79 research outputs found

    Measuring new product and service portfolio advantage

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    The current study introduces the concept of new product and service portfolio (NPSP) advantage by creating and validating a three-dimensional measurement method that reflects novelty, meaningfulness and superiority – the three characteristics of NPSP advantage. Based on industry-wide homogeneous generalizable quantitative data from 108 manufacturing companies, the results indicate that these three characteristics of NPSP – novelty, meaningfulness and superiority – are distinct characteristics that together constitute NPSP advantage. This paper contributes to the literature on new product development, as its findings suggest that when measuring the concept of NPSP advantage, the three-dimensional construct that includes the three aforementioned characteristics has a better fit to the data than the unidimensional structure. Because it considers both new products and services, the current study offers an integrated approach to measure the desired innovation process outcome (NPSP advantage). In this way, this paper bridges the research on new product development with that on new service development.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Five areas to advance branding theory and practice

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    The paper suggests five areas to advance branding theory and practice based on the authors’ recent work in brand management. In this commentary, we aim to put forward suggestions and ideas for further research in brand management; ideas, which we believe will have an impact on the way branding is researched and practiced by both academics and practitioners alike. We will focus on the future of branding in the following areas, inspired by our own work in the field: (1) branding in higher education, (2) branding in Asia Pacific, (3) brand ambidexterity, (4) brand innovation on social media, and (5) brand likeability

    Product–process matrix and complementarity approach

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    The relationship between different types of innovation is analysed from three different approaches. On the one hand, the distinctive view assumes that the determinants of each type of innovation are different and therefore there is no relationship between them. On the other hand, the integrative view considers that the different types of innovation are complementary. Finally, the product–process matrix framework suggests that the relationship between product innovation and process innovation is substitutive. Using data from Spain belonging to the Technological Innovation Panel (PITEC) for the years 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, we tested which of the three approaches is predominant. To perform the hypothesis test, we used the so-called complementarity approach. We find that there is no unique relation. The nature of the relationship depends on the types of innovation that interact. Our most significant finding is that the relationship between product innovation and process innovation is complementary. This finding contradicts the proposal of the product–process matrix framework. Consequently, the joint implementation of both types of innovation generates a greater impact on the performance of a company than the sum of their separate implementation

    O papel da orientação empreendedora no relacionamento entre orientação para o mercado e desempenho empresarial: evidências das pequenas empresas do comércio

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    A literatura acadêmica de marketing e gestão oferece vários modelos de relacionamento entre as orientações para o mercado, empreendedorismo e os seus reflexos no desempenho empresarial. Neste estudo foram examinados e testados três conjuntos de hipóteses para avaliar as evidências empíricas da importância da Orientação para o Mercado sobre o Desempenho Empresarial, quando moderado pela Orientação Empreendedora, no segmento do comércio e serviço das micro e pequena empresas de Mato Grosso do Sul. Os dados foram obtidos da aplicação de um questionário em uma amostra de 274 empresas sul-matogrossenses e as hipóteses foram avaliadas empregando a regressão linear múltipla. Os principais achados dão forte evidência empírica que quanto maior a Orientação para o Mercado melhor é o Desempenho Empresarial. As moderações das dimensões da propensão em Assumir Riscos e Proatividade da Orientação Empreendedora são positivas, mas a dimensão do processo de inovação não produz efeito moderador entre os constructos. São discutidas as implicações gerenciais e oferecidas sugestões para trabalhos futuros