89 research outputs found

    Prediction of sustained harmonic walking in the free-living environment using raw accelerometry data

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    Objective. Using raw, sub-second level, accelerometry data, we propose and validate a method for identifying and characterizing walking in the free-living environment. We focus on the sustained harmonic walking (SHW), which we define as walking for at least 10 seconds with low variability of step frequency. Approach. We utilize the harmonic nature of SHW and quantify local periodicity of the tri-axial raw accelerometry data. We also estimate fundamental frequency of observed signals and link it to the instantaneous walking (step-to-step) frequency (IWF). Next, we report total time spent in SHW, number and durations of SHW bouts, time of the day when SHW occurred and IWF for 49 healthy, elderly individuals. Main results. Sensitivity of the proposed classification method was found to be 97%, while specificity ranged between 87% and 97% and prediction accuracy between 94% and 97%. We report total time in SHW between 140 and 10 minutes-per-day distributed between 340 and 50 bouts. We estimate the average IWF to be 1.7 steps-per-second. Significance. We propose a simple approach for detection of SHW and estimation of IWF, based on Fourier decomposition. The resulting approach is fast and allows processing of a week-long raw accelerometry data (approx. 150 million measurements) in relatively short time (~half an hour) on a common laptop computer (2.8 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB DDR3 RAM)

    Stride variability measures derived from wrist- and hip-worn accelerometers

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    Many epidemiological and clinical studies use accelerometry to objectively measure physical activity using the activity counts, vector magnitude, or number of steps. These measures use just a fraction of the information in the raw accelerometry data as they are typically summarized at the minute level. To address this problem we define and estimate two gait measures of temporal stride-to-stride variability based on raw accelerometry data: Amplitude Deviation (AD) and Phase Deviation (PD). We explore the sensitivity of our approach to on-body placement of the accelerometer by comparing hip, left and right wrist placements. We illustrate the approach by estimating AD and PD in 46 elderly participants in the Developmental Epidemiologic Cohort Study (DECOS) who worn accelerometers during a 400 meter walk test. We also show that AD and PD have a statistically significant association with the gait speed and sit-to-stand test performanc

    Revealing 35 years of landcover dynamics in floodplains of trained lowland rivers using satellite data

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    Lacking substantial erosive and sedimentation forces, regulated rivers allow their floodplains to become overgrown with forest, increasing the flood risk of the hinterland. In the Netherlands, floodplains have therefore been subjected to interventions, like clear cutting, lowering and creation of side channels, and management, consisting of grazing and mowing. However, the comprehension of how those activities influence landcover dynamics is lacking. The aim of this study is therefore to investigate long‐term landcover dynamics of a regulated river system through the lens of remote sensing. What transitions between landcover classes can be observed? And how (if) do management and interventions impact succession and retrogression of landcover classes? The study area comprised the upstream part of the Dutch Rhine River, its three branches and five adjacent floodplains. Satellite data (LandSat 5 and 8), encompassing a 35‐year period (1984–2018), were used for studying landcover dynamics. Landcover classification was based on seven classes: water, built‐up area, bare substrate, grass, herbaceous vegetation, shrubs and forest. Retrogression was highest for the landcover classes obstructing water flow (shrubs, forest and herbaceous vegetation), succession was most frequent on bare substrate, and water and grass were the most stable landcover classes. The regulated nature of the system became apparent from the spatial and temporal cacophony of landcover dynamics which differ from those of natural meandering rivers. This study showed that satellite data are useful for analyzing the impact of human activities within floodplains of regulated rivers and may assist in floodplain management aimed at combining water safety and nature policies

    Ictal propagation of high frequency activity is recapitulated in interictal recordings: effective connectivity of epileptogenic networks recorded with intracranial EEG

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    Seizures are increasingly understood to arise from epileptogenic networks across which ictal activity is propagated and sustained. In patients undergoing invasive monitoring for epilepsy surgery, high frequency oscillations have been observed within the seizure onset zone during both ictal and interictal intervals. We hypothesized that the patterns by which high frequency activity is propagated would help elucidate epileptogenic networks and thereby identify network nodes relevant for surgical planning. Intracranial EEG recordings were analyzed with a multivariate autoregressive modeling technique (short-time direct directed transfer function--SdDTF), based on the concept of Granger causality, to estimate the directionality and intensity of propagation of high frequency activity (70-175 Hz) during ictal and interictal recordings. These analyses revealed prominent divergence and convergence of high frequency activity propagation at sites identified by epileptologists as part of the ictal onset zone. In contrast, relatively little propagation of this activity was observed among the other analyzed sites. This pattern was observed in both subdural and depth electrode recordings of patients with focal ictal onset, but not in patients with a widely distributed ictal onset. In patients with focal ictal onsets, the patterns of propagation recorded during pre-ictal (up to 5 min immediately preceding ictal onset) and interictal (more than 24h before and after seizures) intervals were very similar to those recorded during seizures. The ability to characterize epileptogenic networks from interictal recordings could have important clinical implications for epilepsy surgery planning by reducing the need for prolonged invasive monitoring to record spontaneous seizures

    Use of Functional Linear Models to Detect Associations between Characteristics of Walking and Continuous Responses Using Accelerometry Data

