253 research outputs found

    Ion Heating in Collisionless Shocks in Supernovae and the Heliosphere

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    Collisionless shocks play a role in many astrophysical phenomena, from coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the heliosphere to supernova remnants. Their role in heating and accelerating particles is well accepted yet the exact mechanism for ion heating is not well understood. Two systems, CMEs and supernova remnants, were examined to determine the heating of heavy ions as they pass through collisionless shocks thus providing a seed population for cosmic ray acceleration processes. Three parameters are examined, the plasma beta, the Mach number of the shock and the magnetic angle of the shock. CMEs heat heavy ions preferentially. This is in contrast to the supernova data which shows less than mass proportional heating. In addition to these studies, heating in astrophysical systems involves neutral atoms. A Monte Carlo model simulated neutral particles as they pass through the shock. Neutrals can create a precursor to the shock additionally heating the plasma. This work uses in situ data from the heliosphere to study astronomical systems because of common shock properties is a unique way to study magnetic components of shocks remotely.Comment: PhD Thesis:149 Pages a full resolution pdf file is available at http://www.umich.edu/~kekorrec/thesis.ht

    A study of the mass loss rates of symbiotic star systems

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    The amount of mass loss in symbiotic systems is investigated, specifically mass loss via the formation of jets in R Aquarii (R Aqr). The jets in R Aqr have been observed in the X-ray by Chandra over a four year time period. The jet changes on times scales of a year and new outflows have been observed. Understanding the amount of mass and the frequency of ejection further constrain the ability of the white dwarf in the system to accrete enough mass to become a Type 1a supernova progenitor. The details of multi-wavelength studies, such as speed, density and spatial extent of the jets will be discussed in order to understand the mass balance in the binary system. We examine other symbiotic systems to determine trends in mass loss in this class of objects.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of "The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and their Explosive Origins

    Structure of solar coronal loops: from miniature to large-scale

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    We will use new data from the High-resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) with unprecedented spatial resolution of the solar corona to investigate the structure of coronal loops down to 0.2 arcsec. During a rocket flight Hi-C provided images of the solar corona in a wavelength band around 193 A that is dominated by emission from Fe XII showing plasma at temperatures around 1.5 MK. We analyze part of the Hi-C field-of-view to study the smallest coronal loops observed so far and search for the a possible sub-structuring of larger loops. We find tiny 1.5 MK loop-like structures that we interpret as miniature coronal loops. These have length of the coronal segment above the chromosphere of only about 1 Mm and a thickness of less than 200 km. They could be interpreted as the coronal signature of small flux tubes breaking through the photosphere with a footpoint distance corresponding to the diameter of a cell of granulation. We find loops that are longer than 50 Mm to have a diameter of about 2 arcsec or 1.5 Mm, consistent with previous observations. However, Hi-C really resolves these loops with some 20 pixels across the loop. Even at this greatly improved spatial resolution the large loops seem to have no visible sub-structure. Instead they show a smooth variation in cross-section. The fact that the large coronal loops do not show a sub-structure at the spatial scale of 0.1 arcsec per pixel implies that either the densities and temperatures are smoothly varying across these loops or poses an upper limit on the diameter of strands the loops might be composed of. We estimate that strands that compose the 2 arcsec thick loop would have to be thinner than 15 km. The miniature loops we find for the first time pose a challenge to be properly understood in terms of modeling.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (Jun 19, 2013), 11 pages, 10 figure

    Posteruptive phenomena in coronal mass ejections and substorms: Indicators of a universal process?

