624 research outputs found

    Parental stress increases body mass index trajectory in pre-adolescents.

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    What is already known about this subjectRates of childhood obesity have increased since the mid-1970s. Research into behavioural determinants has focused on physical inactivity and unhealthy diets. Cross-sectional studies indicate an association between psychological stress experienced by parents and obesity in pre-adolescents.What this study addsWe provide evidence of a prospective association between parental psychological stress and increased weight gain in pre-adolescents. Family-level support for those experiencing chronic stress might help promote healthy diet and exercise behaviours in children.ObjectiveWe examined the impact of parental psychological stress on body mass index (BMI) in pre-adolescent children over 4 years of follow-up.MethodsWe included 4078 children aged 5-10 years (90% were between 5.5 and 7.5 years) at study entry (2002-2003) in the Children's Health Study, a prospective cohort study in southern California. A multi-level linear model simultaneously examined the effect of parental stress at study entry on the attained BMI at age 10 and the slope of change across annual measures of BMI during follow-up, controlled for the child's age and sex. BMI was calculated based on objective measurements of height and weight by trained technicians following a standardized procedure.ResultsA two standard deviation increase in parental stress at study entry was associated with an increase in predicted BMI attained by age 10 of 0.287 kg m(-2) (95% confidence interval 0.016-0.558; a 2% increase at this age for a participant of average attained BMI). The same increase in parental stress was also associated with an increased trajectory of weight gain over follow-up, with the slope of change in BMI increased by 0.054 kg m(-2) (95% confidence interval 0.007-0.100; a 7% increase in the slope of change for a participant of average BMI trajectory).ConclusionsWe prospectively demonstrated a small effect of parental stress on BMI at age 10 and weight gain earlier in life than reported previously. Interventions to address the burden of childhood obesity should address the role of parental stress in children

    The effect of chroma on line-tilt stimulus control in pigeons.

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    Dept. of Psychology. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis1972 .M44. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 40-07, page: . Thesis (M.A.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1972

    Photochemistry of Pyrimidine in Astrophysical Ices: Formation of Nucleobases and Other Prebiotic Species

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    Nucleobases are N-heterocycles that are the informational subunits of DNA and RNA. They are divided into two molecular groups: pyrimidine bases (uracil, cytosine, and thymine) and purine bases (adenine and guanine). Nucleobases have been detected in meteorites, and their extraterrestrial origin confirmed by isotopic measurements. Although no N-heterocycles have ever been observed in the ISM, the positions of the 6.2- m interstellar emission features suggest a population of such molecules is likely to be present. However, laboratory experiments have shown that the ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of pyrimidine in ices of astrophysical relevance such as H2O, NH3, CH3OH, CH4, CO, or combinations of these at low temperature (less than or equal to 20 K) leads to the formation of several pyrimidine derivatives including the nucleobases uracil and cytosine, as well as precursors such as 4(3H)-pyrimidone and 4-aminopyrimidine. Quantum calculations on the formation of 4(3H)-pyrimidone and uracil from the irradiation of pyrimidine in pure H2O ices are in agreement with their experimental formation pathways.10 In those residues, other species of prebiotic interest such as urea as well as the amino acids glycine and alanine could also be identified. However, only very small amounts of pyrimidine derivatives containing CH3 groups could be detected, suggesting that the addition of methyl groups to pyrimidine is not an efficient process. For this reason, the nucleobase thymine was not observed in any of the samples. In this work, we study the formation of nucleobases and other photo-products of prebiotic interest from the UV irradiation of pyrimidine in ices containing H2O, NH3, CH3OH, and CO, mixed in astrophysical proportions

    Loss of Cone Molecular Markers in Rhodopsin-Mutant Human Retinas with Retinitis Pigmentosa

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    Purpose: To examine the effect of rhodopsin mutations on cone photoreceptors in human retinas with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Methods: Four RP retinas with rhodopsin mutations and four normal retinas were examined by immunofluorescence with a battery of cell-specific antibodies against cone and rod cytoplasmic and outer segment membrane proteins. Areas of the retinas were studied that showed maximal preservation of photoreceptor structure. Results: All four RP retinas showed loss of rods, ranging from mild (T-17-M), to more severe (P-23-H), to advanced degeneration (Q-64-ter and G-106-R). The majority of cones in the T-17-M and P-23-H retinas were cytologically normal but showed loss of immunoreactivity for the cytoplasmic proteins 7G6, calbindin, and X-arrestin. The cone outer segments (OS) remained positive for cone opsins and peripherin-2 (rds/peripherin). All remaining cones in the Q-64-ter and G-106-R retinas were degenerate, with short to absent OS, but had strong reactivity for these cytoplasmic and OS membrane markers. Cones in the maculas of the RP retinas were degenerate, with short to absent OS, but retained strong labeling for the cytoplasmic and OS proteins. Conclusions: Even before cones show cytologic changes in response to rod cell degeneration, they lose immunoreactivity for certain cytoplasmic proteins. These cones later show shortening and loss of OS, although their OS membrane proteins remain well labeled. Cones may down regulate expression of both cytoplasmic and outer segment membrane proteins in response to mutant rod cell dysfunction and/or cell death in human RP retinas. Such cytologic and immunocytochemical changes in the cones may presage death of these critical cells in the later stages of RP

