1,147 research outputs found

    Osallisuuden kokemuksia lukivaikeuksisten aikuisten kertomana

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    TiivistelmÀ. Lukivaikeus on kehityksellinen oppimisvaikeus, joka jatkuu koko elÀmÀn ajan. Aikuisten lukivaikeuksista on vÀhÀn tutkimustietoa, vaikka lukivaikeudesta voi olla merkittÀvÀÀ haittaa elÀmÀssÀ selviytymiselle. Aikuisten oppimisvaikeuksien vaikutuksesta osallisuuteen on olemassa aihetta sivuavia tutkimuksia, joissa selvitetÀÀn muun muassa koulutuksen, opiskelun, työllistymisen ja työelÀmÀn haasteita. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ lukivaikeuksisten aikuisten osallisuuteen liittyviÀ kokemuksia elÀmÀn eri osa-alueilla sekÀ niitÀ merkityksiÀ, joita haastateltavat olivat omille lukivaikeuksiin liittyville kokemuksilleen antaneet. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys pohjautuu lukutaidon ja lukivaikeuden kÀsitteille sekÀ osallisuuden, toimijuuden ja identiteetin tarkastelulle. Osallisuudella tarkoitetaan johonkin kuulumista ja mukana olemisen tunnetta. Osallisuus rakentuu osin vuorovaikutuksessa ympÀristön kanssa, ja se on sidoksissa sekÀ yksilön identiteettiin ettÀ toimijuuteen. Tutkimus on laadullinen ja sen tutkimusote on fenomenologinen subjektiivisten kokemusten ollessa tarkastelun kohteena. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu seitsemÀn lukivaikeuksisen aikuisen haastattelusta. Haastateltavat tavoitettiin pÀÀosin tutkijan verkostojen kautta. Tutkimuksen tuloksien analysoinnissa on kÀytetty teorialÀhtöistÀ sisÀllönanalyysiÀ. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ lukivaikeudella on vaikutusta haastateltujen aikuisten osallisuuteen joillakin elÀmÀnalueilla. Haastateltavien kokemusten mukaan lukivaikeus vaikuttaa arjessa eniten kirjallisiin tehtÀviin, esimerkiksi tietyissÀ työtehtÀvissÀ ja virallisten asoiden hoidossa. Lukivaikeus on hidastanut ja vaikeuttanut oppimisprosesseja ja vaikuttanut suoraan opiskeluun ja koulunkÀyntiin. Haastateltavien kuvauksissa tulivat esille lukivaikeuden vÀlilliset vaikutukset sekÀ itsetuntoon ettÀ minÀpystyvyyteen ja sitÀ kautta myös identiteettiin. Lukivaikeuden sosioemotionaaliset vaikutukset muotoutuivat monen tekijÀn kautta, ja kokemuksissa oli vaihtelua haastateltavien kesken. Tutkimus antaa tietoa lukivaikeuden vaikutuksista osallisuuteen aikuisuudessa, jota voidaan hyödyntÀÀ kehitettÀessÀ lukivaikeuksisten aikuisten tukipalveluja

    Supporting Worth Mapping with Sentence Completion

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    Expectations for design and evaluation approaches are set by the development practices within which they are used. Worth Centred Development (WCD) seeks to both shape and fit such practices. We report a study that combined two WCD approaches. Sentence completion gathered credible quantitative data on user values, which were used to identify relevant values and aversions of two player groups for an online gambling site. These values provided human value elements for a complementary WCD approach of worth mapping. Initial worth maps were extended in three workshops, which focused on outcomes and user experiences that could be better addressed in the current product and associated marketing materials. We describe how worth maps were prepared for, and presented in, workshops, and how product owners and associated business roles evaluated the combination of WCD approaches. Based on our experiences, we offer practical advice on this combinination

    CMC is more than a measure of corticospinal tract integrity in acute stroke patients

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    In healthy subjects, motor cortex activity and electromyographic (EMG) signals from contracting contralateral muscle show coherence in the beta (15-30 Hz) range. Corticomuscular coherence (CMC) is considered a sign of functional coupling between muscle and brain. Based on prior studies, CMC is altered in stroke, but functional significance of this finding has remained unclear. Here, we examined CMC in acute stroke patients and correlated the results with clinical outcome measures and corticospinal tract (CST) integrity estimated with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). During isometric contraction of the extensor carpi radialis muscle, EMG and magneto encephalographic oscillatory signals were recorded from 29 patients with paresis of the upper extremity due to ischemic stroke and 22 control subjects. CMC amplitudes and peak frequencies at 13-30 Hz were compared between the two groups. In the patients, the peak frequency in both the affected and the unaffected hemisphere was significantly (p < 0.01) lower and the strength of CMC was significantly (p < 0.05) weaker in the affected hemisphere compared to the control subjects. The strength of CMC in the patients correlated with the level of tactile sensitivity and clinical test results of hand function. In contrast, no correlation between measures of CST integrity and CMC was found. The results confirm the earlier findings that CMC is altered in acute stroke and demonstrate that CMC is bidirectional and not solely a measure of integrity of the efferent corticospinal tract.Peer reviewe

