105 research outputs found

    Ultraviolet crosslinking of corneal collagen in patients with thin cornea. Literature review

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    For the treatment of progressive keratoconus in the early stages, corneal collagen crosslinking is currently actively used. This technique is based on the stabilization of the pathological process by increasing the biomechanical properties of the own cornea. The thickness of the cornea less than 400 microns significantly limits the possibility of a standard cross-linking procedure performing.The article analyzes the literature data on the use of various methods of corneal crosslinking with a corneal thickness of less than 400 microns, which signifi cantly limits the possibilities of the standard procedure.It is known, that during crosslinking, at the initial stage, de-epithelialization of the cornea is performed, which, in the postoperative period, leads to a pronounced corneal syndrome. This determined the direction of the fi rst modifi cations of the technique associated with the use of partial de-epithelialization or its complete absence. Later, during cross-linking of “thin” corneas, techniques with the use of additional covering materials were actively used in order to replenish the missing corneal tissue of the patient during the UV irradiation procedure. Among them are the use of a soft contact lens without an ultraviolet fi lter, the use of a corneal lenticule obtained after SMILE surgery, the use of a protective fl ap of the donor cornea obtained using a femtosecond laser from the residual stroma of the corneal disc after descemet membrane transplantation or posterior lamellar keratoplasty. The variety of the proposed modifications and the ongoing search for better options indicate the demand for this technology and the need for further research, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s ectasia

    Accelerated cross-linking technique using a protective corneal donor flap in the treatment of progressive keratoconus on «thin» corneas

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    Purpose. To develop a method of accelerated ultraviolet crosslinking with an initial corneal thickness equal to or less than 400 microns using a protective donor corneal flap. Definition of safety and effectiveness of this method in the treatment of progressive keratoconus.Material and methods. 20 patients (20 eyes) with a diagnosis of progressive keratoconus 2–3 stages were included in the study. The accelerated crosslinking was carried out with an IROC-VX-2000 device (Switzerland). A protective donor corneal flap was cut out by using a Femto LDV Z8 femtosecond laser («Ziemer», Switzerland). The thickness of the protective flap of the donor cornea was determined as the difference between 450 μm and the obtained value of the patient’s pachymetry in 30 minutes of saturation with Dextralink in μm.Results. Indicators of uncorrected visual acuity and corrected visual acuity returned to the level of preoperative values and did not tend to decrease until the end of the observation period for 6 months. The average keratometry indices gradually decreased: after 3 months – 50.3±1.5 μm, after 6 months – 48.9±1.8 μm, by 12 months – 46.7±2.1 μm. A decrease in elevation indicators of the anterior and posterior surfaces was marked on elevation maps throughout the observation period.Conclusion. The proposed ultraviolet crosslinking technique using a protective donor corneal flap in patients with corneal thickness 400 μm or less is reproducible. This technique proves its effectiveness and safety and allows to stabilize the condition in patients with progressive keratoconus with adequate visual function. This makes this technique necessary, taking into account the lack of adequate cross-linking technology with a thin cornea

    On the results of the 5th Vavilov International Conference (November 21–25, 2022)

