394 research outputs found

    Assessment of soil trace metal contamination of an uncontrolled landfill and its vicinity: the case of the city of ‘Targuist’ (Northern Morocco)

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    This study aims to assess, for the first time, soil Trace Metal Elements (TME) contamination level in an uncontrolled landfill and its vicinity of 'Targuist' (town in northern Morocco). Soil samples were collected at two depths (20 and 40cm) from 16 sampling sites. Samples were characterized for their physicochemical parameters (pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic matter (OM) and total organic carbon (TOC)) and for their TME (copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd) and chromium (Cr)) using atomic absorption spectroscopy (ASS). The results show no significant differences between soils sampled at 20cm or 40cm depths regarding the tested parameters. While significant differences between sampling sites In landfill and Out landfill is observed particularly regarding pH, CaCO3, TOC, and Cd. Overall, our results show that soil physicochemical properties follow a spatial variability with decreasing values moving away from the landfill. Regarding TME soil contents, our results show contamination levels in most of the sampling sites of the study area. Furthermore, the total TME concentrations in soils vary according to the type of the studied metal and to the sampling site. Zn, Cu and Cd show significant positive correlations with pH. However, Cd has no correlation with any other trace elements or soil physicochemical properties. Meanwhile, Cr shows a significant negative correlation with Zn and Cu. OM, TOC, CaCO3 and EC are strongly and positively correlated. These results are well illustrated in the outcomes of the Principal Components Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis

    Tuberculose uro-génitale : A propos de 95 cas

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    Objectif: PrĂ©ciser les aspects cliniques, iconographiques et thĂ©rapeutiques de la tuberculose urogĂ©nitale. Patients et mĂ©thodes: D’avril 1992 Ă  avril 2007, 95 patients atteints de tuberculose uro-gĂ©nitale ont Ă©tĂ© vus. Il s’agissait de 53 hommes et 42 femmes ĂągĂ©s de 18 Ă  72 ans. Tous nos malades ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’un interrogatoire, avec recherche des antĂ©cĂ©dents de tuberculose extra urinaire, d’un examen clinique, d’une crĂ©atinĂ©mie, d’une urographie intra veineuse (UIV), d’une Ă©chographie et/ou tomodensitomĂ©trie, de la recherche du bacille de Koch (BK) dans les urines, d’un ECBU, d’une cystoscopie, et d’une analyse histologique des fragments biopsiques et/ou de la piĂšce d’exĂ©rĂšse. RĂ©sultats: Le diagnostic Ă©tait basĂ© sur un faisceau d’arguments cliniques, bactĂ©riologiques et radiologiques. L’irritation vĂ©sicale reprĂ©sentait la manifestation clinique la plus frĂ©quente (51,5%). L’atteinte gĂ©nitale isolĂ©e Ă©tait prĂ©sente chez 17,8% des patients. 16,8% de nos malades avaient une insuffisance rĂ©nale inaugurale (crĂ©atinine moyenne de 24 mg/l). La recherche de BK a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e chez tous les patients et n’a Ă©tĂ© positive que dans 9,4% des cas. Les anomalies Ă  l’UIV concernaient 86% des malades avec un rein muet dans 42% des cas. On a traitĂ© tous nos patients par une chimiothĂ©rapie antibacillaire associĂ©e Ă  la chirurgie (85,2%) et/ou Ă  des manoeuvres endo-urologiques (20%). Avec un recul moyen de 3 ans (extrĂȘmes allant de 1 Ă  9 ans), la plupart de nos patients ont bien Ă©voluĂ© sous traitement. L’amĂ©lioration clinique a Ă©tĂ© spectaculaire avec disparition des signes cliniques chez 88% des patients. La fonction rĂ©nale a Ă©tĂ© normalisĂ©e chez 70% des cas. Conclusion: La tuberculose reste une maladie grave par son Ă©volution latente et le diagnostic tardif. L’amĂ©lioration de son pronostic passe par la prĂ©vention et par une bonne prise en charge diagnostique et thĂ©rapeutique.Mots clĂ©s : Tuberculose uro-gĂ©nitale, diagnostic, traitemen

