12,958 research outputs found

    Sustainable production of organic wheat

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    The aim of the project is to use an ecological approach to analyse the interactions of a range of key agronomic variables in organic wheat production (wheat genotype, spatial arrangement of seed, seed density and wheat/white clover bi-cropping) to determine an optimal approach to improved and stabilised production. The fi rst set of data revealed that seedling competition was infl uenced by seed rate and drilling arrangement. Furthermore, the variety Hereward had increased emergence and establishment to Aristos. An interaction exists between wheat variety, seed rate and drilling arrangement on the level of canopy cover at different developmental stages – these factors are important for the suppression of weeds. The input of farmers in the selection of trial variables ensures results have a direct application to the industry. The results of yield and quality at harvest will provide further insights into the interaction of agronomic variables

    Evolutionary breeding of healthy wheat: from plot to farm

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    Genetically diverse Composite Cross Populations (CCPs) may be useful in environmentally variable low-input systems as an alternative to pure line varieties. They are formed by hybridising lines with diverse evolutionary origins, bulking the F1 progeny, and allowing natural selection of the progeny in successive crop environments. CCPs derived from 10 high yielding parents (YCCPs), 12 high quality parents (QCCPs), or all 22 parents (YQCCPs), were grown at four sites (2 organic, 2 conventional) in the UK; they are currently (2006) in F5. The YCCPs out yielded the QCCPs, which had better quality characteristics. Although the CCPs performed within the range of the parents, the values obtained were often better than the mean of the parents. Some population samples are now being grown on farms and other sites in England, France, Germany and Hungary

    The identification and production of varieties that increase the value of oats as a profitable component of organic production

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    Two experiments, one comprising husked, and the other naked, oats were established at Wakelyns Agroforestry, Suffolk in October 2004 to determine traits and varieties of oats suited to organic systems, and whether growing variety mixtures conferred any advantage. Unselected F2 breeding lines were also included for selection. Husked varieties had relatively higher yields; this may have been partly the result of poor establishment in the naked varieties. Variety height was found to be an important characteristic; tall oat varieties out-yielded the dwarfs. Two of the three variety mixtures containing the naked oat variety Expression yielded 8 and 9 % higher than the average of the component varieties. The data will be verified in the second year of replicated trials (2005/06), which will include the best performing husked and naked varieties, and a mixture of superior IGER-bred F2 breeding lines

    Elastic properties of cubic crystals: Every's versus Blackman's diagram

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    Blackman's diagram of two dimensionless ratios of elastic constants is frequently used to correlate elastic properties of cubic crystals with interatomic bondings. Every's diagram of a different set of two dimensionless variables was used by us for classification of various properties of such crystals. We compare these two ways of characterization of elastic properties of cubic materials and consider the description of various groups of materials, e.g. simple metals, oxides, and alkali halides. With exception of intermediate valent compounds, the correlation coefficients for Every's diagrams of various groups of materials are greater than for Blackaman's diagrams, revealing the existence of a linear relationship between two dimensionless Every's variables. Alignment of elements and compounds along lines of constant Poisson's ratio ν(,m)\nu(,\textbf{m}), (m\textbf{m} arbitrary perpendicular to ) is observed. Division of the stability region in Blackman's diagram into region of complete auxetics, auxetics and non-auxetics is introduced. Correlations of a scaling and an acoustic anisotropy parameter are considered.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, presented on The Ninth International School on Theoretical Physics "Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter", 5 - 12 September 2007, Myczkowce, Polan

    Plasmas in Saturn's magnetosphere

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    The solar wind plasma analyzer on board Pioneer 2 provides first observations of low-energy positive ions in the magnetosphere of Saturn. Measurable intensities of ions within the energy-per-unit charge (E/Q) range 100 eV to 8 keV are present over the planetocentric radial distance range about 4 to 16 R sub S in the dayside magnetosphere. The plasmas are found to be rigidly corotating with the planet out to distances of at least 10 R sub S. At radial distances beyond 10 R sub S, the bulk flows appear to be in the corotation direction but with lesser speeds than those expected from rigid corotation. At radial distances beyond the orbit of Rhea at 8.8 R sub S, the dominant ions are most likely protons and the corresponding typical densities and temperatures are 0.5/cu cm and 1,000,000 K, respectively, with substantial fluctuations. It is concluded that the most likely source of these plasmas in the photodissociation of water frost on the surface of the ring material with subsequent ionization of the products and radially outward diffusion. The presence of this plasma torus is expected to have a large influence on the dynamics of Saturn's magnetosphere since the pressure ratio beta of these plasmas approaches unity at radial distances as close to the planet as 6.5 R sub S. On the basis of these observational evidences it is anticipated that quasi-periodic outward flows of plasma, accompanied with a reconfiguration of the magnetosphere beyond about 6.5 R sub S, will occur in the local night sector in order to relieve the plasma pressure from accretion of plasma from the rings

    Alligator Feeding Habits: New Data and a Review

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    Nutria (Myocastor coypus) and muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) are the predominant food items of alligators over 1.5 min length in southeastern Louisiana. Our data and a review of the literature on alligator diets indicate that the mammals are apparently major components of the diet of large alligators over much of their range, with fishes and crustaceans being more important to smaller alligators