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    Under the auspices of the 5th Vavilov International Conference held in St. Petersburg on 21–25 November 2022, eight events were held on the conservation, development, study and practical use of plant genetic resources (PGR) collections, as well as on the scientific heritage of Nikolay Ivanovich Vavilov and the development of the scientific schools founded by him and the activities of his associates and followers. In view of the modern context of new trends in the development of science, fundamental knowledge, modern methods and technologies, as well as of climatic and economic challenges, the development of the scientific heritage of N.I. Vavilov plays a big role for scientific and technological development. A total of 185 oral presentations was made at the 5th Vavilov International Conference. Meetings of the Conference attracted over 330 participants. This publication reflects the main objectives and content of the performed activities and contains key recommendations emanating from the Conference, including (1) recommendations for the conservation, study and use of PGR, including those on the multidisciplinary basis; (2) recommendations on activities to ensure coordination in the field of conservation, research, breeding and seed production; (3) recommendations on the normative and legislative regulation in the sphere of breeding, seed production, development, maintenance and use of genetic resource collections; (4) recommendations on training, guidance and education. Presentations made at the Conference show that over the past five years there has been a significant increase in the use of modern methodical approaches, i.e. molecular-genetic, genomic and omics in the field of PGR research. All this provides a solid basis for the development of new breeding methods (Next-Generation Breeding). At the same time, it is emphasized that new breeding technologies based on the acquired knowledge, can lead to further progress not in isolation from, but in conjunction with the amassed heritage of classical breeding. Among the discussed and proposed issues, the Conference Resolution identifies those requiring special and urgent attention: (1) the need to legislate for the preservation and expansion of crop diversity in the State Register of Varieties and Hybrids of Agricultural Plants Approved for Use; (2) the inadmissibility of reducing the list of these crops; (3) the inadmissibility of reducing of the number of state variety testing sites; (4) the inadmissibility of reducing of time limits of state variety testing from three to two years or one year; (5) the need to bring the concepts of “genetic passportˮ and “genetic passportizationˮ used in legal and regulatory acts to the canonical understanding of “genetic passportˮ as a document reflecting individual genetic features of an organism (cultivar/hybrid/breed/strain), which make it possible to distinguish its genotype from that of other organisms (cultivars/hybrids/breeds/ strains) of a particular species and the need to carefully elaborate methods of genetic certification of each crop, taking into account all types of genetic markers (molecular-genetic markers (DNA markers), protein and morphological markers). The Conference also noted that under the conditions of the increasing climate change and its sudden unpredictable fluctuations, reliable conservation of valuable plant genetic resources in situ and ex situ is required in order to avoid the irreversible loss of part of plant agrobiodiversity. In addition, extensive expeditionary surveys should be undertaken in the nearest future in crop and CWR diversity centers, under-explored areas, as well as in the regions with extreme environmental conditions and those prone to anthropogenic impacts


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    Events connected with the development and improvement of the nuclear industry are usually ambiguously perceived by the public. Mass-media and Internet play a leading role in the development of the public opinion on the most relevant public life issues, ecology and radiation safety in particular. Non-governmental organizations can impact the adequate perception of the issues of the radiation safety in the region by the public. Materials and methods: this study is focused on the primary evaluation of the data on the results of the sociological survey of three regions of the North-West of the Russian Federation: St-Petersburg, Leningrad and Murmansk regions; and the assessment of the websites of the non-governmental organizations, activities of the non-governmental organizations in the Internet and social networks. Results: the study indicated that non-governmental organizations actively use Internet and social networks in their practice. All the relevant non-governmental organizations have websites and social network accounts. Based on the number of the subscribers in social networks, it was possible to mark two non-governmental organizations: Greenpeace and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) with more than 400000 subscribers each. VKontakte social network was assessed as the most effective mean of communicating with the public; a total number of subscribers on the groups of major non-governmental organizations exceeds 500000 persons. These two organizations are the most popular and trusted by the public. Greenpeace is known to 26% of respondents; WWF – to 11%. The population of the Murmansk region is more informed about the actions of the non-governmental organizations. 48% of the respondents in the Murmansk region named at least one non-governmental organization answering the question “What non-governmental organizations active in the field of radiation protection do you know?” with the corresponding 18% and 29% in St-Petersburg and Leningrad region respectively. Nongovernmental organizations have a sufficient potential of influence on the adequate perception of the issues of the radiation protection by the public in the region; however, that potential is not fully implemented. Despite that, activities of the non-governmental organizations should be considered while developing the adequate perception of the radiation factors by the public.Мероприятия, связанные с развитием и совершенствованием атомной отрасли, как правило, воспринимаются населением неоднозначно. Ведущую роль в формировании общественного мнения по наиболее актуальным вопросам жизни общества, в частности, по вопросам экологии и радиационной безопасности играют средства массовой информации и Интернет. Общественные организации также могут оказывать влияние на адекватное восприятие населением вопросов радиационной безопасности в регионе. Материалы и методы: в ходе исследования выполнен первичный анализ данных социологического исследования в трех регионах Северо-Запада Российской Федерации: Санкт-Петербурге, Ленинградской и Мурманской областях, проведена оценка сайтов общественных организаций, активности общественных организаций в Интернете, социальных сетях. Результаты: исследование показало, что общественные организации активно используют в своей практике Интернет и социальные сети. У всех значимых общественных организаций имеются сайты и официальные аккаунты в социальных сетях. По количеству подписчиков в социальных сетях выделяются две общественные организации – «Гринпис» и Всемирный фонд дикой природы, имеющие более 400 000 подписчиков каждая. Социальная сеть «ВКонтакте» является наиболее эффективным способом коммуникации с населением, суммарное количество подписчиков на группы ключевых общественных организаций «Вконтакте» составляет более 500 тысяч человек. Эти же две организации являются как наиболее известными, так и пользующимися наибольшим доверием у населения. «Гринпис» знают 26% респондентов, Всемирный фонд дикой природы знаком 11%. На вопрос «О деятельности каких общественных организаций, занимающихся вопросами радиационной безопасности, Вы слышали?» в Мурманской области 48% респондентов назвали хотя бы одну общественную организацию, в то время как в Санкт-Петербурге и Ленинградской области 18% и 29% соответственно. Общественные организации имеют достаточный потенциал влияния на адекватное восприятие населением вопросов радиационной безопасности в регионе, однако в настоящее время данный потенциал не реализуется в полной мере. Вследствие этого активность общественных организаций должна быть объектом исследования при планировании работы по формированию адекватного восприятия радиационного фактора населением

