359 research outputs found

    Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework: 1. Developing Multipractice Watershed Planning Scenarios and Assessing Nutrient Reduction Potential

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    Spatial data on soils, land use, and topography, combined with knowledge of conservation effectiveness, can be used to identify alternatives to reduce nutrient discharge from small (hydrologic unit code [HUC]12) watersheds. Databases comprising soil attributes, agricultural land use, and light detection and ranging–derived elevation models were developed for two glaciated midwestern HUC12 watersheds: Iowa’s Beaver Creek watershed has an older dissected landscape, and Lime Creek in Illinois is young and less dissected. Subsurface drainage is common in both watersheds. We identified locations for conservation practices, including in-field practices (grassed waterways), edge-of-field practices (nutrient-removal wetlands, saturated buffers), and drainage-water management, by applying terrain analyses, geographic criteria, and cross-classifications to field- and watershed-scale geographic data. Cover crops were randomly distributed to fields without geographic prioritization. A set of alternative planning scenarios was developed to represent a variety of extents of implementation among these practices. The scenarios were assessed for nutrient reduction potential using a spreadsheet approach to calculate the average nutrient-removal efficiency required among the practices included in each scenario to achieve a 40% NO3–N reduction. Results were evaluated in the context of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy, which reviewed nutrient-removal efficiencies of practices and established the 40% NO3–N reduction as Iowa’s target for Gulf of Mexico hypoxia mitigation by agriculture. In both test watersheds, planning scenarios that could potentially achieve the targeted NO3–N reduction but remov

    Drainage Water Storage for Improved Resiliency and Environmental Performance of Agricultural Landscapes

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    Drained lands, which include some of the most productive lands in the world, can experience both water excess and water deficit within a year. Storing drained water within the landscape could increase the sustainability of water for agriculture, particularly as intense rainfall and prolonged summer drought continue to increase under future climate change. A team of researchers and extension specialists from nine states are currently working towards a vision of transforming the process of designing and implementing agricultural drainage to include storage through the use of controlled drainage, saturated buffers, and drainage water recycling (i.e. capture, storage, and reuse). Field research data from experimental drainage sites from across the U.S. Corn Belt have been brought together in a database to support synthesis and modeling to determine economic and environmental impacts of drainage water storage. Results from this effort will extend the strategies and tools to agricultural producers, the drainage industry, watershed managers, agencies, and policy makers, and educate the next generation of engineers and scientists to design drainage systems that include water storage in the landscape

    An Algebraic Pairing Model with Sp(4) Symmetry and its Deformation

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    A fermion realization of the compact symplectic sp(4) algebra provides a natural framework for studying isovector pairing correlations in nuclei. While these correlations manifest themselves most clearly in the binding energies of 0^+ ground states, they also have a large effect on the energies of excited states, including especially excited 0^+ states. In this article we consider non-deformed as well as deformed algebraic descriptions of pairing through the reductions of sp_{(q)}(4) to different realizations of u_{(q)}(2) for single-j and multi-j orbitals. The model yields a classification scheme for completely paired 0^{+} states of even-even and odd-odd nuclei in the 1d_{3/2}, 1f_{7/2}, and 1f_{5/2}2p_{1/2}2p_{3/2}1g_{9/2} shells. Phenomenological non-deformed and deformed isospin-breaking Hamiltonians are expressed in terms of the generators of the dynamical symmetry groups Sp(4) and Sp_{q}(4). These Hamiltonians are related to the most general microscopic pairing problem, including isovector pairing and isoscalar proton-neutron interaction along with non-linear interaction in the deformed extension. In both the non-deformed and deformed cases the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian are fit to the relevant Coulomb corrected experimental 0^{+} energies and this, in turn, allows us to estimate the interaction strength parameters, to investigate isovector-pairing properties and symmetries breaking, and to predict the corresponding energies. While the non-deformed theory yields results that are comparable to other theories for light nuclei, the deformed extension, which takes into account higher-order interactions between the particles, gives a better fit to the data. The multi-shell applications of the model provide for reasonable predictions of energies of exotic nuclei.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures minor changes; improvements to achieve a better and clearer presentation of our messages and idea

    A study of patent thickets

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    Report analysing whether entry of UK enterprises into patenting in a technology area is affected by patent thickets in the technology area

    Managing crop nutrients to achieve water quality goals

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    Landscapes and watersheds are inherently leaky and some nutrient loss can be expected with productive agricultural systems. Minimizing these losses, without undermining system sustainability is challenging and should involve an open and constructive discussion among all stakeholders as to what nutrient loss is desired, achievable, and how differences between these two endpoints can be reconciled. This is complicated by short- and long-term variations in weather/climate are a major factor influencing nutrient loss from agricultural lands. Nitrogen (N) loss tends to be spatially extensive, with management of the rate and timing of application, along with cropping systems as being important determining factors. Phosphorus (P) loss, on the other hand tends to be a function of critical sources areas, where coincident source (e.g., soil P and rate, timing, method and type of P applied) and transport factors (e.g., runoff and erosion) define losses. Despite this, legacy N and P from prior land management can mask the benefits of current and future conservation practices (CPs) to reduce losses from agricultural systems. Here, the appropriate use of calibrated and validated nonpoint source watershed models to estimate relative contributions of nutrient sources and outcomes of CP implementation can inform future strategies. However, they must be used in conjunction with and cannot replace water quality monitoring programs. Great strides have been made in nutrient use efficiency via nutrient management, crop selection, and CP adoption, which have reduced the risk of nutrient loss to surface and ground waters. Even so, additional research is needed on the areas of nutrient management on drained lands, fluvial legacies, and socio-economic factors influencing the success of conservation strategies

