11 research outputs found

    Resting‐state magnetoencephalography source magnitude imaging with deep‐learning neural network for classification of symptomatic combat‐related mild traumatic brain injury

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    Combat-related mild traumatic brain injury (cmTBI) is a leading cause of sustained physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral disabilities in Veterans and active-duty military personnel. Accurate diagnosis of cmTBI is challenging since the symptom spectrum is broad and conventional neuroimaging techniques are insensitive to the underlying neuropathology. The present study developed a novel deep-learning neural network method, 3D-MEGNET, and applied it to resting-state magnetoencephalography (rs-MEG) source-magnitude imaging data from 59 symptomatic cmTBI individuals and 42 combat-deployed healthy controls (HCs). Analytic models of individual frequency bands and all bands together were tested. The All-frequency model, which combined delta-theta (1-7 Hz), alpha (8-12 Hz), beta (15-30 Hz), and gamma (30-80 Hz) frequency bands, outperformed models based on individual bands. The optimized 3D-MEGNET method distinguished cmTBI individuals from HCs with excellent sensitivity (99.9 ± 0.38%) and specificity (98.9 ± 1.54%). Receiver-operator-characteristic curve analysis showed that diagnostic accuracy was 0.99. The gamma and delta-theta band models outperformed alpha and beta band models. Among cmTBI individuals, but not controls, hyper delta-theta and gamma-band activity correlated with lower performance on neuropsychological tests, whereas hypo alpha and beta-band activity also correlated with lower neuropsychological test performance. This study provides an integrated framework for condensing large source-imaging variable sets into optimal combinations of regions and frequencies with high diagnostic accuracy and cognitive relevance in cmTBI. The all-frequency model offered more discriminative power than each frequency-band model alone. This approach offers an effective path for optimal characterization of behaviorally relevant neuroimaging features in neurological and psychiatric disorders

    Emerging Approaches to Neurocircuits in PTSD and TBI: Imaging the Interplay of Neural and Emotional Trauma

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    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) commonly co-occur in general and military populations and have a number of overlapping symptoms. While research suggests that TBI is risk factor for PTSD and that PTSD may mediate TBI-related outcomes, the mechanisms of these relationships are not well understood. Neuroimaging may help elucidate patterns of neurocircuitry both specific and common to PTSD and TBI and thus help define the nature of their interaction, refine diagnostic classification, and may potentially yield opportunities for targeted treatments. In this review, we provide a summary of some of the most common and the most innovative neuroimaging approaches used to characterize the neural circuits associated with PTSD, TBI, and their comorbidity. We summarize the state of the science for each disorder and describe the few studies that have explicitly attempted to characterize the neural substrates of their shared and dissociable influence. While some promising targets in the medial frontal lobes exist, there is not currently a comprehensive understanding of the neurocircuitry mediating the interaction of PTSD and TBI. Future studies should exploit innovative neuroimaging approaches and longitudinal designs to specifically target the neural mechanisms driving PTSD-TBI-related outcomes