40 research outputs found

    Dış ticarette organik tarımın stratejik yerinin incelenmesi

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    Son yıllarda hormonlu tarımın yaygınlaşması zirai ilaçlamada kimyasal maddelerin kullanılması bilinçli tüketiciyi duyarlı hale getirmiş ;bu da doğal ürünlere yöneltmiştir.1920'lere dayanan organik tarımın üretimi ve pazarlaması belirli bir sistemde gelişirken bugün dünyada ve Türkiye'de gösterdiği gelişme dikkati çekmektedir.Özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkelerde iç pazar kısıtlı ancak amaç dış pazarı karşılamaya yöneliktir. Artan nüfus için daha çok gıda üretimi,buna yönelik verimlilik amaçlı daha çok girdi,kimyasal gübre vs. insan sağlığına zarar vermektedir.Gelişmiş ülkeler bu konuda daha erken uyanmış,buna yönelik yasal düzenlemeleri tamamlamışlar,hatta AB yasalarınca da koruma altına almışlardır.Tarladan tüketiciye kadar bağımsız bir kontrol organınca denetimi sağlayan bir yapının çerçevesi,kuraları oluşturulmuştur. AB ülkeleri arasında en yüksek pazar büyüklüğü Almanya'dadır. Hızlı büyüme ile ulusal standartlar geliştirilmiş,önemli gıda üreticileri bu pazara dahil olmuş,hipermarket zincirleri etkili olmuştur.Ayrıca yeni pazarlama şekilleri de ortaya çıkmış doğal ürünler satan dükkanlar açılmış hatta bunların zincirleri oluşmuş, ayrıca bu ürünlerin e-ticareti de yaygınlaşmıştır. Ülkemizde organik gıda üretimi esas olarak ihracatı hedef almaktadır.Türkiye'de organik tarımsal üretimin başlatılması dış ülke taleplerine dayanmakta ve sipariş usulü üretim ağırlık taşımaktadır.2000 yılında 69 adete ulaşan organik ürünlere ait ihracat miktarı 12 milyon ton ve değeri yaklaşık 21 milyondır.Fındık,kuruu¨zu¨m,kuruincirvekurukayısıihracatdeg˘eritoplamıorganiktarımsalu¨ru¨nlerihracatdeg˘erigeneltoplamınınTu¨rkiyeorganiku¨ru¨nlerihracatındaeno¨nemliu¨lkegrubuABu¨lkeleriveenbas\ctaAlmanyagelmektedir.Tu¨rkiyenin2001yılındaorganiku¨ru¨nihrac\cettig˘iu¨lkesayısı20yeulas\cmaktadır.Tu¨rkiyeninABdıs\cındakihedefPazaru¨lkeleriarasındageneldeABD,Japonya,Avustralya,Kanada,I˙svic\creveI˙srailyeralmaktadır.Buu¨lkeleraynızamandadu¨nyadakio¨nemliu¨reticiu¨lkelerarasındabulunmaktadır.Tu¨rkiyede7tanesertifikasyonkurulus\cuvardır.Sertifikasyonsistemiu¨ru¨nleriekolojikstandartlarago¨reu¨retildig˘inin,is\clendig˘inin,paketlendig˘iningarantisidir.Tu¨rkiyedeorganiktarımayo¨nelikdog˘rudandevletdesteklemesibulunmamaktadır.Yasaldu¨zenlemelerdeiseABdedu¨zenlenenyo¨netmelikleryakındantakipedilmektedir.AByeihrac\cic\cinbubirzorunlulukturolarakABtarafındanistenmektedir.Tu¨rkiyezenginekolojikyapısıyladu¨nyadaorganiktarımsalu¨retimeuyguno¨nemliu¨lkelerarasındayeralmaktadır.Bu¨tu¨nilgilikurulus\clarınu¨reticilerininvekamukurulus\clarınınetkilikoordinelic\calıs\cmasıylabukonudaatılacakadımlarTu¨rkiyeekonomisiic\cinyenibirkaynakveac\cılımsag˘layabilecektir.BukonudaTu¨rkiyemarkalas\cmasınısag˘layabilmelidir.Thespreadingofphysiallyfarming,theusingofchemicalmattersinagriculturalmedicinemakecustomersensitiveinlastyears.Thiscasedirectedcustomertonaturalproducts.Organicfarmingproductandmarketing,whichareleaning1920s,improved.Akindofsystem.IttakesattentioninworldandTurkey.Particularly,thehousemarketislimitedinlessdevelopmentcountriesbutthemaintargetisforeignmarkets.Inordertoincreasingpopulationneededmorefoodproductandmoreoutputforproductivity.Butitdamegestohumanhealtyh.Developedcountriestakemeasuresearlyaboutthissubject.Theycompletedlegalrules.Thisrulesarebaseonanindependentchecksystemfromlandtocustomer.GermanyisthegreatestmarketpoweramongEuropencountries.Swiftgrowthandnationalstandartsareimproved.Soimportantproductorsattendtothismarkets.Besideakindofmarketingtakeplaceandnaturalproductsbuyersopenednewshopsaboveall.Thenitbecomesachain.Inourcountryorganicfooodproductistargetingexport.ThestartingoforganicagriculturalproductisleaningforeigncountriesdemandsinTurkeywhichisbaseonorderingsystem.Accordingto2000sfigures,therearesixtyninedifferentproductinTurkey.Theseamountsofexportistwelvemilliontonthatitsworthisapproximately21million