631 research outputs found

    Time-dependent backgrounds of 2D string theory: Non-perturbative effects

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    We study the non-perturbative corrections (NPC) to the partition function of a compactified 2D string theory in a time-dependent background generated by a tachyon source. The sine-Liouville deformation of the theory is a particular case of such a background. We calculate the leading as well as the subleading NPC using the dual description of the string theory as matrix quantum mechanics. As in the minimal string theories, the NPC are classified by the double points of a complex curve. We calculate them by two different methods: by solving Toda equation and by evaluating the quasiclassical fermion wave functions. We show that the result can be expressed in terms of correlation functions of the bosonic field associated with the tachyon source and identify the leading and the subleading corrections as the contributions from the one-point (disk) and two-point (annulus) correlation functions.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figure

    Breakdown of the Wiedemann-Franz law in strongly-coupled electron-phonon system, application to the cuprates

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    With the superconducting cuprates in mind, a set of unitary transformations was used to decouple electrons and phonons in the strong-coupling limit. While phonons remain almost unrenormalised, electrons are transformed into itinerent singlet and triplet bipolarons and thermally excited polarons. The triplet/singlet exchange energy and the binding energy of the bipolarons are thought to account for the spin and charge pseudogaps in the cuprates, respectively. We calculated the Hall Lorenz number of the system to show that the Wiedemann-Franz law breaks down due to the interference of the polaron and bipolaron contributions to heat flow. The model provides a quantitative fit to magnetotransport data in the cuprates. Furthermore we are able to extract the phonon component of the thermal conductivity with the use of experimental data and the model. Our results further validate the use of a charged Bose gas model to describe normal and superconducting properties of unconventional superconductors.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    2D String Theory as Normal Matrix Model

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    We show that the c=1c=1 bosonic string theory at finite temperature has two matrix-model realizations related by a kind of duality transformation. The first realization is the standard one given by the compactified matrix quantum mechanics in the inverted oscillator potential. The second realization, which we derive here, is given by the normal matrix model. Both matrix models exhibit the Toda integrable structure and are associated with two dual cycles (a compact and a non-compact one) of a complex curve with the topology of a sphere with two punctures. The equivalence of the two matrix models holds for an arbitrary tachyon perturbation and in all orders in the string coupling constant.Comment: lanlmac, 21 page

    Comment on `Dynamical properties of small polarons'

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    We show that the conclusion on the breakdown of the standard small polaron theory made recently by E.V. deMello and J. Ranninger (Phys. Rev. B 55, 14872 (1997)) is a result of an incorrect interpretation of the electronic and vibronic energy levels of the two-site Holstein model. The small polaron theory, when properly applied, agrees well with the numerical results of these authors. Also we show that their attempt to connect the properties of the calculated correlation functions with the features of the intersite electron hopping is unsuccessful.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Screening effects in the electron-optical phonon interaction

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    We show that recently reported unusual hardening of optical phonons renormalized by the electron-phonon interaction is due to the neglect of screening effects. When the electron-ion interaction is properly screened optical phonons soften in three dimension. It is important that for short-wavelength optical phonons screening is static while for long-wavelength optical phonons screening is dynamic. In two-dimensional and one-dimensional cases due to crossing of the nonperturbed optical mode with gapless plasmons the spectrum of renormalized optical phonon-plasmon mode shows split momentum dependence.Comment: 7 page

    Neutron charge radius and the Dirac equation

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    We consider the Dirac equation for a finite-size neutron in an external electric field. We explicitly incorporate Dirac-Pauli form factors into the Dirac equation. After a non-relativistic reduction, the Darwin-Foldy term is cancelled by a contribution from the Dirac form factor, so that the only coefficient of the external field charge density is e/6rEn2e/6 r^2_{En}, i. e. the root mean square radius associated with the electric Sachs form factor . Our result is similar to a recent result of Isgur, and reconciles two apparently conflicting viewpoints about the use of the Dirac equation for the description of nucleons.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Integrable flows in c=1 string theory

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    In these notes we review the method to construct integrable deformations of the compactified c=1 bosonic string theory by primary fields (momentum or winding modes), developed recently in collaboration with S. Alexandrov and V. Kazakov. The method is based on the formulation of the string theory as a matrix model. The flows generated by either momentum or winding modes (but not both) are integrable and satisfy the Toda lattice hierarchy.Comment: sect.1 extended and typos correcte

    Jahn-Teller distortions and phase separation in doped manganites

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    A "minimal model" of the Kondo-lattice type is used to describe a competition between the localization and metallicity in doped manganites and related magnetic oxides with Jahn-Teller ions. It is shown that the number of itinerant charge carriers can be significantly lower than that implied by the doping level x. A strong tendency to the phase separation is demonstrated for a wide range of intermediate doping concentrations vanishing at low and high doping. The phase diagram of the model in the x-T plane is constructed. At low temperatures, the system is in a state with a long-range magnetic order: antiferromagnetic (AF), ferromagnetic (FM), or AF-FM phase separated (PS) state. At high temperatures, there can exist two types of the paramagnetic (PM) state with zero and nonzero density of the itinerant electrons. In the intermediate temperature range, the phase diagram includes different kinds of the PS states: AF-FM, FM-PM, and PM with different content of itinerant electrons. The applied magnetic field changes the phase diagram favoring the FM ordering. It is shown that the variation of temperature or magnetic field can induce the metal-insulator transition in a certain range of doping levels.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B.; v.2 contains the changes introduced according to comments of the PRB Referees; in v. 3, some misprints are correcte

    Time-dependent backgrounds of 2D string theory

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    We study possible backgrounds of 2D string theory using its equivalence with a system of fermions in upside-down harmonic potential. Each background corresponds to a certain profile of the Fermi sea, which can be considered as a deformation of the hyperbolic profile characterizing the linear dilaton background. Such a perturbation is generated by a set of commuting flows, which form a Toda Lattice integrable structure. The flows are associated with all possible left and right moving tachyon states, which in the compactified theory have discrete spectrum. The simplest nontrivial background describes the Sine-Liouville string theory. Our methods can be also applied to the study of 2D droplets of electrons in a strong magnetic field.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures, lanlma

    Synthesis and research of polyfunctional silylureas used in electric deposition of tin-indium alloy

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    Polyfunctional silylureas were synthesized by the interaction of 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane with isocyanates of various structures in an inert aromatic solvent. Commercially available diisocyanates such as isophorone diisocyanate, hexamethylene diisocyanate, 2,4-toluene diisocyanate were used as isocyanates. In this case, freshly distilled toluene was used as a solvent. The structures of the obtained compounds were confirmed by the data of IR and NMR1H spectroscopy. Using the synthesized compounds, formulations of compositions for electrodeposition of a tin-indium alloy on a copper wire were developed. The possibility of using silylureas of various structures as effective surfactants used in the electrodeposition of the tin-indium alloy is shown. The operational characteristics of the obtained wire were investigated, including the wire diameter, coating thickness, tensile strength, electrical resistance, and direct current electrical resistivity