389 research outputs found

    Taloyhtiön pihasaneeraus : Esimerkkikohteena As Oy Kananlaulu

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    Työn taustana käytettiin lähiöiden suurimman aikakauden, 1960- ja 1970-lukujen kerrostalojen ajankohtaista peruskorjaustarvetta. Peruskorjaustarve koskee niin kiinteistön piha-aluetta kuin kiinteistön muitakin osia. Pihojen suurin korjaustarve perustuu kuluneiden kalusteiden, varusteiden, kasvillisuuden ja muiden osien huonokuntoisuuteen. Lisäksi muuttuneet turvallisuusvaatimukset sekä esteettömyyden haasteet tuovat lisätarvetta pihojen saneerauksille. Työni tavoitteena oli lisätä viihtyisyyttä ja parantaa Asunto Oy Kananlaulun piha-aluetta sen saneerauksella. Saneerauksessa huomioidaan metsälähiön tyypilliset pihasuunnittelun erityispiirteet. Piha-alueen analyysin avulla arvioitiin sen nykytilaa paikan päällä kohteessa. Samalla tutustuttiin myös suunnitelma- ja urakka-asiakirjoihin. Työn pohjana tutkittiin kerrostalorakentamisen ja niiden piha-aluerakentamisen kehitystä Suomessa. Tietopohjaksi haettiin tietoa myös kerrostalopihojen kunnostuksesta ja kunnostusprosessista. Tuloksena oli kirjallinen selostus piharakentamisen vaiheista. Työni toimeksiantajana oli VRJ Pohjois-Suomi Oy. Työn tulokset ovat hyödynnettävissä kerrostalopihojen peruskorjaushankkeissa. Asunto Oy Kananlaulun piha-analyysi ja pihasaneeraus voidaan liittää osaksi Kaukovainion kehittämistä. Työn tulokset antavat myös minulle itselleni mahdollisuuden kehittää omaa osaamistani viherrakentamisen työnjohdossa.As a background for the work was used the topical need of renovation in the block of flats in the suburbs built in the 1960- and 1970´s. The renovation need applies both to the yard and the other parts of the property. The biggest need of renovation is based on the poor condition of the worn out equipment, vegetation and other parts of the yard. Furthermore the changed requirements of safety and accessibility increase the renovation need. The goal on my work was to add the comfort and attractiveness of the yard of Asunto Oy Kananlaulu. During the renovation the typical characteristics of a wooden suburb were taken into account. The present situation of the yard was estimated on site. At the same time I familiarized myself the documents of planning and subcontracting. For the background of the work the development of the building of the block of flats and their yards was investigated. Also the renovation of yards and the process of renovation was studied. The result of the work is a written report of the stages of the yard construction. The principal of the work was VRJ Pohjois-Suomi Oy. The results of the work can be utilized in high-rise yards’ renovation projects. The analyses and renovation of the yard can be linked to the development of Kaukovainio area. The results of the work gave me the possibility to develop my own skills on supervision of work at green construction

    Biological phosphate removal using a degradable carbon source produced by hydrothermal treatment of excess sludge

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    The possibility of reusing excess sludge treated by hydrothermal reaction for the purpose of improving the efficiency of the enhanced biological phosphate removal (EBPR) process was investigated. Excess sludge from a fish-processing industry located in Japan was treated in high-temperature and high-pressure water, at a reaction temperature ranging from 200 to 400 degrees C, a pressure of 1.8 to 30MPa and a constant reaction time of 7 min. For the conditions tested, the results showed that when the reaction temperature was increased the content of readily biodegradable substrate in the total CODCr increased. In addition, the amount of some volatile fatty acids (VFAs) produced by the hydrothermal reaction increased as reaction temperature increased. From the phosphate release tests under anaerobic conditions, it was possible to demonstrate that not only the VFAs, but also the readily and slowly biodegradable substrates are used as potential carbon source by the phosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs).231293

    Delay of intracortical bone remodelling following a stress change: a theoretical and experimental study

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    BACKGROUND: A theoretical model and an experimental setup were specifically designed to identify and determine the delay of the cortical bone response (restricted to mineralization and demineralization) to a stress change. METHODS: The in vivo experiment considered two groups of rats: a running group and a control sedentary group. The running group rats were compelled to a running activity for 15 weeks, followed by a sedentary activity for 15 weeks. Bone density was derived from hardness measurements. The parameters of the remodelling theory, including the response delay and the remodelling rates, were determined from these experimental measurements. FINDINGS: Bone density increased significantly during the activity period, and decreased rapidly when rats returned to sedentary state. The identification of the model's parameters produced evolution curves that were within the limits of the standard deviation of the experimental data. The densification rate was lower than the resorption rate, and the densification delay was greater than bone resorption delay. INTERPRETATION: The delays determined with this macroscopic model are related to response delays due to biological internal processes in bone

    Detraining effects on the mechanical properties and morphology of rat tibiae

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    To study bone adaptation to detraining in growing rats, nine weeks-old immature female Wistar rats (n=110) were subjected to treadmill running programs (30 or 60 minutes-a-day) for up to 15 weeks, followed by unrestricted cage activities for the subsequent 15 weeks. The results revealed that (1) the cross-sectional area and mechanical properties of the midshaft bone significantly increased in response to running exercise, (2) its structural properties remained unchanged after the cessation of exercise, whereas the material properties returned to control level at a relatively early stage, (3) in the metaphysis, cortical bone area remained unchanged but trabecular bone area decreased in response to running exercise, (4) both areas slightly increased after the cessation of exercise, and (5) the changes in the mechanical properties and morphology of bone depended upon the repetition number and/or the duration of exercise, and were larger with longer duration of exercise

    Kinematics and Laxity of the Ankle Joint in Anatomic and Nonanatomic Anterior Talofibular Ligament Repair: A Biomechanical Cadaveric Study

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    Adhesion and proliferation of skeletal muscle cells on single layer poly(lactic acid) ultra-thin films

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    An increasing interest in bio-hybrid systems and cell-material interactions is evident in the last years. This leads towards the development of new nano-structured devices and the assessment of their biocompatibility. In the present study, the development of free-standing single layer poly(lactic acid) (PLA) ultra-thin films is described, together with the analysis of topography and roughness properties. The biocompatibility of the PLA films has been tested in vitro, by seeding C2C12 skeletal muscle cells, and thus assessing cells shape, density and viability after 24, 48 and 72 h. The results show that free-standing flexible PLA nanofilms represent a good matrix for C2C12 cells adhesion, spreading and proliferation. Early differentiation into myotubes is also allowed. The biocompatibility of the novel ultra-thin films as substrates for cell growth promotes their application in the fields of regenerative medicine, muscle tissue engineering, drug delivery, and-in general-in the field of bio-hybrid devices