188 research outputs found

    Desorption of n-alkanes from graphene: a van der Waals density functional study

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    A recent study of temperature programmed desorption (TPD) measurements of small n-alkanes (CNH2N+2) from C(0001) deposited on Pt(111) shows a linear relationship of the desorption energy with increasing n-alkane chain length. We here present a van der Waals density functional study of the desorption barrier energy of the ten smallest n-alkanes (N = 1 to 10) from graphene. We find linear scaling with N, including a nonzero intercept with the energy axis, i.e., an offset at the extrapolation to N = 0. This calculated offset is quantitatively similar to the results of the TPD measurements. From further calculations of the polyethylene polymer we offer a suggestion for the origin of the offset.Comment: 3 pictures, 1 tabl

    Evaluation of the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score as a screening tool for undiagnosed type 2 diabetes and dysglycaemia among early middle-aged adults in a large-scale European cohort. The Feel4Diabetes-study

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    Aim: To assess the diagnostic accuracy of the FINDRISC for undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and dysglycaemia (i.e. the presence of prediabetes or T2DM) among early middle-aged adults from vulnerable groups in a large-scale European cohort. Methods: Participants were recruited from low-socioeconomic areas in high-income countries (HICs) (Belgium-Finland) and in HICs under austerity measures (Greece-Spain) and from the overall population in low/middle-income countries (LMICs) (Bulgaria-Hungary). Study population comprised of 2116 parents of primary-school children from families identified at increased risk of T2DM, based on parental self-reported FINDRISC. Sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp), area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC-ROC) and the optimal cut-offs of FINDRISC that indicate an increased probability for undiagnosed T2DM or dysglycaemia were calculated. Results: The AUC-ROC for undiagnosed T2DM was 0.824 with optimal cut-off =14 (Se = 68%, Sp = 81.7%) for the total sample, 0.839 with optimal cut-off =15 (Se = 83.3%, Sp = 86.9%) for HICs, 0.794 with optimal cut-off =12 (Se = 83.3%, Sp = 61.1%) for HICs under austerity measures and 0.882 with optimal cut-off =14 (Se = 71.4%, Sp = 87.8%) for LMICs. The AUC-ROC for dysglycaemia was 0.663 with optimal cut-off =12 (Se = 58.3%, Sp = 65.7%) for the total sample, 0.656 with optimal cut-off =12 (Se = 54.5%, Sp = 64.8%) for HICs, 0.631 with optimal cut-off =12 (Se = 59.7%, Sp = 62.0%) for HICs under austerity measures and 0.735 with optimal cut-off =11 (Se = 72.7%, Sp = 70.2%) for LMICs. Conclusion: FINDRISC can be applied for screening primarily undiagnosed T2DM but also dysglycaemia among vulnerable groups across Europe, considering the use of different cut-offs for each subpopulation

    Graphene transistors are insensitive to pH changes in solution

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    We observe very small gate-voltage shifts in the transfer characteristic of as-prepared graphene field-effect transistors (GFETs) when the pH of the buffer is changed. This observation is in strong contrast to Si-based ion-sensitive FETs. The low gate-shift of a GFET can be further reduced if the graphene surface is covered with a hydrophobic fluorobenzene layer. If a thin Al-oxide layer is applied instead, the opposite happens. This suggests that clean graphene does not sense the chemical potential of protons. A GFET can therefore be used as a reference electrode in an aqueous electrolyte. Our finding sheds light on the large variety of pH-induced gate shifts that have been published for GFETs in the recent literature

    Methodology of the health economic evaluation of the Feel4Diabetes-study

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    Background: The clinical and economic burden of type 2 diabetes mellitus on society is rising. Effective and efficient preventive measures may stop the increasing prevalence, given that type 2 diabetes mellitus is mainly a lifestyle-driven disease. The Feel4Diabetes-study aimed to tackle unhealthy lifestyle (unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and excess weight) of families with a child in the first grades of elementary school. These schools were located in regions with a relatively low socio-economic status in Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Hungary and Spain. Special attention was paid to families with a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: The aim of this paper is to describe the detailed methodology of the intervention’s cost-effectiveness analysis. Based on the health economic evaluation of the Toybox-study, both a decision analytic part and a Markov model have been designed to assess the long-term (time horizon of 70 year with one-year cycles) intervention’s value for money. Data sources used for the calculation of health state incidences, transition probabilities between health states, health state costs, and health state utilities are listed. Intervention-related costs were collected by questionnaires and diaries, and attributed to either all families or high risk families only. Conclusions: The optimal use of limited resources is pivotal. The future results of the health economic evaluation of the Feel4Diabetes-study will contribute to the efficient use of those resources.Publication of this supplement was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 643708

    Graphite and Hexagonal Boron-Nitride Possess the Same Interlayer Distance. Why?

