1,074 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Water Resources in Wadi El Natrun, Western Desert, Egypt

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    Groundwater of the Pliocene aquifer in Wadi El Natrun area represents the primary source of reliable water for drinking and agriculture uses. This research focuses on the study of the different sources of water in the study area and determines the origin and quality of this waterand also is interested in studying hydrogeochemical processes that affect them and the movement of water through the analysis and determine the activity of different elements, and also to changes in hypothetical salts with the direction of water flow in three sectors of the region and the statement of the most important geochemical processes that occur. Finally it is evaluated the suitability of the water for different purposes. The results show that, there is a zonation of chemical composition; this zonation is characterized by a change of cation species from dominantly Ca and Mg near the east to Na-dominated waters in the west. Mirroring this, anions change from HCO3 type to Cl and SO4 type.The ions displays two grades of metasomatism along flow path, first the stage of mineralization(HCO3>Cl>So4) at the east then the advanced stage of mineralization (Cl>SO4 >HCO3) at the west. According to the(W.H.O.2005), 45 % of tested groundwater samples are permissible for drinking. Most groundwater samples of the Pliocene according to SAR andRSC are suitable for irrigation purposes under normal condition, but all surface water samples (lakes) are saline water,so it is not valid for drinking or irrigation purposes

    Source characteristics of a moderate earthquake (M 4.9)using empirical Green Â’s function technique

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    The rupture process of a moderate earthquake (M 4.9)on 28th January 1999 was analyzed using velocity records at local distances less than 80 km.The characterization of the rupture process was obtained from studying aftershocks distribution,azimuthal variations of Relative Source Time Functions (RSTFs),and a set of spatio-temporal slip models.RSTFs were retrieved by deconvolution of small aftershock records from those of the mainshock.In addition,velocity P -wave records of the respective event were inverted to recover slip distribution on the fault plane using the records of aftershocks as Empirical Green Functions (EGFs).The waveform inversion was adopted using three EGFs.In the inversion,the rupture propagation velocity was fixed and assumed to be eight-tenths of the local shear wave velocity.The total seismic moment was estimated to range from 0.011 E +18 Nm (Mw =4.6) to 0.017 E +18 Nm (Mw =4.8).The hypocentral distribution of the aftershocks,azimuthal variations of RSTFs, and the set of slip distribution models were exhibited bilateral rupture propagation along the strike and dip of the fault plane.The presence of two to three high slip patches on the fault plane suggested that a complex rupture pattern is detectable for a moderate size earthquake.However,the so-called nucleation phase was invisible in the present analysis

    Pengaruh Kepercayaan Dan Harga Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Online Di Riela Shop Kota Gorontalo

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahhwa (1) Kepercayaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Minat beli pada Riela Shop Kota Gorontalo dengan nilai thitung lebih besar dari ttabel (11.467 1.987.), ), makna dari koefisien positif menunjukkan bahwa semakin baik Kepercayaan Konsumen maka semakin tinggi pula Minat Beli pada Riela Shop Kota Gorontalo (2) Harga  berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Minat beli pada Riela Shop Kota Gorontalo dengan nilai thitung lebih besar dari ttabel (8.650 1.987), makna dari koefisien positif menunjukkan bahwa Harga memberikan dampak yang baik dalam peningkatan Minat Beli. (3) Kepercayaan dan Harga secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Minat Beli pada Riela Shop Kota Gorontalo dengan nilai determinan sebesar 59,7%  Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 40,3% dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini seperti experiential marketing, emotional marketing dan costumer service. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa adanya kemampuan yang baik dari kepercayaan dan harga dalam meningkatkan minat beli pada Riela Shop Kota Gorontalo

    Causative factors of cost overrun in highway projects of Sindh province of Pakistan

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    Cost overrun is an increase of cost of project from approved budget which was signed by parties at the time of tender. Cost overrun in construction of highway projects is a common problem worldwide and construction industry of Pakistan is also facing this crucial problem of cost overrun in highway projects of Pakistan. The main objective of this research is to identify the causative factors of cost overrun in highway projects of Sindh province of Pakistan. A well designed questionnaire was developed based on 64 common factors of cost overrun from literature review. Developed questionnaire was distributed among selected 30 experts from owner/client, designer/consultant and contractor who have experience more than 20 years’ experience in highway projects. The collected data was statistical analyzed. After analysis results showed that delay process in payment by client, inadequate planning , client interference, poor contract management, delay of decision making, change of scope of project and financial problems faced by client were most causative factors of cost overrun in highway projects. This research will provide alertness to stakeholders of highway projects of Sindh province to avoid cost overrun in projects

    Ramanovi i fotoluminescentni spektri čistih i kositrom obogaćenih tankih slojeva CdS pripremljenih prskanjem i pirolizom

