488 research outputs found

    Catalyic Activity of Ruthenium(III) and Palladium(II) Complexes of 2-Methylbenzimidazole (Mebzlh) Encapsulated in Zeolite-Y and ZSM-5 for Liquid Phase Hydroxylation of Phenol

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    Ruthenium(III) and palladium(II) complexes of 2-methylbenzimidazole (Mebzlh) ligand encapsulated in the super cages of zeolite-Y and ZSM-5 have been synthesized and characterized by various physico-chemical measurements. A suitable reaction condition has been optimized for [Ru(Mebzlh)]-Y by considering the effect of various parameters such as different solvents, concentration of substrate, reaction time and amount of oxidant etc., for the maximum conversion of phenol to a mixture of catechol and hydroquinone. The results obtained showed that selectivity for the catechol formation is ca. 85%, even though the conversion of phenol varies in the order [Ru(Mebzlh)]-Y (35%) > [Pd(Mebzlh)]-Y (15 %) > [Ru(Mebzlh)]- ZSM-5(10 %) > [Pd(Mebzlh)]- ZSM-5 (2 %) after 6 h of reaction time

    Shell model for buoyancy-driven turbulence

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    In this paper we present a unified shell model for stably stratified and convective turbulence. Numerical simulation of this model for stably stratified flow shows Bolgiano-Obukhbov scaling in which the kinetic energy spectrum varies as k11/5k^{-11/5}. We also observe a dual scaling (k11/5k^{-11/5} and k5/3k^{-5/3}) for a limited range of parameters. The shell model of convective turbulence yields Kolmogorov's spectrum. These results are consistent with the energy flux and energy feed due to buoyancy, and are in good agreement with direct numerical simulations of Kumar {\em et al.} [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 90}, 023016 (2014)]

    Kontrol Gerakan Buka Tutup Pintu Untuk Akses Sistem Keamanan Menggunakan Pola Iris Mata Manusia

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    Saat ini sistem keamanan konvensional seperti password atau kartu sudah tidak handal lagi karena keamanan sistem dapat ditembus oleh para pihak yang tidak berwenang menggunakan password atau kartu seseorang. Oleh karena itu dikembangkan sistem biometrik yang berdasarkan pada karakteristik alami manusia yaitu karakteristik fisiologis dan karakteristik perilaku seperti wajah, sidik jari, iris mata, retina mata, DNA, tanda tangan, dan suara, dimana sistem tersebut tidak mudah dicuri atau digunakan oleh pihak yang tidak berwenang.Dalam paper ini akan diusulkan suatu sistem keamanan akses menggunakan pengenalan pola iris mata dengan arsitektur JST yaitu Jaringan Propagasi Balik menggunakan program Matlab. Setelah berhasil dilakukan pengenalan pola iris mata maka dilakukan kontrol yang sesuai, dalam bahasan ini menggunakan mikrokontroler AT Mega 8535 sebagai pemroses data yang masuk untuk mengendalikan otomatisasi buka tutup pintu . Sistem ini dicoba diterapkan dalam sistem keamanan pada pintu masuk sebuah ruangan yang penting dimana hanya orang-orang tertentu saja yang boleh masuk. Sehingga apabila data iris mata sesuai dengan pola, maka pintu ruangan dapat terbuka. Sebaliknya bila pola iris mata tidak dikenali maka pintu tidak akan terbuka

    Evaluation of morbidity and epidemiology of two wheelers accidents in central India