dır.Fındık ,kuru üzüm,kuru incir ve kuru kayısı ihracat değeri toplamı organik tarımsal ürünler ihracat değeri genel toplamının %70-80 'ini oluşturmaktadır. Türkiye organik ürünler ihracatında en önemli ülke grubu AB ülkeleri ve en başta Almanya gelmektedir.Türkiye'nin 2001 yılında organik ürün ihraç ettiği ülke sayısı 20'ye ulaşmaktadır.Türkiye'nin AB dışındaki hedef Pazar ülkeleri arasında genelde ABD,Japonya,Avustralya,Kanada,İsviçre ve İsrail yer almaktadır.Bu ülkeler aynı zamanda dünyadaki önemli üretici ülkeler arasında bulunmaktadır. Türkiye'de 7 tane sertifikasyon kuruluşu vardır.Sertifikasyon sistemi ürünleri ekolojik standartlara göre üretildiğinin,işlendiğinin,paketlendiğinin garantisidir. Türkiyede organik tarıma yönelik doğrudan devlet desteklemesi bulunmamaktadır.Yasal düzenlemelerde ise AB'de düzenlenen yönetmelikler yakından takip edilmektedir.AB'ye ihraç için bu bir zorunluluktur olarak AB tarafından istenmektedir. Türkiye zengin ekolojik yapısıyla dünyada organik tarımsal üretime uygun önemli ülkeler arasında yer almaktadır.Bütün ilgili kuruluşların üreticilerinin ve kamu kuruluşlarının etkili koordineli çalışmasıyla bu konuda atılacak adımlar Türkiye ekonomisi için yeni bir kaynak ve açılım sağlayabilecektir.Bu konuda Türkiye markalaşmasını sağlayabilmelidir. The spreading of physially farming , the using of chemical matters in agricultural medicine make customer sensitive in last years.This case directed customer to natural products.Organic farming product and marketing , which are leaning 1920s' , improved . A kind of system .It takes attention in world and Turkey.Particularly, the house market is limited in less-development countries but the main target is foreign markets. In order to increasing population needed more food product and more output for productivity.But it dameges to human healtyh.Developed countries take measures early about this subject.They completed legal rules.This rules are base on an independent check system from land to customer. Germany is the greatest market power among Europen countries.Swift growth and national standarts are improved.So important productors attend to this markets.Beside a kind of marketing take place and natural products buyers opened new shops above all.Then it becomes a chain. In our country organic foood product is targeting export.The starting of organic agricultural product is leaning foreign countries demands in Turkey which is base on ordering system.According to 2000s' figures , there are sixty-nine different product in Turkey.These amounts' of export is twelve million ton that its worth is approximately 21 million .Filbert,dried apricot and dried fig which their worth is 70-80 percent of general total of the world. Europen countries and Germany are the important country group in organic products export in Turkey.There are twenty countries which constitues Turkey's export field.Japan,Australia,Canada.Switzerland and Israel are the other countries which are Turkey's new goal.At the same time ,these countries are the greatest productors in the world. There are seven certification organization in Turkey.This certification system is the guarentee of producting ,processing and packaging of ecologic standarts. In Turkey, there is no goverment support to organic agriculture.For legal regulations that Europen country regulations are even followed closely by Turkey.Beside it is legal obligation for exporting to Europen countries which is wanted by Europen countries. Turkey has very convenient land for ecologic agriculture.It is very important source for Turkish economy with all related establishment's effective working.Turkey should become a brand in new world