    The global wildland–urban interface

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    The wildland–urban interface (WUI) is where buildings and wildland vegetation meet or intermingle1,2. It is where human–environmental conflicts and risks can be concentrated, including the loss of houses and lives to wildfire, habitat loss and fragmentation and the spread of zoonotic diseases3. However, a global analysis of the WUI has been lacking. Here, we present a global map of the 2020 WUI at 10 m resolution using a globally consistent and validated approach based on remote sensing-derived datasets of building area4 and wildland vegetation5. We show that the WUI is a global phenomenon, identify many previously undocumented WUI hotspots and highlight the wide range of population density, land cover types and biomass levels in different parts of the global WUI. The WUI covers only 4.7% of the land surface but is home to nearly half its population (3.5 billion). The WUI is especially widespread in Europe (15% of the land area) and the temperate broadleaf and mixed forests biome (18%). Of all people living near 2003–2020 wildfires (0.4 billion), two thirds have their home in the WUI, most of them in Africa (150 million). Given that wildfire activity is predicted to increase because of climate change in many regions6, there is a need to understand housing growth and vegetation patterns as drivers of WUI change

    Toward high-efficiency hybrid (electricity and heat) high concentration photovoltaic systems

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    Paper presented to the 3rd Southern African Solar Energy Conference, South Africa, 11-13 May, 2015.Photovoltaic power generation is a growing renewable primary energy source, expected to assume a major role as we strive toward fossil fuel free energy production. However, the rather low photovoltaic efficiencies limit the conversion of solar radiation into useful power output. Hybrid systems extend the functionality of concentrating photovoltaics (CPV) from simply generating electricity, to providing simultaneously electricity and heat. The utilization of otherwise wasted heat significantly enhances the overall system efficiency and boosts the economic value of the generated power output. The system presented in this lecture is the outcome of collaborative research in my research group, with the IBM research lab in Zurich and the Fraunhofer Institute for solar energy systems in Freiburg, Germany. It consists of a scalable hybrid photovoltaic-thermal receiver package, cooled with an integrated high performance microchannel heat sink we initially developed and optimized for the efficient cooling of electronics. The package can be operated at elevated temperatures due to its overall low thermal resistance between solar cell and coolant. The effect of the harvested elevated coolant temperature on the photovoltaic efficiency is investigated. The higher-level available heat can be suitable for sophisticated thermal applications such as space heating, desalination or cooling (polygeneration approaches). A total hybrid conversion efficiency of solar radiation into useful power of 60% has been realized. The exergy content of the overall output power was increased by 50% through the exergy content of the extracted heat.dc201

    Wetland Bird Abundance and Safety Implications for Military Aircraft Operations

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    Wetlands with associated avifauna can pose a substantial hazard to aviation safety, potentially increasing bird–aircraft collision (strike) risk when located near air operations areas.We modeled year-round use by wetland avifauna of Drummond Flats Wildlife Management Area (Drummond Flats), a wetland complex located within 10 km of Vance Air Force Base (AFB), Enid, Oklahoma, USA. Our objectives were to 1) quantify seasonal avifauna abundances at Drummond Flats; 2) test a priori models reflecting use by bird species recognized as hazardous to aviation safety relative to environmental factors including flooded wetland habitat and vegetation cover; 3) use these models to predict maximal expected abundances of wetland avifauna during flood conditions; and 4) compare our findings with reported bird strikes at Vance AFB. Drought conditions influenced avian use during our study. Of the species expected to respond predictably to flooded wetland habitat, only ducks (Anatinae) occurred in numbers conducive to modeling. Using zero inflated Poisson models, we found that duck abundance was positively associated with permanent wetland habitat type and, excluding winter, available habitat area (i.e., standing water); whereas, \u3e50% vegetation cover was negatively correlated with abundance. No model predicted \u3e97.2 ducks/ha for any habitat type, except during winter. Our models also identified potential peaks in abundance not evident from raw count data, emphasizing the benefits of this approach. Identifying factors driving abundances also enables targeted management of hazardous species. Further, we found double-sampling to be a practical method for assessing detection bias during avian surveys at wetlands. Restricting to obligate wetland species associated with Drummond Flats, we found 1 strike/184,212 flight-hours, which was an order of magnitude lower than the average for U.S. civil aircraft (1990–2014). Thus, under drought conditions, bird use of Drummond Flats likely did not elevate strike risk for Vance AFB aircraft operations

    Prairie strips improve biodiversity and the delivery of multiple ecosystem services from corn–soybean croplands

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    Loss of biodiversity and degradation of ecosystem services from agricultural lands remain important challenges in the United States despite decades of spending on natural resource management. To date, conservation investment has emphasized engineering practices or vegetative strategies centered on monocultural plantings of nonnative plants, largely excluding native species from cropland. In a catchment-scale experiment, we quantified the multiple effects of integrating strips of native prairie species amid corn and soybean crops, with prairie strips arranged to arrest run-off on slopes. Replacing 10% of cropland with prairie strips increased biodiversity and ecosystem services with minimal impacts on crop production. Compared with catchments containing only crops, integrating prairie strips into cropland led to greater catchment-level insect taxa richness (2.6-fold), pollinator abundance (3.5-fold), native bird species richness (2.1-fold), and abundance of bird species of greatest conservation need (2.1-fold). Use of prairie strips also reduced total water runoff from catchments by 37%, resulting in retention of 20 times more soil and 4.3 times more phosphorus. Corn and soybean yields for catchments with prairie strips decreased only by the amount of the area taken out of crop production. Social survey results indicated demand among both farming and nonfarming populations for the environmental outcomes produced by prairie strips. If federal and state policies were aligned to promote prairie strips, the practice would be applicable to 3.9 million ha of cropland in Iowa alone
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