    Developing fine-grained nationwide predictions of valuable forests using biodiversity indicator bird species

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Authors. Ecological Applications published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Ecological Society of America.The use of indicator species in forest conservation and management planning can facilitate enhanced preservation of biodiversity from the negative effects of forestry and other uses of land. However, this requires detailed and spatially comprehensive knowledge of the habitat preferences and distributions of selected focal indicator species. Unfortunately, due to limited resources for field surveys, only a small proportion of the occurrences of focal species is usually known. This shortcoming can be circumvented by using modelling techniques to predict the spatial distribution of suitable sites for the target species. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) and other remote sensing (RS) techniques have the potential to provide useful environmental data covering systematically large areas for these purposes. Here, we focused on six bird of prey and woodpecker species known to be good indicators of boreal forest biodiversity values. We used known nest sites of the six indicator species based on nestling ringing records. Thus, the most suitable nesting sites of these species provide important information for biodiversity-friendly forest management and conservation planning. We developed fine-grained, i.e., 96 x 96 m grid cell resolution, predictive maps across the whole of Finland of the suitable nesting habitats based on ALS and other RS data and spatial information on the distribution of important forest stands for the six studied biodiversity indicator bird species based on nesting habitat suitability modelling, i.e., the MaxEnt model. Habitat preferences of the study species, as determined by MaxEnt, were in line with the previous knowledge of species-habitat relations. The proportion of suitable habitats of these species in protected areas was considerable, but our analysis also revealed many potentially high-quality forest stands outside protected areas. However, many of these sites are increasingly threatened by logging due to increased pressures for using forests for bioeconomy and forest industry based on National Forest Strategy. Predicting habitat suitability based on information on the nest sites of indicator species provides a new tool for systematic conservation planning over large areas in boreal forests in Europe, and corresponding approach would also be feasible and recommendable elsewhere where similar data are available.The use of indicator species in forest conservation and management planning can facilitate enhanced preservation of biodiversity from the negative effects of forestry and other uses of land. However, this requires detailed and spatially comprehensive knowledge of the habitat preferences and distributions of selected focal indicator species. Unfortunately, due to limited resources for field surveys, only a small proportion of the occurrences of focal species is usually known. This shortcoming can be circumvented by using modeling techniques to predict the spatial distribution of suitable sites for the target species. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) and other remote sensing (RS) techniques have the potential to provide useful environmental data covering systematically large areas for these purposes. Here, we focused on six bird of prey and woodpecker species known to be good indicators of boreal forest biodiversity values. We used known nest sites of the six indicator species based on nestling ringing records. Thus, the most suitable nesting sites of these species provide important information for biodiversity-friendly forest management and conservation planning. We developed fine-grained, that is, 96 x 96 m grid cell resolution, predictive maps across the whole of Finland of the suitable nesting habitats based on ALS and other RS data and spatial information on the distribution of important forest stands for the six studied biodiversity indicator bird species based on nesting-habitat suitability modeling, that is, the MaxEnt model. Habitat preferences of the study species, as determined by MaxEnt, were in line with the previous knowledge of species-habitat relations. The proportion of suitable habitats of these species in protected areas (PAs) was considerable, but our analysis also revealed many potentially high-quality forest stands outside PAs. However, many of these sites are increasingly threatened by logging because of increased pressures for using forests for bioeconomy and forest industry based on National Forest Strategy. Predicting habitat suitability based on information on the nest sites of indicator species provides a new tool for systematic conservation planning over large areas in boreal forests in Europe, and a corresponding approach would also be feasible and recommendable elsewhere where similar data are available.Peer reviewe

    Mindsets and Failures : Neural Differences in Reactions to Mistakes among 2nd Grade Finnish Girls

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    Mindsets have been identified as an important factor in explaining learning differences among students. Growth mindset students have been shown to recover from mistakes easier than fixed mindset students, and recent neuroscientific research has shown differences in the brain’s event-related potentials to errors in fixed and growth mindset participants. The purpose of this study was to examine and evaluate these differences in the Finnish elementary school context. To achieve this, event-related potentials of five fixed and five growth mindset 8-9-year-old female students were recorded during a go/no-go task. Differences between the two groups emerged, however, they were different from the results of some previous studies in the field. These findings are discussed in the light of earlier neuroscientific research related to mindsets, including limitations and suggestions for future research in the field.Peer reviewe

    Gamma oscillations in V1 are correlated with GABA(A) receptor density: A multi-modal MEG and Flumazenil-PET study.

