1,738 research outputs found

    Rational physical agent reasoning beyond logic

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    The paper addresses the problem of defining a theoretical physical agent framework that satisfies practical requirements of programmability by non-programmer engineers and at the same time permitting fast realtime operation of agents on digital computer networks. The objective of the new framework is to enable the satisfaction of performance requirements on autonomous vehicles and robots in space exploration, deep underwater exploration, defense reconnaissance, automated manufacturing and household automation

    Differences in the Angular Dependencies of Spin- and Symmetry-Forbidden Excitation Cross Sections by Low-Energy Electron Impact Spectroscopy

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    Optically forbidden electronic transitions can be produced by low-energy electron impact. Recent experimental investigations of helium (1-3) have shown that the differential scattering cross sections for forbidden excitations are generally enhanced relative to those for allowed ones at low incident energies and large scattering angles. We have now observed marked differences in the angular and energy dependencies of differential cross sections for various kinds of forbidden (spin, symmetry, or both) transitions in helium at low incident energies. Such differences may well provide a basis for determining the nature of optically forbidden transitions detected by electron-impact spectroscopy in other atoms and molecules

    Comments on a Major Range Extension of the Little-Known Acrocera bakeri (Diptera: Acroceridae)

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    The spider fly Acrocera bakeri Coquillett, 1904 (Diptera: Acroceridae) is reported as a new state record for Wisconsin. This is a major range extension, because this rarely-encountered species was previously known only from the western U.S., specifically Arizona, California, and Nevada. The taxonomic history of the species is briefly discussed and hypotheses are offered for its unexpected presence in Wisconsin

    Kulonbozo oktatasi rendszerek es formak kozotti tudastranszfer es annak merhetosege

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    Az információ megszerzése és átadása sohasem volt olyan nagy jelentőségű mint napjainkban. Aki a legfrissebb, legmagasabb szintű információval rendelkezik az előnyre tesz versenytársaival szemben. Igy érthető, hogy a gazdaság és az erősödő piaci verseny egyre nagyobb nyomást gyakorol az oktatási intézményekre is. A vásárlók (hallgatók) a világ minden táján kritikusan figyelik, hogy a pénzükért naprakész tudást kapnak-e. Az oktatási intézményeket (középiskolákat és egyetemeket) Nagy-Britanniában például rangsorolják mind az oktatás színvonala, mind a kutatásban elért eredményei alapján. Ezek az információk megjelennek a napilapokban és egyértelműen jelzik az adott intézmény rangját és a kibocsátott diploma piaci értékét. Az egyre erősödő hallgatókért történő versenyben tehát igen fontos szerepe van a naprakész tudásnak és a több területen is felhasználható készségek oktatásának. A felsőoktatás egyre inkább szolgáltató nagyüzemmé válik, amely igyekszik minél gyorsabban reagálni a piac igényeire. A piac nagy választékot, rugalmas formákat és egymásra építhetőséget kíván, így az egyetemek tárgyai legtöbb helyen már modulokból épülnek fel, ahol a hallgatónak a kötött tantárgyak mellett választható tantárgyaik is vannak. Másik világjelenség az egész életen keresztül tartó folyamatos tanulás igénye. Elfogadott tény, hogy bár különböző idő alatt szakterülettől függően elavul a tudás. Igy a diploma csak egy állomása, de nem a végállomása a tanulásnak. Hogyan tudnak az oktatási intézmények megfelelni az egyre növekvő számú első diplomás képzésének és egy időben hogyan tudják kielégíteni a posztgraduális hosszabb, rövidebb ideig tartó képzések iránti igényt. Ez a dilemma jelen van a nyugati és a keleti oktatási intézményekben egyaránt. A lényeges különbség a rendelkezésre álló időben van. Ami Nagy Britanniában például mintegy ötven év alatt zajlott le az Magyarországon megpróbál megtörténni tíz év alatt. A felgyorsulás érzékeltetésére talán célszerű röviden végigtekintenünk a brit oktatásban végbemenő változásokat az elmúlt ötven évben. Ha ezt párhuzamba állítjuk a magyarországi 1990-töl 2000-ig terjedő tíz esztendő főbb lépéseivel elgondolkodtató képet kapunk

