115 research outputs found

    Binding polynomial in molecular self-assembly

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    In the present work the concept of a binding polynomial is revisited for the most widely used case of self-assembly of identical molecular units and results in the re-construction of a link to the grand partition function of such a system. It is found that if the self-assembly process is not pronounced (i.e., the product of the equilibrium constant and the monomer concentration is close to zero), the binding polynomial has the meaning of a molecular partition function that is given by the summation over energy levels of any molecule in the system. In other cases the concept of a binding polynomial may be misleadin

    К вопросу о финансовой неопределенности

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    The subject of the research is the concept and content of financial uncertainty as a new institution of financial law and, at the same time, a new phenomenon of financial and legal science.The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of financial uncertainty, to analyze the features and practical significance and identify factors that affect the occurrence of financial uncertainty.The methodology of the study includes methods of dialectical logic, analysis and synthesis, as well as formal legal analysis of legal acts.The main results and scope of their application. The financial uncertainty is a new institution of financial law and, at the same time, a new phenomenon of financial and legal science. Although the elements of financial uncertainty as the economic phenomenon are not new and are known to the practice of financial legal relations and the norms of financial legislation.Since the system of financial law is multi-spectral, especially in modern economic conditions, the institution of financial uncertainty, like many other institutions of financial law, is multifaceted and has its own characteristics in the framework of tax law, budget law, institutions of financial and legal regulation of banking and insurance, as well as other. For the general part of financial law, it is necessary to determine the definition of the concept of "financial uncertainty", its signs and elements. It is important to distinguish between the content of the institution of financial uncertainty in the legal regulation of fiscal interests of the state, as well as the interests of the state in public law regulation of finance of the private sector of the economy. In addition, to understand the problems of the institution of financial uncertainty in the subject of financial law, it is important to distinguish between financial and monetary relations. In all cases, the key, initial condition for scientific discourse is the risky nature of financial planning and forecasting. It is the principle of planning as one of the important principles of financial law that must be studied in the development of the desired institution.Conclusions. Financial uncertainty as a legal institution is complex because uncertainty and risks permeate the entire sphere of public financial activity: fiscal, parafiscal, monetary (including payment). In this regard, it can be argued that aspects of financial uncertainty relate, in fact, to each link of the financial, credit, monetary, and payment systems, and, accordingly, to each institution of a special part of financial law.Анализируется понятие и содержание финансовой неопределенности как нового института финансового права и, одновременно, нового феномена финансово-правовой науки. Делается вывод о том, что финансовая неопределенность как институт финансового права носит комплексный характер, поскольку неопределенность и риски про-низывают всю сферу публичной финансовой деятельности: фискальную, иных финансовых ресурсов публичного характера, денежную (в том числе платежную)

    Злокачественная параганглиома мочевого пузыря. Описание клинических случаев

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    Paraganglioma is hormonally active tumor originating from chromaffin tissue of sympathoadrenal system that secrete large amounts of catecholamines. Paraganglioma of the urinary bladder is a rare neoplasm, constituting approximately 0.06 % of all tumors of this localization. It is believed that this disease arises from embryonic remnants of chromaffin cells in the sympathetic plexus of the detrusor. Up to 10 % of these tumors have malignant origin. Diagnosis and tactics of treatment of patients with malignant paragangliomas of the bladder presents certain difficulties. The article describes 2 clinical observations of patients with this bladder pathology. Паганглиома — гормонально-активная опухоль, исходящая из хромаффинной ткани симпатоадреналовой системы, секретирующая большое количество катехоламинов. Как правило, данные опухоли развиваются в мозговом веществе надпочечников и называются феохромоцитомами. Около 10% от всех феохромоцитом развиваются вне надпочечников. Данные новообразования называются параганглиомами. Вненадпочечниковые феохромоцитомы (параганглиомы) обычно локализуются параортально, исходя из ганглиев симпатической нервной системы. Параганглиома мочевого пузыря встречается редко и составляет примерно 0,06% от всех новообразований мочевого пузыря и около 10% от всех параганглиом.[1,2,3,4]. Считается, что данное заболевание возникает из эмбриональных остатков хромафинных клеток в симпатическом сплетении детрузора [5].В 1953 году Зимерман и др. впервые описали в научной литературе клиническое наблюдение параганглиомы мочевого пузыря. С того времени в мировой литературе описывалось около 250 случаев феохромоцитомы мочевого пузыря, около 10% из этих опухолей определялись метастазы в тазовые лимфоузлы, то есть около  25 случаев относилось к злокачественным параганглиомам мочевого пузыря. [3,6,7,8,9]. Признаки «злокачественности» данных опухолей могут проявляться в появлении отдаленных или регионарных метастазов. В настоящее время не существует надежных гистологических признаков отличающих злокачественные от доброкачественных параганглиом

