207 research outputs found

    Modular Ion Mobility Calibrants for Organometallic Anions Based on Tetraorganylborate Salts

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    Organometallics are widely used in catalysis and synthesis. Their analysis relies heavily on mass spectrometric methods, among which traveling-wave ion mobility spectrometry (TWIMS) has gained increasing importance. Collision cross sections (CCS) obtainable by TWIMS significantly aid the structural characterization of ions in the gas phase, but for organometallics, their accuracy has been limited by the lack of appropriate calibrants. Here, we propose tetraorganylborates and their alkali-metal bound oligomers [Mn–1(BR4)n]− (M = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs; R = aryl, Et; n = 1–6) as calibrants for electrospray ionization (ESI) TWIMS. These species chemically resemble typical organometallics and readily form upon negative-ion mode ESI of solutions of alkali-metal tetraorganylborates. By combining different tetraorganylborate salts, we have generated a large number of anions in a modular manner and determined their CCS values by drift-tube ion mobility spectrometry (DTIMS) (DTCCSHe = 81–585, DTCCSN2 = 130–704 Å2). In proof-of-concept experiments, we then applied these DTCCS values to the calibration of a TWIMS instrument and analyzed phenylcuprate and argentate anions, [Lin–1MnPh2n]− and [MnPhn+1]− (M = Cu, Ag), as prototypical reactive organometallics. The TWCCSN2 values derived from TWIMS measurements are in excellent agreement with those determined by DTIMS (<2% relative difference), demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed calibration scheme. Moreover, we used theoretical methods to predict the structures and CCS values of the anions considered. These predictions are in good agreement with the experimental results and give further insight into the trends governing the assembly of tetraorganylborate, cuprate, and argentate oligomers

    Measurement of advancing and receding contact angles between mercury and cement-based materials

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    The selection of the incorrect value of contact angles is one of the important error sources in calculating the pore size in mercury porosimetry studies. However, from literature, it is difficult to find out an appropriate technique, which can be used to measure both advancing and receding contact angles. In this paper, a new method is proposed to measure the advancing and receding contact angles between mercury and cement-based materials. This method is demonstrated with a measurement on Portland cement paste with the water-to-cement ratio of 0.3. This method can give very consistent results with the standard deviation lower than 1 %. The measured advancing and receding contact angles range from 131.7° to 138.6° and from 123.3° to 128.2°, respectively, as curing age increases from 3 days to 28 days

    Predicción de las propiedades mecánicas del cemento en la micro-escala

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    Prediction of the mechanical properties of cement paste at microscale has been done in this contribution by making use of 3D lattice fracture model. The microstructure of cement paste is simulated by HYMOSTRUC3D first, which is represented in terms of sphere particles. Then the microstructure is converted into a voxel-based image, and a lattice system is constructed based on the image of the microstructure through ImgLat (Image to Lattice). A virtual uni-axial tensile test is configured and the fracture process is simulated by GLAK (Generalized Lattice Analysis Kernel). The outputs of fracture process simulation are the load-displacement diagram and micro-cracks propagation. The load-displacement diagram reveals the tensile behavior of cement paste at microscale, from which the elastic modulus and tensile strength can be obtained. A numerical experiment is carried out to show how the model works, and the final results also demonstrate the feasibility of the above modeling procedure.En el presente trabajo se ha realizado una predicción de las propiedades mecánicas del cemento en la micro-escala, empleando un modelo de fractura reticular 3D. En primer lugar se simula la micro-estructura del cemento mediante el código HYMOSTRUC3D, representando dicha micro-estructura mediante partículas esféricas. A continuación, la micro-estructura generada se convierte en una imagen basada en “vóxeles”, y se construye un sistema reticular basado en esa imagen mediante el código ImgLat (Image to Lattice). Se define un ensayo de tensión uniaxial virtual, y se simula el proceso de fractura usando el código GLAK (Generalized Lattice Análisis Kernel). Los resultados obtenidos de esta simulación del proceso de fractura son diagramas de carga-desplazamiento y propagación de micro-roturas. El diagrama de carga-desplazamiento caracteriza el comportamiento a fractura de la pasta de cemento en la micro-escala, y a partir de éste se puede obtener la resistencia a fractura y el módulo de elasticidad del material. Con el objetivo de mostrar el funcionamiento de la simulación, se ha realizado un experimento teórico, cuyos resultados sirven para validar el modelo empleado

    Identification of regeneration-associated genes after central and peripheral nerve injury in the adult rat

