402 research outputs found

    Theoretical prediction of airplane stability derivatives at subcritical speeds

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    The theoretical development and application is described of an analysis for predicting the major static and rotary stability derivatives for a complete airplane. The analysis utilizes potential flow theory to compute the surface flow fields and pressures on any configuration that can be synthesized from arbitrary lifting bodies and nonplanar thick lifting panels. The pressures are integrated to obtain section and total configuration loads and moments due side slip, angle of attack, pitching motion, rolling motion, yawing motion, and control surface deflection. Subcritical compressibility is accounted for by means of the Gothert similarity rule

    The Cheatwood Place (41RR181), a Midden Mound along Little Mustang Creek, Red River County, Texas

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    The Cheatwood Place is a multi-component midden mound located on an upland projection at the confluence of Christopher Branch and Little Mustang Creek, about 1.5 kilometers north of the Sulphur River. The site has thick midden deposits with excellent fauna! and shell preservation, and promises to contribute important information on several periods of Sulphur River prehistory. The archaeological record in this part of the Sulphur River basin is not well known at present. Investigations at the Cheatwood Place site have been limited to surface collections, and the excavation by Cheatwood of a single 1 x 1 meter test unit in the midden mound. Vertical provenience was not noted in the test unit, the matrix of which was screened through 1/4 inch mesh, except that the midden was approximately 60 to 90 cm in thickness with artifacts throughout the deposit

    High-Performance Interactive Scientific Visualization With Datoviz via the Vulkan Low-Level GPU API

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    We reported initial work towards a new fast and scalable scientific visualization technology that leverages the Vulkan API to achieve unprecedented performance through GPUs. This technology is implemented in a C/C++ library called Datoviz that offers an intermediate-level API for scientific visualization libraries and software. Datoviz provides a unified graphics stack for 2-D, 3-D, graphical user interfaces, and natively supports efficient interactions between rendering and general-purpose GPU computing. A major direction of development is to investigate the integration of Datoviz as a low-level backend of a future version of VisPy, a popular Python scientific plotting librar

    Reframing human rights: the global network of moral conservative homeschooling activists

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    In this article, we investigate the composition and actions of a principled issue network within the field of human rights that uses rights-claims to pursue traditionalist goals: the moral conservative pro-homeschooling network. We analyse the rising importance of homeschooling within the global moral conservative movement and examine the transnationalization of pro-homeschooling advocacy. We show that the transnational homeschooling advocacy network, while not successful in court cases, has managed to establish home education as part of a global conservative agenda and has made incursions into redefining the terms of the debate within international organizations. Moral conservative homeschooling advocates use a vocabulary of rights and freedoms, and even of moral pluralism, but in the conservative reading human rights are reframed and used to defend a pro-family agenda that establishes the patriarchal family as the ultimate source of authority and the primary carrier of rights

    Visualization at Supercomputing Centers: The Tale of Little Big Iron and the Three Skinny Guys

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    Supercomputing Centers (SC's) are unique resources that aim to enable scientific knowledge discovery through the use of large computational resources, the Big Iron. Design, acquisition, installation, and management of the Big Iron are activities that are carefully planned and monitored. Since these Big Iron systems produce a tsunami of data, it is natural to co-locate visualization and analysis infrastructure as part of the same facility. This infrastructure consists of hardware (Little Iron) and staff (Skinny Guys). Our collective experience suggests that design, acquisition, installation, and management of the Little Iron and Skinny Guys does not receive the same level of treatment as that of the Big Iron. The main focus of this article is to explore different aspects of planning, designing, fielding, and maintaining the visualization and analysis infrastructure at supercomputing centers. Some of the questions we explore in this article include:"How should the Little Iron be sized to adequately support visualization and analysis of data coming off the Big Iron?" What sort of capabilities does it need to have?" Related questions concern the size of visualization support staff:"How big should a visualization program be (number of persons) and what should the staff do?" and"How much of the visualization should be provided as a support service, and how much should applications scientists be expected to do on their own?&quot

    Performance assessment of a 125 human plasma peptide mixture stored at room temperature for multiple reaction monitoring-mass spectrometry

