381 research outputs found

    Traditional and new sources of grain protein in the healthy and sustainable Nordic diet

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    Cereal foods provide carbohydrates and dietary fibre, but also protein. To support the goals of sustainable development, cereal grain proteins should be more efficiently used to replace animal proteins. In the Nordic countries, wheat is the major source of cereal protein, followed by rye, oats, and barley. Although oats have been traditionally consumed as many staple foods in the Nordic countries and new oat-based food concepts are emerging, the potential of oats as a healthy and sustainable protein source is still underused. Oat protein is high in nutritional quality, and oats also contain unique phytochemicals and dietary fibres with proven health effects. Therefore, utilization of traditional wholegrain oat products to replace animal protein sources would increase both health-supporting components and cereal diversity in Nordic diets. While novel oat-based meat, milk, and dairy analogues do not contribute as much to dietary fibre, vitamin and mineral intake as corresponding whole grain products, they provide valuable and effective means to reduce animal protein intake, and thus, the environmental burden

    Jakamistalous:case Airbnb

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    TiivistelmÀ. Airbnb on viime vuosina erittÀin nopeasti kasvanut ilmiö, joka on muuttanut majoituspalvelumarkkinoita. Kuluttajat voivat Airbnb:n tarjoaman sovellusalustan kautta vuokrata asuntojaan lyhytaikaisesti toisille kuluttajille. TÀssÀ tutkielmassa pyritÀÀn löytÀmÀÀn syitÀ sille, miksi kuluttajat valitsevat Airbnb:n perinteisen majoitusratkaisun sijaan. Tavoitteena on myös selvittÀÀ, millaisia vaikutuksia Airbnb:n markkinoille tulolla on ollut muun muassa pitkÀaikaisen vuokra-asumisen ja hotellialan kannalta. Tutkielmassa kÀsitellÀÀn aiempia aiheesta tehtyjÀ tutkimuksia sekÀ esitellÀÀn kaksi matemaattista mallia, joiden avulla voidaan arvioida Airbnb:n vaikutuksia eri osapuolille. Työn loppuosassa tarkastellaan Rovaniemen Airbnb-markkinoita ja pyritÀÀn aiempien tutkimustulosten sekÀ teoriaosuuden mallien avulla selvittÀmÀÀn, millaisia vaikutuksia Airbnb:llÀ on Rovaniemen vuokra-asuntomarkkinoihin. Tutkielman tÀrkein johtopÀÀtös vuokra-asumisen suhteen on se, ettÀ Airbnb:n yleistymisellÀ nÀyttÀÀ olevan vuokratasoa korottava vaikutus. Vaikutusten suuruudella on kuitenkin eroja eri kaupunkien vÀlillÀ. Suuruuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitÀ ovat esimerkiksi Airbnb-kohteiden suhteellinen osuus kaikista asunnoista sekÀ se, miten suuri osa kohteista on yksinomaan lyhytaikaisessa vuokrakÀytössÀ Airbnb:n kautta. Airbnb on myös useissa tapauksissa aiheuttanut hotellien tuottojen pienentymistÀ. Tosin vaikutukset kohdistuvat vahvemmin pieniin ja edullisiin hotelleihin sekÀ sellaisiin hotelleihin, joiden asiakaskunnasta työmatkalaisten osuus on pieni. Kuluttajien majoituspÀÀtöksiÀ tarkasteltaessa tÀrkeimpiÀ tekijöitÀ Airbnb:n valitsemiselle ovat hinta, uusien kokemuksien hankkiminen ja ekologisuus. Airbnb:n vaikutuksista Rovaniemeen ei voida tÀmÀn tutkielman perusteella sanoa mitÀÀn varmaa. On kuitenkin todennÀköistÀ, ettÀ myös Rovaniemen tapauksessa Airbnb:llÀ on ollut vuokratasoa nostava vaikutus. Toisaalta Rovaniemen Airbnb-kohteiden vahva kausiluontoisuus antaa viitteitÀ siitÀ, ettÀ vaikutus vuokratasoon ei vÀlttÀmÀttÀ ole yhtÀ suuri kuin kaupungeissa, jossa Airbnb-majoittuminen on yleistÀ ympÀri vuoden. Tutkielma yhdistÀÀ aiemmista tutkimuksista saatuja tuloksia sekÀ teoriaa ja tarjoaa hyvÀn lÀhtökohdan jatkotutkimuksille

    As a Matter of Factions: The Budgetary Implications of Shifting Factional Control in Japan’s LDP

