344 research outputs found

    Pathogenic, Molecular, and Immunological Properties of a Virus Associated with Sea Turtle Fibropapillomatosis. Phase II : Viral Pathogenesis and Development of Diagnostic Assays

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    Research conducted under this RWO from July 1, 1997 through June 30, 2000 has provided important new information about the pathogenesis, virology, and immunology of marine turtle fibropapillomatosis. In particular, we have provided strong evidence for the association of a herpesvirus with fibropapillomatosis of the green turtle,Chelonia mydas, and the loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta, in Florida. In addition we have provided new evidence for the absence of papillomaviruses from sea turtle fibropapillomas. Although unsuccessful, important new attempts were made to cultivate the FP-associated herpesvirus in vitro in collaboration with the National Wildlife Health Center. During this period of time, we completed publication of the first comprehensive description of the comparative pathology and pathogenesis of experimentally induced and spontaneous fibropapillomas of green turtles (Chelonia mydas). We initiated innovative studies on the persistence of a Chelonian herpesviruses in the marine environment demonstrating for the first time that the environmental survivability of Chelonian herpesviruses makes them real threats to marine turtle health. Finally, we explored development of a serological assay for FP using synthetic herpesvirus peptides and developed methodologies for detection of antibodies to LETV [Iung-eye-trachea virus] a disease-associated herpesvirus of the green turtle, Chelonia mydas.. This last initiative is ongoing and will further our efforts to develop specific immunological assays for the FP-associated herpesvirus and FP. (17 page document

    Integrating Data from GRACE and Other Observing Systems for Hydrological Research and Applications

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    The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission provides a unique view of water cycle dynamics, enabling the only space based observations of water on and beneath the land surface that are not limited by depth. GRACE data are immediately useful for large scale applications such as ice sheet ablation monitoring, but they are even more valuable when combined with other types of observations, either directly or within a data assimilation system. Here we describe recent results of hydrological research and applications projects enabled by GRACE. These include the following: 1) global monitoring of interannual variability of terrestrial water storage and groundwater; 2) water balance estimates of evapotranspiration over several large river basins; 3) NASA's Energy and Water Cycle Study (NEWS) state of the global water budget project; 4) drought indicator products now being incorporated into the U.S. Drought Monitor; 5) GRACE data assimilation over several regions

    Understanding Changes in Water Availability in the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo del Norte Basin Under the Influence of Large-Scale Circulation Indices Using the Noah Land Surface Model

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    Water availability plays an important role in the socio-economic development of a region. It is however, subject to the influence of large-scale circulation indices, resulting in periodic excesses and deficits. An assessment of the degree of correlation between climate indices and water availability, and the quantification of changes with respect to major climate events is important for long-term water resources planning and management, especially in transboundary basins as it can help in conflict avoidance. In this study we first establish the correlation of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) with gauged precipitation in the Rio Grande basin, and quantify the changes in water availability using runoff generated from the Noah land surface model. Both spatial and temporal variations are noted, with winter and spring being most influenced by conditions in the Pacific Ocean. Negative correlation is observed at the headwaters and positive correlation across the rest of the basin. The influence of individual ENSO events, classified using four different criteria, is also examined. El Ninos (La Ninas) generally cause an increase (decrease) in runoff, but the pattern is not consistent; percentage change in water availability varies across events. Further, positive PDO enhances the effect of El Nino and dampens that of La Nina, but during neutral/transitioning PDO, La Nina dominates meteorological conditions. Long El Ninos have more influence on water availability than short duration high intensity events. We also note that the percentage increase during El Ninos significantly offsets the drought-causing effect of La Ninas

    Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) and Plasmonic-Organic Hybrid (POH) integration

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    Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) and plasmonic-organic hybrid (POH) integration combines organic clectro-optic materials with silicon photonic and plasmonic waveguides, The concept enables fast and power-efficient modulators that support advanced modulation formats such as QPSK and 16QAM

    Low field hysteresis in disordered ferromagnets

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    We analyze low field hysteresis close to the demagnetized state in disordered ferromagnets using the zero temperature random-field Ising model. We solve the demagnetization process exactly in one dimension and derive the Rayleigh law of hysteresis. The initial susceptibility a and the hysteretic coefficient b display a peak as a function of the disorder width. This behavior is confirmed by numerical simulations d=2,3 showing that in limit of weak disorder demagnetization is not possible and the Rayleigh law is not defined. These results are in agreement with experimental observations on nanocrystalline magnetic materials.Comment: Extended version, 18 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Psychopathologie und elterlicher Stress bei 3- bis 6-jährigen Kindern mit Ausscheidungsstörungen