    L’exstrophie vĂ©sicale chez l’adulte: A propos de 5 cas

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Butle but de cette Ă©tude est d’analyser les particularitĂ©s de l’exstrophie vĂ©sicale chez l’adulte, sur les plans psycho-social et chirurgical.Patients et mĂ©thodesil s’agit d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective de 5 patients, ĂągĂ©s entre 18 et 25ans, hospitalisĂ©s pour prise en charge d’une exstrophie vĂ©sicale. Les scores ICIQ-SF et MCS-SF36 ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s pour Ă©valuer respectivement la continence urinaire et la qualitĂ© de vie avant et aprĂšs rĂ©alisation d’une urostomie de type de vessie ilĂ©o-coecale continente VICC.RĂ©sultatsune amĂ©lioration significative a Ă©tĂ© notĂ©e sur les plans de continence et qualitĂ© de vie: l’ICIQ-SF aprĂšs 6 mois Ă©tait de 4,2+- 4,02 contre 18,8+- 2,28 avant chirurgie (p=0,0003), et le MCS-SF Ă  6 mois Ă©tait de 57,15+/-13,37 contre 37,2+/-13,22 avant chirurgie (p=0,045). Des complications stomiales Ă  long terme ont Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©es.Conclusionl’urostomie continente Ă  type de VICC amĂ©liore la qualitĂ© de vie et la continence des patients adultes ayant une exstrophie vĂ©sicale, mais au prix de complications stomiales Ă  long terme.AbstractObjectivethe aim of this study is to analyze sexual, psycho-social and surgical particularities of bladder exstrophy in adulthood.Patients and methodsa retrospective study was performed including 5 patients, from 18 to 25 years old, admitted for management of bladder exstrophy. ICIQ-SF and MCS-SF36 scores were used to assess respectively urinary continence and quality of life before and after continent ileo-coecal bladder.Resultsa significant improvement was noted in both urinary continence and quality of life: the ICIQ-SF after 6 months was 4.2+/- 4.02 against 18.8+/- 2.28 before surgery (p=0.0003), and MCS-SF at 6 months was 57.15+/-13.37 against 37.2+/-13.22 before surgery (p=0.045). Stomal complications were recorded in the long term.Conclusionthe continent ileocoecal bladder improves the quality of life and urinary continence in adult patients with bladder exstrophy, but at the cost of long-term stomal complications

    Abord trans-symphysaire des ruptures posttramatiques de l’urĂštre postĂ©rieur chez l’adulte

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    Objectif: Etudier la place de la voie trans-symphysaire dans le traitement des ruptures posttraumatiques de l’urĂštre postĂ©rieur vues tardivement et en Ă©valuer ses rĂ©sultats. Patients et mĂ©thodes: Cinq malades ayant une rupture complĂšte post-traumatique de l’urĂštre postĂ©rieur (> 2,5 cm et/ou Ă©chec d’un traitement antĂ©rieur) ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©s dans notre service au stade de stĂ©nose urĂ©trale. Tous les patients ont eu une urĂ©trorraphie termino-terminale par voie trans-symphysaire seule. Une description technique et une Ă©valuation clinique et paraclinique des rĂ©sultats sur le plan mictionnel et sexuel ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es dans ce travail. RĂ©sultats: Les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s avec un suivi mĂ©dian de 19 mois. Aucune complication post-opĂ©ratoire immĂ©diate (saignement, fistule, douleur) n’a Ă©tĂ© rapportĂ©e. Sur le plan mictionnel, on a constatĂ© dans tous les cas une miction satisfaisante, sans troubles de la continence et un cas de dysfonction Ă©rectile amĂ©liorĂ©e par le traitement mĂ©dical. Aucun patient ne s’est plaint de troubles de la statique pelvienne. Conclusion: La voie trans-symphysaire constitue un excellent abord pour le traitement des lĂ©sions complexes de l’urĂštre postĂ©rieur vues tardivement. Cette technique permet d’avoir un abord direct sur l’urĂštre postĂ©rieur et de rĂ©aliser une suture termino-terminale sans tension. Les rĂ©sultats sont satisfaisants et les inconvĂ©nients sont plus thĂ©oriques que rĂ©els.Mots clĂ©s : Rupture de l’urĂštre postĂ©rieur, stĂ©nose de l’urĂštre postĂ©rieur, urĂ©trorraphie, voie transsymphysair

