740 research outputs found

    The Effects of Subsidies on Public Transit Long-Run Costs

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    This paper investigates sources of public transit long-run cost increases attributable to transit subsidies. The sources include wage, vehicle capital price and service increases. Service expansion is found to be the major source. Transit cost increases related to subsidies are classified as input price, output and finance effects of these subsidies. Transit costs are more responsive to federal operating subsidies, followed in declining order by local operating, state operating and capital subsidies, respectively

    Management of insect pest complex of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) with phosphorous-enriched soil and aqueous neem seed extract

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    The study determined the major insect fauna of cowpea and evaluated the effectiveness of neem seed water extract (NSWE) and soil amendments in managing insect pest complex of cowpea at Juaboso in the Western Region. Phospho-compost was applied at the rate of 560 g plot-1 (865 kg ha-1). The NSWE was applied at the rate of 50 g 1-1 (15 kg ha-1). The phosphate rock and cymethoate were applied at the rate of 195 g plot-1 (300 kg ha-1) and 2.5 ml 1-1 (750 ml ha-1), respectively. Insect fauna belonging to eight orders were found associated with cowpea in the field. The major insect pests were Aphis craccivora (Koch), Spodoptera littoralis (F), Empoasca spp., Ootheca mutabilis (Sahlberg), Zonocerus variegatus (L.), Megalurothrips sjostedti (Trybom), Maruca vitrata (Fabricius), and Anoplocnemis curvipes (Fab.). Neem seed extract and cymethoate (synthetic insecticide) significantly reduced the incidence of these insect pests, thereby reducing the damage caused to the leaves and pods in treated plots. The incidence of beneficial insects was higher on NSWE-treated plots than on cymethoate- treated plots. These included Mantis mantis, species of Bombus, Crematogaster and Coccinella, and dragonfly. This suggests that NSWE was less harmful to beneficial insects than cymethoate. The phospho-compost-NSWE treatment recorded grain yield of 1.168 tonnes ha-1, which was 68.5 per cent higher than the no soil amendment-no insecticide treatment (0.368 tonnes ha-1). The phospho- compost-NSWE insecticide treatment had a profit margin of ¢1,804,000.00 (212.2),whilstthenosoilamendmentnoinsecticidetreatmenthadalossof¢373,000.00(212.2), whilst the no soil amendment-no insecticide treatment had a loss of ¢373,000.00 (43.9). The use of phospho-compost and neem seed extract may represent an important component of the integrated crop and pest management strategy in traditional farming systems in Ghana.Des études étaient entreprises à Juaboso dans la région ouest du Ghana pour déterminer la faune d'insecte majeure de dolique et pour évaluer l'efficacité de l'extrait d'eau de la graine de margousier (EEGM) et d'amendements du sol dans la lutte contre l'ensemble d'insectes ravageurs de dolique. Le phospho-compost était appliqué à la proportion de 560 g lot-1 (865 kg ha-1). Le EEGM était appliqué à la proportion de 50 g l-1 (15 kg ha-1). La roche de phosphate et la cyméthoate étaient appliquées à la proportion de 195 g lot-1 (300 kg ha-1) et 2.5 ml l-1 (750 ml ha-1), respectivement. La faune d'insecte appartenant à huit ordres était trouvée d'être associé avec la dolique au champ. Les insectes ravageurs majeures étaient Aphis craccivora (Koch); Spodoptera littoralis (F), Empoasca spp., Ootheca mutabilis (Sahlberg), Zonocerus variegatus (L.), Megalurothrips sjostedti (Trybom), Maruca vitrata (Fabricius), et Anoplocnemis curvipes (Fab.). L'extrait de la graine de margousier et la cyméthoate (insecticide sythétique) provoquait une réduction considérable de la fréquence de ces insectes ravageurs avec une réduction qui en a résulté aux ravages faits aux feuilles et aux cosses dans les lots traités. La fréquence d'insectes bénéfiques était plus élevée sur les lots traités d'EEGM que sur les lots traités de cyméthoate. Parmi ceux étaient Mantis mantis, espèces de Bombus, Crematogaster, Coccinella et la libellule. Ceci suggère qu'EEGM était moins nuisible aux insectes bénéfiques que la cyméthoate. Le traitement de phosphocompost – EEGM enregistrait un rendement de grain de 1.168 tonnes ha-1 qui était 68.5 pour cent plus élevé que le traitement de sans-amendement de sol–sans-insecticide (0.368 tonnes ha-1). Le traitement de phospho compost - EEGM avait une marge bénéficiaire de 1,804,000 cedis (212.2)alorsqueletraitementdesansamendementdesolsansinsecticideavaitunepertede373,000cedis(212.2) alors que le traitement de sans-amendement de sol–sans-insecticide avait une perte de 373,000 cedis (43.9). L'utilisation de phospho-compost et d'extrait de la graine de margousier pourrait représenter un élément important de la stratégie intégrée de l'amenagement de culture et de la lutte contre les ravageurs dans les systèmes d'agriculture traditionnelle au Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 39 (1) 2006: pp. 10

    The Implications of Insurance Status on Presentation, Surgical Management and Mortality among Non-Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients in Indiana

