1,133 research outputs found

    Modeling of transpiration reduction in van Genuchten-Mualem type soils

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    We derive an analytic expression for the matric flux potential (M) for van Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) type soils which can also be written in terms of a converging infinite series. Considering the first four terms of this series, the accuracy of the approximation was verified by comparing it to values of M estimated by numerical finite difference integration. Using values of the parameters for three soils from different texture classes, the proposed four-term approximation showed an almost perfect match with the numerical solution, except for effective saturations higher than 0.9. Including more terms reduced the discrepancy but also increased the complexity of the equation. The four-term equation can be used for most applications. Cases with special interest in nearly saturated soils should include more terms from the infinite series. A transpiration reduction function for use with the VGM equations is derived by combining the derived expression for M with a root water extraction model. The shape of the resulting reduction function and its dependency on the derivative of the soil hydraulic diffusivity D with respect to the soil water content theta is discussed. Positive and negative values of dD/d theta yield concave and convex or S-shaped reduction functions, respectively. On the basis of three data sets, the hydraulic properties of virtually all soils yield concave reduction curves. Such curves based solely on soil hydraulic properties do not account for the complex interactions between shoot growth, root growth, and water availabilit

    General procedure to initialize the cyclic soil water balance by the Thornthwaite and Mather method

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    The original Thornthwaite and Mather method, proposed in 1955 to calculate a climatic monthly cyclic soil water balance, is frequently used as an iterative procedure due to its low input requirements and coherent estimates of water balance components. Using long term data sets to establish a characteristic water balance of a location, the initial soil water storage is generally assumed to be at field capacity at the end of the last month of the wet season, unless the climate is (semi-) arid when the soil water storage is lower than the soil water holding capacity. To close the water balance, several iterations might be necessary, which can be troublesome in many situations. For (semi-) arid climates with one dry season, Mendon a derived in 1958 an equation to quantify the soil water storage monthly at the end of the last month of the wet season, which avoids iteration procedures and closes the balance in one calculation. The cyclic daily water balance application is needed to obtain more accurate water balance output estimates. In this note, an equation to express the water storage for the case of the occurrence of more than one dry season per year is presented as a generalization of Mendon a's equation, also avoiding iteration procedures

    Energie uit rioolwater en keukenafval bij hoge druk

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    Decentrale sanitatie als invulling van een duurzame waterketen is bedacht in Wageningen en tussen 2002 en 2005 door een aantal partijen in het noorden van Nederland ontwikkeld tot een bruikbaar concept. Het demonstratieproject DeSaH in Sneek heeft laten zien dat het toepassen van decentrale sanitatie en hergebruik veel mogelijkheden biedt en zeker ook een aantal aanknopingspunten voor verdere ontwikkelingen. De resultaten van het innovatieve concept kunnen echter nog aanzienlijk worden verbeterd. Ondergetekenden zijn na het ontwerp voor het project in Sneek het laboratorium ingedoken, om met nieuwe partijen te werken aan de verbetering van de efficiency, de energieprestatie en de marktpotentie van het concept. Het resultaat is een nieuwe zuiveringstechnologie: hogedrukgistin

    Thomas-Fermi-Poisson theory of screening for latterally confined and unconfined two-dimensional electron systems in strong magnetic fields

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    We examine within the self-consistent Thomas-Fermi-Poisson approach the low-temperature screening properties of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) subjected to strong perpendicular magnetic fields. Numerical results for the unconfined 2DEG are compared with those for a simplified Hall bar geometry realized by two different confinement models. It is shown that in the strongly non-linear screening limit of zero temperature the total variation of the screened potential is related by simple analytical expressions to the amplitude of an applied harmonic modulation potential and to the strength of the magnetic field.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Staat van infectieziekten in Nederland, 2013