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    For 38 years, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) maintained single-party control over the Japanese government. This lack of partisan turnover in government has frustrated attempts to explain Japanese government policy changes using political variables. In this paper, we look for intraparty changes that may have led to changes in Japanese budgetary policy. Using a simple model of agenda-setting, we hypothesize that changes in which intraparty factions “control” the LDP affect the party’s decisions over spending priorities systematically. This runs contrary to the received wisdom in the voluminous literature on LDP factions, which asserts that factions, whatever their raison d’ĂȘtre, do not exhibit different policy preferences. We find that strong correlations do exist between which factions comprise the agenda-setting party “mainstream” and how the government allocates spending across pork-barrel and public goods items

    Metabolic profiles reflect weight loss maintenance and the composition of diet after very-low-energy diet

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    Background & aims: Diet and weight loss affect circulating metabolome. However, metabolite profiles induced by different weight loss maintenance diets and underlying longer term weight loss maintenance remain unknown. Herein, we investigated after-weight-loss metabolic signatures of two isocaloric 24-wk weight maintenance diets differing in satiety value due to dietary fibre, protein and fat contents and identified metabolite features that associated with successful weight loss maintenance. Methods: Non-targeted LC-MS metabolomics approach was used to analyse plasma metabolites of 79 women and men (mean age \ub1 SD 49.7 \ub1 9.0 years; BMI 34.2 \ub1 2.5 kg/m2) participating in a weight management study. Participants underwent a 7-week very-low-energy diet (VLED) and were thereafter randomised into two groups for a 24-week weight maintenance phase. Higher satiety food (HSF) group consumed high-fibre, high-protein, and low-fat products, while lower satiety food (LSF) group consumed isocaloric low-fibre products with average protein and fat content as a part of their weight maintenance diets. Plasma metabolites were analysed before the VLED and before and after the weight maintenance phase. Metabolite features discriminating HSF and LSF groups were annotated. We also analysed metabolite features that discriminated participants who maintained ≄10% weight loss (HWM) and participants who maintained <10% weight loss (LWM) at the end of the study, irrespective of the diet. Finally, we assessed robust linear regression between metabolite features and anthropometric and food group variables. Results: We annotated 126 metabolites that discriminated the HSF and LSF groups and HWM and LWM groups (p < 0.05). Compared to LSF, the HSF group had lower levels of several amino acids, e.g. glutamine, arginine, and glycine, short-, medium- and long-chain acylcarnitines (CARs), odd- and even-chain lysoglycerophospholipids, and higher levels of fatty amides. Compared to LWM, the HWM group in general showed higher levels of glycerophospholipids with a saturated long-chain and a C20:4 fatty acid tail, and unsaturated free fatty acids (FFAs). Changes in several saturated odd- and even-chain LPCs and LPEs and fatty amides were associated with the intake of many food groups, particularly grain and dairy products. Increase in several (lyso)glycerophospholipids was associated with decrease in body weight and adiposity. Increased short- and medium-chain CARs were related to decreased body fat-free mass. Conclusions: Our results show that isocaloric weight maintenance diets differing in dietary fibre, protein, and fat content affected amino acid and lipid metabolism. Increased abundances of several phospholipid species and FFAs were related with greater weight loss maintenance. Our findings indicate common and distinct metabolites for weight and dietary related variables in the context of weight reduction and weight management. The study was registered in isrctn.org with identifier 67529475

    Syntheses, structure, reactivity and species recognition studies of oxo-vanadium(V) and -molybdenum(VI) complexes