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    Various methods exist to measure physical activity. Subjective methods, such as diaries and surveys, are relatively inexpensive ways of measuring one’s physical activity; however, they are prone to measurement error and bias due to self-reporting. Wearable accelerometers offer a non-invasive and objective measure of one’s physical activity and are now widely used in observational studies. Accelerometers record high frequency data and each produce an unlabeled time series at the sub-second level. An important activity to identify from the data collected is walking, since it is often the only form of activity for certain populations. Currently, most methods use an activity summary which ignores the nuances of walking data. We propose methodology to model specific continuous responses with a functional linear model utilizing spectra obtained from the local fast Fourier transform (FFT) of walking as a predictor. Utilizing prior knowledge of the mechanics of walking, we incorporate this as additional information for the structure of our transformed walking spectra. The methods were applied to the in-the-laboratory data obtained from the Developmental Epidemiologic Cohort Study (DECOS)

    Corticostriatal and dopaminergic response to beer flavor with both fMRI and [11C]raclopride Positron Emission Tomography

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    Background Cue-evoked drug seeking behavior likely depends on interactions between frontal activity and ventral striatal (VST) dopamine transmission. Using [11C]raclopride (RAC) positron emission tomography (PET), we previously demonstrated that beer flavor (absent intoxication) elicited VST dopamine (DA) release in beer drinkers, inferred by RAC displacement. Here, a subset of subjects from this previous RAC-PET study underwent a similar paradigm during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to test how orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and VST BOLD responses to beer flavor are related to VST DA release and motivation to drink. Methods Male beer drinkers (n=28, age=24±2, drinks/week=16±10) from our previous PET study participated in a similar fMRI paradigm wherein subjects tasted their most frequently consumed brand of beer and Gatorade® (appetitive control). We tested for correlations between blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) activation in fMRI and VST DA responses in PET, and drinking-related variables. Results Compared to Gatorade, beer flavor increased wanting and desire to drink, and induced BOLD responses in bilateral OFC and right VST. Wanting and desire to drink correlated with both right VST and medial OFC BOLD activation to beer flavor. Like the BOLD findings, beer flavor (relative to Gatorade) again induced right VST DA release in this fMRI subject subset, but there was no correlation between DA release and the magnitude of BOLD responses in frontal regions of interest. Conclusions Both imaging modalities showed a right lateralized VST response (BOLD and DA release) to a drug-paired conditioned stimulus, whereas fMRI BOLD responses in the VST and medial OFC also reflected wanting and desire to drink. The data suggest the possibility that responses to drug-paired cues may be rightward biased in the VST (at least in right-handed males), and that VST and OFC responses in this gustatory paradigm reflect stimulus wanting

    A distributed multiscale computation of a tightly coupled model using the Multiscale Modeling Language

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    AbstractNature is observed at all scales; with multiscale modeling, scientists bring together several scales for a holistic analysis of a phenomenon. The models on these different scales may require significant but also heterogeneous computational resources, creating the need for distributed multiscale computing. A particularly demanding type of multiscale models, tightly coupled, brings with it a number of theoretical and practical issues. In this contribution, a tightly coupled model of in-stent restenosis is first theoretically examined for its multiscale merits using the Multiscale Modeling Language (MML); this is aided by a toolchain consisting of MAPPER Memory (MaMe), the Multiscale Application Designer (MAD), and Gridspace Experiment Workbench. It is implemented and executed with the general Multiscale Coupling Library and Environment (MUSCLE). Finally, it is scheduled amongst heterogeneous infrastructures using the QCG-Broker. This marks the first occasion that a tightly coupled application uses distributed multiscale computing in such a general way

    Differentiating Between Walking and Stair Climbing Using Raw Accelerometry Data

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    Wearable accelerometers provide an objective measure of human physical activity. They record high frequency unlabeled three-dimensional time series data. We extract meaningful features from the raw accelerometry data and based on them develop and evaluate a classification method for the detection of walking and its sub-classes, i.e. level walking, descending stairs and ascending stairs. Our methodology is tested on a sample of 32 middle-aged subjects for whom we extracted features based on the Fourier and wavelet transforms. We build subject-specific and group-level classification models utilizing a tree-based methodology. We evaluate the effects of sensor location and tuning parameters on the classification accuracy of the tree models. In the group-level classification setting, we propose a robust feature inter-subject normalization and evaluate its performance compared to unnormalized data. The overall classification accuracy for the three activities at the subject-specific level was on average 87.6%, with the ankle-worn accelerometers showing the best performance with an average accuracy 90.5%. At the group-level, the average overall classification accuracy for the three activities using the normalized features was 80.2% compared to 72.3% for the unnormalized features. In summary, a framework is provided for better use and feature extraction from raw accelerometry data to differentiate among different walking modalities as well as considerations for study design

    Using Scenarios to Validate Requirements through the use of Eye-Tracking in Prototyping

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    Research has shown that eliciting and capturing the correct behavior of systems reduces the number of defects that a system contains. A requirements engineer will model the functions of the system to gain a comprehensive understanding of the system in question. Engineers must verify the model for correctness by either having another engineer review it or build a prototype and validate with a stakeholder. However, research has shown that this form of verification can be ineffective because looking at an existing model can be suggestive and stump the development of new ideas. This paper provides an automated technique that can be used as an unbiased review of use case scenarios. Using the prototype and a scenario, a stakeholder can be guided through the use case scenario demonstrating where they expect to find the next step while their eye movements are tracked. Analysis of the eye tracking data can be used to identify missing requirements such as interaction steps that should have alternative sequences or determining problems with the flow of actions