    Flow Analysis and Determination of Drag Forces for Spikes of Crops

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    In this work, flow analysis and drag forces of spikes of crops are investigated. A control volume is constructed to calculate drag forces and coefficients of spikes of wheats (Triticum durum, Triticum aestivum) for various velocities. In addition, drag forces corresponding to different orientation angles are determined for spikes of bread wheats. Spikes without awns are drawn using UNIGRAPHICS program in order to computationally analyze the flow. The drawings are inserted into ANSYS ICEM-CFD program and drag forces and coefficients are determined

    Geochemical characteristics of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous platform carbonates in Hazine Mağara, Gümüşhane (NE Turkey): Implications for dolomitization and recrystallization

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    Late Jurassic-early Cretaceous Berdiga Formation of the Eastern Pontide, Turkey represents a carbonate platform succession comprised of pervasivly dolomitized intra-shelf to deep shelf facies. In this area, polymetallic deposits occur as veins and lenses within the Berdiga Formation in close proximity to its upper contact with the overlying formation. Three different types of replacive dolomites occur in the formation: 1) microcrystalline dolomite (Md Dolomite); 2) fabric-preserving dolomite (Fpd Dolomite), and 3) fabric-destructive dolomite (Fdd Dolomie). Replacive dolomites are Ca-rich and nonstoichiometric (Ca56-58Mg42-44) and are characterized by a pronounced negative shifts in oxygen (–11.38 to –4.05 ‰V-PDB), 13C values of 0.69 to 3.13 ‰V-PDB, a more radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70753 to 0.70884), extremely high Fe (2727-21053 ppm) and Mn (1548-27726 ppm) contents. All dolomite samples have low Y/Ho ratios (23 to 40) and they also contain highly variable contents of REE (7 to 41). REE patterns of dolomites normalized to PAAS show distinct positive Eu anomaly (1.3 to 2.1) and slightly flattened Ce anomalies (0.8 to 1.1). Integration of petrographic and geochemical studies reveal the history of a variety of diagenetic processes highly affected by hydrothermal alteration, which include dolomitization, recrystallization, dissolution, silicification and pyrite mineralization associated with the emplacement of the polymetallic mineralization.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Geochemistry of the massive dolomites in Eastern Black Sea region: REE implications for dolomite petrogenesis

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    Dolomitization is an important diagenetic process observed in carbonate rocks ranging in age from Precambrian to Holocene. The formation of massive dolostone bodies has long been a challenge due to complex sedimentary and diagenetic conditions. The presence of massive dolostone successions which pervasively occur in the Late Jurrasic-Early Cretaceous carbonates in Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey) can provide an excellent opportunity to gain a better understanding of the dolomitization process. Previous studies of these carbonates interpreted dolomite as a replacement phase after calcite formed at shallow burial depths. The nature of fluids for dolomitization has been attributed to the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous seawater. Here, we report new geochemical data, including rare earth elements (REEs) on the formation of dolomites of the Berdiga Formation and its relationship to the Late Jurassic magmatic event. These dolomites are grouped into two categories: (1) microcrystalline replacive dolomites (D1 and D2) corresponding to the shallow subsurface realm formed at relatively low-temperature conditions from seawater parentage fluids, and (2) coarse-crystalline replacive dolomites (D3) and cement dolomite (Cd) formed at shallow to intermediate burial depth under relatively high-temperature conditions from seawater affected by the hydrothermal fluid flux in Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous. High-temperature input can be inferred from high fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures (170–210°C), low δ18O values, relatively high Eu/Eu*, Eu/Sm and Sm/Yb ratios, low Y/Ho ratios, and enrichment of LREE over HREE in these dolomites compared to the seawater signatures. The Late Jurassic magmatic event may have provided a heat supply for the generation of high-temperature input to the ambient seawater. This probably led to the rapid convection and circulation of seawater in the carbonate strata resulting in a water-rock alteration process and massive dolomitization. Therefore, we suggest that the dolomites in the Eastern Pontides are mainly formed at shallow burial associated with the Late Jurassic Magma generation. This model provides new insights into the mechanism of dolomite formation associated with a contemporaneous magmatic activity

