53 research outputs found

    Buenas prácticas de manufactura y microorganismos indicadores en sándwiches de verdura expendidos en el mercado central de abasto de Asunción, Paraguay (2014)

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    El objetivo de este estudio descriptivo y transversal fue describir la presencia de microorganismos indicadores y las BPM en los locales que producen sándwiches de verdura en el Mercado Central de Abasto de Asunción (MCAA) en el 2014. Se eligieron sándwiches de verduras debido a la materia prima cruda y mayonesa, a que no sufren tratamiento térmico y son de consumo masivo. Se elaboró una lista de verificación para las BPM según la FAO/OMS. Se estudiaron 20 muestras en 10 locales (2/local) para Recuento de Aerobios Mesófilos (RAM), coliformes totales, E. coli y S. aureus. El límite microbiológico fue dado por la Norma Sanitaria del Ministerio de Salud de Perú y la técnica utilizada fue el Recuento en Placa, utilizando placas de 3M PETRIFILM. El 90% de los 10 locales tenía limpieza adecuada, todos refirieron lavado de las verduras previa utilización, para lo cual usaban agua de canilla (90%) o agua reutilizada (10%). El 70% de los manipuladores refirió lavado de manos previa manipulación y 90% después. El 80% de los locales refirió utilizar mayonesa comercial y el 30% la mantenía a temperatura ambiente durante todo el día. El 20% de los locales ofrecía al día siguiente los sándwiches no vendidos. El 95% (19 de 20) de las muestras se considera microbiológicamente como “No Aptas” para el consumo, el 70% presentó recuentos mayores para RAM, 85% para coliformes, 30% para E. coli y 75% para S. aureus. Estos productos pueden ser considerados de riesgo para el consumo humano

    Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information

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    In addition to maintaining the GenBank(®) nucleic acid sequence database, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) provides analysis and retrieval resources for the data in GenBank and other biological data made available through NCBI's Web site. NCBI resources include Entrez, the Entrez Programming Utilities, My NCBI, PubMed, PubMed Central, Entrez Gene, the NCBI Taxonomy Browser, BLAST, BLAST Link(BLink), Electronic PCR, OrfFinder, Spidey, Splign, RefSeq, UniGene, HomoloGene, ProtEST, dbMHC, dbSNP, Cancer Chromosomes, Entrez Genome, Genome Project and related tools, the Trace and Assembly Archives, the Map Viewer, Model Maker, Evidence Viewer, Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COGs), Viral Genotyping Tools, Influenza Viral Resources, HIV-1/Human Protein Interaction Database, Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), Entrez Probe, GENSAT, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA), the Molecular Modeling Database (MMDB), the Conserved Domain Database (CDD), the Conserved Domain Architecture Retrieval Tool (CDART) and the PubChem suite of small molecule databases. Augmenting many of the Web applications are custom implementations of the BLAST program optimized to search specialized data sets. These resources can be accessed through the NCBI home page at

    Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information

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    In addition to maintaining the GenBank® nucleic acid sequence database, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) provides analysis and retrieval resources for the data in GenBank and other biological data made available through the NCBI web site. NCBI resources include Entrez, the Entrez Programming Utilities, MyNCBI, PubMed, PubMed Central, Entrez Gene, the NCBI Taxonomy Browser, BLAST, BLAST Link (BLink), Electronic PCR, OrfFinder, Spidey, Splign, RefSeq, UniGene, HomoloGene, ProtEST, dbMHC, dbSNP, Cancer Chromosomes, Entrez Genomes and related tools, the Map Viewer, Model Maker, Evidence Viewer, Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COGs), Retroviral Genotyping Tools, HIV-1/Human Protein Interaction Database, Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), Entrez Probe, GENSAT, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA), the Molecular Modeling Database (MMDB), the Conserved Domain Database (CDD), the Conserved Domain Architecture Retrieval Tool (CDART) and the PubChem suite of small molecule databases. Augmenting many of the web applications is custom implementation of the BLAST program optimized to search specialized data sets. All of the resources can be accessed through the NCBI home page at www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