    Nucleobases and other Prebiotic Species from the Ultraviolet Irradiation of Pyrimidine in Astrophysical Ices

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    Nucleobases are N-heterocycles that are the informational subunits of DNA and RNA, and are divided into two families: pyrimidine bases (uracil, cytosine, and thymine) and purine bases (adenine and guanine). Nucleobases have been detected in meteorites and their extraterrestrial origin confirmed by isotope measurement. Although no Nheterocycles have ever been observed in the ISM, the positions of the 6.2-m interstellar emission features suggest a population of such molecules is likely to be present. In this work we study the formation of pyrimidine-based molecules, including nucleobases, as well as other species of prebiotic interest, from the ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of pyrimidine in combinations of H2O, NH3, CH3OH, and CH4 ices at low temperature, in order to simulate the astrophysical conditions under which prebiotic species may be formed in the interstellar medium and icy bodies of the Solar System. Experimental: Gas mixtures are prepared in a glass mixing line (background pressure approx. 10(exp -6)-10(exp -5) mbar). Relative proportions between mixture components are determined by their partial pressures. Gas mixtures are then deposited on an aluminum foil attached to a cold finger (15-20 K) and simultaneously irradiated with an H2 lamp emitting UV photons (Lyman and a continuum at approx.160 nm). After irradiation samples are warmed to room temperature, at which time the remaining residues are recovered to be analyzed with liquid and gas chromatographies. Results: These experiments showed that the UV irradiation of pyrimidine mixed in these ices at low temperature leads to the formation of several photoproducts derived from pyrimidine, including the nucleobases uracil and cytosine, as well as their precursors 4(3H)-pyrimidone and 4-aminopyrimidine (Fig. 1). Theoretical quantum calculations on the formation of 4(3H)-pyrimidone and uracil from the irradiation of pyrimidine in pure H2O ices are in agreement with their experimental formation pathways. In those residues, other species of prebiotic interest such as urea and the amino acids glycine and alanine could also be identified. However, no pyrimidine derivatives containing CH3 groups, including the third nucleobase thymine, could be identified, suggesting that the addition of methyl groups to pyrimidine is not an efficient process

    On the nature of the enigmatic object IRAS 19312+1950: A rare phase of massive star formation?

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    IRAS 19312+1950 is a peculiar object that has eluded firm characterization since its discovery, with combined maser properties similar to an evolved star and a young stellar object (YSO). To help determine its true nature, we obtained infrared spectra of IRAS 19312+1950 in the range 5-550 μ\mum using the Herschel and Spitzer space observatories. The Herschel PACS maps exhibit a compact, slightly asymmetric continuum source at 170 μ\mum, indicative of a large, dusty circumstellar envelope. The far-IR CO emission line spectrum reveals two gas temperature components: ≈0.22M⊙\approx0.22M_{\odot} of material at 280±18280\pm18 K, and ≈1.6M⊙\approx1.6M_{\odot} of material at 157±3157\pm3 K. The OI 63 μ\mum line is detected on-source but no significant emission from atomic ions was found. The HIFI observations display shocked, high-velocity gas with outflow speeds up to 90 km s−1^{-1} along the line of sight. From Spitzer spectroscopy, we identify ice absorption bands due to H2_2O at 5.8 μ\mum and CO2_2 at 15 μ\mum. The spectral energy distribution is consistent with a massive, luminous (∼2×104L⊙\sim2\times10^4L_{\odot}) central source surrounded by a dense, warm circumstellar disk and envelope of total mass ∼500\sim500-700M⊙700M_{\odot}, with large bipolar outflow cavities. The combination of distinctive far-IR spectral features suggest that IRAS 19312+1950 should be classified as an accreting high-mass YSO rather than an evolved star. In light of this reclassification, IRAS 19312+1950 becomes only the 5th high-mass protostar known to exhibit SiO maser activity, and demonstrates that 18 cm OH maser line ratios may not be reliable observational discriminators between evolved stars and YSOs.Comment: 16 pages. Accepted for publication in Ap

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    Includes Notes from the Editors\u27 Roundtabl
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