1,300 research outputs found

    New insights into the dust formation of oxygen-rich AGB stars

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    We observed the AGB stars S Ori, GX Mon and R Cnc with the MIDI instrument at the VLTI. We compared the data to radiative transfer models of the dust shells, where the central stellar intensity profiles were described by dust-free dynamic model atmospheres. We used Al2O3 and warm silicate grains. Our S Ori and R Cnc data could be well described by an Al2O3 dust shell alone, and our GX Mon data by a mix of an Al2O3 and a silicate shell. The best-fit parameters for S Ori and R Cnc included photospheric angular diameters Theta(Phot) of 9.7+/-1.0mas and 12.3+/-1.0mas, optical depths tau(V)(Al2O3) of 1.5+/-0.5 and 1.35+/-0.2, and inner radii R(in) of 1.9+/-0.3R(Phot) and 2.2+/-0.3R(Phot), respectively. Best-fit parameters for GX Mon were Theta(Phot)=8.7+/-1.3mas, tau(V)(Al2O3)=1.9+/-0.6, R(in)(Al2O3)=2.1+/-0.3R(Phot), tau(V)(silicate)=3.2+/-0.5, and R(in)(silicate)=4.6+/-0.2R(Phot). Our model fits constrain the chemical composition and the inner boundary radii of the dust shells, as well as the photospheric angular diameters. Our interferometric results are consistent with Al2O3 grains condensing close to the stellar surface at about 2 stellar radii, co-located with the extended atmosphere and SiO maser emission, and warm silicate grains at larger distances of about 4--5 stellar radii. We verified that the number densities of aluminum can match that of the best-fit Al2O3 dust shell near the inner dust radius in sufficiently extended atmospheres, confirming that Al2O3 grains can be seed particles for the further dust condensation. Together with literature data of the mass-loss rates, our sample is consistent with a hypothesis that stars with low mass-loss rates form primarily dust that preserves the spectral properties of Al2O3, and stars with higher mass-loss rate form dust with properties of warm silicates.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Temporal variations of the outer atmosphere and the dust shell of the carbon-rich Mira variable V Oph probed with VLTI/MIDI

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    We present the first multi-epoch N-band spectro-interferometric observations of the carbon-rich Mira variable V Oph using MIDI at the ESO's Very Large Telescope Interferometer. Our MIDI observations were carried out at three different phases 0.18, 0.49, and 0.65, using three different baselines configurations (UT2-UT4, UT1-UT4, and UT2-UT3) with projected baseline lengths of 42-124 m. The wavelength dependence of the uniform-disk diameters obtained at all epochs is characterized by a roughly constant region between 8 and 10 micron with a slight dip centered at ~9.5 micron and a gradual increase longward of 10 micron. These N-band angular sizes are significantly larger than the estimated photospheric size of V Oph. The angular sizes observed at different epochs reveal that the object appears smaller at phase 0.49 (minimum light) with uniform-disk diameters of ~5-12 mas than at phases 0.18 (~12-20 mas) and 0.65 (~9-15 mas). We interpret these results with a model consisting of optically thick C2H2 layers and an optically thin dust shell. Our modeling suggests that the C2H2 layers around V Oph are more extended (~1.7-1.8 Rstar) at phases 0.18 and 0.65 than at phase 0.49 (~1.4 Rstar) and that the C2H2 column densities appear to be the smallest at phase 0.49. We also find that the dust shell consists of amorphous carbon and SiC with an inner radius of ~2.5 Rstar, and the total optical depths at phases 0.18 and 0.65 are higher than that at phase 0.49. Our MIDI observations and modeling indicate that carbon-rich Miras also have extended layers of polyatomic molecules as previously confirmed in oxygen-rich Miras

    Elastic properties of thin h-BN films investigated by Brillouin light scattering

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    Hexagonal BN films have been deposited by rf-magnetron sputtering with simultaneous ion plating. The elastic properties of the films grown on silicon substrates under identical coating conditions have been de-termined by Brillouin light scattering from thermally excited surface phonons. Four of the five independent elastic constants of the deposited material are found to be c11 = 65 GPa, c13 = 7 GPa, c33 = 92 GPa and c44 = 53 GPa exhibiting an elastic anisotropy c11/c33 of 0.7. The Young's modulus determined with load indenta-tion is distinctly larger than the corresponding value taken from Brillouin light scattering. This discrepancy is attributed to the specific morphology of the material with nanocrystallites embedded in an amorphous matrix

    Structure and shaping processes within the extended atmospheres of AGB stars

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    We present recent studies using the near-infrared instrument AMBER of the VLT Interferometer (VLTI) to investigate the structure and shaping processes within the extended atmosphere of AGB stars. Spectrally resolved near-infrared AMBER observations of the Mira variable S Ori have revealed wavelength-dependent apparent angular sizes. These data were successfully compared to dynamic model atmospheres, which predict wavelength-dependent radii because of geometrically extended molecular layers. Most recently, AMBER closure phase measurements of several AGB stars have also revealed wavelength-dependent deviations from 0/180 deg., indicating deviations from point symmetry. The variation of closure phase with wavelength indicates a complex non-spherical stratification of the extended atmosphere, and may reveal whether observed asymmetries are located near the photosphere or in the outer molecular layers. Concurrent observations of SiO masers located within the extended molecular layers provide us with additional information on the morphology, conditions, and kinematics of this shell. These observations promise to provide us with new important insights into the shaping processes at work during the AGB phase. With improved imaging capabilities at the VLTI, we expect to extend the successful story of imaging studies of planetary nebulae to the photosphere and extended outer atmosphere of AGB stars.Comment: 6 pages, Proc. of "Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae V", A.A. Zijlstra, F. Lykou, I. McDonald, and E. Lagadec (eds.), Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Manchester, UK, 201

