29 research outputs found

    Spin canting across core/shell Fe3O4/MnxFe3−xO4 nanoparticles

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    Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have become increasingly important in biomedical applications like magnetic imaging and hyperthermia based cancer treatment. Understanding their magnetic spin configurations is important for optimizing these applications. The measured magnetization of MNPs can be significantly lower than bulk counterparts, often due to canted spins. This has previously been presumed to be a surface effect, where reduced exchange allows spins closest to the nanoparticle surface to deviate locally from collinear structures. We demonstrate that intraparticle effects can induce spin canting throughout a MNP via the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI). We study ~7.4 nm diameter, core/shell Fe3O4/MnxFe3−xO4 MNPs with a 0.5 nm Mn-ferrite shell. Mössbauer spectroscopy, x-ray absorption spectroscopy and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism are used to determine chemical structure of core and shell. Polarized small angle neutron scattering shows parallel and perpendicular magnetic correlations, suggesting multiparticle coherent spin canting in an applied field. Atomistic simulations reveal the underlying mechanism of the observed spin canting. These show that strong DMI can lead to magnetic frustration within the shell and cause canting of the net particle moment. These results illuminate how core/shell nanoparticle systems can be engineered for spin canting across the whole of the particle, rather than solely at the surface

    Ferromagnetic resonance study of sputtered Co|Ni multilayers

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    We report on room temperature ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) studies of [tt Co2t|2t Ni]×\timesN sputtered films, where 0.1t0.60.1 \leq t \leq 0.6 nm. Two series of films were investigated: films with same number of Co|Ni bilayer repeats (N=12), and samples in which the overall magnetic layer thickness is kept constant at 3.6 nm (N=1.2/tt). The FMR measurements were conducted with a high frequency broadband coplanar waveguide up to 50 GHz using a flip-chip method. The resonance field and the full width at half maximum were measured as a function of frequency for the field in-plane and field normal to the plane, and as a function of angle to the plane for several frequencies. For both sets of films, we find evidence for the presence of first and second order anisotropy constants, K1K_1 and K2K_2. The anisotropy constants are strongly dependent on the thickness tt, and to a lesser extent on the total thickness of the magnetic multilayer. The Land\'e g-factor increases with decreasing tt and is practically independent of the multilayer thickness. The magnetic damping parameter α\alpha, estimated from the linear dependence of the linewidth, H\triangle H, on frequency, in the field in-plane geometry, increases with decreasing tt. This behaviour is attributed to an enhancement of spin-orbit interactions with tt decreasing and in thinner films, to a spin-pumping contribution to the damping.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Correlating material-specific layers and magnetic distributions within onion-like Fe 3 O 4 /MnO/ γ- Mn2 O3 core/shell nanoparticles

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.The magnetic responses of two nanoparticle systems comprised of Fe3 O 4/γ−Mn2O3 (soft ferrimagnetic, FM/hard FM) and Fe3O4/MnO/γ−Mn2 O3 (soft FM / antiferromagnetic, AFM/hard FM) are compared, where the MnO serves to physically decouple the FM layers. Variation in the temperature and applied field allows for Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) measurements of the magnetic moments both parallel and perpendicular to an applied field. Data for the bilayer particle indicate that the graded ferrimagnetic layers are coupled and respond to the field as a single unit. For the trilayer nanoparticles, magnetometry suggests a Curie temperature (TC)≈ 40 K for the outer γ−Mn2O3 component, yet SANS reveals an increase in the magnetization associated with outer layer that is perpendicular to the applied field above TC during magnetic reversal. This result suggests that the γ−Mn2O3 magnetically reorients relative to the applied field as the temperature is increased above 40 K

    Particle Moment Canting in CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles

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    Polarization-analyzed small-angle neutron scattering methods are used to determine the spin morphology in high crystalline anisotropy, 11 nm diameter CoFe2O4 nanoparticle assemblies with randomly oriented easy axes. In moderate to high magnetic fields, the nanoparticles adopt a uniformly canted structure, rather than forming domains, shells, or other arrangements. The observed canting angles agree quantitatively with those predicted from an energy model dominated by Zeeman and anisotropy competition, with implications for the technological use of such nanoparticles

    Origin of reduced magnetization and domain formation in small magnetite nanoparticles

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    The structural, chemical, and magnetic properties of magnetite nanoparticles are compared. Aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy reveals the prevalence of antiphase boundaries in nanoparticles that have significantly reduced magnetization, relative to the bulk. Atomistic magnetic modelling of nanoparticles with and without these defects reveals the origin of the reduced moment. Strong antiferromagnetic interactions across antiphase boundaries support multiple magnetic domains even in particles as small as 12–14 nm