2,110 research outputs found

    Metabolomics application in maternal-fetal medicine

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    Metabolomics in maternal-fetal medicine is still an "embryonic" science. However, there is already an increasing interest in metabolome of normal and complicated pregnancies, and neonatal outcomes. Tissues used for metabolomics interrogations of pregnant women, fetuses and newborns are amniotic fluid, blood, plasma, cord blood, placenta, urine, and vaginal secretions. All published papers highlight the strong correlation between biomarkers found in these tissues and fetal malformations, preterm delivery, premature rupture of membranes, gestational diabetes mellitus, preeclampsia, neonatal asphyxia, and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. The aim of this review is to summarize and comment on original data available in relevant published works in order to emphasize the clinical potential of metabolomics in obstetrics in the immediate future

    Non-linear water waves generated by impulsive motion of submerged obstacles

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    A fully non-linear problem on unsteady water waves generated by an impulsively moving obstacle is studied analytically. Our method involves reduction of the Euler equations to the integral-differential system for the wave elevation together with normal and tangential fluid velocities at a free surface. Exact model equations are derived in explicit form in a case where an isolated obstacle is presented by a totally submerged elliptic cylinder. A small-time asymptotic solution is constructed for a cylinder which starts with constant acceleration from rest. It is demonstrated that the leading-order solution terms describe several wave regimes such as the formation of non-stationary splash jets by vertical rising or vertical submersion of the obstacle; the generation of diverging waves is also observed

    Measuring the Luminosity of a gamma gamma Collider with gamma gamma -> l+ l- gamma Events

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    The process gamma gamma -> l+ l- is highly suppressed when the total angular momentum of the two colliding photons is zero so that it cannot be used for luminosity determination. This configuration, however is needed for Higgs production at a photon collider. It will be shown that the process gamma gamma -> l+ l- gamma can be used in this case to measure the luminosity of a collider with a precision that is good enough not to limit the error on the partial decay width Gamma(H -> gamma gamma).Comment: Final version, accepted by journa

    Bounce Loop Quantum Cosmology Corrected Gauss-Bonnet Gravity

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    We develop a Gauss-Bonnet extension of Loop Quantum Cosmology, by introducing holonomy corrections in modified F(G)F(\mathcal{G}) theories of gravity. Within the context of our formalism, we provide a perturbative expansion in the critical density, a parameter characteristic of Loop Quantum Gravity theories, and we result in having leading order corrections to the classical F(G)F(\mathcal{G}) theories of gravity. After extensively discussing the formalism, we present a reconstruction method that makes possible to find the Loop Quantum Cosmology corrected F(G)F(\mathcal{G}) theory that can realize various cosmological scenarios. Specifically, we studied exponential and power-law bouncing cosmologies, emphasizing on the behavior near the bouncing point and in some cases, the behavior for all the values of the cosmic time is obtained. We exemplify our theoretical constructions by using bouncing cosmologies, and we investigate which Loop Quantum Cosmology corrected Gauss-Bonnet modified gravities can successfully realize such cosmologies.Comment: Revised version, to appear in PR

    Sustainable low temperature carrier gas-free growth of graphene on non-catalytic substrates

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    Significant advancements have been made in the manufacturing of vertically aligned graphene; however a key limitation is that existing methods are largely unsustainable due to high energy usage, non-renewable precursors and carrier gases, and costly substrates. We address these key issues through the development of a novel methodology for vertically aligned graphene growth on soda-lime glass that utilizes low temperatures and sustainable materials without the need for catalytic substrates or carrier gases. Our analysis shows that it is possible to grow sustainable, device grade graphene using low-temperature plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition. We further demonstrate how our vertically aligned graphene on glass can function as a humidity sensor with a response faster than a typical commercially available sensor, highlighting the potential of the proposed method for producing sustainable graphene-based sensors

    Comparative analysis of vitamin D contents in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C and healthy.

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    From scientific literature it is known that vitamin D helps maintain the most important functions of the immune system, there is evidence of its role in inflammatory and metabolic diseases of the liver, including infection with hepatitis C. Aim – to study vitamin D status in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C compared to the healthy ones. We examined 100 patients with chronic viral hepatitis C (main group) and 30 patients without hepatitis C virus (control group). Level of 25 (OH) D in serum was studied by immunochemical method with electrochemiluminescent detection. To verify the diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency, a classification (M.F. Holick, 2011), adopted by the International Institute of Medicine and the Committee of Endocrinologists for clinical practice guidelines, was used. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 44% of people with chronic viral hepatitis C in the main group (mean hydroxycalciferol – 14.36±4.12 ng/ml. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 6,6% in the control group (mean 17,5±8,52 ng/ml). The average vitamin D deficiency in the main group was slightly lower than that in the control group. Factors that affect the metabolism of vitamin D in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C include a lack of vitamin D in blood serum

    Оцінка ефективності застосування препаратів «Ехінацея композитум С» і «Терафлекс» при ортодонтичному переміщенні зубів на тлі експериментального зобу