    Developing a partcipatory approach to seed production and varietal selection

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    The performance of UK winter wheat varieties was tested under organic conditions involving farmer participation. Three breadmaking varieties (Hereward, Solstice and Xi19) and their mixture (1:1:1) were grown at 19 UK farms in 2003/04 and 2004/05. The variability of productivity on organic farms was illustrated with more variation among farm sites than among varieties. Seed health was generally high over all sites. Although the trials were successful, more time was needed at project initiation to improve farmer involvement. Some farmers expected more researcher visits, and were reticent about assessing the trials themselves. In contrast, some participants valued the variety performance data on their farms particularly when related to that of other growers. The balance between the goals of the researchers relative to the farmers needs to be defined at project initiation

    Genomic prediction and quantitative trait locus discovery in a cassava training population constructed from multiple breeding stages

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 11 Dec 2019Assembly of a training population (TP) is an important component of effective genomic selection‐based breeding programs. In this study, we examined the power of diverse germplasm assembled from two cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) breeding programs in Tanzania at different breeding stages to predict traits and discover quantitative trait loci (QTL). This is the first genomic selection and genome‐wide association study (GWAS) on Tanzanian cassava data. We detected QTL associated with cassava mosaic disease (CMD) resistance on chromosomes 12 and 16; QTL conferring resistance to cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) on chromosomes 9 and 11; and QTL on chromosomes 2, 3, 8, and 10 associated with resistance to CBSD for root necrosis. We detected a QTL on chromosome 4 and two QTL on chromosome 12 conferring dual resistance to CMD and CBSD. The use of clones in the same stage to construct TPs provided higher trait prediction accuracy than TPs with a mixture of clones from multiple breeding stages. Moreover, clones in the early breeding stage provided more reliable trait prediction accuracy and are better candidates for constructing a TP. Although larger TP sizes have been associated with improved accuracy, in this study, adding clones from Kibaha to those from Ukiriguru and vice versa did not improve the prediction accuracy of either population. Including the Ugandan TP in either population did not improve trait prediction accuracy. This study applied genomic prediction to understand the implications of constructing TP from clones at different breeding stages pooled from different locations on trait accuracy

    Phylotranscriptomics to Bring the Understudied into the Fold: Monophyletic Ostracoda, Fossil Placement, and Pancrustacean Phylogeny

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    An ambitious, yet fundamental goal for comparative biology is to understand the evolutionary relationships for all of life. However, many important taxonomic groups have remained recalcitrant to inclusion into broader scale studies. Here, we focus on collection of 9 new 454 transcriptome data sets from Ostracoda, an ancient and diverse group with a dense fossil record, which is often undersampled in broader studies. We combine the new transcriptomes with a new morphological matrix (including fossils) and existing expressed sequence tag, mitochondrial genome, nuclear genome, and ribosomal DNA data. Our analyses lead to new insights into ostracod and pancrustacean phylogeny. We obtained support for three epic pancrustacean clades that likely originated in the Cambrian: Oligostraca (Ostracoda, Mystacocarida, Branchiura, and Pentastomida); Multicrustacea (Copepoda, Malacostraca, and Thecostraca); and a clade we refer to as Allotriocarida (Hexapoda, Remipedia, Cephalocarida, and Branchiopoda). Within the Oligostraca clade, our results support the unresolved question of ostracod monophyly. Within Multicrustacea, we find support for Thecostraca plus Copepoda, for which we suggest the name Hexanauplia. Within Allotriocarida, some analyses support the hypothesis that Remipedia is the sister taxon to Hexapoda, but others support Branchiopoda + Cephalocarida as the sister group of hexapods. In multiple different analyses, we see better support for equivocal nodes using slow-evolving genes or when excluding distant outgroups, highlighting the increased importance of conditional data combination in this age of abundant, often anonymous data. However, when we analyze the same set of species and ignore rate of gene evolution, we find higher support when including all data, more in line with a “total evidence” philosophy. By concatenating molecular and morphological data, we place pancrustacean fossils in the phylogeny, which can be used for studies of divergence times in Pancrustacea, Arthropoda, or Metazoa. Our results and new data will allow for attributes of Ostracoda, such as its amazing fossil record and diverse biology, to be leveraged in broader scale comparative studies. Further, we illustrate how adding extensive next-generation sequence data from understudied groups can yield important new phylo- genetic insights into long-standing questions, especially when carefully analyzed in combination with other data

    A participatory methodology for large scale field trials in the UK

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    Farmer participation was essential in developing a uniquely useful set of wheat variety trials data on a wide range of organic farms over two years. Although the trials were successful, it became clear that some of the participating farmers felt there were some limitations in the process. These included a lack of ownership in the project and a concern for more researcher help. It was clear that a greater time in-vestment was needed at the start of the project to help with farmer understanding and ownership. De-spite the negative comments, farmers appreciated their involvement, particularly in contrasting their own views and information with that from the wider scene. Farmer participation is essential for systems-level research and this project helped to develop a small core of trained farmers and researchers