    Continuum EoS for QCD with Nf=2+1 flavors

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    We report on a continuum extrapolated result [arXiv:1309.5258] for the equation of state (EoS) of QCD with Nf=2+1N_f=2+1 dynamical quark flavors. In this study, all systematics are controlled, quark masses are set to their physical values, and the continuum limit is taken using at least three lattice spacings corresponding to temporal extents up to Nt=16N_t=16. A Symanzik improved gauge and stout-link improved staggered fermion action is used. Our results are available online [ancillary file to arXiv:1309.5258].Comment: Conference proceedings, 7 pages, 4 figures. Talk presented at 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE 2013), July 29 - August 3, 2013, Mainz, German

    Static quark-antiquark pair free energy and screening masses: continuum results at the QCD physical point

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    We study the correlators of Polyakov loops, and the corresponding gauge invariant free energy of a static quark-antiquark pair in 2+1 flavor QCD at finite temperature. Our simulations were carried out on NtN_t = 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 lattices using a Symanzik improved gauge action and a stout improved staggered action with physical quark masses. The free energies calculated from the Polyakov loop correlators are extrapolated to the continuum limit. For the free energies we use a two step renormalization procedure that only uses data at finite temperature. We also measure correlators with definite Euclidean time reversal and charge conjugation symmetry to extract two different screening masses, one in the magnetic, and one in the electric sector, to distinguish two different correlation lengths in the full Polyakov loop correlator. This conference contribution is based on the paper: JHEP 1504 (2015) 138Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Talk presented at the 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2015), 14-18 July 2015, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe, Japa

    QCD transition temperature: full staggered result

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    We conclude our investigations on the QCD cross-over transition temperatures with 2+1 staggered flavours and one-link stout improvement. We extend our previous two studies [Phys. Lett. B643 (2006) 46, JHEP 0906:088 (2009)] by choosing even finer lattices (N_t=16) and we work again with physical quark masses. These new results [for details see JHEP 1009:073,2010] support our earlier findings. We compare them with the published results of the hotQCD collaboration. All these results are confronted with the predictions of the Hadron Resonance Gas model and Chiral Perturbation Theory for temperatures below the transition region. Our results can be reproduced by using the physical spectrum. The findings of the hotQCD collaboration can be recovered only by using a distorted spectrum. This analysis provides a simple explanation for the observed discrepancy in the transition T between our and the hotQCD collaborations.Comment: presented at the XXVIII. International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, June 14-19,2010, Villasimius, Sardinia Ital

    Recent results on the Equation of State of QCD

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    We report on a continuum extrapolated result (arXiv:1309.5258) for the equation of state (EoS) of QCD with Nf=2+1N_f=2+1 dynamical quark flavors and discuss preliminary results obtained with an additional dynamical charm quark (Nf=2+1+1N_f=2+1+1). For all our final results, the systematics are controlled, quark masses are set to their physical values, and the continuum limit is taken using at least three lattice spacings corresponding to temporal extents up to Nt=16N_t=16.Comment: Conference proceedings: The 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory - Lattice 2014, June 23-28, 2014, Columbia University, New York, New Yor

    Analysis and design of a capsule landing system and surface vehicle control system for Mars exploration

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    Problems related to an unmanned exploration of the planet Mars by means of an autonomous roving planetary vehicle are investigated. These problems include: design, construction and evaluation of the vehicle itself and its control and operating systems. More specifically, vehicle configuration, dynamics, control, propulsion, hazard detection systems, terrain sensing and modelling, obstacle detection concepts, path selection, decision-making systems, and chemical analyses of samples are studied. Emphasis is placed on development of a vehicle capable of gathering specimens and data for an Augmented Viking Mission or to provide the basis for a Sample Return Mission

    Analysis and design of a capsule landing system and surface vehicle control system for Mars exploration

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    Problems related to the design and control of a mobile planetary vehicle to implement a systematic plan for the exploration of Mars are reported. Problem areas include: vehicle configuration, control, dynamics, systems and propulsion; systems analysis, terrain modeling and path selection; and chemical analysis of specimens. These tasks are summarized: vehicle model design, mathematical model of vehicle dynamics, experimental vehicle dynamics, obstacle negotiation, electrochemical controls, remote control, collapsibility and deployment, construction of a wheel tester, wheel analysis, payload design, system design optimization, effect of design assumptions, accessory optimal design, on-board computer subsystem, laser range measurement, discrete obstacle detection, obstacle detection systems, terrain modeling, path selection system simulation and evaluation, gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer system concepts, and chromatograph model evaluation and improvement
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