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    Alkoxo-rich Schiff-bases of potentially tri-, tetra- and penta-dentate binding capacity, and their sodium tetrahydroborate-reduced derivatives, have been synthesized. Their oxo-vanadium(V) and -molybdenum(VI) complexes were synthesized and characterized using several analytical and spectral techniques including multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Eight structurally different types of complexes possessing distorted square-pyramidal, trigonal-bipyramidal and octahedral geometries have been obtained. While (VO)-O-V exhibits dimeric Structures with 2-HOC6H4CH=NC(CH2OH)(3) and 2-HOC6H4CH2-NHC(CH2OH)(3) and related ligands through the formation of a symmetric V2O2 core as a result of bridging of one of the CH2O- groups, Mo O-VI gives only mononuclear complexes even when some unbound CH2OH groups are available and the metal center is co-ordinatively unsaturated. In all the complexes the nitrogen atom from a HC=N or H2CNH group of the ligand occupies a near trans position to the M=O bond. While the Schiff-base ligands act in a tri- and tetra-dentate manner in the vanadium(V) complexes, they are only tridentate in the molybdenum(VI) complexes. Proton NMR spectra in the region of bound CH, provides a signature that helps to differentiate dinuclear from mononuclear complexes. Carbon-13 NMR co-ordination induced shifts of the bound CH, group fit well with the charge on the oxometal species and the terminal or bridging nature of the ligand. The reactivity of the vanadium(V) complexes towards bromination of the dye xylene cyanole was studied. Transmetallation reactions of several preformed metal complexes of 2-HOC6H4CH=NC(CH2OH)(3) with VO3+ were demonstrated as was selective extraction of VO3+ from a mixture of VO(acac)(2)] and MoO2(acac)(2)] using this Schiff base. The unusual selectivity and that of related derivatives for VO3+ is supported by binding constants and the solubility of the final products, and was established through a.c. conductivity measurements. The cis-MoO22+ complexes with alkoxo binding showed an average Mo-O-alk distance of 1.926 Angstrom, a value that is close to that observed in the molybdenum(VI) enzyme dmso reductase (1.92 Angstrom). Several correlations have been drawn based on the data

    Learning how to understand complexity and deal with sustainability challenges : A framework for a comprehensive approach and its application in university education

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    Sustainability challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, poverty and rapid urbanization are complex and strongly interrelated. In order to successfully deal with these challenges, we need comprehensive approaches that integrate knowledge from multiple disciplines and perspectives and emphasize interconnections. In short, they aid in observing matters in a wider perspective without losing an understanding of the details. In order to teach and learn a comprehensive approach, we need to better understand what comprehensive thinking actually is. In this paper, we present a conceptual framework for a comprehensive approach, termed the GHH framework. The framework comprises three dimensions: generalism, holism, and holarchism. It contributes to the academic community's understanding of comprehensive thinking and it can be used for integrating comprehensive thinking into education. Also, practical examples of the application of the framework in university teaching are presented. We argue that an ideal approach to sustainability challenges and complexity in general is a balanced, dialectical combination of comprehensive and differentiative approaches. The current dominance of specialization, or the differentiative approach, in university education calls for a stronger emphasis on comprehensive thinking skills. Comprehensiveness should not be considered as a flawed approach, but should instead be considered as important an aspect in education as specialized and differentiative skills. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Flat-band ferromagnetism in quantum dot superlattices

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    Possibility of flat-band ferromagnetism in quantum dot arrays is theoretically discussed. By using a quantum dot as a building block, quantum dot superlattices are possible. We consider dot arrays on Lieb and kagome lattices known to exhibit flat band ferromagnetism. By performing an exact diagonalization of the Hubbard Hamiltonian, we calculate the energy difference between the ferromagnetic ground state and the paramagnetic excited state, and discuss the stability of the ferromagnetism against the second nearest neighbor transfer. We calculate the dot-size dependence of the energy difference in a dot model and estimate the transition temperature of the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition which is found to be accessible within the present fabrication technology. We point out advantages of semiconductor ferromagnets and suggest other interesting possibilities of electronic properties in quantum dot superlattices.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures (low resolution). High-resolution figures are available at http://www.brl.ntt.co.jp/people/tamura/Research/PublicationPapers.htm

    Testing the Resolving Power of 2-D K^+ K^+ Interferometry

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    Adopting a procedure previously proposed to quantitatively study two-dimensional pion interferometry, an equivalent 2-D chi^2 analysis was performed to test the resolving power of that method when applied to less favorable conditions, i.e., if no significant contribution from long lived resonances is expected, as in kaon interferometry. For that purpose, use is made of the preliminary E859 K^+ K^+ interferometry data from Si+Au collisions at 14.6 AGeV/c. As expected, less sensitivity is achieved in the present case, although it still is possible to distinguish two distinct decoupling geometries. The present analysis seems to favor scenarios with no resonance formation at the AGS energy range, if the preliminary K^+ K^+ data are confirmed. The possible compatibility of data with zero decoupling proper time interval, conjectured by the 3-D experimental analysis, is also investigated and is ruled out when considering more realistic dynamical models with expanding sources. These results, however, clearly evidence the important influence of the time emission interval on the source effective transverse dimensions. Furthermore, they strongly emphasize that the static Gaussian parameterization, commonly used to fit data, cannot be trusted under more realistic conditions, leading to distorted or even wrong interpretation of the source parameters!Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, 4 Postscript figures include
