2 research outputs found
Jet Rejection with Matching ECAL Clusters to Pixel Hits
A large jet rejection factor for electromagnetic clusters in the high level trigger selection chain can be achieved by using the data from the pixel detectors. This is only a fraction of the total data in the tracker system. A fast algorithm has been developed to match the electromagnetic clusters to the hits in the pixel layers, and it has been shown that a jet rejection factor of 20 can be achieved with an electron efficiency of 96%
Technical design report for the PANDA (AntiProton Annihilations at Darmstadt) Straw Tube Tracker
<p>This document describes the technical layout and the expected performance of the Straw Tube Tracker (STT), the main tracking detector of the PANDA target spectrometer. The STT encloses a Micro-Vertex-Detector (MVD) for the inner tracking and is followed in beam direction by a set of GEM stations. The tasks of the STT are the measurement of the particle momentum from the reconstructed trajectory and the measurement of the specific energy loss for a particle identification. Dedicated simulations with full analysis studies of certain proton-antiproton reactions, identified as being benchmark tests for the whole PANDA scientific program, have been performed to test the STT layout and performance. The results are presented, and the time lines to construct the STT are described.</p>