38 research outputs found

    Long-term repopulating abilities of enriched fetal liver stem cells measured by competitive repopulation

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    To characterize hematopoietic cell biology, many investigators have used protocols that enrich for primitive hematopoietic stem cells (PHSC). In this study, we quantified the long-term repopulating ability (LTRA) of enriched and discarded fractions of PHSC from day-14 murine fetal liver using the competitive repopulation assay. We fractionated populations of fetal cells using the antigenic markers AA4.1+, AA4.1+/Sca+, and AA4.1+/Linlow/Sca+. Differentiating and repopulating abilities of each of these populations were directly compared using competitive repopulation. Adult bone marrow was mixed with fetal cell fractions from congenic donors having genetically distinguishable markers, and mixtures were given to irradiated recipients. Differentiating and repopulating abilities of the enriched donor cells were measured by the proportions of myeloid and lymphoid cells having donor markers that repopulated the recipients. LTRA was found primarily in the AA4.1+ and AA4.1+/Sca+ subpopulations. Further fractionation of the AA4.1+ cells to derive an AA4.1+/Linlow/Sca+ fraction showed that virtually all of the long-term stem cell activity was found in this subpopulation. These cells were 1400- to 1600-fold enriched in long-term functional ability compared to fresh marrow. This very high multilineage repopulating ability per cell was directly measured using a long-term functional assay in vivo. Importantly, the measured repopulating ability for AA4.1+/Linlow/Sca+ cells was about five-fold less than expected from the fraction of cells enriched and remained two- to three-fold less even after compensating for repopulating ability in discarded fractions. This illustrates that long-term functional abilities of enriched PHSC cannot be estimated from fractions enriched but should be quantitatively assayed

    Rare FLT3 deletion mutants may provide additional treatment options to patients with AML: an approach to individualized medicine

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    The receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) FLT3 (Fms-like tyrosine kinase-3) is essential for the proliferation, differentiation and survival of hematopoietic cells.1, 2 Mutations in the gene for FLT3 have been described in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) as internal tandem duplications (ITD) localized in the juxtamembrane (JM) domain and FLT3 tyrosine kinase domain (TKD) mutations amounting to 2–30% and 7–10% of patients, respectively. In patients with AML, FLT3-ITD confers an unfavorable prognosis.3 In AML, recently discovered FLT3 mutations involve point mutations as well as short deletions in the JM domain, highlighting the importance for a deeper understanding and further studies of these aberrations.4, 5 The FLT3 JM domain (Supplementary Figure 1a) is indeed the critical regulator region of receptor autoinhibition.6 Kiyoi et al.7 had shown constitutive activation of the FLT3 receptor by deletion of a stretch of amino acids in the JM domain, generally duplicated in FLT3-ITD.In this study, during diagnostic screening for ITD and TKD mutations, we have identified and functionally characterized deletion mutations of FLT3 in the diagnostic work-up of over 6843 AML patients. Deletions were detected in seven patients (0.1%) with newly diagnosed or relapsed AML. All deletions detected by gene scan were in the range of 3–18 base pairs (Supplementary Table 1 and Figure 1a). Subsequent sequencing revealed that all but one of these deletions, which was situated in the transmembrane domain, were in the JM domain, and were simple deletions (n=5) or indels (n=2). In three cases out of seven, the mutations resulted in a premature stop codon. As loss of the wild-type (WT) allele in FLT3-ITD knock-in mice led to a more severe phenotype,8 we analyzed whether the FLT3 mutations were biallelic. However, we could not detect ITD or TKD mutations on the other allele of these patients. Remission samples of patient Id 2–7 confirmed the somatic character of the mutations. We analyzed the transforming potential of such deletions and performed computational modeling to predict the structural effect of two deletions (Id 5: p.Glu598_Tyr599del—delEY; Id 6: p.Phe590_Asp593delinsLeuTyr—delIns)

    Crenolanib is a selective type I pan-FLT3 inhibitor

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    Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) represent transformative therapies for several malignancies. Two critical features necessary for maximizing TKI tolerability and response duration are kinase selectivity and invulnerability to resistance-conferring kinase domain (KD) mutations in the intended target. No prior TKI has demonstrated both of these properties. Aiming to maximize selectivity, medicinal chemists have largely sought to create TKIs that bind to an inactive (type II) kinase conformation. Here we demonstrate that the investigational type I TKI crenolanib is a potent inhibitor of Fms tyrosine kinase-3 (FLT3) internal tandem duplication, a validated therapeutic target in human acute myeloid leukemia (AML), as well as all secondary KD mutants previously shown to confer resistance to the first highly active FLT3 TKI quizartinib. Moreover, crenolanib is highly selective for FLT3 relative to the closely related protein tyrosine kinase KIT, demonstrating that simultaneous FLT3/KIT inhibition, a prominent feature of other clinically active FLT3 TKIs, is not required for AML cell cytotoxicity in vitro and may contribute to undesirable toxicity in patients. A saturation mutagenesis screen of FLT3–internal tandem duplication failed to recover any resistant colonies in the presence of a crenolanib concentration well below what has been safely achieved in humans, suggesting that crenolanib has the potential to suppress KD mutation-mediated clinical resistance. Crenolanib represents the first TKI to exhibit both kinase selectivity and invulnerability to resistance-conferring KD mutations, which is unexpected of a type I inhibitor. Crenolanib has significant promise for achieving deep and durable responses in FLT3–mutant AML, and may have a profound impact upon future medicinal chemistry efforts in oncology

    The receptor tyrosine kinase FIt3 is required for dendritic cell development in peripheral lymphoid tissues

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    Dendritic cell (DC) development begins in the bone marrow but is not completed until after immature progenitors reach their sites of residence in lymphoid organs. The hematopoietic growth factors regulating these processes are poorly understood. Here we examine the effects of FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (Flt3) signaling on macrophage DC progenitors (MDP) in the bone marrow and on peripheral DCs. We find that the MDP compartment is responsive to super–physiologic levels of Flt3 ligand (Flt3L) but is not dependent on Flt3 for its homeostatic maintenance in vivo. In contrast, Flt3 is essential in regulation of homeostatic DC development in the spleen where it is required to maintain normal numbers of DCs by controlling their division in the periphery

    Contingent gene regulatory networks and B cell fate specification

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    The B cell developmental pathway represents a leading system for the analysis of regulatory circuits that orchestrate cell fate specification and commitment. Considerable progress has been achieved within the past decade in the identification and genetic analysis of various regulatory components. These components include the transcription factors PU.1, Ikaros, Bcl11a, E2A, EBF, and Pax-5, as well as the cytokine receptors Flk2 and IL-7R. Experimental evidence of connectivity among the regulatory components is used to assemble sequentially acting and contingent gene regulatory networks. Transient signaling inputs, self-sustaining positive feedback loops, and crossantagonism among alternate cell fate determinants are key features of the proposed networks that instruct the development of B lymphocyte precursors from hematopoietic stem cells