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    Disturbances of the thyroid status may be negatively reflected on the biological processes underlying orthodontic tooth movement. Research object – in experiment to estimate efficacy of application of drug complex with osteotropic and immunomodulating action in orthodontic moving of teeth (ОМT) on the background of euthyroid goiter. In  75 rats of Vistar line of gregarious breeding (females, 5 months, 210±28 g) experimental goiter was modeled by injection of 1% perchlorate potassium solution with drinking water within 20 days. Intragastric solution of potassium Iodidum (PI) in the dose of 20 mkg/kg was introduced to rats of the 3rd, 4th and 5th groups from the 22nd day. Intragastrically  drug «Echinacea compositum C» was introduced to animals of the 3rd and 5th groups from the 22nd day during 5 days. OMT was reproduced on the 29th day from the beginning of experiment. On the background of PI injection, teraflex in a dose on glucosaminglican of 750 mg/kg was introduced to the rats of the 4th and 5th groups. A mandible for calculation of carious cavities and definition of atrophy degree of an alveolar process, and the maxilla – for definition of alkaline activity, acidic phosphatase, elastase and general proteolytic activity (GPA), pulp of incisors – for phosphatases definition of activity were isolated. Echinacea compositum, potassium Iodidum and teraflex in the idea of monotherapy caused  some positive influence on phosphatases of an alveolar bone. To completely prevent disturbances of activity of bone phosphatases and proteinases was possibly only at application of a full complex: PІ – throughout all treatment, echinacea compositum C – before fixation of closing springs, teraflex – after fixation. Thus, stage-by-stage use of drugs – potassium Iodidum, «Echinacea compositum C» and Teraflex promoted to normalization of activity of alkaline and acidic phosphatase in pulp and bone tissue of alveolar process, and rendered protective action on proteinase of bone tissue of jaws of experimental animals as well.Нарушения тиреоидного статуса может негативно отразиться на биологических процессах, лежащих в основе ортодонтического перемещения зубов. Цель исследования – оценить в экспе­ри­менте эффективность применения комплекса препаратов, обладающих остеотропным и иммуно­модули­рующим действием при ортодонтическом перемещении зубов  (ОМПЗ) на фоне эутиреоидного зоба. У 75 крыс линии Вистар стадного разведения (самки, 5 месяцев, 210±28 г) моделировали экспериментальный зоб путем введения 1% раствора перхлората калия с питьевой водой  в течение 20 дней. С 22-го дня, крысам 3-й, 4-й и 5‑й групп вводили  внутрижелудочно раствор йодида калия (KI) в дозе 20 мкг/кг. Животным 3-й и 5-й групп с 22-го дня на протяжение 5 дней внутрижелудочно вводили препарат «Эхинацея композитум С». На 29-й день от начала эксперимента воспроизводили ОМПЗ. Крысам 4-й и 5-й групп на фоне введения KI внутри­желудочно вводили терафлекс в дозе по глюкозамингликану 750 мг/кг. У крыс выделяли нижнюю челюсть для подсчёта кариозных полостей и определения степени атрофии альвеолярного отростка,  верхнюю челюсть – для определения активности щелочной, кислой фосфатазы, эластазы и общей протеолитической активности (ОПА), пульпу резцов – для определения активности фосфатаз. Эхинацея композитум С, йодид калия и терафлекс в идее монотерапии оказывали некоторое позитивное влияние на фосфатазы альвеолярной кости. Полностью предупредить нарушения активности костных фосфатаз и протеиназ удалось только при применении полного комплекса: КІ – на протяжении всего лечения, эхинацея композитум С – перед фиксацией закрывающих пружин, терафлекс – после фиксации. Таким образом, поэтапное использование препаратов - Йодид калия, «Эхинацея композитум С» и Терафлекс способствовало нормализации активности щелочной и кислой фосфатазы в пульпе и костной ткани альвеолярного отростка, а также оказывало протекторное действие на протеиназы костной ткани челюстей экспериментальных животных.Disturbances of the thyroid status may be negatively reflected on the biological processes underlying orthodontic tooth movement. Research object – in experiment to estimate efficacy of application of drug complex with osteotropic and immunomodulating action in orthodontic moving of teeth (ОМT) on the background of euthyroid goiter. In  75 rats of Vistar line of gregarious breeding (females, 5 months, 210±28 g) experimental goiter was modeled by injection of 1% perchlorate potassium solution with drinking water within 20 days. Intragastric solution of potassium Iodidum (PI) in the dose of 20 mkg/kg was introduced to rats of the 3rd, 4th and 5th groups from the 22nd day. Intragastrically  drug «Echinacea compositum C» was introduced to animals of the 3rd and 5th groups from the 22nd day during 5 days. OMT was reproduced on the 29th day from the beginning of experiment. On the background of PI injection, teraflex in a dose on glucosaminglican of 750 mg/kg was introduced to the rats of the 4th and 5th groups. A mandible for calculation of carious cavities and definition of atrophy degree of an alveolar process, and the maxilla – for definition of alkaline activity, acidic phosphatase, elastase and general proteolytic activity (GPA), pulp of incisors – for phosphatases definition of activity were isolated. Echinacea compositum, potassium Iodidum and teraflex in the idea of monotherapy caused  some positive influence on phosphatases of an alveolar bone. To completely prevent disturbances of activity of bone phosphatases and proteinases was possibly only at application of a full complex: PІ – throughout all treatment, echinacea compositum C – before fixation of closing springs, teraflex – after fixation. Thus, stage-by-stage use of drugs – potassium Iodidum, «Echinacea compositum C» and Teraflex promoted to normalization of activity of alkaline and acidic phosphatase in pulp and bone tissue of alveolar process, and rendered protective action on proteinase of bone tissue of jaws of experimental animals as well