    How much dystrophin is enough: the physiological consequences of different levels of dystrophin in the mdx mouse

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    Splice modulation therapy has shown great clinical promise in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, resulting in the production of dystrophin protein. Despite this, the relationship between restoring dystrophin to established dystrophic muscle and its ability to induce clinically relevant changes in muscle function is poorly understood. In order to robustly evaluate functional improvement, we used in situ protocols in the mdx mouse to measure muscle strength and resistance to eccentric contraction-induced damage. Here, we modelled the treatment of muscle with pre-existing dystrophic pathology using antisense oligonucleotides conjugated to a cell-penetrating peptide. We reveal that 15% homogeneous dystrophin expression is sufficient to protect against eccentric contraction-induced injury. In addition, we demonstrate a >40% increase in specific isometric force following repeated administrations. Strikingly, we show that changes in muscle strength are proportional to dystrophin expression levels. These data define the dystrophin restoration levels required to slow down or prevent disease progression and improve overall muscle function once a dystrophic environment has been established in the mdx mouse model

    Isolation of Exosomes from Blood Plasma: Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison of Ultracentrifugation and Size Exclusion Chromatography Methods

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    BACKGROUND: Exosomes are emerging targets for biomedical research. However, suitable methods for the isolation of blood plasma-derived exosomes without impurities have not yet been described. AIM: Therefore, we investigated the efficiency and purity of exosomes isolated with potentially suitable methods; differential ultracentrifugation (UC) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC). METHODS AND RESULTS: Exosomes were isolated from rat and human blood plasma by various UC and SEC conditions. Efficiency was investigated at serial UC of the supernatant, while in case of SEC by comparing the content of exosomal markers of various fractions. Purity was assessed based on the presence of albumin. We found that the diameter of the majority of isolated particles fell into the size range of exosomes, however, albumin was also present in the preparations, when 1h UC at 4 degrees C was applied. Furthermore, with this method only a minor fraction of total exosomes could be isolated from blood as deduced from the constant amount of exosomal markers CD63 and TSG101 detected after serial UC of rat blood plasma samples. By using UC for longer time or with shorter sedimentation distance at 4 degrees C, or UC performed at 37 degrees C, exosomal yield increased, but albumin impurity was still observed in the isolates, as assessed by transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering and immunoblotting against CD63, TSG101 and albumin. Efficiency and purity were not different in case of using further diluted samples. By using SEC with different columns, we have found that although a minor fraction of exosomes can be isolated without significant albumin content on Sepharose CL-4B or Sephacryl S-400 columns, but not on Sepharose 2B columns, the majority of exosomes co-eluted with albumin. CONCLUSION: Here we show that it is feasible to isolate exosomes from blood plasma by SEC without significant albumin contamination albeit with low vesicle yield

    Interleukin 21 inhibits cancer-mediated FOXP3 induction in naĂŻve human CD4 T cells

