44 research outputs found

    The quest for the genuine visual mismatch negativity (vMMN): Event-related potential indications of deviance detection for low-level visual features

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    Research shows that the visual system monitors the environment for changes. For example, a left‐tilted bar, a deviant, that appears after several presentations of a right‐tilted bar, standards, elicits a classic visual mismatch negativity (vMMN): greater negativity for deviants than standards in event‐related potentials (ERPs) between 100 and 300 ms after onset of the deviant. The classic vMMN is contributed to by adaptation; it can be distinguished from the genuine vMMN that, through use of control conditions, compares standards and deviants that are equally adapted and physically identical. To determine whether the vMMN follows similar principles to the auditory mismatch negativity (MMN), in two experiments we searched for a genuine vMMN from simple, physiologically plausible stimuli that change in fundamental dimensions: orientation, contrast, phase, and spatial frequency. We carefully controlled for attention and eye movements. We found no evidence for the genuine vMMN, despite adequate statistical power. We conclude that either the genuine vMMN is a rather unstable phenomenon that depends on still‐to‐be‐identified experimental parameters, or it is confined to visual stimuli for which monitoring across time is more natural than monitoring over space, such as for high‐level features. We also observed an early deviant‐related positivity that we propose might reflect earlier predictive processing

    Minimotif miner 2nd release: a database and web system for motif search

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    Minimotif Miner (MnM) consists of a minimotif database and a web-based application that enables prediction of motif-based functions in user-supplied protein queries. We have revised MnM by expanding the database more than 10-fold to approximately 5000 motifs and standardized the motif function definitions. The web-application user interface has been redeveloped with new features including improved navigation, screencast-driven help, support for alias names and expanded SNP analysis. A sample analysis of prion shows how MnM 2 can be used. Weblink: http://mnm.engr.uconn.edu, weblink for version 1 is http://sms.engr.uconn.edu

    Dynamic emotion perception and prior expectancy.

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    Social interactions require the ability to rapidly perceive emotion from various incoming dynamic, multisensory cues. Prior expectations reduce incoming emotional information and direct attention to cues that are aligned with what is expected. Studies to date have investigated the prior expectancy effect using static emotional images, despite the fact that dynamic stimuli would represent greater ecological validity. The objective of the study was to create a novel functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) paradigm to examine the influence of prior expectations on naturalistic emotion perception. For this purpose, we developed a dynamic emotion perception task, which consisted of audio-visual videos that carry emotional information congruent or incongruent with prior expectations. The results show that emotional congruency was associated with activity in prefrontal regions, amygdala, and putamen, whereas emotional incongruency was associated with activity in temporoparietal junction and mid-cingulate gyrus. Supported by the behavioural results, our findings suggest that prior expectations are reinforced after repeated experience and learning, whereas unexpected emotions may rely on fast change detection processes. The results from the current study are compatible with the notion that the ability to automatically detect unexpected changes in complex dynamic environments allows for adaptive behaviours in potentially advantageous or threatening situations

    Comparison of Peptide Array Substrate Phosphorylation of c-Raf and Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase 8

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    Kinases are pivotal regulators of cellular physiology. The human genome contains more than 500 putative kinases, which exert their action via the phosphorylation of specific substrates. The determinants of this specificity are still only partly understood and as a consequence it is difficult to predict kinase substrate preferences from the primary structure, hampering the understanding of kinase function in physiology and prompting the development of technologies that allow easy assessment of kinase substrate consensus sequences. Hence, we decided to explore the usefulness of phosphorylation of peptide arrays comprising of 1176 different peptide substrates with recombinant kinases for determining kinase substrate preferences, based on the contribution of individual amino acids to total array phosphorylation. Employing this technology, we were able to determine the consensus peptide sequences for substrates of both c-Raf and Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase 8, two highly homologous kinases with distinct signalling roles in cellular physiology. The results show that although consensus sequences for these two kinases identified through our analysis share important chemical similarities, there is still some sequence specificity that could explain the different biological action of the two enzymes. Thus peptide arrays are a useful instrument for deducing substrate consensus sequences and highly homologous kinases can differ in their requirement for phosphorylation events