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    Graphite and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) are two prominent members of the family of layered materials possessing a hexagonal lattice. While graphite has non-polar homo-nuclear C-C intra-layer bonds, h-BN presents highly polar B-N bonds resulting in different optimal stacking modes of the two materials in bulk form. Furthermore, the static polarizabilities of the constituent atoms considerably differ from each other suggesting large differences in the dispersive component of the interlayer bonding. Despite these major differences both materials present practically identical interlayer distances. To understand this finding, a comparative study of the nature of the interlayer bonding in both materials is presented. A full lattice sum of the interactions between the partially charged atomic centers in h-BN results in vanishingly small monopolar electrostatic contributions to the interlayer binding energy. Higher order electrostatic multipoles, exchange, and short-range correlation contributions are found to be very similar in both materials and to almost completely cancel out by the Pauli repulsions at physically relevant interlayer distances resulting in a marginal effective contribution to the interlayer binding. Further analysis of the dispersive energy term reveals that despite the large differences in the individual atomic polarizabilities the hetero-atomic B-N C6 coefficient is very similar to the homo-atomic C-C coefficient in the hexagonal bulk form resulting in very similar dispersive contribution to the interlayer binding. The overall binding energy curves of both materials are thus very similar predicting practically the same interlayer distance and very similar binding energies.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Feel4Diabetes healthy diet score: Development and evaluation of clinical validity

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    Background: The aim of this paper is to present the development of the Feel4Diabetes Healthy Diet Score and to evaluate its clinical validity. Methods: Study population consisted of 3268 adults (63% women) from high diabetes risk families living in 6 European countries. Participants filled in questionnaires at baseline and after 1 year, reflecting the dietary goals of the Feel4Diabetes intervention. Based on these questions the Healthy Diet Score was constructed, consisting of the following components: breakfast, vegetables, fruit and berries, sugary drinks, whole-grain cereals, nuts and seeds, low-fat dairy products, oils and fats, red meat, sweet snacks, salty snacks, and family meals. Maximum score for each component was set based on its estimated relative importance regarding T2DM risk, higher score indicating better quality of diet. Clinical measurements included height, weight, waist circumference, heart rate, blood pressure, and fasting blood sampling, with analyses of glucose, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides. Analysis of (co) variance was used to compare the Healthy Diet Score and its components between countries and sexes using baseline data, and to test differences in clinical characteristics between score categories, adjusted for age, sex and country. Pearson''s correlations were used to study the association between changes from baseline to year 1 in the Healthy Diet Score and clinical markers. To estimate reproducibility, Pearson''s correlations were studied between baseline and 1 year score, within the control group only. Results: The mean total score was 52.8 ± 12.8 among women and 46.6 ± 12.8 among men (p < 0.001). The total score and its components differed between countries. The change in the Healthy Diet Score was significantly correlated with changes in BMI, waist circumference, and total and LDL cholesterol. The Healthy Diet Score as well as its components at baseline were significantly correlated with the values at year 1, in the control group participants. Conclusion: The Feel4Diabetes Healthy Diet Score is a reproducible method to capture the dietary information collected with the Feel4Diabetes questionnaire and measure the level of and changes in the adherence to the dietary goals of the intervention. It gives a simple parameter that associates with clinical risk factors in a meaningful manner

    Functional Analysis of Retinitis Pigmentosa 2 (RP2) Protein Reveals Variable Pathogenic Potential of Disease-Associated Missense Variants

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    Genetic mutations are frequently associated with diverse phenotypic consequences, which limits the interpretation of the consequence of a variation in patients. Mutations in the retinitis pigmentosa 2 (RP2) gene are associated with X-linked RP, which is a phenotypically heterogenic form of retinal degeneration. The purpose of this study was to assess the functional consequence of disease-associated mutations in the RP2 gene using an in vivo assay. Morpholino-mediated depletion of rp2 in zebrafish resulted in perturbations in photoreceptor development and microphthalmia (small eye). Ultrastructural and immunofluorescence analyses revealed defective photoreceptor outer segment development and lack of expression of photoreceptor-specific proteins. The retinopathy phenotype could be rescued by expressing the wild-type human RP2 protein. Notably, the tested RP2 mutants exhibited variable degrees of rescue of rod versus cone photoreceptor development as well as microphthalmia. Our results suggest that RP2 plays a key role in photoreceptor development and maintenance in zebrafish and that the clinical heterogeneity associated with RP2 mutations may, in part, result from its potentially distinct functional relevance in rod versus cone photoreceptors

