2,506 research outputs found

    A replica free evaluation of the neuronal population information with mixed continuous and discrete stimuli: from the linear to the asymptotic regime

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    Recent studies have explored theoretically the ability of populations of neurons to carry information about a set of stimuli, both in the case of purely discrete or purely continuous stimuli, and in the case of multidimensional continuous angular and discrete correlates, in presence of additional quenched disorder in the distribution. An analytical expression for the mutual information has been obtained in the limit of large noise by means of the replica trick. Here we show that the same results can actually be obtained in most cases without the use of replicas, by means of a much simpler expansion of the logarithm. Fitting the theoretical model to real neuronal data, we show that the introduction of correlations in the quenched disorder improves the fit, suggesting a possible role of signal correlations-actually detected in real data- in a redundant code. We show that even in the more difficult analysis of the asymptotic regime, an explicit expression for the mutual information can be obtained without resorting to the replica trick despite the presence of quenched disorder, both with a gaussian and with a more realistic thresholded-gaussian model. When the stimuli are mixed continuous and discrete, we find that with both models the information seem to grow logarithmically to infinity with the number of neurons and with the inverse of the noise, even though the exact general dependence cannot be derived explicitly for the thresholded gaussian model. In the large noise limit lower values of information were obtained with the thresholded-gaussian model, for a fixed value of the noise and of the population size. On the contrary, in the asymptotic regime, with very low values of the noise, a lower information value is obtained with the gaussian model.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figure

    Replica symmetric evaluation of the information transfer in a two-layer network in presence of continuous+discrete stimuli

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    In a previous report we have evaluated analytically the mutual information between the firing rates of N independent units and a set of multi-dimensional continuous+discrete stimuli, for a finite population size and in the limit of large noise. Here, we extend the analysis to the case of two interconnected populations, where input units activate output ones via gaussian weights and a threshold linear transfer function. We evaluate the information carried by a population of M output units, again about continuous+discrete correlates. The mutual information is evaluated solving saddle point equations under the assumption of replica symmetry, a method which, by taking into account only the term linear in N of the input information, is equivalent to assuming the noise to be large. Within this limitation, we analyze the dependence of the information on the ratio M/N, on the selectivity of the input units and on the level of the output noise. We show analytically, and confirm numerically, that in the limit of a linear transfer function and of a small ratio between output and input noise, the output information approaches asymptotically the information carried in input. Finally, we show that the information loss in output does not depend much on the structure of the stimulus, whether purely continuous, purely discrete or mixed, but only on the position of the threshold nonlinearity, and on the ratio between input and output noise.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Migration of dendritic cells across blood and lymphatic endothelial barriers.

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    7openopenDel Prete A; Locati M; Otero K; Riboldi E; Mantovani A; Vecchi A; Sozzani S.DEL PRETE, Annalisa; Locati, M; Otero, K; Riboldi, E; Mantovani, A; Vecchi, A; Sozzani, Silvan

    The performance of the LHCf detector for hadronic showers

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    The Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment has been designed to use the LHC to benchmark the hadronic interaction models used in cosmic-ray physics. The LHCf experiment measures neutral particles emitted in the very forward region of LHC collisions. In this paper, the performances of the LHCf detectors for hadronic showers was studied with MC simulations and beam tests. The detection efficiency for neutrons is from 60% to 70% above 500 GeV. The energy resolutions are about 40% and the position resolution is 0.1 to 1.3mm depend on the incident energy for neutrons. The energy scale determined by the MC simulations and the validity of the MC simulations were examined using 350 GeV proton beams at the CERN-SPS.Comment: 15pages, 19 figure

    Laboratory Tests of Low Density Astrophysical Equations of State

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    Clustering in low density nuclear matter has been investigated using the NIMROD multi-detector at Texas A&M University. Thermal coalescence modes were employed to extract densities, ρ\rho, and temperatures, TT, for evolving systems formed in collisions of 47 AA MeV 40^{40}Ar + 112^{112}Sn,124^{124}Sn and 64^{64}Zn + 112^{112}Sn, 124^{124}Sn. The yields of dd, tt, 3^{3}He, and 4^{4}He have been determined at ρ\rho = 0.002 to 0.032 nucleons/fm3^{3} and TT= 5 to 10 MeV. The experimentally derived equilibrium constants for α\alpha particle production are compared with those predicted by a number of astrophysical equations of state. The data provide important new constraints on the model calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Lactate dehydrogenase in hepatocellular carcinoma: something old, something new

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary liver tumour (80-90%) and represents more than 5.7% of all cancers. Although in recent years the therapeutic options for these patients have increased, clinical results are yet unsatisfactory and the prognosis remains dismal. Clinical or molecular criteria allowing a more accurate selection of patients are in fact largely lacking. Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) is a glycolytic key enzyme in the conversion of pyruvate to lactate under anaerobic conditions. In preclinical models, upregulation of LDH has been suggested to ensure both an efficient anaerobic/glycolytic metabolism and a reduced dependence on oxygen under hypoxic conditions in tumour cells. Data from several analyses on different tumour types seem to suggest that LDH levels may be a significant prognostic factor. The role of LDH in HCC has been investigated by different authors in heterogeneous populations of patients. It has been tested as a potential biomarker in retrospective, small, and nonfocused studies in patients undergoing surgery, transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), and systemic therapy. In the major part of these studies, high LDH serum levels seem to predict a poorer outcome. We have reviewed literature in this setting trying to resume basis for future studies validating the role of LDH in this diseas

    Experimental Determination of In-Medium Cluster Binding Energies and Mott Points in Nuclear Matter

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    In medium binding energies and Mott points for dd, tt, 3^3He and α\alpha clusters in low density nuclear matter have been determined at specific combinations of temperature and density in low density nuclear matter produced in collisions of 47AA MeV 40^{40}Ar and 64^{64}Zn projectiles with 112^{112}Sn and 124^{124}Sn target nuclei. The experimentally derived values of the in medium modified binding energies are in good agreement with recent theoretical predictions based upon the implementation of Pauli blocking effects in a quantum statistical approach.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
