175 research outputs found

    Kształtowanie miejskiej przestrzeni historycznej w Ciechanowie na podstawie planu miasta z 1851 roku

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    The chapter concerns the problems of shaping historical urban space based on the archival city map and registry of Ciechanow from 1851, by the famous Mazovian surveyor, Joachim Łuszczewski. City map, made on a scale of 1:1 500, discovered in 1989 in the State Archives in St. Petersburg, in 2017 was “imported” to Poland in the form of a large graphic file. The only polish expemlary of this map (originally map was made in triplicate) was destroyed in September 1939 during German air raids on Warsaw. In addition, in 2003 in the State Archives in Plock, was found a registry of the seats of the city of Ciechanów (made by the same surveyor), which document turned out to be fully compatible with the said city map. These archives (plan and registry) are a very valuable find on the scale of Mazovia where, apart from Warsaw and Plock, very little of such accurate and complete large-scale nineteenth-century cartographic material has survived. The city map and registry from 1851 provide an opportunity to re-restore (using information boards, archaeological research or big infrastructure investments) some of the old places in the contemporary historical space of Ciechanow

    Z działalności Komitetów Koordynacyjnych w latach 1936–1939

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    This article presents the origins of creating the Coordination Committees (Komitety Koordynacyjne) including the internal factors, the international state of affairs and the experiences of the First World War. The process of their forming in the respective Corps District Commands, organisational structure as well as a programme for operating is showed here. A particular attention was placed on the role of the CCs in realising a programme for consolidating the Polish society against the backdrop of escalating war threat between 1936 and 1939. One of the major arguments was a matter of CCs’ operating right next to CDC II, which played an essential role in the Polonising re-vindication programme in Chełmszczyzna and Wołyń Voivodeship. Due to the space constraints, the aspects which referred to engaging in the acts of demolishing Orthodox churches in Lublin Voivodeship were omitted. However, it was precisely the participation in demolishing Orthodox churches, or the religious conversion in Wołyń, which became, not quite justifiably, a trademark of CCs.Artykuł nie posiada streszczenia w języku polskim

    Władze wojewódzkie w Lublinie wobec kwestii ukraińskiej na Chełmszczyźnie i Podlasiu Południowym w latach 1935-1939

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    Starting in 1935 the provincial authorities in Lublin opted for a programme of national assimilation of the Ukrainian minority living in the area. On the scale of the entire Polish-Ukrainian border these kinds of changes in the course of national politics acquired a practical shape only in 1936. Together with the army they have created a programme of vindication and Polonization of the areas of Chełm Land and Southern Podlachia, and theyhave actively participated in its implementation. The problem of the Orthodox Church was being moved towards the central stage. The authorities in Lublin unequivocally advocated for possibly the most distant Polonization of the Orthodox Church and the liquidation of supernumerary parishes. It also involved the question of demolition of the inactive Orthodox facilities of the sacral nature. In the opinion of the authorities of Lublin the Orthodox Church was becoming a factor consolidating the Ukrainian minority, but threatening the Polish state, which was accompanied by the accumulation of the irredentist tendencies. The attitude of the authorities towards the Ukrainian minority was clearly undergoing a radicalisation at the turn of 1938/1939. It was expressed by the program formulated in the Province Office on “under-Ukrainizing” the public service. It should be emphasised that the programme remained only in the sphere of planning. Its implementation, set out over the period of 1939-1941, was prevented by the outbreak of the Second World War.Począwszy od 1935 r. władze wojewódzkie w Lublinie optowały za programemasymilacji narodowej mieszkającej na tym terenie mniejszości ukraińskiej. W skali całego pogranicza polsko-ukraińskiego tego rodzaju zmiany kursu polityki narodowościowej nabrały praktycznego kształtu dopiero od 1936 r. Wraz z wojskiem kreowały program rewindykacyjno-polonizacyjny Chełmszczyzny i Podlasia Południowego oraz czynnie uczestniczyły w jego realizacji. Na pierwszy plan wysuwała się sprawa Kościoła prawosławnego. Władze w Lublinie opowiadały się jednoznacznie za możliwie daleką polonizacją Cerkwi oraz likwidacją nieetatowych parafii. Mieściła się w tym również kwestia rozbiórek nieczynnych prawosławnych obiektów sakralnych. W ocenie władz lubelskich Cerkiew stawała się groźnym dla państwa polskiego czynnikiem konsolidacji mniejszości ukraińskiej, czemu towarzyszyło narastanie tendencji irredentystycznych. Stanowisko władz wobec mniejszości ukraińskiej ulegało wyraźnie radykalizacji na przełomie lat 1938/1939. Wyrazem tego był sformułowany w Urzędzie Wojewódzkim w Lublinie program „odukrainizowania” służby publicznej. Należy podkreślić, że pozostał on tylko w sferze planów. Jego realizację rozłożoną na lata 1939-1941 uniemożliwił wybuch drugiej wojny światowej