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    Background The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program seeks to reduce health care disparities by providing uninsured and underinsured women access to screening mammograms. The objective of this study is to identify the differences in presentation, surgical management, and mortality among nonmetastatic uninsured patients diagnosed through Indiana's Breast and Cervical Cancer Program compared with patients with private and government (Medicare or Medicaid) insurance. Methods Study data were obtained using the Indiana state cancer registry and Indiana's Breast and Cervical Cancer Program. Women aged 50 to 64 with an index diagnosis of stage 0 to III breast cancer from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2013, were included in the study. Bivariate intergroup analysis was conducted. Kaplan-Meier estimates between insurance types were compared using the log rank test. All-cause mortality was evaluated using a mixed effects model. Results The groups differed significantly for sociodemographic and clinical variables. Uninsured Indiana Breast and Cervical Cancer Program patients presented with later disease stage (P < .001) and had the highest overall mortality (hazard ratio 2.2, P = .003). Surgical management only differed among stage III patients (P = .012). Conclusion To improve insurance-based disparities in Indiana, implementation of the Breast and Cervical Cancer Program in conjunction with expansion of insurance coverage to vulnerable low-income populations need to be optimized

    Constructing Homeomorphisms Of The Cantor Ternary Set

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    In this paper, we present a generalized form of the Cantor ternary set by studying the cantor&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;middle set where 1 &nbsp;&nbsp; and its fractal dimension. The paper also introduces the Heine-Borel set and shows that the cantor set and its generalised &nbsp; middle set where 1 &nbsp;&nbsp;are Heine-Borel sets

    Effect of Microcrystalline Cellulose, Species, and Particle Size on Mechanical and Physical Properties of Particleboard

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    Particleboards made from both sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) and southern pine (Pinus spp.) were made at a small and large particle size and at 0 and 10% microcrystalline cellulose loading. Modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, work to maximum force, and thickness swell (after 2 and 24 h) were measured for all treatment combinations. An increase in particle size had a positive influence on mechanical properties but also allowed for more thickness swell, particularly for the southern pine furnish. Conversely, adding cellulose actually decreased mechanical properties, increased thickness swell, and decreased springback. In the field, the ability to manipulate particle size to control particleboard mechanical properties is perhaps more cost-effective and practical than cellulose addition. Replacing southern pine with sweetgum was viable with equal or better mechanical and physical properties. This suggests that the hardwood species could be a feasible substitute for pine as the demand for woody resources in the southern US continues to grow

    On the determinants and interrelationship of components of government spending

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    The paper examines the determinants and interrelationship of components of government spending using data for up to 142 countries over the period 1990–2017. We make use of two-way fixed effect estimator with Driscoll-Kraay standard errors, which accounts for cross-sectional dependence and a system generalized method of moments estimator to examine the determinants of components of spending. We then adopt the seemingly unrelated regression estimation technique to examine the interrelationship between government spending types. From our results, there is little evidence of Wagner's Law as the coefficient of income is negative and statistically significant for most measures of spending. Further, we find that a reduction in overall government spending tends to reduce the share of almost all components of government spending except spending on economic services, non-productive spending, and spending on transfers. In examining the interrelationship between government spending types, we find that government spending types under the Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG) classification, which may be described as “pure public goods” and “merit public good provision,” have complementary relationships. However, government spending on pure public good vs merit public goods, pure public goods vs economic services, and pure public goods vs transfers could be considered substitutes


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    The paper examined the determinants of foreign direct investment inflows to Ghana. The main objective of this study was to find out the major macroeconomic determinants of foreign direct investment in Ghana between the periods 1980 to 2012. All the variables considered were integrated at first order, as a result the Johansen's cointegration approach was used and the result showed that the variables were not cointegrated. Therefore, the vector autoregressive model was estimated. The result showed that the first past year of foreign direct investment , the last two years of exchange rate and trade openness were statistically significant. Based on the findings we recommend that policies that encourage foreign direct investment, moderate exchange rate depreciation and increasing trade openness should be implemented

    Field studies on the susceptibility of six plantain cultivars to infestation by the banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Ghana

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    Field studies were used to identify plantain cultivars that were less susceptible to infestation by the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Six plantain cultivars, Osoboaso, Borodewuio, Apantu-pa, Asamienu, Agbagba and Obino L\'Ewai, were evaluated between October 1997 and September 1998. The results indicated that all the cultivars were susceptible to weevil damage in weevil oviposition, egg hatchability, and larval growth and development. Weevil population was not significantly different among the cultivars, but differences in the corm damage were significant. Agbagba and Borodewuio were significantly more susceptible to borer attack than Obino L\'Ewai and Osoboaso, Asamienu and Apantu-pa were intermediate in their susceptibility to borer attack. Cultivating Obino L\'Ewai, Osoboaso, Asamienu and Apantu-pa, using good management practices, may increase plantain yields and enhance the sustainability of plantain production in Ghana.Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) (Coléoptères: Curculionidés) au Ghana. Des études sur le terrain étaient faites pour identifier les variétés de plantain qui étaient moins prédisposées à l\'infestation par le charançon de banane Cosmopolites sordidus Germar. Six variétés de plantain c.-à-d., Osoboaso, Borodewuio, Apantu-pa, Asamienu, Agbagba et Obino L\'Ewai étaient évaluées entre Octobre 1997 et Septembre 1998. Les résultats indiquaient que toutes les variétés étaient prédisposées aux ravages de charançon sous l\'angle de la ponte du charançon, la capacité d\'éclore l\'oeuf, la croissance et le développement larvaire. La population de charançon n\'était pas considérablement différente parmi les variétés mais les différences entre les dégâts de bulbe étaient considérables. Agbagba et Borodewuio étaient considérablement plus prédisposées à l\'attaque d\'insecte térébrant qu\'Obino L\'Ewai et Osoboaso. Asamienu et Apantu-pa étaient intermédiaires en leur prédisposition à l\'attaque d\'insecte térébrant. La culture d\'Obino L\'Ewai, Osoboaso, Asamienu et Apantu-pa en adoptant les pratiques de bonne exploitation, peut augmenter les rendements de plantain et améliorer la durabilité de la production de plantain au Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 40 (2) 2008: pp. 177-18