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    [1] We examine phenomena associated with eruptions in the two different regimes of the solar corona and the terrestrial magnetosphere. We find striking similarities between the speeds of shrinking magnetic field lines in the corona and dipolarization fronts traversing the magnetosphere. We also examine the similarities between supra-arcade downflows observed during solar flares and bursty bulk flows seen in the magnetotail and find that these phenomena have remarkably similar speeds, velocity profiles, and size scales. Thus we show manifest similarities in the magnetic reconfiguration in response to the ejection of coronal mass ejections in the corona and the ejection of plasmoids in the magnetotail. The subsequent return of loops to a quasi-potential state in the corona and field dipolarization in the magnetotail are physical analogs and trigger similar phenomena such as downflows, which provides key insights into the underlying drivers of the plasma dynamics

    Applying Nyquist’s method for stability determination to solar wind observations

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    The role instabilities play in governing the evolution of solar and astrophysical plasmas is a matter of considerable scientific interest. The large number of sources of free energy accessible to such nearly collisionless plasmas makes general modeling of unstable behavior, accounting for the temperatures, densities, anisotropies, and relative drifts of a large number of populations, analytically difficult. We therefore seek a general method of stability determination that may be automated for future analysis of solar wind observations. This work describes an efficient application of the Nyquist instability method to the Vlasov dispersion relation appropriate for hot, collisionless, magnetized plasmas, including the solar wind. The algorithm recovers the familiar proton temperature anisotropy instabilities, as well as instabilities that had been previously identified using fits extracted from in situ observations in Gary et al. (2016). Future proposed applications of this method are discussed.Plain Language SummaryWaves in some plasma systems can grow, rather than damp, in time drawing energy from the departures from equilibrium. We present a means of efficiently determining if a particular system is susceptible to such unstable behavior. Such determination is typically made by solving a difficult mathematical problem or making simplifying assumptions about the system. Our technique is compared to previously studied cases with good agreement. We then discuss plans for future application of the technique to measurements of the solar wind, a hot and tenuous magnetized plasma that fills our solar system.Key PointsAn efficient and automated algorithm for the general determination of solar wind stability is presentedThis method agrees with traditional stability calculations, including for systems with multiple sources of free energyThis method will be applied to future observations as a method for rapid determination of solar wind stabilityPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140016/1/jgra53745_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140016/2/jgra53745.pd

    The pre-shock gas of SN1006 from HST/ACS observations

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    We derive the pre-shock density and scale length along the line of sight for the collisionless shock from a deep HST image that resolves the H alpha filament in SN1006 and updated model calculations. The very deep ACS high-resolution image of the Balmer line filament in the northwest (NW) quadrant shows that 0.25 < n_0 < le$ 0.4 cm-3 and that the scale along the line of sight is about 2 x 10^{18} cm, while bright features within the filament correspond to ripples with radii of curvature less than 1/10 that size. The derived densities are within the broad range of earlier density estimates, and they agree well with the ionization time scale derived from the Chandra X-ray spectrum of a region just behind the optical filament. This provides a test for widely used models of the X-ray emission from SNR shocks. The scale and amplitude of the ripples are consistent with expectations for a shock propagating though interstellar gas with ~ 20% density fluctuations on parsec scales as expected from studies of interstellar turbulence. One bulge in the filament corresponds to a knot of ejecta overtaking the blast wave, however. The interaction results from the rapid deceleration of the blast wave as it encounters an interstellar cloud.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Ap

    Outer jet X-ray and radio emission in R Aquarii: 1999.8 to 2004.0

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    Chandra and VLA observations of the symbiotic star R Aqr in 2004 reveal significant changes over the three to four year interval between these observations and previous observations taken with the VLA in 1999 and with Chandra in 2000. This paper reports on the evolution of the outer thermal X-ray lobe-jets and radio jets. The emission from the outer X-ray lobe-jets lies farther away from the central binary than the outer radio jets, and comes from material interpreted as being shock heated to ~10^6 K, a likely result of collision between high speed material ejected from the central binary and regions of enhanced gas density. Between 2000 and 2004, the Northeast (NE) outer X-ray lobe-jet moved out away from the central binary, with an apparent projected motion of ~580 km s^-1. The Southwest (SW) outer X-ray lobe-jet almost disappeared between 2000 and 2004, presumably due to adiabatic expansion and cooling. The NE radio bright spot also moved away from the central binary between 2000 and 2004, but with a smaller apparent velocity than of the NE X-ray bright spot. The SW outer lobe-jet was not detected in the radio in either 1999 or 2004. The density and mass of the X-ray emitting material is estimated. Cooling times, shock speeds, pressure and confinement are discussed.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Sparkling extreme-ultraviolet bright dots observed with Hi-C