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    Thin films of CdS, pure and enriched with different concentrations of tin up to 6%, were prepared by the spray pyrolysis technique. All samples were prepared at the deposition temperature of 420 ◦C. The XRD diagnostic data of the investigated samples revealed the polycrystalline nature of the as-deposited samples. The main characteristic peaks of CdS appeared in both pure and enriched films prepared by all used methods. The enrichment of Sn has no effect on positions of the characteristic peaks. The observed effect of Sn enrichment is the change in peak broadening which increases with the increase of Sn concentration. The thickness values ranged from 0.65 up to 1.15 µm. The samples of pure CdS show a sharp absorption edge at about 2.43 eV. The absorption coefficient α of the investigated samples was calculated from transmission and reflection spectra. Photoluminescence measurements show red emission band of the as-deposited samples, which was quenched by Sn incorporation. This band is ascribed to the excess of Cd which was checked by the energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrometry. Raman spectra of samples with different concentrations of Sn were studied. They show remarkable increase of intensity when increasing the film thickness and decreasing the Sn concentration.Metodom prskanja i pirolize pripremali smo čiste i do 6% kositrom obogaćene tanke slojeve CdS. Sve uzorke smo pripremali na temperaturi polaganja od 420 ◦C. XRD spektri ispitivanih uzoraka pokazuju polikristaliničnu strukturu. Glavni karakteristični vrhovi CdS vide se i u čistim i u obogaćenim uzorcima pripremljenim primijenjenim metodama. Obogaćenje kositrom nema utjecaja na položaje karakterističnih vrhova. Međutim, javlja se proširenje vrhova koje se povećava pri povećanim koncentracijama kositra. Izmjerene i izračunate debljine slojeva su u skladu. Debljine slojeva bile su između 0.65 i 1.15 µm. Uzorci CdS pokazuju oštar apsorpcijski rub na oko 2.43 eV. Apsorpcijske koeficijente α ispitivanih uzoraka smo izveli iz transmisijskih i refleksijskih spektara. Mjerenja fotoluminescencije pokazuju crvenu emisijsku vrpcu koja trne dodavanjem kositra. Ta se vrpca tumači viškom Cd što smo potvrdili disperzivnom rendgenskom spektrometrijom (EDX). Proučavali smo i Ramanove spektre uzoraka s raznim koncentracijama kositra. Oni pokazuju snažan porast intenziteta za slojeve veće debljine i manje koncentracije kositra

    Si-penyu: Sistem Pengelolaan Kelautan Berupa Usv Semi-automatic Pendeteksi Minyak dan Ikan

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    SI-PENYU's system can be used to determine which waters are containing a lot of fish as well as the detection of oil spills. This detection system uses sonar sensors that can send and capture signals from the object, then process it in a minimum system to inform the ground station and the data will be obtained. SI-PENYU's system is semi-automated means that can be automatically or manually controlled. If the system works automatically, it will move through the SI PENYU way point of the coordinate. Automatic addition, this tool can also work manually controlled by a remote controller from the ground station


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    The behavior of pile foundations under earthquake loading is an important factor affecting the performance of such structures. Observations from past earthquakes have shown that piles in stiff soils generally perform well, while those installed in soft or liquefiable soils are more subjected to problems arising from ground amplification or excessive soil movements. A series of laboratory tests were conducted to measure the response of pile foundation when subjected to dynamic loads. A special vibration box was manufactured. The accompanied measurements include vertical and horizontal displacement and settlement of pile cap, acceleration in three dimensions in both soil and cap and earth pressures. The model pile used has an outer diameter of 18 mm and inner diameter of 15 mm. A group of (2x2) piles was tested. It was concluded that for soil bed in dry state, the acceleration amplitudes increase with frequency for both soil relative densities (loose and medium). The maximum acceleration in the foundation is lower than in soil bed for all operating shaking frequencies and soil states. The decreasing of the maximum acceleration recorded in the foundation as compared to that in the soil bed is between 10-100 % for loose and medium state of soil, and the decrease in loose state is more than in medium state. This means that there is damping effect or attenuation of vibration waves

    Effect of Mycorrhiza and Rhyzobium on Micronutrient Uptake by Soybean at Different Phosphorus Levels in Limed Soil

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    A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to study the effect of inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) and Bradyrhizobium japonicum at different P levels on mycorrhiza effectiveness  Zn, Mn, Cu and Fe contents in soybean plants in limed soil. When the acidic soil was limed, the best phosphorus level for mycorrhizal   effectiveness was a medium level 0.02 mg p L-1. The AMF inoculation significantly increased the effectiveness of mycorrhiza as a function of time between 21 to 45 days after planting .The maximum P value found in plants was 5.55 µg p leaf disk-1 at 33 days after planting, while the lowest value (2.94 µg p leafdisk-1 was recorded at 15 days after planting.Co-inoculation soils with AMF and R. japonicum significantly affected the shoot Zn, Mn, Cu and Fe contents with increasing applied phosphorus. The maximum values recorded for shoot Zn, Mn, Cu and  Fe  was 38.33,  56.0, 9.33 and 175.0 µg g-1 respectively and for AMF inoculation was 77.50 , 46.00 , 12.17 and 151.00 µg g-1 while for Rhizobium inoculation was 46.33,  59.83,  8.67 and 183.83 µg g-1 and for non inoculated 73.83,  42.67, 10.83 and 81.50 µg g-1
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