983 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of the RADWQ Report and Academic Literature on the Quality of Water in Nigeria.

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    This paper compares analyses of water quality in Nigeria presented in the academic literature with that reported by the Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) in the Rapid Assessment of Drinking Water Quality (RADWQ) programme. Bibliographic and grey literature databases were used to identify studies of microbial and physicochemical water quality in Nigeria. We screened 521 study abstracts and identified 90 relevant studies based on 11,648 water samples. For each relevant study, we recorded the number of water samples, the location/hydrological areas and the water source that was analysed. The percentage compliance for the academic literature with the WHO guideline for each of these parameters was obtained and compared to the RADWQs result. We then analysed these results with the same method used for the RADWQ report to compare results from both studies. We found little variation in physicochemical results between the two studies, but a large difference between the identified microbial properties. The overall national average compliance with the WHO guideline value for the academic literature is 53.37%, while that for RADWQ project was 73%. These disparities could be attributed to the huge difference in the total number of water samples analysed, the high level of contamination in the water samples and most notably, the non-representativeness of the water samples in the hydrological areas. Keyword: water quality, microbial properties, physicochemical properties, WHO RADW

    Analysis of rainfall records from Dale Fort

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    A composite record of monthly rainfall is presented for Dale Fort Field Centre. The original observations were made in Haverfordwest from 1849 to 1909 and then a series from Stackpole Court was used for the period 1910-1970. The single homogenous series was produced by Dick Tabony at the UK Meteorological Office in 1980 since when the series has been extended using the Dale Fort observations. A daily rainfall record is available for Dale Fort from 1961 and this has been analysed to look at the frequency of measurable rainfall and heavy falls of rain. Some comparisons are made with rainfall inland where there is orographic enhancement of upland rainfall. The wettest day at Dale Fort was 11th October 2005 when exactly 92 mm was recorded

    Water availability and agricultural demand:An assessment framework using global datasets in a data scarce catchment, Rokel-Seli River, Sierra Leone

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    Study region: The proposed assessment framework is aimed at application in Sub-Saharan Africa, but could also be applied in other hydrologically data scarce regions. The test study site was the Rokel-Seli River catchment, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Study focus: We propose a simple, transferable water assessment framework that allows the use of global climate datasets in the assessment of water availability and crop demand in data scarce catchments. In this study, we apply the assessment framework to the catchment of the Rokel-Seli River in Sierra Leone to investigate the capabilities of global datasets complemented with limited historical data in estimating water resources of a river basin facing rising demands from large scale agricultural water withdrawals. We demonstrate how short term river flow records can be extended using a lumped hydrological model, and then use a crop water demand model to generate irrigation water demands for a large irrigated biofuels scheme abstracting from the river. The results of using several different global datasets to drive the assessment framework are compared and the performance evaluated against observed rain and flow gauge records. New hydrological insights: We find that the hydrological model capably simulates both low and high flows satisfactorily, and that all the input datasets consistently produce similar results for water withdrawal scenarios. The proposed framework is successfully applied to assess the variability of flows available for abstraction against agricultural demand. The assessment framework conclusions are robust despite the different input datasets and calibration scenarios tested, and can be extended to include other global input datasets

    Chemical Oxygen Demand as a Measure of Fluvial Organic Matter Oxidation State

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    The oxidative ratio (OR) of the terrestrial biosphere is directly related to the size of the terrestrial biosphere carbon sink. In turn, OR of naturally occurring organic matter can be directly related to the oxidation state of the carbon in naturally occurring organic matter (Cox). Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is a widely measured water quality parameter that has been used as a short‐term substitute for the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Here, we propose that if the concentration of reduced species is known, then COD measurement can be used to assess the oxidation state (Cox) of fluvial organic C. Using a Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach, this study analyzed 21 years of water quality monitoring across England to calculate Cox of fluvial organic matter. The study showed that (a) COD could not be considered separately from the reduced species (e.g., NH4) commonly occurring in freshwater water samples, but it was still possible to calculate the Cox of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC). (b) The median Cox of DOC was 0.23 with a 95th percentile range of −0.1 to 0.4. (c) The median Cox of POC was 0.20 with a 95th percentile range of 0.03–0.37. (d) The estimated Cox in fluvial systems confirms that BOD is decoupled from the production of CO2. Including new Cox estimates in the global estimate of OR gives a new median value of 1.059 with a 95th percentile range of 1.047–1.071, giving the annual flux of CO2 to land (fland) of 1.45 ± 0.1 Gt C/year

    Stimulating meditation: a pre-registered randomised controlled experiment combining a single dose of the cognitive enhancer, modafinil, with brief mindfulness training