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    Observing the Sun at high time and spatial scales is a step toward understanding the finest and fundamental scales of heating events in the solar corona. The high-resolution coronal (Hi-C) instrument has provided the highest spatial and temporal resolution images of the solar corona in the EUV wavelength range to date. Hi-C observed an active region on 2012 July 11 that exhibits several interesting features in the EUV line at 193 Å. One of them is the existence of short, small brightenings "sparkling" at the edge of the active region; we call these EUV bright dots (EBDs). Individual EBDs have a characteristic duration of 25 s with a characteristic length of 680 km. These brightenings are not fully resolved by the SDO/AIA instrument at the same wavelength; however, they can be identified with respect to the Hi-C location of the EBDs. In addition, EBDs are seen in other chromospheric/coronal channels of SDO/AIA, which suggests a temperature between 0.5 and 1.5 MK. Based on their frequency in the Hi-C time series, we define four different categories of EBDs: single peak, double peak, long duration, and bursty. Based on a potential field extrapolation from an SDO/HMI magnetogram, the EBDs appear at the footpoints of large-scale, trans-equatorial coronal loops. The Hi-C observations provide the first evidence of small-scale EUV heating events at the base of these coronal loops, which have a free magnetic energy of the order of 1026 erg. © 2014. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved

    The Fundamental Structure of Coronal Loops

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    During the past ten years, solar physicists have attempted to infer the coronal heating mechanism by comparing observations of coronal loops with hydrodynamic model predictions. These comparisons often used the addition of sub ]resolution strands to explain the observed loop properties. On July 11, 2012, the High Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi ]C) was launched on a sounding rocket. This instrument obtained images of the solar corona was 0.2 ]0.3'' resolution in a narrowband EUV filter centered around 193 Angstroms. In this talk, we will compare these high resolution images to simultaneous density measurements obtained with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (EIS) on Hinode to determine whether the structures observed with Hi ]C are resolved

    Synthesis of 3-D coronal-solar wind energetic particle acceleration modules

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    1. Introduction Acute space radiation hazards pose one of the most serious risks to future human and robotic exploration. Large solar energetic particle (SEP) events are dangerous to astronauts and equipment. The ability to predict when and where large SEPs will occur is necessary in order to mitigate their hazards. The Coronal-Solar Wind Energetic Particle Acceleration (C-SWEPA) modeling effort in the NASA/NSF Space Weather Modeling Collaborative [Schunk, 2014] combines two successful Living With a Star (LWS) (http://lws. gsfc.nasa.gov/) strategic capabilities: the Earth-Moon-Mars Radiation Environment Modules (EMMREM) [Schwadron et al., 2010] that describe energetic particles and their effects, with the Next Generation Model for the Corona and Solar Wind developed by the Predictive Science, Inc. (PSI) group. The goal of the C-SWEPA effort is to develop a coupled model that describes the conditions of the corona, solar wind, coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and associated shocks, particle acceleration, and propagation via physics-based modules. Assessing the threat of SEPs is a difficult problem. The largest SEPs typically arise in conjunction with X class flares and very fast (\u3e1000 km/s) CMEs. These events are usually associated with complex sunspot groups (also known as active regions) that harbor strong, stressed magnetic fields. Highly energetic protons generated in these events travel near the speed of light and can arrive at Earth minutes after the eruptive event. The generation of these particles is, in turn, believed to be primarily associated with the shock wave formed very low in the corona by the passage of the CME (injection of particles from the flare site may also play a role). Whether these particles actually reach Earth (or any other point) depends on their transport in the interplanetary magnetic field and their magnetic connection to the shock
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