist Science Teachers in the implementation of STEM integration in the classroom environments and in the development of an understanding of the connection between the various STEM domains. All five teachers in this study have participated in the training given. A case study was conducted to describe the teachers' views on STEM integration and the situations related to the in-class practices on this topic. Teachers in general have described STEM integration as a way of problem solving, and stated that the They also think that the STEM integration will give students a variety of 21st century skills they can develop. They think that when solving a real life problem, these skills provide them to create their own methods instead of the things given to them. Moreover, teachers have identified STEM integration as an approach that develops problem-solving skills. © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology

    Tanıtım - Değerlendirme

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    Biotite granitoid contain mainly quartz, biotite, plagioclase, K-feldspar, muscovite as main phases with minor amphiboles, and apatite, zircon, allanite and chlorite and serisite as accessory components. In contrast, enclaves are composed mainly of plagioclase, amphibole, augite, biotite, with accessory sphene, zircon and calcite and epidote. The granitoids including enclaves with metaluminous composition, display chemical and mineralogical characteristics of S-type granitoids, such as peraluminous composition (A/CNK ratio mostly >1.15) and existence of muscovites. Granitoids are enriched in LILEs and LREEs, and depleted in HFSEs; suggesting that they were developed by crustal melting. Granitoid also have negative Eu anomalies and large ion lithophile element enrichment suggest crystal fractionation of plagioclase. Enclaves are enriched in LILEs and depleted in HFSEs and show flat REE pattern with large negative Eu anomaly, suggesting they were derived from enriched lithospheric mantle, with possible crystal fractionation involving plagioclase and amphibole. Based on field, petrographic and geochemical data, it has been suggested that volcanic-arc granitoids could be formed by intrusion of mantle-derived mafic magmas into the lower crust and with possible crustal thickening, and mingled with mafic magma producing enclaves

    The effects of heat treatment on some mechanical and physical properties of medium density fiberboard (MDF)

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    In this study, perpendicular to the surface of the tensile strength and screw holding strength in the direction perpendicular to the surface of MDF, and the effect of the heat treatment on surface roughness of MDF, have been studied. Samples to use in the experiments have been prepared from MDF provided by market in accordance with the standards. MDF samples have been subjected to heat treatment in the degrees of 120 oC , 150 oC and 180 oC for 2, 4 and 6 hours. In the data of the surface perpendicular to the direction perpendicular to the surface of the screw holding strength, significant reductions have been established with the increase of temperature and time. Also, the decrease of surface roughness value has been determined with the increase of temperature and time.Bu çalışmada; ısıl işlemin MDF’nin yüzeye dik yönde çekme ve yüzeye dik yönde vida tutma direnci ile yüzey pürüzlülüğüne etkisi araştırılmıştır. Piyasadan temin edilen MDF örnekleri; 120 oC, 150 oC ve 180 oC’lerde 2, 4 ve 6 saat süreyle ısıl işleme tabi tutulmuştur. Sıcaklık ve sürenin artmasıyla birlikte yüzeye dik yönde vida tutma direnci ve yüzeye dik yönde çekme direnci değerlerinde belirgin azalmalar görülmüştür. Sıcaklık ve sürenin artmasıyla birlikte yüzey pürüzlülüğü değerlerinin de azaldığı belirlenmiştir

    Management of intractable postpartum haemorrhage in a tertiary center: A 5-year experience

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    Background: The purpose of this study is to describe treatment alternatives to prevent postpartum hysterectomy after failure of conventional therapies. Prevention of hysterectomy was the main outcome studied. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study of 19 patients diagnosed to have intractable postpartum hemorrhage and not managed with medical treatment who were subsequently treated with operative interventions in our unit between January 2004 and January 2009. The cases were identified by review of medical records. Results: In the period under review, a total of 17,341 deliveries were conducted, out of which 19 women were managed for intractable PPH. The incidence of severe PPH unresponsive to standard medical treatment was 0.1%. The mean maternal age was 33.5±3.4 years (range 27–39 years). The mean gestational age was 38.3±1.3 weeks (range 37–41 weeks). Organ preserving surgery methods were utilized in all the patients with a success rate 78.9%. The mean duration of surgery was 95 minutes (range 50–130 minutes) and the mean hospital stay was for 5 days. The mean transfused blood volume was 2.4 units as packed red cells. Among these 19 cases, 4 cases were resorted to hysterectomy. Conclusions: In the presence of uncontrolled hemorrhage, this simple procedure should be tried before other complex treatment alternatives are undertaken. Our case series suggests that the combination of uterine artery ligation with B-Lynch sutures might be the best surgical approach because it preserves future fertility better than other methods and avoids high operative risks and morbidity.Keywords: B-Lynch, hysterectomy, intensive care, postpartum hemorrhage, uterine artery ligationNigerian Medical Journal | Vol. 53 | Issue 2 | April-June | 201

    Comparison of intraoperative and postoperative complications based on ASA risks in patients who underwent percutaneous nephrolithotomy

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    Objective: In this study we aimed to evaluate intraoperative and postoperative complications which developed according to pre-operative American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) risk criteria in patients who had undergone percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL).Material and methods: Five hundred and sixty patients who had undergone PNL between 2002 and 2014 were included in the study. Patients operated on the ipsilateral kidney, those with solitary kidney or the cases who had previously undergone more than one access were excluded from this study. Preoperative anesthesia risks were determined according to preoperative classification developed by ASA. Postoperative complications were evaluated using Clavien Complication Grading Scale.Results: The mean age of the cases was 47±14 years. The 57% (n=319) of the cases were male, 241 (43%) of them were female. The average indwell time of nephrostomy catheter was 2.88±1.00 , and length of hospital stay was 4.91±1.54 days. When the cases were assessed according to ASA risk groups, intraoperative complications were observed in 9 (5.5%) ASA I, 27 (8.6%) ASA II, and 18 (22%) ASA III patients and and distribution of the patients was statistically significant (p<0.001). When intraoperative complications were evaluated one by one, intraoperative hypotension developed in ASA I (n=3; 1.8%), ASA II (n=20; 6.4%) and ASA III (n=11; 13.4%) risk groups and this distribution (p=0.002) of patients was statistically significant. When assessed according to Clavien Postoperative Scale, postoperative complications developed (p=0.053) in ASAI (n=24; 14.7%), ASA II (n=27, 8.6%) and ASA III (n=13; 15.9%) risk groups, and this distribution of the patients was not statistically significant. In postoperative complications, Grade 3a complications developed in ASA I (n=12; 7.4%), ASA II (n=19; 6%) and ASA III (n=8; 9.8%) risk groups and this distribution was not seen to be statistically significant (p=0.485).Conclusion: A statistically significant difference observed regarding intraoperative complications in the groups formed according to ASA risk criteria, on Clavien Grading scale no statistically significant difference was observed as for postoperative complications. In this context, we considered that ASA risks are major risk factors for PNL operations in terms of intraoperative complicationsObjective: In this study we aimed to evaluate intraoperative and postoperative complications which developed according to pre-operative American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) risk criteria in patients who had undergone percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL).Material and methods: Five hundred and sixty patients who had undergone PNL between 2002 and 2014 were included in the study. Patients operated on the ipsilateral kidney, those with solitary kidney or the cases who had previously undergone more than one access were excluded from this study. Preoperative anesthesia risks were determined according to preoperative classification developed by ASA. Postoperative complications were evaluated using Clavien Complication Grading Scale.Results: The mean age of the cases was 47±14 years. The 57% (n=319) of the cases were male, 241 (43%) of them were female. The average indwell time of nephrostomy catheter was 2.88±1.00 , and length of hospital stay was 4.91±1.54 days. When the cases were assessed according to ASA risk groups, intraoperative complications were observed in 9 (5.5%) ASA I, 27 (8.6%) ASA II, and 18 (22%) ASA III patients and and distribution of the patients was statistically significant (p<0.001). When intraoperative complications were evaluated one by one, intraoperative hypotension developed in ASA I (n=3; 1.8%), ASA II (n=20; 6.4%) and ASA III (n=11; 13.4%) risk groups and this distribution (p=0.002) of patients was statistically significant. When assessed according to Clavien Postoperative Scale, postoperative complications developed (p=0.053) in ASAI (n=24; 14.7%), ASA II (n=27, 8.6%) and ASA III (n=13; 15.9%) risk groups, and this distribution of the patients was not statistically significant. In postoperative complications, Grade 3a complications developed in ASA I (n=12; 7.4%), ASA II (n=19; 6%) and ASA III (n=8; 9.8%) risk groups and this distribution was not seen to be statistically significant (p=0.485).Conclusion: A statistically significant difference observed regarding intraoperative complications in the groups formed according to ASA risk criteria, on Clavien Grading scale no statistically significant difference was observed as for postoperative complications. In this context, we considered that ASA risks are major risk factors for PNL operations in terms of intraoperative complication

    Bollettino n. 73, dicembre (1920) - febbraio (1921)

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    Il Bollettino, dedicato agli aspetti salienti della vita della Scuola e dell'Associazione, riporta nella rubrica della "Cronaca" la notizia dell'inchiesta sul controllo delle Industrie proposta dal Governo e la costituzione nel gennaio del 1921 a Ca' Foscari di un'Associazione Goliardica "al di sopra di ogni competizione politica". Seguono le rubriche sulla vita dei Soci (nascite, nozze e lutti), sugli Esami di Laurea, sulle pubblicazioni e sull'istituzione dell'Ordine dei Dottori in Scienze Economiche e Commerciali. PER RICERCHE SUL TESTO INTEGRALE, EFFETTUARE IL DOWNLOAD DEL LIBRO