331 research outputs found

    Shadowing, Binding and Off-Shell Effects in Nuclear Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    We present a unified description of nuclear deep inelastic scattering (DIS) over the whole region 0<x<10<x<1 of the Bjorken variable. Our approach is based on a relativistically covariant formalism which uses analytical properties of quark correlators. In the laboratory frame it naturally incorporates two mechanisms of DIS: (I) scattering from quarks and antiquarks in the target and (II) production of quark-antiquark pairs followed by interactions with the target. We first calculate structure functions of the free nucleon and develop a model for the quark spectral functions. We show that mechanism (II) is responsible for the sea quark content of the nucleon while mechanism (I) governs the valence part of the nucleon structure functions. We find that the coherent interaction of qˉq\bar qq pairs with nucleons in the nucleus leads to shadowing at small xx and discuss this effect in detail. In the large xx region DIS takes place mainly on a single nucleon. There we focus on the derivation of the convolution model. We point out that the off-shell properties of the bound nucleon structure function give rise to sizable nuclear effects.Comment: 29 pages (and 10 figures available as hard copies from Authors), REVTE

    Geophysical studies with laser-beam detectors of gravitational waves

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    The existing high technology laser-beam detectors of gravitational waves may find very useful applications in an unexpected area - geophysics. To make possible the detection of weak gravitational waves in the region of high frequencies of astrophysical interest, ~ 30 - 10^3 Hz, control systems of laser interferometers must permanently monitor, record and compensate much larger external interventions that take place in the region of low frequencies of geophysical interest, ~ 10^{-5} - 3 X 10^{-3} Hz. Such phenomena as tidal perturbations of land and gravity, normal mode oscillations of Earth, oscillations of the inner core of Earth, etc. will inevitably affect the performance of the interferometers and, therefore, the information about them will be stored in the data of control systems. We specifically identify the low-frequency information contained in distances between the interferometer mirrors (deformation of Earth) and angles between the mirrors' suspensions (deviations of local gravity vectors and plumb lines). We show that the access to the angular information may require some modest amendments to the optical scheme of the interferometers, and we suggest the ways of doing that. The detailed evaluation of environmental and instrumental noises indicates that they will not prevent, even if only marginally, the detection of interesting geophysical phenomena. Gravitational-wave instruments seem to be capable of reaching, as a by-product of their continuous operation, very ambitious geophysical goals, such as observation of the Earth's inner core oscillations.Comment: 29 pages including 8 figures, modifications and clarifications in response to referees' comments, to be published in Class. Quant. Gra

    Forward Yields of the Secondary Light Nuclei in CC-collisions at Beam Energy 20.5 GeV/n on the Accelerator U-70 in Comparison with Models UrQMD, FTFP-BERT-EMV and QGSP-FTFP-BERT-EMV in the Framework of Geant4

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    The zero angle production of light nuclei has been studied in CC-interactions at beam energy 20.5 GeV/n on accelerator U-70. The measurements were performed with employing of the beamline no. 22 as spectrometer of secondary particles with verying its rigidity from 10 to 70 GeV/c. We observed secondary protons and deuterons with momenta above kinematic limit of NN-interactions. The measured dependence of forward yields on momentum are compared with the model predictions in the framework of Geant4. The models more or less correctly give positions of maxima of the distributions and their general qualitative dependence on the momentum. But in the quantitative predictions of the yields there are significant differences with the experiment which grow with increase of atomic mass number A

    Isospin Dependence of Power Corrections in Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    We present results of a perturbative QCD analysis of deep inelastic measurements of both the deuteron and proton structure functions. We evaluate the theoretical uncertainty associated to nuclear effects in the deuteron, and we extract simultaneously the isospin depedendence of: i)the higher twists terms; ii) the ratio of the longitudinal to transverse cross sections; iii) the ratio of the neutron to proton structure functions. The extraction of the latter, in particular, has been at the center of an intense debate. Its accurate determination is crucial both theoretically and for the interpretation of the more precise neutrino experiments including the newly planned high intensity 50 GeV proton synchrotron.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figure