    Sedimentological and geochemical approaches for determination of the palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic conditions of Lower Cretaceous marine deposits in the eastern part of Sakarya Zone, NE Turkey

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    Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous carbonate successions are widely exposed throughout the Sakarya Zone, Northern Turkey. The carbonates are considered as invaluable archives of palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic conditions of Tethys Ocean. We, here, present new micropaleontological, microfacies, and stable isotope data (δ18O and δ13C) of Lower Cretaceous carbonate succession of the eastern part of Sakarya Zone, NE Turkey. The studied Lower Cretaceous carbonates are characterized by, from bottom to top, microfacies associations within Unit 1 and Unit 2 that were deposited in the Barremian–Albian. Unit 1 (Barremian–Aptian) is represented by the predominance of benthic foraminiferal associations and shallow marine organisms. Unit 1 shows alternations of different microfacies, including non-laminated mudstone (MF-1), autochthonous bioclastic-foraminiferal grainstone and packstone (MF-2) and intraclastic grainstone/packstone (MF-3). An abrupt palaeoenvironment change is represented by Unit 2 with deeper water microfacies associations consisting of dark grey limestones with chert nodules, mud-rich texture, reworked skeletal fragments, sponge spiculitics and a presence of the planktonic organism. Unit 2 (Albian) displays two different microfacies: reworked bioclastic packstone/wackestone microfacies (MF-4) and gradually overlying sponge spiculitic wackestone–mudstone (MF-5). The integration of microfacies and micropaleontological data implies that the Barremian–Albian interval represents the inner platform to the slope palaeoceanographic conditions revealing an overall transgressive trend, which is consistent with a significant rise in the sea level throughout Tethys margin during the Albian. The Albian sea-level rise is likely triggered by the sedimentary evolution of the basin due to the extensional tectonic regime in NE Turkey. Besides, the palaeo-temperatures are measured by the δ18O data that were obtained from well-preserved belemnite samples in Unit 2. Palaeotemperature analysis presents a range of 18.30–26.77 °C with an average of 23.13 °C during the Albian. Our palaeo-temperature data are conformable with the warm Cretaceous climatic conditions, which are recorded in the different parts of the Tethys margin. Therefore, this contribution provides the first insight into the palaeoclimatic conditions of the Tethys ocean for the eastern part of the Sakarya, NE Turkey

    Optoelectronic performance comparison of new thiophene linked benzimidazole conjugates with diverse substitution patterns

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    In an approach to develop efficient organic optoelectronic devices to be used in light-driven systems, a series of three thiophene linked benzimidazole conjugates were synthesized and characterized. The combination of two thiophene rings to a benzimidazole core decorated with different functional groups (such as –OCH3, –N(CH3)2, –CF3) resulted in donor-acceptor type molecular scaffold. The effect of the electronic behavior of the substituents on the optical, electrochemical, morphological and electron/hole transporting properties of the dyes were systematically investigated. DTBI2 dye exhibited distinct absorption properties among the other studied dyes because N,N-dimethylamino group initiated intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) process in the studied solvents. In solid state, the dyes exhibit peaks extending up to 600 nm. Depending on the solvent polarities, dyes show significant wavelength changes on their fluorescence emission spectra in the excited states. Morphological parameters of the thin films spin-coated from CHCl3 solution were investigated by using AFM instrument; furthermore photovoltaic responses are reported, even though photovoltaic performances of the fabricated solar cells with different configurations are quite low. © 2017 Elsevier B.V

    On new inequalities of Simpson's type for s-convex functions

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    SET, ERHAN/0000-0003-1364-5396WOS: 000283449100001In this paper, we establish some new inequalities of Simpson's type based on s-convexity. Some applications to special means of real numbers are also given. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved