48 research outputs found

    Infrared magneto-optical properties of (III,Mn)V ferromagetic semiconductors

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    We present a theoretical study of the infrared magneto-optical properties of ferromagnetic (III,Mn)V semiconductors. Our analysis combines the kinetic exchange model for (III,Mn)V ferromagnetism with Kubo linear response theory and Born approximation estimates for the effect of disorder on the valence band quasiparticles. We predict a prominent feature in the ac-Hall conductivity at a frequency that varies over the range from 200 to 400 meV, depending on Mn and carrier densities, and is associated with transitions between heavy-hole and light-hole bands. In its zero frequency limit, our Hall conductivity reduces to the k\vec k-space Berry's phase value predicted by a recent theory of the anomalous Hall effect that is able to account quantitatively for experiment. We compute theoretical estimates for magnetic circular dichroism, Faraday rotation, and Kerr effect parameters as a function of Mn concentration and free carrier density. The mid-infrared response feature is present in each of these magneto-optical effects.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Durations of asymptomatic, symptomatic, and care-seeking phases of tuberculosis disease with a Bayesian analysis of prevalence survey and notification data

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    Background Ratios of bacteriologically positive tuberculosis (TB) prevalence to notification rates are used to characterise typical durations of TB disease. However, this ignores the clinical spectrum of tuberculosis disease and potentially long infectious periods with minimal or no symptoms prior to care-seeking. Methods We developed novel statistical models to estimate progression from initial bacteriological positivity including smear conversion, symptom onset and initial care-seeking. Case-detection ratios, TB incidence, durations, and other parameters were estimated by fitting the model to tuberculosis prevalence survey and notification data (one subnational and 11 national datasets) within a Bayesian framework using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Results Analysis across 11 national datasets found asymptomatic tuberculosis durations in the range 4–8 months for African countries; three countries in Asia (Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Philippines) showed longer durations of > 1 year. For the six countries with relevant data, care-seeking typically began half-way between symptom onset and notification. For Kenya and Blantyre, Malawi, individual-level data were available. The sex-specific durations of asymptomatic bacteriologically-positive tuberculosis were 9.0 months (95% credible interval [CrI]: 7.2–11.2) for men and 8.1 months (95% CrI: 6.2–10.3) for women in Kenya, and 4.9 months (95% CrI: 2.6–7.9) for men and 3.5 months (95% CrI: 1.3–6.2) for women in Blantyre. Age-stratified analysis of data for Kenya showed no strong age-dependence in durations. For Blantyre, HIV-stratified analysis estimated an asymptomatic duration of 1.3 months (95% CrI: 0.3–3.0) for HIV-positive people, shorter than the 8.5 months (95% CrI: 5.0–12.7) for HIV-negative people. Additionally, case-detection ratios were higher for people living with HIV than HIV-negative people (93% vs 71%). Conclusion Asymptomatic TB disease typically lasts around 6 months. We found no evidence of age-dependence, but much shorter durations among people living with HIV, and longer durations in some Asian settings. To eradicate TB transmission, greater gains may be achieved by proactively screening people without symptoms through active case finding intervention

    On-site Coulomb interaction and the magnetism of (GaMn)N and (GaMn)As

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    We use the local density approximation (LDA) and LDA+U schemes to study the magnetism of (GaMn)As and (GaMn)N for a number of Mn concentrations and varying number of holes. We show that for both systems and both calculational schemes the presence of holes is crucial for establishing ferromagnetism. For both systems, the introduction of UU increases delocalization of the holes and, simultaneously, decreases the p-d interaction. Since these two trends exert opposite influences on the Mn-Mn exchange interaction the character of the variation of the Curie temperature (TC_C) cannot be predicted without direct calculation. We show that the variation of TC_C is different for two systems. For low Mn concentrations we obtain the tendency to increasing TC_C in the case of (GaMn)N whereas an opposite tendency to decreasing TC_C is obtained for (GaMn)As. We reveal the origin of this difference by inspecting the properties of the densities of states and holes for both systems. The main body of calculations is performed within a supercell approach. The Curie temperatures calculated within the coherent potential approximation to atomic disorder are reported for comparison. Both approaches give similar qualitative behavior. The results of calculations are related to the experimental data.Comment: to appear in Physical Review

    Single-Band Model for Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors: Dynamical and Transport Properties and Relevance of Clustered States

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    Dynamical and transport properties of a simple single-band spin-fermion lattice model for (III,Mn)V diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) is here discussed using Monte Carlo simulations. This effort is a continuation of previous work (G. Alvarez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 277202 (2002)) where the static properties of the model were studied. The present results support the view that the relevant regime of J/t (standard notation) is that of intermediate coupling, where carriers are only partially trapped near Mn spins, and locally ordered regions (clusters) are present above the Curie temperature T_C. This conclusion is based on the calculation of the resistivity vs. temperature, that shows a soft metal to insulator transition near T_C, as well on the analysis of the density-of-states and optical conductivity. In addition, in the clustered regime a large magnetoresistance is observed in simulations. Formal analogies between DMS and manganites are also discussed.Comment: Revtex4, 20 figures. References updated, minor changes to figures and tex