    Modulator-controlled synthesis of microporous STA-26, an interpenetrated 8,3-connected zirconium MOF with the the-i topology, and its reversible lattice shift

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    The authors acknowledge the support of the EPSRC/St Andrews Criticat CDT (RRRP, PAW) and the European Community Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) number 608490 (project M4CO2) (KKC, MYM, KIH, PAW). SEA would like to thank the Royal Society and Wolfson Foundation for a merit award. This research made use of the Balena High Performance Computing (HPC) Service at the University of Bath. The research data (and/or materials) supporting this publication can be accessed at DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17630/6ffeed8a-e75f-4648-968f-3ed32a94e9a0.A fully interpenetrated 8,3-connected zirconium MOF with the the-i topology type, STA-26 (St Andrews porous material-26), has been prepared using the 4,4',4"-(2,4,6-trimethylbenzene-1,3,5-triyl)tribenzoate (TMTB) tritopic linker with formic acid as a modulating agent. In the as-prepared form STA-26 possesses Im-3m symmetry compared with the Pm-3m symmetry of the non-interpenetrated analogue, NU-1200, prepared using benzoic acid as a modulator. Upon removal of residual solvent there is a shift between the interpenetrating lattices and a resultant symmetry change to Cmcm which is fully reversible. This is observed by X-ray diffraction and 13C MAS NMR is also found to be remarkably sensitive to the structural transition. Furthermore, heating STA-26(Zr) in vacuum dehydroxylates the Zr6 nodes leaving coordinatively unsaturated Zr4+ sites, as shown by IR spectroscopy using CO and CD3CN as probe molecules. Nitrogen adsorption at 77 K together with grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations confirms a microporous, fully interpenetrated, structure with pore volume 0.53 cm3 g−1 while CO2 adsorption at 196 K reaches 300 cm3 STP g−1 at 1 bar. While the pore volume is smaller than that of its non-interpenetrated mesoporous analogue, interpenetration makes the structure more stable to moisture adsorption and introduces shape selectivity in adsorption.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A common allele in RPGRIP1L is a modifier of retinal degeneration in ciliopathies

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    Despite rapid advances in the identification of genes involved in disease, the predictive power of the genotype remains limited, in part owing to poorly understood effects of second-site modifiers. Here we demonstrate that a polymorphic coding variant of RPGRIP1L (retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator-interacting protein-1 like), a ciliary gene mutated in Meckel-Gruber (MKS) and Joubert (JBTS) syndromes, is associated with the development of retinal degeneration in individuals with ciliopathies caused by mutations in other genes. As part of our resequencing efforts of the ciliary proteome, we identified several putative loss-of-function RPGRIP1L mutations, including one common variant, A229T. Multiple genetic lines of evidence showed this allele to be associated with photoreceptor loss in ciliopathies. Moreover, we show that RPGRIP1L interacts biochemically with RPGR, loss of which causes retinal degeneration, and that the Thr229-encoded protein significantly compromises this interaction. Our data represent an example of modification of a discrete phenotype of syndromic disease and highlight the importance of a multifaceted approach for the discovery of modifier alleles of intermediate frequency and effect.This work was supported by grants R01EY007961 from the National Eye Institute (H.K. and A.S.), R01HD04260 from the National Institute of Child Health and Development (N.K.), R01DK072301, R01DK075972 (N.K.), R01DK068306, R01DK064614, R01DK069274 (F.H.), NRSA fellowship F32 DK079541 (E.E.D.) from the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney disorders, Intramural program of NEI (A.S.), the Macular Vision Research Foundation (N.K.), the Foundation for Fighting Blindness (H.K., S.S.B., A.S. and N.K.), the Foundation for Fighting Blindness Canada (R.K.K.), Le Fonds de la recherche en sante du Québec (FRSQ) (R.K.K.), Research to Prevent Blindness (A.S.), Harold Falls Collegiate Professorship (A.S.), the Midwest Eye Banks and Transplantation Center (H.K.), the Searle Scholars Program (M.A.B.), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG grant BE 3910/4-1; C.B.) the UK Medical Research Council (grant number G0700073; C.A.J.), NIHR Biomedical Research Centre for Ophthalmology (S.S.B.) and EU-GENORET Grant LSHG-CT-2005-512036 (S.S.B.). F.H. is an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) and a Doris Duke Distinguished Clinical Scientist (DDCF)
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