    Diffraction-Limited Imaging and Photometry of NGC 1068

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    The nearby Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 1068 was observed with speckle imaging techniques in the near-infrared H-band (1.6 microns) at the Hale 200-inch Telescope and K-band (2.2 microns) at the 10 m Keck I Telescope. Images with diffraction limited or near-diffraction limited resolutions of 0.''05 - 0.''1 were obtained and used to search for structure in the nuclear region. Images of the nucleus of NGC 1068 reveal an extended region of emission which accounts for nearly 50% of the nuclear flux at K-band. This region extends 10 pc on either side of an unresolved point source nucleus which is at most, 0.''02 or 1.4 pc in size. Both the point source and the newly imaged extended emission are very red, with identical H-K colors corresponding to a color temperature of 800 K. While the point source is of a size to be consistent with grains in thermal equilibrium with the nuclear source, the extended emission is not. It must consist either of nuclear emission which has been reflected off an extended dusty disk or of small grains raised to transiently high temperatures by reflected UV photons.Comment: accepted to AJ, AAS LaTeX and epsfig, 22 pages incl. 5 ps figure

    Ellipsoidal primary of the RS CVn binary zeta And: Investigation using high-resolution spectroscopy and optical interferometry

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    We have obtained high-resolution spectroscopy, optical interferometry, and long-term broad band photometry of the ellipsoidal primary of the RS CVn-type binary system zeta And. Based on the optical interferometry the apparent limb darkened diameter of zeta And is 2.55 +/- 0.09 mas using a uniform disk fit. The Hipparcos distance and the limb-darkened diameter obtained with a uniform disk fit give stellar radius of 15.9 +/- 0.8 Rsolar, and combined with bolometric luminosity, it implies an effective temperature of 4665 +/- 140 K. The temperature maps obtained from high resolution spectra using Doppler imaging show a strong belt of equatorial spots and hints of a cool polar cap. The equatorial spots show a concentration around the phase 0.75. This spot configuration is reminiscent of the one seen in the earlier published temperature maps of zeta And. Investigation of the Halpha line reveals both prominences and cool clouds in the chromosphere. Long-term photometry spanning 12 years shows hints of a spot activity cycle, which is also implied by the Doppler images, but the cycle length cannot be reliably determined from the current data.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for A&

    Homogenization theory captures macroscopic flow discontinuities across Janus membranes

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    Janus membranes, thin permeable structures with chemical and geometrical asymmetric properties, show great potential in industrial separation processes. Yet the link between the micro- and macro-scale behaviours of these membranes needs to be established rigorously. Here, we develop interface conditions to describe the solvent-solute flow across Janus membranes within a homogenization-based framework. Upstream and downstream spatial averages are introduced to account for discontinuities induced by the microstructure. The homogenized model quantifies the macroscopic jump, across the membrane, in the solvent velocity and stresses, and in the solute concentration and fluxes through coefficients obtained via closure problems at the micro-scale. The model paves the way towards a better understanding of fundamental interface phenomena such as osmosis and phoresis via homogenization

    Near-infrared spectro-interferometry of three OH/IR Stars with the VLTI/AMBER instrument

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    We investigate the molecular and dusty environment of OH/IR stars in order to characterize the mass-loss process during the tip-AGB superwind phase. Employing the AMBER instrument at the VLT Interferometer we obtained near-infrared H- and K-band spectro-interferometric observations of the three OH/IR stars IRAS 13479-5436, IRAS 14086-6907 and IRAS 17020-5254 with a spectral resolution of about 35. We use a two-component geometrical model, consisting of a uniform disk and a Gaussian disk, to obtain characteristic angular sizes of the central stellar sources and their dust envelopes, as well as the flux ratios between these components. Angular uniform disk diameters of the three central components of the objects above have values between 3.2 mas and 5.4 mas. For their dust envelopes, we find FWHM values between 17.1 mas and 25.2 mas. According to distance estimates from the literature, the central stellar components have radii between 900 R_sun and 1400 R_sun, while their dust envelopes reach FWHM values between 9000 R_sun and 13000 R_sun. The visibility functions of all three sources exhibit wavelength variations that resemble those of earlier VLTI/AMBER observations of semi-regular and Mira variable AGB stars. These are interpreted as characteristic of atmospheric molecular layers lying above the photosphere. We also find that the dust envelopes have a clearly larger optical depth than those known for Mira stars. We interpret this as an expected result of the "superwind" phase, the final 10 000 to 30 000 years of AGB-evolution, when the mass-loss rate increases by a factor of 10-100. By their different optical depths, the three dust shells studied here may represent different stages of the "superwind" and different initial masses.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic
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