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    High-frequency oscillations in the gamma-band reflect rhythmic synchronization of spike timing in active neural networks. The modulation of gamma oscillations is a widely established mechanism in a variety of neurobiological processes, yet its neurochemical basis is not fully understood. Modeling, in-vitro and in-vivo animal studies suggest that gamma oscillation properties depend on GABAergic inhibition. In humans, search for evidence linking total GABA concentration to gamma oscillations has led to promising -but also to partly diverging- observations. Here, we provide the first evidence of a direct relationship between the density of GABA(A) receptors and gamma oscillatory gamma responses in human primary visual cortex (V1). By combining Flumazenil-PET (to measure resting-levels of GABA(A) receptor density) and MEG (to measure visually-induced gamma oscillations), we found that GABA(A) receptor densities correlated positively with the frequency and negatively with amplitude of visually-induced gamma oscillations in V1. Our findings demonstrate that gamma-band response profiles of primary visual cortex across healthy individuals are shaped by GABA(A)-receptor-mediated inhibitory neurotransmission. These results bridge the gap with in-vitro and animal studies and may have future clinical implications given that altered GABAergic function, including dysregulation of GABA(A) receptors, has been related to psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia and depression

    Cortical beta burst dynamics are altered in Parkinson's disease but normalized by deep brain stimulation

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    Exaggerated subthalamic beta oscillatory activity and increased beta range cortico-subthalamic synchrony have crystallized as the electrophysiological hallmarks of Parkinson's disease. Beta oscillatory activity is not tonic but occurs in 'bursts' of transient amplitude increases. In Parkinson's disease, the characteristics of these bursts are altered especially in the basal ganglia. However, beta oscillatory dynamics at the cortical level and how they compare with healthy brain activity is less well studied. We used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to study sensorimotor cortical beta bursting and its modulation by subthalamic deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease patients and age-matched healthy controls. We show that the changes in beta bursting amplitude and duration typical of Parkinson's disease can also be observed in the sensorimotor cortex, and that they are modulated by chronic subthalamic deep brain stimulation, which, in turn, is reflected in improved motor function at the behavioural level. In addition to the changes in individual beta bursts, their timing relative to each other was altered in patients compared to controls: bursts were more clustered in untreated Parkinson's disease, occurring in 'bursts of bursts', and re-burst probability was higher for longer compared to shorter bursts. During active deep brain stimulation, the beta bursting in patients resembled healthy controls' data. In summary, both individual bursts' characteristics and burst patterning are affected in Parkinson's disease, and subthalamic deep brain stimulation normalizes some of these changes to resemble healthy controls' beta bursting activity, suggesting a non-invasive biomarker for patient and treatment follow-up.Peer reviewe

    Eating behaviours, menstrual history and the athletic career : a retrospective survey from adolescence to adulthood in female endurance athletes

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    Aim To evaluate differences in menstrual and pubertal history and trends in eating behaviours among women with and without a competitive sports background. Additionally, we investigated if menstrual history and eating behaviours are associated with sports career-related factors.Methods This retrospective study was conducted on 100 women with a competitive endurance sports background and their age-matched, gender-matched and municipality-matched controls (n=98). Data were collected using a questionnaire using previously validated instruments. Generalised estimating equations were used to calculate associations of menstrual history and eating behaviours with outcome variables (career length, participation level, injury-related harms and career termination due to injury).Results Athletes reported higher rates of delayed puberty and menstrual dysfunction than controls. No differences between the groups were observed in the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire short form (EDE-QS) scores at any age. Previous disordered eating (DE) was associated with current DE in both groups. Among athletes, higher EDE-QS scores during the sports career were associated with a shorter career (B=-0.15, 95% CI -0.26 to -0.05). Secondary amenorrhoea was associated with lower participation level (OR 0.51, 95% CI 0.27 to 0.95), injury-related harms during the career (OR 4.00, 95% CI 1.88 to 8.48) and career termination due to injury (OR 1.89, 95% CI 1.02 to 3.51).Conclusion The findings indicate that DE behaviours and menstrual dysfunction, specifically secondary amenorrhoea, have a disadvantageous relationship with a sports career in women competing in endurance sports. DE during the sports career is associated with DE after the career.Peer reviewe

    Ura huippu-urheilijana suojaa kardiometabolisilta hÀiriöiltÀ

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    Eetti­sesti ter­veellÀ poh­jalla oleva huippu-ur­heilu nuo­rena nÀyt­tÀÀ olevan yhtey­dessÀ keski­ver­to­vÀestöÀ ter­veempÀÀn ja ­lii­kun­nal­li­sempaan van­huuteen. Eri­tyisen suo­tuisa vai­kutus ­huip­pu-ur­hei­lulla on kardio­me­ta­bo­listen hÀi­riöiden esiin­ty­miseen
