119 research outputs found

    A strongly inhomogeneous superfluid in an iron-based superconductor

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    Among the mysteries surrounding unconventional, strongly correlated superconductors is the possibility of spatial variations in their superfluid density. We use atomic-resolution Josephson scanning tunneling microscopy to reveal a strongly inhomogeneous superfluid in the iron-based superconductor FeTe0.55Se0.45. By simultaneously measuring the topographic and electronic properties, we find that this inhomogeneity in the superfluid density is not caused by structural disorder or strong inter-pocket scattering, and does not correlate with variations in Cooper pair-breaking gap. Instead, we see a clear spatial correlation between superfluid density and quasiparticle strength, putting the iron-based superconductors on equal footing with the cuprates and demonstrating that locally, the quasiparticles are sharpest when the superconductivity is strongest. When repeated at different temperatures, our technique could further help elucidate what local and global mechanisms limit the critical temperature in unconventional superconductors

    Purity-bounded uncertainty relations in multidimensional space -- generalized purity

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    Uncertainty relations for mixed quantum states (precisely, purity-bounded position-momentum relations, developed by Bastiaans and then by Man'ko and Dodonov) are studied in general multi-dimensional case. An expression for family of mixed states at the lower bound of uncertainty relation is obtained. It is shown, that in case of entropy-bounded uncertainty relations, lower-bound state is thermal, and a transition from one-dimensional problem to multi-dimensional one is trivial. Results of numerical calculation of the relation lower bound for different types of generalized purity are presented. Analytical expressions for general purity-bounded relations for highly mixed states are obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. draft version, to appear in J. Phys. A Partially based on a poster "Multidimensional uncertainty relations for states with given generalized purity" presented on X Intl. Conf. on Quantum Optics'2004 (Minsk, Belarus, May 30 -- June 3, 2004) More actual report is to be presented on ICSSUR-2005, Besan\c{c}on, France and on EQEC'05, Munich. V. 5: amended article after referees' remark

    Amplifier for scanning tunneling microscopy at MHz frequencies

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    Conventional scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is limited to a bandwidth of circa 1kHz around DC. Here, we develop, build and test a novel amplifier circuit capable of measuring the tunneling current in the MHz regime while simultaneously performing conventional STM measurements. This is achieved with an amplifier circuit including a LC tank with a quality factor exceeding 600 and a home-built, low-noise high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). The amplifier circuit functions while simultaneously scanning with atomic resolution in the tunneling regime, i.e. at junction resistances in the range of giga-ohms, and down towards point contact spectroscopy. To enable high signal-to-noise and meet all technical requirements for the inclusion in a commercial low temperature, ultra-high vacuum STM, we use superconducting cross-wound inductors and choose materials and circuit elements with low heat load. We demonstrate the high performance of the amplifier by spatially mapping the Poissonian noise of tunneling electrons on an atomically clean Au(111) surface. We also show differential conductance spectroscopy measurements at 3MHz, demonstrating superior performance over conventional spectroscopy techniques. Further, our technology could be used to perform impedance matched spin resonance and distinguish Majorana modes from more conventional edge states

    Direct Measurement of Kirkwood-Rihaczek distribution for spatial properties of coherent light beam

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    We present direct measurement of Kirkwood-Rihaczek (KR) distribution for spatial properties of coherent light beam in terms of position and momentum (angle) coordinates. We employ a two-local oscillator (LO) balanced heterodyne detection (BHD) to simultaneously extract distribution of transverse position and momentum of a light beam. The two-LO BHD could measure KR distribution for any complex wave field (including quantum mechanical wave function) without applying tomography methods (inverse Radon transformation). Transformation of KR distribution to Wigner, Glauber Sudarshan P- and Husimi or Q- distributions in spatial coordinates are illustrated through experimental data. The direct measurement of KR distribution could provide local information of wave field, which is suitable for studying particle properties of a quantum system. While Wigner function is suitable for studying wave properties such as interference, and hence provides nonlocal information of the wave field. The method developed here can be used for exploring spatial quantum state for quantum mapping and computing, optical phase space imaging for biomedical applications.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figure

    Space-Variant Gabor Decomposition for Filtering 3D Medical Images

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    This is an experimental paper in which we introduce the possibility to analyze and to synthesize 3D medical images by using multivariate Gabor frames with Gaussian windows. Our purpose is to apply a space-variant filter-like operation in the space-frequency domain to correct medical images corrupted by different types of acquisitions errors. The Gabor frames are constructed with Gaussian windows sampled on non-separable lattices for a better packing of the space-frequency plane. An implementable solution for 3D-Gabor frames with non-separable lattice is given and numerical tests on simulated data are presented.Austrian Science Fund (FWF) P2751

    Quantum theta functions and Gabor frames for modulation spaces

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    Representations of the celebrated Heisenberg commutation relations in quantum mechanics and their exponentiated versions form the starting point for a number of basic constructions, both in mathematics and mathematical physics (geometric quantization, quantum tori, classical and quantum theta functions) and signal analysis (Gabor analysis). In this paper we try to bridge the two communities, represented by the two co--authors: that of noncommutative geometry and that of signal analysis. After providing a brief comparative dictionary of the two languages, we will show e.g. that the Janssen representation of Gabor frames with generalized Gaussians as Gabor atoms yields in a natural way quantum theta functions, and that the Rieffel scalar product and associativity relations underlie both the functional equations for quantum thetas and the Fundamental Identity of Gabor analysis.Comment: 38 pages, typos corrected, MSC class change

    Universality of pseudogap and emergent order in lightly doped Mott insulators

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    It is widely believed that high-temperature superconductivity in the cuprates emerges from doped Mott insulators. The physics of the parent state seems deceivingly simple: The hopping of the electrons from site to site is prohibited because their on-site Coulomb repulsion U is larger than the kinetic energy gain t. When doping these materials by inserting a small percentage of extra carriers, the electrons become mobile but the strong correlations from the Mott state are thought to survive; inhomogeneous electronic order, a mysterious pseudogap and, eventually, superconductivity appear. How the insertion of dopant atoms drives this evolution is not known, nor whether these phenomena are mere distractions specific to hole-doped cuprates or represent the genuine physics of doped Mott insulators. Here, we visualize the evolution of the electronic states of (Sr1-xLax)2IrO4, which is an effective spin-1/2 Mott insulator like the cuprates, but is chemically radically different. Using spectroscopic-imaging STM, we find that for doping concentration of x=5%, an inhomogeneous, phase separated state emerges, with the nucleation of pseudogap puddles around clusters of dopant atoms. Within these puddles, we observe the same glassy electronic order that is so iconic for the underdoped cuprates. Further, we illuminate the genesis of this state using the unique possibility to localize dopant atoms on topographs in these samples. At low doping, we find evidence for much deeper trapping of carriers compared to the cuprates. This leads to fully gapped spectra with the chemical potential at mid-gap, which abruptly collapse at a threshold of around 4%. Our results clarify the melting of the Mott state, and establish phase separation and electronic order as generic features of doped Mott insulators.Comment: This version contains the supplementary information and small updates on figures and tex