1,082 research outputs found

    Optical alignment system Patent

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    Electro-optical/computer system for aligning large structural members and maintaining correct positio

    Continuous variable remote state preparation

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    We extend exact deterministic remote state preparation (RSP) with minimal classical communication to quantum systems of continuous variables. We show that, in principle, it is possible to remotely prepare states of an ensemble that is parameterized by infinitely many real numbers, i.e., by a real function, while the classical communication cost is one real number only. We demonstrate continuous variable RSP in three examples using (i) quadrature measurement and phase space displacement operations, (ii) measurement of the optical phase and unitaries shifting the same, and (iii) photon counting and photon number shift.Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX

    Static properties and spin dynamics of the ferromagnetic spin-1 Bose gas in magnetic field

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    Properties of spin-1 Bose gases with ferromagnetic interaction in the presence of a nonzero magnetic field are studied. The equation of state and thermodynamic quantities are worked out with the help of a mean-field approximation. The phase diagram besides Bose-Einstein condensation contains a first order transition where two values of the magnetization coexist. The dynamics is investigated with the help of the Random Phase Approximation. The soft mode corresponding to the critical point of the magnetic phase transition is found to behave like in conventional theory.Comment: 8 pages and 3 figures included in text, submitted to Physical Review

    Peran Karakteristik Kepribadian, Leader Member Exchange, dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Pt.matahari Silverindo Jaya (Msj) Semarang

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of personality characteristics, leader member exchange and work environment on performance. To analyze the effect, the data were analyzed using a quantitative analysis of themultiple linear regression. The results showed that the characteristics of personality (Big Five Personality) did not affect positively and significantly. While the leader member exchange and work environment is positive andsignificant. The results of the model test study "Effect of personality characteristics, leader member exchange and work environment on performance", only able to explain changes in performance of 43.5% while the remaining 56.5% change in employee performance is explained by other variables / factors that influence the performance of employees were not studied. Based on these results, it is recommended that (1) Placement of employees adjusted to the characteristics of personality with reference to the abilities and talents of employee interests. (2) An employer must be able to establish a better relationship with their subordinates, so hopefully there will be mutual influence of the subordinates by showing good performance. (3) Conditions of work environments in particular physical environment improved and equipped so as to support the execution of tasks and jobs of the employees

    Energies And Damping Rates of Elementary Excitations in Spin-1 Bose-einstein-condensed Gases

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    The finite temperature Green's function technique is used to calculate the energies and damping rates of the elementary excitations of homogeneous, dilute, spin-1 Bose gases below the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature in both the density and spin channels. For this purpose a self-consistent dynamical Hartree-Fock model is formulated, which takes into account the direct and exchange processes on equal footing by summing up certain classes of Feynman diagrams. The model is shown to satisfy the Goldstone theorem and to exhibit the hybridization of one-particle and collective excitations correctly. The results are applied to gases of Na-23 and Rb-87 atoms

    Adsorption and reactions of CH2I2 on Ru(001) surface

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    Denna rapport behandlar en energianalys av fastigheten Björnen i Mariestad. I rapportenkommer aspekter som antags vara kritiska för byggnadens energianvändning att behandlas.Exempel presenteras på hur framtagande av dokumentation och behandling av existerandesådan gjordes. Att dokumentation saknas eller inte är uppdaterad kan innebära problem dåfastigheten skall analyseras. Detta problem eftersträvas delvis att elimineras i denna rapportgenom de analyser som görs.Ett syfte med rapporten är att ta fram möjliga förtjänster som framtida energieffektiviseringsåtgärder påverkar. Exempelvis vid en renovering. Emellertid är en heltäckande förståelse förhur den i fastighetens tillförda fjärrvärmeenergi tillförs och används i byggnaden central. Enkartläggning av hur fastigheten fungerar i nuläget med till exempel energisignatur, samt samladstatistik finns också att tillgå. Detta skall fungera som ett underlag inför eventuella framtidaenergieffektiviserande åtgärder i fastigheten.This report is covering an energy analysis of the property Björnen, Mariestad. The report willcover aspects assumed to have a critical impact on the energy use of this property in particular.Examples on how produce documentation and analysis of existing documentation is covered.Missing documentation or badly organized one can cause major problems in an energy analysis.This problem is sought to be partially eliminated through this report.One purpose of this report is to declare possible profits that may be the result of proposed energyefficiency actions regarding this property. Actions such as renovation. The central purpose,however, is to create an understanding of how this property in particular is using the energydelivered to it. A survey of how the property is functioning in these aspects with appurtenantstatistics and analysis are covered. This should act as a base of thought to consider for possibleactions taken with this property in the future

    Biosurfactant synthesis in the oil eater rhodococcus erythropolis MK1 strain

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    Oil pollution is a very serious problem in the world. There were numerous oil spills in the last three decades and had great impact on the environment. They caused damages in wildlife as well as in economy by cutting down the agriculture, fishing, and tourism. Surfactants are useful weapons in the war against oil pollution. They are suitable to clean oil tanks and pipes and they are useful to solublize animal fats in food industrial wastewater. Many bacteria can produce substantial amount of biosurfactants which can emulsify hydrophobic hydrocarbons, so that the native microflora can utilize the pollutants. An additional advantage of the biosurfactants over the synthetic surface active molecules is that these compounds are easily biodegradable. A special biosurfactant group is composed of mycolic acids which are basically a-alkyl, (3-hydroxy fatty acids. Mycolic acids are the most characteristic components of the cell wall of the so called mycolata bacterial group. This group belongs to the Actinomycetales and contains the genera Mycobacterium, Corynebacterium, Nocardia, Rhodococcus and others. We aimed to map the mycolic acid biosynthesis pathway in Rhodococcus erythropolis MK1 strain isolated by us from polluted soil. In first step, we sequenced the genome of our strain by SOLID™ next generation DNA sequencer. The reads were mapped on the R. erythropolis PR4 genome in the NCBI database. We searched for rhodococcal homologs of the known mycobacterial and corynebacterial genes involved in mycolic acid biosynthesis. We found conserved regions in the genome which are likely responsible for the biosynthesis of mycolic acids. The ongoing comparative whole genome transcript analysis will reveal the genes really necessary for the anabolism of mycolic acids