    I wojna światowa w powiecie wieluńskim w kronikarskiej narracji ks. Andrzeja Witulskiego (1)

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    The Parish in Wójcin was one of the 38 pastoral units in the district of Wieluń during WWI. Geopolitically, it bordered the Prussian State. The then parish priest Rev. Andrzej Witulski, who was a keen chronicler, recorded the events of the GreatWar in respect of the above–mentioned parish and neighbouring localities. A huge asset of his description is a chronological presentation of war events starting with the incursion by German and Austro-Hungarian troops and relating to the social, religious, economic, educationaland interfaith situation of those times. The priest hoped that the beginning of WWI would mark the final withdrawal of the hated Russians from the administration of the Kingdom of Poland and that it would lead to the establishment of independent Poland thanks to the help of German and Austro-Hungarian troops that were supposed to drive the Moskals to the Far East. However, after 4 years of the War, the priest expressed his bitter disappointmentwith the negative behaviour of the Germans and the Austro–Hungarians – not only did they cause extensive damage to the church property and civilians of the parish, but they also plundered the above–mentioned ones.Parafia w Wójcinie była w czasie I wojny światowej jedną z 38 placówek duszpasterskich w powiecie wieluńskim. Geopolitycznie graniczyła z państwem niemieckim.Ks. Andrzej Witulski – ówczesny proboszcz parafii, posiadający zacięcie kronikarskie – spisał wydarzenia Wielkiej Wojny w wymiarze tej parafii oraz sąsiednich miejscowości. Wielkim atutem jego opisu jest chronologiczne ukazanie wydarzeń wojennych, począwszy od wejścia wojsk niemieckich i austrowęgierskich, i związanej z tym sytuacji społecznej, religijnej, gospodarczej, oświatowej i międzywyznaniowej. Duchowny wiązałz rozpoczęciem wojny nadzieję na ostateczne opuszczenie administracji Królestwa Polskiego przez znienawidzonych Rosjan i zaprowadzenie niepodległej Polski, w czym miałypomóc niemieckie i austrowęgierskie wojska wypierające Moskali na wschód. Niestety, duchowny po 4 latach wojny w gorzkich słowach przedstawił swoje rozczarowanie negatywnym zachowaniem Niemców i Austro-Węgrów, którzy dokonali szeregu zniszczeń oraz kradzieży mienia kościelnego i osób cywilnych

    Stent fracture as a complication of superficial femoral artery stenting – a case report

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    Introduction: Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is an atherosclerotic vascular disease that results in obstruction of blood flow in the arteries other than those in the coronary circulation. PAD is often located in lower extremities, with patients presenting symptoms of intermittent claudication or critical lower limb ischemia. Angioplasty and stent implantation are often used in the treatment of PAD. Although these methods are considered as a low invasive and low risk, some factors may limit stent patency in the future. The fracture of the implanted stent may be one of these. Case report: A 68 old man, long-term smoker, with a history of chronic limb ischemia and many vascular surgeries because of PAD was admitted to the hospital with symptoms of the acute limb ischemia. Angiography showed a fracture of the stent implanted during the earlier hospitalization, with a fragment displacement to the left external iliac artery. The patient was successfully treated with catheter-directed thrombolysis. Discussion: Stent fracture is usually asymptomatic, however, it may cause complications, such as restenosis, pseudoaneurysm, perforation of the vessel, and in-stent embolism. The cumulative incidence of the femoropopliteal stent fracture varies from 2 to 65% in several studies. Incidence increases with stent length and is significantly lower in the second generation of nitinol stents, that was designed to have enhanced flexibility and durability


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    The article discusses the possibility of using 3D laser and 3D structured light scanning technology to support the restoration of museum objects and presents the concept of applying techniques of 3D scanning and CAD processing to create a model of the missing fragment of a museum object, based on scans of the damaged surface and fragments of the object with a similar shape. The resulting model can be used as a base element in the restoration of the original shape of the artifact, both virtually and in reality. The paper also presents the proposal of a process of reconstructing a missing fragment model of an actual museum object (an exhibit from the Zamoyski Museum in Kozłówka) using the method in question and mobile 3D scanning equipment

    Modification of niobium surfaces using plasma electrolytic oxidation in silicate solutions

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    Herein, a study of the plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) of niobium in an anodising bath composed of potassium silicate (K2SiO3) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) is reported. The effects of the K2SiO3 concentration in the bath and the process voltage on the characteristics of the obtained oxide layers were assessed. Compact, barrier-type oxide layers were obtained when the process voltage did not exceed the breakdown potential of the oxide layer. When this threshold was breached, the morphology of the oxide layer changed markedly, which is typical of PEO. A significant amount of silicon, in the form of amorphous silica, was incorporated into the oxide coatings under these conditions compared with the amount obtained with conventional anodising. This surface modification technique led to an improvement in the corrosion resistance of niobium in Ringer’s solution, regardless of the imposed process conditions

    Deep vein thrombosis in a 19-year-old patient with thrombophilia - description of the diagnosis and treatment

