588 research outputs found

    Radio Heronian Mean k-Graceful Labeling on Degree Splitting of Graphs

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    A mapping g:V\left(G\right)\rightarrow{k,k+1,\ldots,k+N-1} is a radio heronian mean k-labeling such that if for any two distinct vertices s and t of G, d\left(s,t\right)+\left\lceil\frac{g\left(s\right)+g\left(t\right)+\sqrt{g\left(s\right)g\left(t\right)}}{3}\right\rceil\geq1+D,for every s,t\in\ V(G), where D is the diameter of G. The radio heronian mean k-number of g, {rrhmn}_k(g), is the maximum number assigned to any vertex of G. The radio heronian mean number of G, {rhmn}_k(g), is the minimum value of {rhmn}_k(g) taken overall radio heronian mean labelings g of G. If {rhmn}_k(g)=\left|V\left(G\right)\right|+k-1, we call such graphs as radio heronian mean k-graceful graphs. In this paper, we investigate the radio heronian mean k-graceful labeling on degree splitting of graphs such as comb graph P_n\bigodot K_1, rooted tree graph {RT}_{n,n} hurdle graph {Hd}_n and twig graph\ {TW}_n.A  mapping    is a radio heronian mean k-labeling such that  if for any two distinct vertices  and  of , ,for every V(G), where  is the diameter of . The   radio heronian mean k-number of g, , is the maximum number assigned to any vertex of . The   radio heronian mean number of , , is the minimum value of  taken overall radio heronian mean labelings  of . If , we call such graphs as  radio heronian mean k-graceful graphs. In this paper, we investigate the  radio heronian mean k-graceful labeling  on degree splitting of graphs  such as comb graph ,  rooted tree graph   hurdle  graph     and  twig graph


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    Objective: Azelnidipine (AZEL) and Telmisartan (TELM) combination is referred to the sufferers of hypertension. No analytical process has yet been mentioned for the TELM and AZEL combination analysis. We, therefore, have designed for its first time stability demonstrating methodology based on HPLC for analysing TELM and AZEL in the tablets and bulk. Methods: The assay of TELM and AZEL was get done on a 250 mm length C18 column (Supelco, 4.6 mm inner diameter, 5.0 μm particle size), and utilized 0.1M Na2SO4 (pH 3.6) and acetonitrile (55% volume:  45% volume) as the mobile solvents phase, at a stream rate 1.0 ml/min. HPLC recognition of TELM and AZEL was taken by a photodiode array sensor set at 258 nm. For validation of the stability demonstrating methodology proposed in terms of sensitivity, precision, specificity, linearity, device adequacy, robustness and accuracy, ICH directives were followed. Results: Calibration curves of TELM and AZEL were generated in the array of 20-60 µg/ml and 4-12 µg/ml with recovery percentage ranges of 99.62%-101.05% and 97.76%-100.17%, and detection limits of 0.020 µg/ml and 0.009 µg/ml, respectively. TELM and AZEL stability was inspected in the existence of acid, base, light, heat, and oxidation and it was realised to be more stable under oxidation degradation testing conditions employed when compared to acid, alkaline, photo, and heat degradation testing conditions applied. Conclusion: The observations demonstrated that the described HPLC stability demonstrating methodology was suitable for quantitating TELM and AZEL combination in tablets and bulk

    Optimization of alkaline protease production from Pseudomonas fluorescens isolated from meat waste contaminated soil

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    A protease producing bacteria was isolated from meat waste contaminated soil and identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens. Optimization of the fermentation medium for maximum protease production was carried out. The culture conditions like inoculum concentration, incubation time, pH, temperature, carbon sources, nitrogen sources and metal ions were optimized. The optimum conditions found for protease production was 37°C at pH 9, with 2% inoculum in the medium for 24 h. Wheat bran and peptone stimulates the production of protease. Magnesium sulphate has less inhibitory effect among the metal ions tested


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    Record linkage is the process of matching records from several databases that refer to the same entities. When applied on a single database, this process is known as deduplication. Increasingly, matched data are becoming important in many applications areas, because they can contain information that is not available otherwise, or that is too costly to acquire. Removing duplicate records in a single database is a crucial step in the data cleaning process, because duplicates can severely influence the outcomes of any subsequent data processing or data mining. With the increasing size of today’s databases, the complexity of the matching process becomes one of the major challenges for record linkage and deduplication. In recent years, various indexing techniques have been developed for record linkage and deduplication. They are aimed at reducing the number of record pairs to be compared in the matching process by removing obvious nonmatching pairs, while at the same time maintaining high matching quality. This paper presents a survey of variations of six indexing techniques. Their complexity is analyzed, and their performance and scalability is evaluated within an experimental framework using both synthetic and real data sets. These experiments highlight that one of the most important factors for efficient and accurate indexing for record linkage and deduplication is the proper definition of blocking keys

    Gaussian Tribonacci R-Graceful Labeling of Some Tree Related Graphs

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    Let r be any natural number. An injective function , where  is the Gaussian Tribonacci number in the Gaussian Tribonacci sequence is said to be Gaussian Tribonacci r-graceful labeling if the induced edge labeling such that  is bijective. If a graph G admits Gaussian Tribonacci r-graceful labeling, then G is called a Gaussian Tribonacci r-graceful graph. A graph G is said to be Gaussian Tribonacci arbitrarily graceful if it is Gaussian Tribonacci r-graceful for all r. In this paper we investigate the Path graph , the Comb graph , the Coconut tree graph the regular caterpillar graph , the Bistar graph  and the Subdivision of Bistar graph are Gaussian Tribonacci arbitrarily graceful

    Effect of Oxidizer Particle Size on Burning Rate and Thermal Decomposition of Composite Solid Propellants