    Exchange anisotropy, disorder and frustration in diluted, predominantly ferromagnetic, Heisenberg spin systems

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    Motivated by the recent suggestion of anisotropic effective exchange interactions between Mn spins in Ga1x_{1-x}Mnx_xAs (arising as a result of spin-orbit coupling), we study their effects in diluted Heisenberg spin systems. We perform Monte Carlo simulations on several phenomenological model spin Hamiltonians, and investigate the extent to which frustration induced by anisotropic exchanges can reduce the low temperature magnetization in these models and the interplay of this effect with disorder in the exchange. In a model with low coordination number and purely ferromagnetic (FM) exchanges, we find that the low temperature magnetization is gradually reduced as exchange anisotropy is turned on. However, as the connectivity of the model is increased, the effect of small-to-moderate anisotropy is suppressed, and the magnetization regains its maximum saturation value at low temperatures unless the distribution of exchanges is very wide. To obtain significant suppression of the low temperature magnetization in a model with high connectivity, as is found for long-range interactions, we find it necessary to have both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic (AFM) exchanges (e.g. as in the RKKY interaction). This implies that disorder in the sign of the exchange interaction is much more effective in suppressing magnetization at low temperatures than exchange anisotropy.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Carrier-mediated ferromagnetic ordering in Mn ion-implanted p+GaAs:C

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    Highly p-type GaAs:C was ion-implanted with Mn at differing doses to produce Mn concentrations in the 1 - 5 at.% range. In comparison to LT-GaAs and n+GaAs:Si samples implanted under the same conditions, transport and magnetic properties show marked differences. Transport measurements show anomalies, consistent with observed magnetic properties and with epi- LT-(Ga,Mn)As, as well as the extraordinary Hall Effect up to the observed magnetic ordering temperature (T_C). Mn ion-implanted p+GaAs:C with as-grown carrier concentrations > 10^20 cm^-3 show remanent magnetization up to 280 K

    Magnetic susceptibilities of diluted magnetic semiconductors and anomalous Hall-voltage noise

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    The carrier spin and impurity spin densities in diluted magnetic semiconductors are considered using a semiclassical approach. Equations of motions for the spin densities and the carrier spin current density in the paramagnetic phase are derived, exhibiting their coupled diffusive dynamics. The dynamical spin susceptibilities are obtained from these equations. The theory holds for p-type and n-type semiconductors doped with magnetic ions of arbitrary spin quantum number. Spin-orbit coupling in the valence band is shown to lead to anisotropic spin diffusion and to a suppression of the Curie temperature in p-type materials. As an application we derive the Hall-voltage noise in the paramagnetic phase. This quantity is critically enhanced close to the Curie temperature due to the contribution from the anomalous Hall effect.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure include

    Exact asymptotic form of the exchange interactions between shallow centers in doped semiconductors

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    The method developed in [L. P. Gor'kov and L. P. Pitaevskii, Sov. Phys. Dokl. 8, 788 (1964); C. Herring and M. Flicker, Phys. Rev. 134, A362 (1964)] to calculate the asymptotic form of exchange interactions between hydrogen atoms in the ground state is extended to excited states. The approach is then applied to shallow centers in semiconductors. The problem of the asymptotic dependence of the exchange interactions in semiconductors is complicated by the multiple degeneracy of the ground state of an impurity (donor or acceptor) center in valley or band indices, crystalline anisotropy and strong spin-orbital interactions, especially for acceptor centers in III-V and II-VI groups semiconductors. Properties of two coupled centers in the dilute limit can be accessed experimentally, and the knowledge of the exact asymptotic expressions, in addition to being of fundamental interest, must be very helpful for numerical calculations and for interpolation of exchange forces in the case of intermediate concentrations. Our main conclusion concerns the sign of the magnetic interaction -- the ground state of a pair is always non-magnetic. Behavior of the exchange interactions in applied magnetic fields is also discussed

    Phenotypic, cytogenetic and spike fertility characterization of a population of male-sterile triticale

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    Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) is a good cereal for production of flour and feed. A segregating population of triticale was developed from a male-sterile (MS) plant. To determine whether this new source of male sterility in triticale is appropriate for use in breeding programs the expression of the male sterility phenotype was characterized through spike fertility, meiotic behavior, and pollen. Controlled crosses between male-sterile plants and control varieties male-fertile (MF) of triticale were also conducted, and cytological analyses were performed in the F2 and backcross plants. Plants with male-sterile phenotypes displayed reduced spike fertility when compared to plants with male-fertile phenotypes. Compared to male-fertile plants, male-sterile plants exhibited a lower percentage of normal meiotic cells, a reduced meiotic index and reduced pollen viability. The F2 plants had improved pollen fertility when compared to the male-sterile population; however there were no corresponding improvements in the percentage of normal meiotic cells or in the meiotic index. A single generation of backcrosses resulted in an improved meiotic index and increased pollen viability. However, no changes in the percentage of normal meiotic cells were observed. Meiotic instability, which was shown to be inheritable, was the likely cause of male sterility. Therefore, the use of this population in triticale breeding was considered to be inappropriate because it could promote or contribute to the maintenance of meiotic instability, which is commonly observed in this species