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    In dit rapport wordt gelinked naar een bijlage: appendix150205001.De uitbraak van mazelen in 2013 was de meest in het oog springende infectieziekte van dat jaar. Dit blijkt uit de Staat van Infectieziekten in Nederland 2013, die inzicht geeft in ontwikkelingen van infectieziekten bij de Nederlandse bevolking. Daarnaast worden de ontwikkelingen in het buitenland beschreven die voor Nederland relevant zijn. Met deze jaarlijkse uitgave informeert het RIVM beleidsmakers van het ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS). Elk jaar komt in de Staat van Infectieziekten een thema aan bod; dit jaar is dat de hoeveelheid jaren in goede gezondheid die verloren gaan (ziektelast) door infectieziekten. Sommige infectieziekten, zoals maag-darminfecties, komen erg vaak voor maar veroorzaken over het algemeen geen ernstige klachten. Andere daarentegen, bijvoorbeeld tetanus, komen slechts zelden voor maar veroorzaken relatief veel sterfgevallen. Een gezondheidsmaat die deze aspecten van ziekten combineert is de Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY). Voor 32 infectieziekten is de ziektelast in Nederland tussen 2007 en 2011 geschat. De gemiddelde jaarlijkse ziektelast voor de totale Nederlandse bevolking was het hoogst voor ernstige pneumokokkenziekte (9444 DALY's per jaar) en griep (8670 DALY's per jaar), die respectievelijk 16 en 15 procent van de totale ziektelast van alle 32 infectieziekten vertegenwoordigen. Na polio en difterie (0 gevallen in de onderzochte periode), werd de laagste ziektelast geschat voor rodehond op 0,14 DALY's per jaar. De ziektelast voor deze ziekten is zo laag dankzij het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma. De ziektelast per individu varieerde van 0,2 DALY's per honderd infecties voor giardiasis (diarree die wordt veroorzaakt door een parasiet), tot 5081 en 3581 DALY's per honderd infecties voor respectievelijk hondsdolheid en een variant van de ziekte van Creutzfeldt-Jakob. Voor alle ziektelaststudies geldt dat de resultaten afhankelijk zijn van de modelparameters en aannames, en van de beschikbaarheid van accurate gegevens over de mate waarin de ziekten voorkomen. Toch kunnen deze schattingen informatief zijn voor beleidsmakers binnen de gezondheidszorg om prioriteiten te kunnen aanbrengen in preventieve en andere maatregelen.The measles outbreak in 2013 was the most striking infectious disease of that year. This is demonstrated in the State of Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands 2013, which provides insight into infectious disease trends in the Dutch population. Developments in other countries that are relevant for the Netherlands are also described. This annual RIVM publication informs policy-makers from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS). Every year the State of Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands publishes reports on a particular theme. This year's topic concerns the estimation of disease burden: how many years of health life are lost due to infectious diseases? Some infectious diseases, such as gastrointestinal infections, occur frequently in the population, but do not generally give rise to serious complaints. In contrast, other diseases, for example tetanus, occur rarely but may lead to a high risk of death. A summary measure of population health that combines the morbidity and premature mortality attributable to a disease in a single quantity is the Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY). For 32 infectious diseases, we estimated the disease burden in the Netherlands between 2007 and2011. The highest average annual burden for the total Netherlands population was estimated for invasive pneumococcal disease (9444 DALYs per year) and influenza (8670 DALYs per year), which represent 16 and 15 percent, respectively, of the total burden of all 32 diseases considered. After poliomyelitis and diphtheria (no cases in the period investigated), the lowest burden was estimated for rubella, at 0.14 DALYs per year. The extremely low burden for these diseases is due to the National Immunization Programme. The disease burden per individual varied from 0.2 DALYs per 100 infections for giardiasis (diarrhea that is caused by a parasite), to 5081 and 3581 DALYs per 100 infections for rabies and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, respectively. As with all burden of disease studies, results depend on disease model parameters and assumptions and on the availability of accurate data on the incidence of infection. Nevertheless, estimates of disease burden can be informative for public health policy-makers regarding the prioritization of preventive and other measures.Ministerie van VW

    Coronary Revascularization Induces a Shift From Cardiac Toward Noncardiac Mortality Without Improving Survival in Vascular Surgery Patient

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    OBJECTIVE: Although evidence has shown that ischemic heart disease (IHD) in vascular surgery patients has a negative impact on the prognosis after surgery, it is unclear whether directed treatment of IHD may influence cause-specific and overall mortality. The objective of this study was to determine the prognostic implication of coronary revascularization (CR) on overall and cause-specific mortality in vascular surgery patients. METHODS: Patients undergoing surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm, carotid artery stenosis, or peripheral artery disease in a university hospital in The Netherlands between January 2003 and December 2011 were retrospectively included. Survival estimates were obtained by Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: A total of 1104 patients were included. Adjusted survival analyses showed that IHD significantly increased the risk of overall mortality (hazard ratio [HR], 1.50; 95% confidence interval, 1.21-1.87) and cardiovascular death (HR, 1.93; 95% confidence interval, 1.35-2.76). Compared with those without CR, patients previously undergoing CR had similar overall mortality (HR, 1.38 vs 1.62; P = .274) and cardiovascular mortality (HR, 1.83 vs 2.02; P = .656). Nonrevascularized IHD patients were more likely to die of IHD (6.9% vs 35.7%), whereas revascularized IHD patients more frequently died of cardiovascular causes unrelated to IHD (39.1% vs 64.3%; P = .018). CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the significance of IHD for postoperative survival of vascular surgery patients. CR was associated with lower IHD-related death rates. However, it failed to provide an overall survival benefit because of an increased rate of cardiovascular mortality unrelated to IHD. Intensification of secondary prevention regimens may be required to prevent this shift toward non-IHD-related death and thereby improve life expectancy
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