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    Synthetic peptides are a critical requirement for the development and application of targeted mass spectrometry (MS)-based assays for the quantitation of proteins from biological matrices. Transporting synthetic peptides on dry ice from one laboratory to another is costly and often difficult because of country-specific import and export regulations. Therefore, in this study, we assessed the impact of leaving a lyophilized mixture consisting of 125 peptides at room temperature for up to 20 days, and we assessed the effect on the quantitative performance of multiple reaction monitoring-MS (MRM-MS) assays. The findings suggest that there are no significant differences in the MRM-MS results for the time points assessed in this study (up to 20 days). All the calibration curves and quality control (QC) samples met the acceptance criteria for precision and accuracy (raw data are available via the public MS data repository PanoramaWeb, identifier: /MRM Proteomics/2020_BAK125_RT). The number of endogenous proteins quantifiable across five plasma samples was consistently between 87 and 99 out of 125 for all time points. Moreover, the coefficients of variation (CVs) calculated for the majority of peptide concentrations across all samples and time points were <5%. In addition, a lyophilized peptide mixture was transported from Canada to Iceland without dry ice. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the quantitative performance, with the determined concentrations of most proteins in the samples falling within 30% between the analyses performed on the same three plasma samples in Iceland and those in Canada. Overall, a comparison of the results obtained in Canada and in Iceland indicated that the peptides were stable under the conditions tested and also indicated that shipping lyophilized peptide mixtures without dry ice, but in the presence of sufficient desiccant material, could be a feasible option in cases where transport difficulties may arise or dry-ice sublimation may occur.Proteomic

    Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Transgender Adults in Relation to Education, Ethnicity, and Income: A Systematic Review

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    Introduction: This systematic review assessed the impact of race/ethnicity, education, and income on transgender individual's lifetime experience of suicidal thoughts and behaviors (SITB) in gray and published literature (1997–2017). Methods: Sixty four research projects (108 articles) were identified in WorldCat, PubMed, and Google Scholar. Articles were included if they were published in Canada or the United States, included original quantifiable data on transgender SITBs, and had ≥5 participants, at least 51% of whom were ≥18 years. Results: Across all projects suicide ideation averaged 46.55% and attempts averaged 27.19%. The majority of participants were Caucasian, whereas the highest rate of suicide attempts (55.31%) was among First Nations, who accounted for <1.5% of participants. Caucasians, by contrast, had the lowest attempt rate (36.80%). More participants obtained a bachelor's degree and fewer an associate or technical degree than any other level of education. Suicide attempts were highest among those with ≤some high school (50.70%) and lowest among those with an advanced degree (30.25%). More participants made an income of 2020–50,000/year and less 1010–20,000 than any other income bracket. Conclusion: SITBs, among the transgender population, are both universally high and impacted by race/ethnicity, educational attainment, and income. These findings may be useful in creating culturally and factually informed interventions for transgender individuals experiencing SITBs and in informing future research on this topic

    Shifting Winds: Using Ancestry DNA to Explore Multiracial Individuals\u27 Patterns of Articulating Racial Identity

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    This study explored how genotype information affects identification narratives of multiracial individuals. Twenty-one multiracial individuals completed individual interviews before and after receiving a DNA analysis to clarify their genetically based racial ancestry. Based on results, this article proposes patterns of articulating racial identity by multiracial individuals. Four patterns extend evolving research in multiracial identification, namely (1) the individual articulates a monoracial identity; (2) the individual articulates one identity, but this can shift in response to various conditions; (3) the individual articulates an extraracial identity, opting out of traditional categories applied to race; and (4) the person distinguishes traditional categories of race from culture and owns the two identities in different ways. Implications of these findings are discussed. First, adding new ancestry DNA information further muddles the neat categories of race, consistent with the view of race as socially constructed. Second, results emphasize the fluidity of identification for multiracial individuals. Third, DNA information challenges the neat percentages people tend to associate with their backgrounds. Particularly for younger multiracial individuals, there was less of a sense that race was a real thing and more that culture played a big part in how they saw themselves