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    Background: It is well known that neurons of the peripheral nervous system have the capacity to regenerate a severed axon leading to functional recovery, whereas neurons of the central nervous system do not regenerate successfully after injury. The underlying molecular programs initiated by axotomized peripheral and central nervous system neurons are not yet fully understood.Results: To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying the process of regeneration in the nervous system, differential display polymerase chain reaction has been used to identify differentially expressed genes following axotomy of peripheral and central nerve fibers. For this purpose, axotomy induced changes of regenerating facial nucleus neurons, and non-regenerating red nucleus and Clarke's nucleus neurons have been analyzed in an intra-animal side-to-side comparison. One hundred and thirty five gene fragments have been isolated, of which 69 correspond to known genes encoding for a number of different functional classes of proteins such as transcription factors, signaling molecules, homeobox-genes, receptors and proteins involved in metabolism. Sixty gene fragments correspond to genomic mouse sequences without known function. In situ-hybridization has been used to confirm differential expression and to analyze the cellular localization of these gene fragments. Twenty one genes (similar to 15%) have been demonstrated to be differentially expressed.Conclusions: The detailed analysis of differentially expressed genes in different lesion paradigms provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the process of regeneration and may lead to the identification of genes which play key roles in functional repair of central nervous tissues

    A symmetric polymer blend confined into a film with antisymmetric surfaces: interplay between wetting behavior and phase diagram

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    We study the phase behavior of a symmetric binary polymer blend which is confined into a thin film. The film surfaces interact with the monomers via short range potentials. We calculate the phase behavior within the self-consistent field theory of Gaussian chains. Over a wide range of parameters we find strong first order wetting transitions for the semi-infinite system, and the interplay between the wetting/prewetting behavior and the phase diagram in confined geometry is investigated. Antisymmetric boundaries, where one surface attracts the A component with the same strength than the opposite surface attracts the B component, are applied. The phase transition does not occur close to the bulk critical temperature but in the vicinity of the wetting transition. For very thin films or weak surface fields one finds a single critical point at ϕc=1/2\phi_c=1/2. For thicker films or stronger surface fields the phase diagram exhibits two critical points and two concomitant coexistence regions. Only below a triple point there is a single two phase coexistence region. When we increase the film thickness the two coexistence regions become the prewetting lines of the semi-infinite system, while the triple temperature converges towards the wetting transition temperature from above. The behavior close to the tricritical point, which separates phase diagrams with one and two critical points, is studied in the framework of a Ginzburg-Landau ansatz. Two-dimensional profiles of the interface between the laterally coexisting phases are calculated, and the interfacial and line tensions analyzed. The effect of fluctuations and corrections to the self-consistent field theory are discussed.Comment: Phys.Rev.E in prin

    3D Real-Time Echocardiography Combined with Mini Pressure Wire Generate Reliable Pressure-Volume Loops in Small Hearts

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    BACKGROUND: Pressure-volume loops (PVL) provide vital information regarding ventricular performance and pathophysiology in cardiac disease. Unfortunately, acquisition of PVL by conductance technology is not feasible in neonates and small children due to the available human catheter size and resulting invasiveness. The aim of the study was to validate the accuracy of PVL in small hearts using volume data obtained by real-time three-dimensional echocardiography (3DE) and simultaneously acquired pressure data. METHODS: In 17 piglets (weight range: 3.6–8.0 kg) left ventricular PVL were generated by 3DE and simultaneous recordings of ventricular pressure using a mini pressure wire (PVL3D). PVL3D were compared to conductance catheter measurements (PVLCond) under various hemodynamic conditions (baseline, alpha-adrenergic stimulation with phenylephrine, beta-adrenoreceptor-blockage using esmolol). In order to validate the accuracy of 3D volumetric data, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) was performed in another 8 piglets. RESULTS: Correlation between CMR- and 3DE-derived volumes was good (enddiastolic volume: mean bias -0.03ml ±1.34ml). Computation of PVL3D in small hearts was feasible and comparable to results obtained by conductance technology. Bland-Altman analysis showed a low bias between PVL3D and PVLCond. Systolic and diastolic parameters were closely associated (Intraclass-Correlation Coefficient for: systolic myocardial elastance 0.95, arterial elastance 0.93, diastolic relaxation constant tau 0.90, indexed end-diastolic volume 0.98). Hemodynamic changes under different conditions were well detected by both methods (ICC 0.82 to 0.98). Inter- and intra-observer coefficients of variation were below 5% for all parameters. CONCLUSIONS: PVL3D generated from 3DE combined with mini pressure wire represent a novel, feasible and reliable method to assess different hemodynamic conditions of cardiac function in hearts comparable to neonate and infant size. This methodology may be integrated into clinical practice and cardiac catheterization programs and has the capability to contribute to clinical decision making even in small hearts