    Factors driving patterns and trends in strandings of small cetaceans

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    The incidence of cetacean strandings is expected to depend on a combination of factors, including the dis- tribution and abundance of the cetaceans, their prey, and causes of mortality (e.g. natural, fishery bycatch), as well as currents and winds which affect whether carcasses reach the shore. We investigated spatiotemporal patterns and trends in the numbers of strandings of three species of small cetacean in Galicia (NW Spain) and their relationships with meteoro- logical, oceanographic, prey abundance and fishing-related variables, aiming to disentangle the relationship that may exist between these factors, cetacean abundance and mor- tality off the coast. Strandings of 1166 common dolphins (Delphinus delphis), 118 bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and 90 harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) during 2000–2013 were analysed. Generalised additive and generalised additive-mixed model results showed that the variables which best explained the pattern of strandings of the three cetacean species were those related with local ocean meteorology (strength and direction of the North– South component of the winds and the number of days with South-West winds) and the winter North Atlantic Oscil- lation Index. There were no significant relationships with indices of fishing effort or landings. Only bottlenose dolphin showed possible fluctuations in local abundance over the study period. There was no evidence of long-term trends in number of strandings in any of the species and their abun- dances were, therefore, considered to have been relatively stable during the study period.Versión del editor2,01

    Проблемы риск-коммуникаций по вопросам радиационной безопасности: оценка информированности населения Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области о деятельности атомной отрасли и его представления о факторах опасности