    A canine leishmaniasis pilot survey in an emerging focus of visceral leishmaniasis: Posadas (Misiones, Argentina)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An increasing number of reports are calling our attention to the worldwide spread of leishmaniasis. The urbanization of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (VL) has been observed in different South American countries, due to changes in demographic and ecological factors. In May 2006, VL was detected for the first time in the city of Posadas (Misiones, Argentina). This event encouraged us to conduct a clinical and parasitological pilot survey on domestic dogs from Posadas to identify their potential role as reservoirs for the disease.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>One hundred and ten dogs from the city of Posadas were included in the study. They were selected based on convenience and availability. All dogs underwent clinical examination. Symptomatology related to canine leishmaniasis was recorded, and peripheral blood and lymph node aspirates were collected. Anti-<it>Leishmania </it>antibodies were detected using rK39-immunocromatographic tests and IFAT. Parasite detection was based on peripheral blood and lymph node aspirate PCR targeting the <it>SSUrRNA </it>gene. Molecular typing was addressed by DNA sequence analysis of the PCR products obtained by <it>SSUrRNA </it>and ITS-1 PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>According to clinical examination, 69.1% (76/110) of the dogs presented symptoms compatible with canine leishmaniasis. Serological analyses were positive for 43.6% (48/110) of the dogs and parasite DNA was detected in 47.3% (52/110). A total of 63 dogs (57.3%) were positive by serology and/or PCR. Molecular typing identified <it>Leishmania infantum </it>(syn. <it>Leishmania chagasi</it>) as the causative agent.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This work confirms recent findings which revealed the presence of <it>Lutzomyia longipalpis</it>, the vector of <it>L. infantum </it>in this area of South America. This new VL focus could be well established, and further work is needed to ascertain its magnitude and to prevent further human VL cases.</p

    European Red List of Habitats Part 1. Marine habitats

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    The European Red List of Habitats provides an overview of the risk of collapse (degree of endangerment) of marine, terrestrial and freshwater habitats in the European Union (EU28) and adjacent regions (EU28+), based on a consistent set of categories and criteria, and detailed data and expert knowledge from involved countries1. A total of 257 benthic marine habitat types were assessed. In total, 19% (EU28) and 18% (EU28+) of the evaluated habitats were assessed as threatened in categories Critically Endangered, Endangered and Vulnerable. An additional 12% were Near Threatened in the EU28 and 11% in the EU28+. These figures are approximately doubled if Data Deficient habitats are excluded. The percentage of threatened habitat types differs across the regional seas. The highest proportion of threatened habitats in the EU28 was found in the Mediterranean Sea (32%), followed by the North-East Atlantic (23%), the Black Sea (13%) and then the Baltic Sea (8%). There was a similar pattern in the EU28+. The most frequently cited pressures and threats were similar across the four regional seas: pollution (eutrophication), biological resource use other than agriculture or forestry (mainly fishing but also aquaculture), natural system modifications (e.g. dredging and sea defence works), urbanisation and climate change. Even for habitats where the assessment outcome was Data Deficient, the Red List assessment process has resulted in the compilation of a substantial body of useful information to support the conservation of marine habitats

    Lutzomyia longipalpis urbanisation and control

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    Epidemiological role of humans, dogs and cats in the transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi in a central area of Argentina

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    Trypanosoma cruzi prevalence rates of human, dog and cat populations from 47 households of 3 rural localities of the phytogeographical Chaqueña area of Argentina were determined both by serological and xenodiagnostic procedures. Human prevalence rates were uniform and ranged from 49.6 to 58.7%. Overall prevalence rate in dogs (75.0%) was significantly higher than in humans (51.0%). The overall proportion of parasitemic individuals assessed by xenodiagnosis was significantly higher in either dog (64.2%) or cat (63.6%) populations than among humans (12.5%). Although both the average number of resident as well as infected individuals per household was higher for people than for dogs (6.5 vs. 3.3, and 3.4 vs. 2.4, respectively), the reverse was recorded when parasitemic individuals were considered (1.0 vs. 2.1). Results are discussed in relation to dog between dogs and people, and dogs and bugs. In the light of present data, dogs must be considered as the major donors of parasites to vector bugs and thus, principal contributors to transmission in this region of Argentina