    Влияние органических удобрений на основе птичьего помёта на продуктивность кормовых культур и микробиологические показатели почвы

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    The creation of optimum plant nutrition plays a significant role in increasing farming efficiency. Fertilisers are one of the fastest ways to intensify the cultivation technology of all crops. The application of organic fertilisers derived from chicken manure changes the soil’s nutrient regime and nitrification capacity, its biological activity and improves physical properties. The study aims to identify the comparative evaluation of organic fertilisers based on chicken manure and establish their effect on the productivity of fodder crops (soybean and oats) and soil biological activity. The authors also determined the effectiveness of using poultry manure as an organic fertiliser to preserve soil bioresources. New organic fertilisers based on chicken manure were tested in work, obtained using a cavitation-vortex heat generator by processing semi-dry manure. Their influence on growth, development and biometric indicators of oat and soybean plants, phytosanitary state of crops, yield and grain quality has been revealed. The effect of organic fertilisers from chicken manure on microbiological indicators of soil has been determined. The increase of the oat grain yield was from 0.4 to 0.63 tons/ hectare, or 17% of the control. The output of soybean grain increased significantly by 0.18 to 0.22 t/ha. There was a slight increase in the protein content of seeds (by 1.2-2.6%). It was found that the fertilisers improved the structural indicators of oat and soybean plants. Thus, the weight of grains in oats increased by 18-23%; the number of grains in the panicle also increased by 13%. As for soybean, the number of beans on a plant grown by 14-23%; the weight of grains per plant increased by 16-19%; safety of plants for harvesting increased by 5-7%. Fertilisers based on chicken manure help improve the soil’s microbiological characteristics, which grows the availability of nutrients to plants.Ведущая роль в повышении эффективности земледелия принадлежит созданию оптимального уровня питания растений. Удобрения являются одним из быстродействующих средств интенсификации технологии возделывания всех культур. Внесение органических удобрений, полученных на основе куриного помета, изменяет пищевой режим и нитрификационную способность почвы, ее биологическую активность, улучшает физические свойства. Цель исследований – дать сравнительную оценку органических удобрений на основе куриного помёта и установить их влияние на продуктивность кормовых культур (соя и овес) и биологическую активность почвы; определить эффективность использования птичьего помета в качестве органического удобрения для сохранения биоресурсов почвы. В процессе выполнения работы были испытаны новые органические удобрения на основе куриного помета, полученные при использовании кавитационно-вихревого теплогенератора методом переработки полусухого помета. Выявлено их влияние на рост, развитие и биометрические показатели растений овса и сои, фитосанитарное состояние посевов, урожайность и качество зерна. Определено влияние органических удобрений из куриного помета на микробиологические показатели почвы. Прибавка урожайности зерна овса составила 0,4–0,63 т/га, или 17% к контролю. Достоверно увеличилась – на 0,18–0,22 т/га урожайность зерна сои, отмечено небольшое (на 1,2–2,6%) повышение содержания белка в семенах. Установлено, что удобрения улучшают структурные показатели растений овса и сои: у овса на 18– 23% увеличивается масса зерна и на 13% количество зерен в метелке, у сои на 14–23% возрастает количество бобов на растении и на 16–19% – масса зерен с одного растения, на 5–7% повышается сохранность растений к уборке. Удобрения, полученные на основе куриного помета, способствуют улучшению микробиологических характеристик почвы, что повышает доступность элементов питания для растений