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    Studies on Thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorarte(AP)- polystyrene(PS) propellant and burning rate of PS/AP propellant have been carried out as a function of oxidizer particle size. Thermal decomposition of AP and AP/PS propellant as function of AP particle size shows a maximum rate around 100 micro particle size which has been explained on the basis of Mample's theory. No such maximum is observed in the case of PS/AP propellant burning rate


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    Arshas is one of the most common Ano-rectal disorders. Yet a perfect treatment modality without side effects and with long term relief has been a challenge. Acharya Sushruta has mentioned four treatment methods for Arshas such as Aushadha, Kshara, Agni and Shastra karma. Among the four modes of treatments mentioned, Aushadha causes the least discomfort to the patient psychologically, physically and economically. Hence effective management of Arshas using an Aushadha is needed. Objectives: The study is aimed to evaluate the effect of Chiravilwadi kashayam in the management of Arshas w.s.r. to Interno-external Haemorrhoids. Method: It is a single blind, pre test & post test design where 30 cases diagnosed as Arshas w.s.r. Interno-external Haemorrhoids were selected and recorded. Result: Internal administration of Chiravilwadi Kashayam for a month with a pinch of Saindhava and Luke warm water as Anupana showed highly significant result in reduction of the signs and symptoms of Arshas. Interpretation: The clinical symptoms of Arshas is Bleeding per rectum, Mass per rectum, Constipation, Pain, Pruritus and Aruchi. Arshas is a Tridoshaja Vyadhi which is seen mainly in people with irregular food habits and sedentary lifestyle. Hence Arshogna Drug along with proper intake of leafy green fibrous food is ideal. Conclusion: Chiravilwadi Kashayam is an excellent remedy for Arshoroga. The combination of Chiravilwadi Kashayam has all the qualities required for Arshogna dravya which are Anulomana, Ama pachana, Agni Deepana property and importantly Arshogna property. &nbsp


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    Objective: The study was done to compare the effect of selected yoga techniques, drugs, and combined therapy in depression in geriatrics. Methods: 75 patients between 65 and 75 years of age with depression were included in the study which was assessed by HAM D Score. The study population was randomly allocated to one control group and two study groups. The control group was given Aswangandha and Vacha churna with warm water as anupana after food, selected yoga techniques in the first study group, and combined yoga and the drug were given to the second study group. Outcome variables were assessed for the groups after the 30th day and follow-up after 45 days. Results: The results obtained in the study were analyzed using the ANOVA test. Yoga along with drug experienced a comparatively greater reduction in HAM-D score after treatment and follow-up (p<0.05) than other groups. Conclusion: Holistic approach can bring a better and static result than applying the treatment modalities alone

    Cardiac troponin T estimation post elective stent implantation and prediction of early and late outcomes

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    Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a major cause of mortality and morbidity. Per Cutaneous Interventions (PCI) is emerging as the mainstay of treatment for CAD. Periprocedural myocardial necrosis, which can range from a low-level elevation of cardiac biomarkers to a large myocardial infarction, is an important complication of PCI. There are conflicting reports regarding peri-procedural biomarker elevation and adverse outcome. It is in this context we have undertaken this study to assess the prognostic significance of cardiac troponin T elevation after elective stent implantation.Methods: The study population included 100 consecutive patients who underwent elective PCI with stent implantation in cardiology unit of Medical College, Trivandrum. Serial cardiac enzyme levels were measured in all patients undergoing the procedure. CPK was measured at 8 hrs, 16 hrs and 24 hrs and Troponin T was measured at 8hrs and 24 hrs. post PCI. In hospital events were documented and patients were on follow up for a period of 1 year. Primary endpoints of death, myocardial infarction, recurrent ischemia leading to revascularization were noted.Results: In our study population of 100 patients there were 87 males and 13 females. Among them 50% had unstable angina, 18% had exertional angina and 32% were post myocardial infarction patients. In this group of hundred patients 79% had single vessel disease, 18% had two vessels and 3% had triple vessel disease. A total of 103 stents were deployed. Mean CPK levels were CPK-1 (80.11+36.19), mean CPK-2 (83.91± 34.8) and mean CPK-3 (86.32+57.80). Mean Troponin T-1 was 0.04+0.1 and mean Troponin-2 was 0.06+0.145. In this study, we compared late onset angina with Troponin and CPK positivity and found that both Troponin-1 & Troponin-2 had significant correlation with late onset angina.Conclusions: Periprocedural Troponin T is more sensitive than CPK in predicting late events. Thrombus containing lesions and bifurcation lesions were significantly associated with elevation in Troponin T. No significant Troponin T elevations were noted in patients with diabetes mellitus and those containing calcified lesions. Drug eluting stents were associated with a relatively lesser Troponin T elevations but not statistically significant

    Spectrally efficient multicarrier modulation system for visible light communication

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    Visible Light Communication (VLC) has become an accolade to its radio frequency counterpart. In VLC system, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has drawn much attention, because of simple equalization, high spectral efficiency, high data rate and robustness to intersymbol interference (ISI). Besides, there are emerging applications that ought to be gotten with low latency and high reliability. To diminish power requirements with no transmission capacity extension, Trellis coded modulation (TCM) is utilized as a part of the framework in which the free distance of trellis diagram is equivalent to the minimum distance between the points of constellation focuses in partitioned subsets, which augments the coding gain up i.e. the performance parameter viably. TCM together with VLC-OFDM enhances the transmission execution in reasonable frameworks. In this paper, we propose OFDM which is based on TCM and is planned and exeuted for digitized OFDM frameworks by presenting delta sigma modulation (DSM) considering VLC channel. Simulation results show that the proposed TCM based VLC-OFDM offers incredible robustness against noises and nonlinear degradation
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