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    Background: Mindfulness-meditation has a variety of benefits on well-being. However, individuals with primary attentional impairments (e.g. attention deficit disorder) or attentional symptoms secondary to anxiety, depression or addiction, may be less likely to benefit, and require additional mindfulness-augmenting strategies. / Aims: To determine whether a single dose of the cognitive enhancer, modafinil, acutely increases subjective and behavioural indices of mindfulness, and augments brief mindfulness training. / Methods: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 2 (drug: placebo, modafinil) × 2 (strategy: mindfulness, relaxation control) experiment was conducted. Seventy-nine meditation-naïve participants were assigned to: placebo–relaxation, placebo–mindfulness, modafinil–relaxation or modafinil–mindfulness. Pre-drug, post-drug and post-strategy state mindfulness, affect and autonomic activity, along with post-strategy sustained attention and mind-wandering were assessed within a single lab session. After the session, participants were instructed to practice their assigned behavioural strategy daily for one week, with no further drug administration, after which, follow-up measures were taken. / Results: As predicted, modafinil acutely increased state mindfulness and improved sustained attention. Differential acute strategy effects were found following mindfulness on autonomic activity but not state mindfulness. There were no strategy or drug effects on mind-wandering. However, exploratory analyses indicated that participants receiving modafinil engaged in more strategy practice across strategy conditions during follow-up. / Conclusions: Modafinil acutely mimicked the effects of brief mindfulness training on state mindfulness but did not enhance the effects of this training. Limitations of the current study, and recommendations for future research examining modafinil as an adjunct to mindfulness- (or relaxation-) based treatments are discussed

    How do women prepare for pregnancy? Preconception experiences of women attending antenatal services and views of health professionals

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    Copyright: © 2014 Stephenson et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Main objective - To determine the extent to which women plan and prepare for pregnancy. Methods - Cross-sectional questionnaire survey of pregnant women attending three maternity services in London about knowledge and uptake of preconception care; including a robust measure of pregnancy planning, and phone interviews with a range of health care professionals. Main results - We recruited 1173/1288 (90%) women, median age of 32 years. 73% had clearly planned their pregnancy, 24% were ambivalent and only 3% of pregnancies were unplanned. 51% of all women and 63% of those with a planned pregnancy took folic acid before pregnancy. 21% of all women reported smoking and 61% reported drinking alcohol in the 3 months before pregnancy; 48% of smokers and 41% of drinkers reduced or stopped before pregnancy. The 51% of all women who reported advice from a health professional before becoming pregnant were more likely to adopt healthier behaviours before pregnancy [adjusted odds ratios for greatest health professional input compared with none were 2.34 (95% confidence interval 1.54–3.54) for taking folic acid and 2.18 (95% CI 1.42–3.36) for adopting a healthier diet before pregnancy]. Interviews with 20 health professionals indicated low awareness of preconception health issues, missed opportunities and confusion about responsibility for delivery of preconception care. Significance of the findings - Despite a high level of pregnancy planning, awareness of preconception health among women and health professionals is low, and responsibility for providing preconception care is unclear. However, many women are motivated to adopt healthier behaviours in the preconception period, as indicated by halving of reported smoking rates in this study. The link between health professional input and healthy behaviour change before pregnancy is a new finding that should invigorate strategies to improve awareness and uptake of pre-pregnancy health care, and bring wider benefits for public health.Department of Healt

    Emergence and rapid global dissemination of CTX-M-15-associated Klebsiella pneumoniae strain ST307

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    Abstract Recent reports indicate the emergence of a new carbapenemase producing Klebsiella pneumoniae clone, ST307. Here we show that ST307 emerged in the mid-1990s (nearly 20 years prior to its first report), is already globally distributed and is intimately associated with a conserved plasmid harbouring the bla CTX-M-15 extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) gene plus other antimicrobial resistance determinants. Our findings support the need for enhanced surveillance of this widespread ESBL clone in which carbapenem resistance is now emerging

    The Dominant Australian Community-Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Clone ST93-IV [2B] Is Highly Virulent and Genetically Distinct

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    Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) USA300 has spread rapidly across North America, and CA-MRSA is also increasing in Australia. However, the dominant Australian CA-MRSA strain, ST93-IV [2B] appears distantly related to USA300 despite strikingly similar clinical and epidemiological profiles. Here, we compared the virulence of a recent Australian ST93 isolate (JKD6159) to other MRSA, including USA300, and found that JKD6159 was the most virulent in a mouse skin infection model. We fully sequenced the genome of JKD6159 and confirmed that JKD6159 is a distinct clone with 7616 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) distinguishing this strain from all other S. aureus genomes. Despite its high virulence there were surprisingly few virulence determinants. However, genes encoding α-hemolysin, Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) and α-type phenol soluble modulins were present. Genome comparisons revealed 32 additional CDS in JKD6159 but none appeared to encode new virulence factors, suggesting that this clone's enhanced pathogenicity could lie within subtler genome changes, such as SNPs within regulatory genes. To investigate the role of accessory genome elements in CA-MRSA epidemiology, we next sequenced three additional Australian non-ST93 CA-MRSA strains and compared them with JKD6159, 19 completed S. aureus genomes and 59 additional S. aureus genomes for which unassembled genome sequence data was publicly available (82 genomes in total). These comparisons showed that despite its distinctive genotype, JKD6159 and other CA-MRSA clones (including USA300) share a conserved repertoire of three notable accessory elements (SSCmecIV, PVL prophage, and pMW2). This study demonstrates that the genetically distinct ST93 CA-MRSA from Australia is highly virulent. Our comparisons of geographically and genetically diverse CA-MRSA genomes suggest that apparent convergent evolution in CA-MRSA may be better explained by the rapid dissemination of a highly conserved accessory genome from a common source