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    In clinical practice, the assessment of the cumulative risk of drug-induced osteoporosis in patients with mental disorders is difficult because there are no algorithms to reveal patients with a high risk of antipsychotic-induced osteoporosis and BMD is not evaluated in patients with mental disorders. 95 patients aged from 21 to 60 years with a mental illness duration of at least 12 months on antipsychotics and anticonvulsants therapy were examined. 23 patients (24%) had shown a violation of BMD. There is a significant correlation between the number of risk factors and a decrease in BMD. However, additional study of pharmacogenetic and laboratory data on the risk of osteoporosis is required, which will make it possible to plan therapy more precisely, additionally prescribe drugs that regulate BMD in these categories of patients.Введение. Известно, что одним из факторов возникновения и прогрессирования остеопороза могут быть лекарственные препараты. Некоторые психические заболевания требуют длительного приема антипсихотиков и антиконвульсантов, влияющих на минеральную плотность костной ткани.Цель. Оценить риски развития лекарственно индуцированного остеопороза у больных с психическими расстройствами.Материалы и методы. Проанализированы данные количественной компьютерной томографии у 95 пациентов, находившихся на стационарном лечении в НМИЦ психиатрии и неврологии им. В. М. Бехтерева с длительностью психического заболевания не менее 12 месяцев и принимавших антипсихотики и антиконвульсанты не менее 6 месяцев. Все пациенты прошли клиническое психиатрическое обследование и оценку МПКТ с помощью количественной компьютерной томографии (QCT).Результаты. У 23 пациентов (24%) было выявлено нарушение МПКТ в виде остеопении и остеопороза. Выявлена достоверная зависимость между количеством факторов риска и снижением МПКТ.Заключение. Требуется дополнительное изучение фармакогенетических и лабораторных данных риска остеопороза, учет которых позволит более четко планировать терапию, дополнительно назначать препараты, регулирующие МПКТ у этих категорий больных

    sFDvent: A global trait database for deep‐sea hydrothermal‐vent fauna

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    Motivation: Traits are increasingly being used to quantify global biodiversity patterns, with trait databases growing in size and number, across diverse taxa. Despite grow‐ ing interest in a trait‐based approach to the biodiversity of the deep sea, where the impacts of human activities (including seabed mining) accelerate, there is no single re‐ pository for species traits for deep‐sea chemosynthesis‐based ecosystems, including hydrothermal vents. Using an international, collaborative approach, we have compiled the first global‐scale trait database for deep‐sea hydrothermal‐vent fauna – sFD‐ vent (sDiv‐funded trait database for the Functional Diversity of vents). We formed a funded working group to select traits appropriate to: (a) capture the performance of vent species and their influence on ecosystem processes, and (b) compare trait‐based diversity in different ecosystems. Forty contributors, representing expertise across most known hydrothermal‐vent systems and taxa, scored species traits using online collaborative tools and shared workspaces. Here, we characterise the sFDvent da‐ tabase, describe our approach, and evaluate its scope. Finally, we compare the sFD‐ vent database to similar databases from shallow‐marine and terrestrial ecosystems to highlight how the sFDvent database can inform cross‐ecosystem comparisons. We also make the sFDvent database publicly available online by assigning a persistent, unique DOI. Main types of variable contained: Six hundred and forty‐six vent species names, associated location information (33 regions), and scores for 13 traits (in categories: community structure, generalist/specialist, geographic distribution, habitat use, life history, mobility, species associations, symbiont, and trophic structure). Contributor IDs, certainty scores, and references are also provided. Spatial location and grain: Global coverage (grain size: ocean basin), spanning eight ocean basins, including vents on 12 mid‐ocean ridges and 6 back‐arc spreading centres. Time period and grain: sFDvent includes information on deep‐sea vent species, and associated taxonomic updates, since they were first discovered in 1977. Time is not recorded. The database will be updated every 5 years. Major taxa and level of measurement: Deep‐sea hydrothermal‐vent fauna with spe‐ cies‐level identification present or in progress. Software format: .csv and MS Excel (.xlsx).This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Myosin binding protein C: implications for signal-transduction

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    Myosin binding protein C (MYBPC) is a crucial component of the sarcomere and an important regulator of muscle function. While mutations in different myosin binding protein C (MYBPC) genes are well known causes of various human diseases, such as hypertrophic (HCM) and dilated (DCM) forms of cardiomyopathy as well as skeletal muscular disorders, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain not well understood. A variety of MYBPC3 (cardiac isoform) mutations have been studied in great detail and several corresponding genetically altered mouse models have been generated. Most MYBPC3 mutations may cause haploinsufficiency and with it they may cause a primary increase in calcium sensitivity which is potentially able to explain major features observed in HCM patients such as the hypercontractile phenotype and the well known secondary effects such as myofibrillar disarray, fibrosis, myocardial hypertrophy and remodelling including arrhythmogenesis. However the presence of poison peptides in some cases cannot be fully excluded and most probably other mechanisms are also at play. Here we shall discuss MYBPC interacting proteins and possible pathways linked to cardiomyopathy and heart failure