    Detection and characterization of 3D-signature phosphorylation site motifs and their contribution towards improved phosphorylation site prediction in proteins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Phosphorylation of proteins plays a crucial role in the regulation and activation of metabolic and signaling pathways and constitutes an important target for pharmaceutical intervention. Central to the phosphorylation process is the recognition of specific target sites by protein kinases followed by the covalent attachment of phosphate groups to the amino acids serine, threonine, or tyrosine. The experimental identification as well as computational prediction of phosphorylation sites (P-sites) has proved to be a challenging problem. Computational methods have focused primarily on extracting predictive features from the local, one-dimensional sequence information surrounding phosphorylation sites.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We characterized the spatial context of phosphorylation sites and assessed its usability for improved phosphorylation site predictions. We identified 750 non-redundant, experimentally verified sites with three-dimensional (3D) structural information available in the protein data bank (PDB) and grouped them according to their respective kinase family. We studied the spatial distribution of amino acids around phosphorserines, phosphothreonines, and phosphotyrosines to extract signature 3D-profiles. Characteristic spatial distributions of amino acid residue types around phosphorylation sites were indeed discernable, especially when kinase-family-specific target sites were analyzed. To test the added value of using spatial information for the computational prediction of phosphorylation sites, Support Vector Machines were applied using both sequence as well as structural information. When compared to sequence-only based prediction methods, a small but consistent performance improvement was obtained when the prediction was informed by 3D-context information.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>While local one-dimensional amino acid sequence information was observed to harbor most of the discriminatory power, spatial context information was identified as relevant for the recognition of kinases and their cognate target sites and can be used for an improved prediction of phosphorylation sites. A web-based service (Phos3D) implementing the developed structure-based P-site prediction method has been made available at <url>http://phos3d.mpimp-golm.mpg.de</url>.</p

    Evidence for a Minimal Eukaryotic Phosphoproteome?

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    BACKGROUND: Reversible phosphorylation catalysed by kinases is probably the most important regulatory mechanism in eukaryotes. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We studied the in vitro phosphorylation of peptide arrays exhibiting the majority of PhosphoBase-deposited protein sequences, by factors in cell lysates from representatives of various branches of the eukaryotic species. We derived a set of substrates from the PhosphoBase whose phosphorylation by cellular extracts is common to the divergent members of different kingdoms and thus may be considered a minimal eukaryotic phosphoproteome. The protein kinases (or kinome) responsible for phosphorylation of these substrates are involved in a variety of processes such as transcription, translation, and cytoskeletal reorganisation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results indicate that the divergence in eukaryotic kinases is not reflected at the level of substrate phosphorylation, revealing the presence of a limited common substrate space for kinases in eukaryotes and suggests the presence of a set of kinase substrates and regulatory mechanisms in an ancestral eukaryote that has since remained constant in eukaryotic life

    Specificity is always contingent on constraints; global versus individual arrays is not the issue

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    Stoffregen & Bardy's proposal that perceptual systems can use information defined across two or more sensory domains is valuable and urgent in its own right. However, their claim of exclusive validity for global-array information is superfluous and perpetuated for incorrect reasons. The seeming ambiguities of individual arrays emanate from failures to consider relevant ecological constraints and higher-order variables

    Phosphorylation of Two Serine Residues Regulates Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 2 Rex Function

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    The function of the human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV) Rex phosphoprotein is to increase the level of the viral structural and enzymatic gene products expressed from the incompletely spliced viral RNAs containing the Rex-responsive element. The phosphorylation of HTLV type 2 Rex (Rex-2), predominantly on serine residues, correlates with an altered conformation, as detected by a gel mobility shift, and is required for specific binding to its viral RNA target sequence. Thus, the phosphorylation state of Rex in the infected cell may be a switch that determines whether the virus exists in a latent or a productive state. A mutational analysis of Rex-2 that focused on serine and threonine residues was performed to identify regions or domains within Rex-2 important for function, with a specific emphasis on identifying Rex-2 phosphorylation mutants. We identified mutations near the carboxy terminus that disrupted a novel region or domain and abrogated Rex-2 function. Mutant M17 (with S151A and S153A mutations) displayed reduced phosphorylation that correlated with reduced function. Replacement of both serine residues 151 and 153 with phosphomimetic aspartic acid restored Rex-2 function and locked Rex-2 in a phosphorylated active conformation. A mutant containing threonine residues at positions 151 and 153 displayed a phenotype indistinguishable from that of wild-type Rex. Furthermore, this same mutant showed increased threonine phosphorylation and decreased serine phosphorylation, providing conclusive evidence that one or both of these residues are phosphorylated in vivo. Our results provide the first direct evidence that the phosphorylation of Rex-2 is important for function. Further understanding of HTLV Rex phosphorylation will provide insight into the regulatory control of HTLV replication and ultimately the pathobiology of HTLV