    Determination of αs\alpha_s from Gross-Llewellyn Smith sum rule by accounting for infrared renormalon

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    We recapitulate the method which resums the truncated perturbation series of a physical observable in a way which takes into account the structure of the leading infrared renormalon. We apply the method to the Gross-Llewellyn Smith (GLS) sum rule. By confronting the obtained result with the experimentally extracted GLS value, we determine the value of the QCD coupling parameter which turns out to agree with the present world average.Comment: invited talk by G.C. in WG3 of NuFact02, July 1-6, 2002, London; 4 pages, revte

    Role of the Delta (1232) in DIS on polarized 3^3He and extraction of the neutron spin structure function g1n(x,Q2)g_{1}^{n}(x,Q^2)

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    We consider the effect of the transitions nΔ0n \to \Delta^{0} and pΔ+p \to \Delta^{+} in deep inelastic scattering on polarized 3^3He on the extraction of the neutron spin structure function g1n(x,Q2)g_{1}^{n}(x,Q^2). Making the natural assumption that these transitions are the dominant non-nucleonic contributions to the renormalization of the axial vector coupling constant in the A=3 system, we find that the effect of Δ\Delta increases g1n(x,Q2)g_{1}^{n}(x,Q^2) by 10÷4010 \div 40% in the range 0.05x0.60.05 \le x \le 0.6, where our considerations are applicable and most of the data for g1n(x,Q2)g_{1}^{n}(x,Q^2) exist.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, revte

    Nuclear shadowing in polarized DIS on ^6LiD at small x and its effect on the extraction of the deuteron spin structure function g_{1}^{d}(x,Q^2)

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    We consider the effect of nuclear shadowing in polarized deep inelastic scattering (DIS) on ^6LiD at small Bjorken x and its relevance to the extraction of the deuteron spin structure function g_{1}^{d}(x,Q^2). Using models, which describe nuclear shadowing in unpolarized DIS, we demonstrate that the nuclear shadowing correction to g_{1}^{d}(x,Q^2) is significant.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Повышение эффективности защиты участков с постами секционирования на разъединителях

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    ABSTRACT The article considers features of a scheme of protection of sections of a power network with disconnectors at a sectioning post (SP), its advantages and disadvantages are shown. A solution is proposed that allows improving the scheme under study and enhancing reliability of a traction power supply system. The power circuit of a two-track section of the catenary with disconnectors and a switch at SP, schedules of selectivity of protection of switches of adjacent traction substations and switch of SP, and also their time characteristics are shown. The sequence of actions connected with supplying current to the disconnected section of the network under the proposed protection scheme is considered. Keywords: railways, power network, catenary, sectioning post with disconnectors, traction power supply, short circuit, non-selective protection system, cross-link protection system, time delay.Полный текст на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).В статье рассмотрены особенности схемы защиты участков контактной сети с разъединителями на посту секционирования (ПС) и показаны её преимущества и недостатки. Предложено решение, позволяющее улучшить исследуемую схему и повысить надёжность работы системы тягового электроснабжения. Представлены схема питания двухпутного участка контактной сети с разъединителями и выключателем на ПС, графики селективности защит выключателей смежных тяговых подстанций и выключателя ПС, а также их временные характеристики. Оценена последовательность действий, связанных с подачей напряжения на отключённый участок сети при предлагаемой схеме защиты

    A Precise Measurement of the Muon Neutrino-Nucleon Inclusive Charged Current Cross-Section off an Isoscalar Target in the Energy Range 2.5 < E_\nu < 40 GeV by NOMAD

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    We present a measurement of the muon neutrino-nucleon inclusive charged current cross-section, off an isoscalar target, in the neutrino energy range 2.5Eν402.5 \leq E_\nu \leq 40 GeV. The significance of this measurement is its precision, ±4\pm 4% in 2.5Eν102.5 \leq E_\nu \leq 10 GeV, and ±2.6\pm 2.6% in 10Eν4010 \leq E_\nu \leq 40 GeV regions, where significant uncertainties in previous experiments still exist, and its importance to the current and proposed long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys.Lett.