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    Background: In the developing world, the current trends in population growth, industrialization and urbanization are putting heavy pressure on the transport network in general and on road system in particular. Some of the unwanted side effects of this growing traffic, such as congestion and noise pollution are immediately obvious to the individual. But others, such as the growing number of fatal and non-fatal injuries from Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs), are apparent only through aggregated statistics. These data reflects serious and growing problem, with absolute fatality and casualty figures are rapidly rising in the majority of developing nations and with morbidity and mortality rates considerably higher than in the developed world. The alarming increase in morbidity and mortality owing to road traffic accidents over the past decades is a matter of great concern globally. In this study we have done evaluation of morbidity and epidemiology of two wheelers (two wheeler vehicles are those vehicle which runs on fuel e.g. Motorcycle) accidents in Central India.Methods: There were about 1514 patients who came to Accident and Emergency department of Acharya Vinobha Bhave Hospital from September 2014 to August 2015 with history of RTA, out of which 100 cases of road traffic accidents involving two wheelers were interviewed, using interview technique as tool for data collection.Results: Out of 100 cases of road traffic accidents involving two wheelers 84 were male and 16 were female patients. Among 100 patients 46% had trauma by skidding of bike. Accidents took place at early morning (17%), afternoon (37%) and evening (31%) and night (15%) time. A number of patients (41%) were under influence of alcohol making it a major reason of trauma. Seventy five percent of the patients were driving the vehicle. In 25% of cases, patients were the pillion riders. In our study out of 100 patients, 99 were not wearing a helmet except for 1 patient. Among 100 patients, 54 were having orthopaedic injuries. Among the orthopaedic injuries, lower limb injuries were 46% and upper limb were 45%.Conclusions: In our study we concluded that most of the accidents on two wheelers were of younger adults with predominance of male population and mostly occurred at daytime. Most of the drivers were under the influence of alcohol and were prone to accidents. The problems with two – wheelers accidents were condition of road, alcohol influence, and condition of vehicle.Keywords: Road Traffic Accidents, Two – wheelers, Central India, Morbidity,  Epidemiolog

    Crystal structure of 4-azidomethyl-6-tert-butyl-2H-chromen-2-one

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    MM would like to thank UGC, New Delhi, Government of India, for the award of a project under the head F. No. 41–920/2012(SR) (dated: 25-07-2012). In addition, SD is thankful to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India, for financial assistance [grant No. 02 (0172)/13/EMRII].Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Exploring the Impact of NF- KB1 Gene Polymorphism

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    This review article extensively explores the influence of NF-κB1 gene polymorphism on a diverse range of health issues. The NF-κB pathway, a crucial controller of immune response, is closely associated with numerous disease mechanisms. The NF-kB1 gene has undergone significant genetic changes, and these changes have shown strong connections with the onset and development of numerous disorders. This article investigates the intricate relationship between mutations in the NF-kB1 gene and a wide range of disorders through a thorough study of the literature. These conditions encompass inflammatory disorders, cancer, cardiovascular diseases (CVD), and various other medical ailments. The notable discoveries emphasized within this review underscore the essential role of NF-κB1 gene polymorphism in the development of a range of diseases. Furthermore, these discoveries have important ramifications that could help develop more specialized, successful treatment approaches. To sum up, this work sheds light on the different ways in which NF-kB1 gene variation influences the progression of disorders and highlights the urgent need for more research in this area

    5-Methyl-1,3-diphenyl- N

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    Energy spectrum of buoyancy-driven turbulence

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    Using high-resolution direct numerical simulation and arguments based on the kinetic energy flux Πu\Pi_u, we demonstrate that for stably stratified flows, the kinetic energy spectrum Eu(k)k11/5E_u(k) \sim k^{-11/5}, the entropy spectrum Eθ(k)k7/5E_\theta(k) \sim k^{-7/5}, and Πu(k)k4/5\Pi_u(k) \sim k^{-4/5}, consistent with the Bolgiano-Obukhov scaling. This scaling arises due to the conversion of kinetic energy to the potential energy by buoyancy. For weaker buoyancy, this conversion is weak, hence Eu(k)E_u(k) follows Kolmogorov's spectrum with a constant energy flux. For Rayleigh B\'{e}nard convection, we show that the energy supply rate by buoyancy is positive, which leads to an increasing Πu(k)\Pi_u(k) with kk, thus ruling out Bolgiano-Obukhov scaling for the convective turbulence. Our numerical results show that convective turbulence for unit Prandt number exhibits a constant Πu(k)\Pi_u(k) and Eu(k)k5/3E_u(k) \sim k^{-5/3} for a narrow band of wavenumbers.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1404.214