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    IL-21 is known to promote anti-tumour immunity due to its ability to promote T cell responses and counteract Treg-mediated suppression. It has also been shown to limit Treg frequencies during tumour-antigen stimulations. However, whether this represents inhibition of FOXP3 induction in naĂŻve CD4 T cells or curtailed expansion of natural Treg remains unclear. Moreover, whether this effect is maintained in an environment of tumour-derived immunosuppressive factors is not known. Here, we show that in the context of a number of cancers, naĂŻve CD45RA+ CD4 T cells are induced to express high levels of FOXP3, and that FOXP3 expression correlates with inhibition of T cell proliferation. FOXP3 expression was most potently induced by tumours secreting higher levels of total and active TGFÎČ1 and this induction could be potently counteracted with IL-21, restoring T cell proliferation. We conclude that Treg induction in naĂŻve T cells is a common phenomenon amongst a number of different cancers and that the ability of IL-21 to counteract this effect is further evidence of its promise in cancer therapy

    Monitoring of Regulatory T Cell Frequencies and Expression of CTLA-4 on T Cells, before and after DC Vaccination, Can Predict Survival in GBM Patients

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    PURPOSE: Dendritic cell (DC) vaccines have recently emerged as an innovative therapeutic option for glioblastoma patients. To identify novel surrogates of anti-tumor immune responsiveness, we studied the dynamic expression of activation and inhibitory markers on peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) subsets in glioblastoma patients treated with DC vaccination at UCLA. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Pre-treatment and post-treatment PBL from 24 patients enrolled in two Phase I clinical trials of dendritic cell immunotherapy were stained and analyzed using flow cytometry. A univariate Cox proportional hazards model was utilized to investigate the association between continuous immune monitoring variables and survival. Finally, the immune monitoring variables were dichotomized and a recursive partitioning survival tree was built to obtain cut-off values predictive of survival. RESULTS: The change in regulatory T cell (CD3(+)CD4(+)CD25(+)CD127(low)) frequency in PBL was significantly associated with survival (p = 0.0228; hazard ratio = 3.623) after DC vaccination. Furthermore, the dynamic expression of the negative co-stimulatory molecule, CTLA-4, was also significantly associated with survival on CD3(+)CD4(+) T cells (p = 0.0191; hazard ratio = 2.840) and CD3(+)CD8(+) T cells (p = 0.0273; hazard ratio = 2.690), while that of activation markers (CD25, CD69) was not. Finally, a recursive partitioning tree algorithm was utilized to dichotomize the post/pre fold change immune monitoring variables. The resultant cut-off values from these immune monitoring variables could effectively segregate these patients into groups with significantly different overall survival curves. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that monitoring the change in regulatory T cell frequencies and dynamic expression of the negative co-stimulatory molecules on peripheral blood T cells, before and after DC vaccination, may predict survival. The cut-off point generated from these data can be utilized in future prospective immunotherapy trials to further evaluate its predictive validity

    The biogenesis and characterization of mammalian microRNAs of mirtron origin

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    Mirtrons, short hairpin pre-microRNA (miRNA) mimics directly produced by intronic splicing, have recently been identified and experimentally confirmed in invertebrates. While there is evidence to suggest several mammalian miRNAs have mirtron origins, this has yet to be experimentally demonstrated. Here, we characterize the biogenesis of mammalian mirtrons by ectopic expression of splicing-dependent mirtron precursors. The putative mirtrons hsa-miR-877, hsa-miR-1226 and mmu-miR-1224 were designed as introns within eGFP. Correct splicing and function of these sequences as introns was shown through eGFP fluorescence and RT–PCR, while all mirtrons suppressed perfectly complementary luciferase reporter targets to levels similar to that of corresponding independently expressed pre-miRNA controls. Splicing-deficient mutants and disruption of key steps in miRNA biogenesis demonstrated that mirtron-mediated gene knockdown was splicing-dependent, Drosha-independent and had variable dependence on RNAi pathway elements following pre-miRNA formation. The silencing effect of hsa-miR-877 was further demonstrated to be mediated by the generation of short anti-sense RNA species expressed with low abundance. Finally, the mammalian mirtron hsa-miR-877 was shown to reduce mRNA levels of an endogenous transcript containing hsa-miR-877 target sites in neuronal SH-SY5Y cells. This work confirms the mirtron origins of three mammalian miRNAs and suggests that they are a functional class of splicing-dependent miRNAs which are physiologically active