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    In 2016, St. Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene named after Professor P.V. Ramzaev developed a Program for the radiation risk communication management for the adequate perception risks associated with the use of various technologies in the nuclear industry by the public. Carrying out sociological research is one of the stages of this program. The aim of the analysis presented in the article is to study the population’s awareness of radiation safety issues and its attitude to further development of the nuclear industry. The data used in this analysis is a part of a large sociological survey conducted in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region The sociological research was conducted by the method of a selective questionnaire survey among the adult population permanently residing in the territory of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. The volume of the sample studied was 2369 respondents: 1006 in St. Petersburg and 1363 in the Leningrad Region, including Sosnovy Bor – 401. The analysis showed that the population of all the studied territories estimates the environmental situation as being mainly favorable. The residents consider the main environmental problems in all areas studied to be a collection, removal, storage, disposal of garbage, as well as air and water pollution. The population of the region is relatively poorly informed about the current projects in the nuclear industry. One-third of the inhabitants of the region perceives the Leningrad nuclear power plant as a source of danger. Respondents see the main danger in the possibility of an accident on it. There is a sharply negative attitude of the population towards the construction of radioactive waste disposal sites anywhere in the region. According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that the population of the studied region is poorly informed about the existing radiation situation and the nuclear industry projects. It requires an optimization of the choice of methods for risk communication. В 2016 г. в Санкт-Петербургском научно-исследовательском институте радиационной гигиены имени профессора П.В. Рамзаева была разработана Программа организации информационной работы с населением по вопросам радиационной безопасности для адекватного восприятия населением риска, связанного с применением в атомной отрасли различных технологий. Одним из этапов этой Программы является проведение социологических исследований. Целью представленного в статье анализа части большого социологического исследования, проведенного в г. Санкт-Петербурге и Ленинградской области, является изучение информированности населения по вопросам радиационной безопасности и его отношение к деятельности по дальнейшему развитию атомной отрасли. Социологическое исследование проведено методом выборочного анкетного опроса среди взрослого населения, постоянно проживающего на территории г. СанктПетербурга и Ленинградской области. Объем исследованной выборки составил 2369 респондентов: в г. Санкт-Петербурге – 1006, в Ленинградской области – 1363, в том числе в г. Сосновый Бор – 401. Анализ полученных результатов показал, что население всех исследованных территорий оценивает экологическую обстановку как преимущественно благоприятную. Основными экологическими проблемами на всех изученных территориях жители считают сбор, вывоз, складирование, утилизацию мусора, а также загрязнение воздуха и воды. Население региона относительно слабо информировано об актуальных проектах атомной отрасли. Треть жителей региона воспринимает Ленинградскую атомную электростанцию как источник опасности. Основную опасность респонденты видят в возможности аварии на ней. Отмечается резко негативное отношение населения к строительству пунктов захоронения радиоактивных отходов в любом месте региона. По результатам исследования можно сделать вывод, что требует оптимизации выбора методов информационной работы с населением.

    Standing stock of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana, 1850) (Euphausiacea) in the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, 2018–19

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    Estimates of the distribution and density of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana, 1850) were derived from a large-scale survey conducted during the austral summer in the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean and across the Scotia Sea in 2018–19, the ‘2018–19 Area 48 Survey’. Survey vessels were provided by Norway, the Association of Responsible Krill harvesting companies and Aker BioMarine AS, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Republic of Korea, and China. Survey design followed the transects of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources synoptic survey, carried out in 2000 and from regular national surveys performed in the South Atlantic sector by the U.S., China, Republic of Korea, Norway, and the U.K. The 2018–19 Area 48 Survey represents only the second large-scale survey performed in the area and this joint effort resulted in the largest ever total transect line (19,500 km) coverage carried out as one single exercise in the Southern Ocean. We delineated and integrated acoustic backscatter arising from krill swarms to produce distribution maps of krill areal biomass density and standing stock (biomass) estimates. Krill standing stock for the Area 48 was estimated to be 62.6 megatonnes (mean density of 30 g m–2 over 2 million km2) with a sampling coefficient variation of 13%. The highest mean krill densities were found in the South Orkney Islands stratum (93.2 g m–2) and the lowest in the South Georgia Island stratum (6.4 g m–2). The krill densities across the strata compared to those found during the previous survey indicate some regional differences in distribution and biomass. It is currently not possible to assign any such differences or lack of differences between the two survey datasets to longer term trends in the environment, krill stocks or fishing pressure

    Determinants of brain swelling in pediatric and adult cerebral malaria.

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    Cerebral malaria (CM) affects children and adults, but brain swelling is more severe in children. To investigate features associated with brain swelling in malaria, we performed blood profiling and brain MRI in a cohort of pediatric and adult patients with CM in Rourkela, India, and compared them with an African pediatric CM cohort in Malawi. We determined that higher plasma Plasmodium falciparum histidine rich protein 2 (PfHRP2) levels and elevated var transcripts that encode for binding to endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR) were linked to CM at both sites. Machine learning models trained on the African pediatric cohort could classify brain swelling in Indian children CM cases but had weaker performance for adult classification, due to overall lower parasite var transcript levels in this age group and more severe thrombocytopenia in Rourkela adults. Subgrouping of patients with CM revealed higher parasite biomass linked to severe thrombocytopenia and higher Group A-EPCR var transcripts in mild thrombocytopenia. Overall, these findings provide evidence that higher parasite biomass and a subset of Group A-EPCR binding variants are common features in children and adult CM cases, despite age differences in brain swelling