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    Objective: Incontinence and functional gastrointestinal disorders are common in young children and are associated with higher rates of psychological symptoms and mental disorders. This article focuses on the mutual association between incontinence and related toilet refusal syndrome, parental stress, and children’s psychopathology especially in young children. Methods: Children’s psychological symptoms, mental disorders, and parental stress levels were assessed in 38 parent-child dyads involving children with incontinence and 42 dyads of typically developing (TD) children. Results: Compared to TD children, patients had higher internalizing and externalizing CBCL scores and higher rates of clinically relevant externalizing problems. However, the rates of clinically relevant internalizing problems and mental disorders did not differ. The parents of children with incontinence reported signifi cantly higher stress levels regarding child-related stress factors (PSI-CD) than did parents of TD children. However, there were no clinically relevant parental stress scores on a group level, which remained below the clinical range (T-value < 60). When simultaneously analyzed, children’s (comorbid) mental disorders but not incontinence had a major impact on parental stress. Conclusions: Despite moderate stress levels, incontinence symptoms, urinary and fecal incontinence are highly prevalent in young children. However, stress among parents of young children was mainly elicited by any (comorbid) mental disorder.Fragestellung: Ausscheidungsstörungen (AS) wie funktionelle Harn- und Stuhlinkontinenz sind sehr häufi ge Störungen im Vorschulalter und sind mit einer erhöhten Prävalenz von psychopathologischen Symptomen und psychischen Störungen bei den betroffenen Kindern assoziiert. Innerhalb der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der wechselseitige Zusammenhang von funktioneller Harn- und Stuhlinkontinenz sowie dem damit in Verbindung stehenden Toilettenverweigerungssyndrom auf die kindliche Psychopathologie und das elterliche Stresserleben speziell bei jungen Kindern untersucht. Methode: Psychopathologische Symptome, psychische Störungen und elterliche Stressbelastung wurden in 38 Eltern-Kind-Dyaden bei Kindern mit vorhandener AS und in 42 Dyaden bei Kindern ohne AS untersucht. Ergebnisse: Kinder mit AS wiesen höhere Werte von internalisierendem und externalisierendem Problemverhalten auf und waren häufi ger von klinisch relevanter externalisierender Symptomatik betroffen. Nichtsdestotrotz war die Prävalenz psychischer Störungen vergleichbar. Eltern von Kindern mit AS berichteten signifi kant höhere kindbezogene Stresslevel. Dennoch zeigte sich auf Gruppenebene kein klinisch bedeutsamer elterlicher Stress und die mittleren Stresslevel lagen unterhalb des Bereichs der klinischen Auffälligkeit (T-Wert < 60). Bei gleichzeitiger Betrachtung des Einfl usses von AS und psychischen Störungen zeigten sich letztere als ausschlaggebend für den elterlichen Stress. Schlussfolgerungen: Trotz moderater Stresslevel konnte eine generell hohe Prävalenz von AS Symptomen bei 3–6-Jährigen aufgezeigt werden. Elterlicher Stress war jedoch bedeutsamer mit einer (komorbiden) psychischen Erkrankung assoziiert

    Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) and Plasmonic-Organic Hybrid (POH) integration

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    Silicon photonics offers tremendous potential for inexpensive high-yield photonic-electronic integration. Besides conventional dielectric waveguides, plasmonic structures can also be efficiently realized on the silicon photonic platform, reducing device footprint by more than an order of magnitude. However, nei-ther silicon nor metals exhibit appreciable second-order optical nonlinearities, thereby making efficient electro-optic modulators challenging to realize. These deficiencies can be overcome by the concepts of silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) and plasmonic-organic hybrid integration, which combine SOI waveguides and plasmonic nanostructures with organic electro-optic cladding materials

    Novel classical ground state of a many body system in arbitrary dimensions

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    The classical ground state of a D- dimensional many body system with two and three body interactions is studied as a function of the strength of the three body interaction. We prove exactly that beyond a critical strength of the three body interaction, the classical ground state of the system is one in which all the particles are on a line. The positions of the particles in this string configuration are uniquely determined by the zeros of the Hermite polynomials.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, no figure; version to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Sea turtles : University of Florida – University of the Azores connection 1984 – present. A review

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    The loggerhead (Caretta caretta) is the most common sea turtle in the Azores. Since they do not nest in the area, a tagging program was started in the 1980’s to try to discover their origin. The result based on size distribution, suggested that they mainly are coming from beaches in SE United States. A collaboration between University of Florida and the University of the Azores began in 1984 in order to proceed with further research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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