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    Introduction: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition in which a blood clot forms in one of the body's deep veins, most commonly of the leg or pelvis. Before the fourth decade of life risk of DVT is low (about 1 per 10000). After the age of 45, it rises and approaches about 5 per 1000 by the age of 80. Noteworthy is the fact, that patients with a positive family history have a higher risk of DVT at a young age. Essential risk factors for developing DVT are genetic conditions or acquired thrombophilia and positive family history, but the lack of family predisposition cannot rule out the occurrence of DVT. Standard treatment method of DVT involves intravenous anticoagulation with the use of low molecular weight heparin and compression therapy. Apart from the above-mentioned methods, we can distinguish intermittent pneumatic compression, surgical embolectomy, pharmacomechanical thrombectomy, and venous stenting. Case Report: We present a case report of 19 - year old patient who was first admitted to hospital in April 2017 urgently with symptoms of pulmonary embolism which was confirmed in angio-CT. Moreover, in the Doppler ultrasound, left common iliac vein (LCIV), left external iliac vein (LEIV) and left femoral vein (LFV) thrombosis was diagnosed. During the hospitalization, genetic tests, antibody levels, and antithrombin levels were performed for thrombophilia and systemic diseases conducive to thrombosis. In October 2017 the angio-MR of the pelvis confirmed visible pressure on the LCIV, caused by the common iliac artery, which corresponds to the May-Turner syndrome. In March 2018 he was admitted to the clinic with DVT symptoms of the left lower limb such as swelling, pain, and redness. The patient underwent venous angioplasty and stent implantation for LCIV. The patient was discharged from hospital with recommendations such as compression therapy, Doppler ultrasonography and monitoring of INR. Discussion: Venous thrombosis is a multicausal disease: more than one risk factor needs to be present before thrombosis occurs. Choice of DVT treatment method is aimed at improving the quality of life of patients depending on clinical symptoms. venous stenting for an iliofemoral occlusive disease is a safe and effective method of treatment. It can be done with excellent patency rates expected in cases of idiopathic occlusion and May-Thurner syndrome. On this basis, the legitimacy of using venous stent implantation as an effective method of treatment of recurrent DVT episodes can be confirmed, which has been used in the described case

    The quality of life in patients treated for abdominal aortic aneurysms by classical and endovascular methods

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    Cel pracy. Porównanie wyników leczenia tętniaków aorty brzusznej metodą operacyjną w trybie planowym oraz leczonych za pomocą endoprotez rozwidlonych. Ocena jakości życia przy użyciu skróconego formularza 36-punktowego SF-36 (Short From 36-Item Health Survey) oraz ankiety specyficznej opracowanej specjalnie dla potrzeb tej pracy. Zestawienie wyników obu metod leczenia i ich porównanie. Materiał i metody. W okresie od stycznia 1998 roku do grudnia 2001 roku leczono 384 chorych z AAA. W trybie nagłym operowano 39 chorych, w trybie planowym - 301 chorych, natomiast 44 chorych leczono techniką endowaskularną za pomocą endoprotez rozwidlonych. Pacjentów poproszono o wypełnienie formularzy przed zabiegiem i 30 dni po operacji podczas wizyty kontrolnej. Pytania dotyczyły: samooceny aktualnego stanu zdrowia pacjenta, dolegliwości bólowych, kłopotów z poruszaniem się, możliwości wykonywania codziennych czynności, kłopotów ze snem, dolegliwości ze strony ran pooperacyjnych. Wyniki. W grupie chorych operowanych planowo z powodu AAA na 301 przypadków wystąpiło 7 zgonów, wykonano 5 reoperacji w tym samym dniu z powodu ostrego niedokrwienia kończyny dolnej oraz 3 relaparotomie z powodu krwawienia do jamy brzusznej. Wszystkie operacje wykonano w znieczuleniu ogólnym przez laparotomię z cięcia pośrodkowego. Wszczepiono 187 protez prostych i 114 rozwidlonych. W powyższej grupie było 38 kobiet i 263 mężczyzn. W drugiej grupie założono 44 endoprotezy z dostępu chirurgicznego do tętnicy udowej w pachwinie po jednej lub obu stronach. Wszystkich 44 chorych zakwalifikowanych do założenia stentgraftów (grupa A) oraz 61 chorych operowanych (grupa B) poproszono o wypełnienie ankiet. W grupie 44 chorych po założeniu endoprotez (grupa A) i w grupie 61 osób po leczeniu operacyjnym (grupa B) 30 dni od zabiegu zanotowano: 6% (A)/24% (B) chorych odczuwało dolegliwości bólowe, 0% (A)/16% (B) miało problemy z poruszaniem się, 23% (A)/24% (B) cierpiało na bezsenność, 20% (A)/49% (B) odczuwało brak energii, 10% (A)/19% (B) zgłaszało stany depresyjne, a 3% (A)/38% - dolegliwości związane z przeprowadzonym zabiegiem, np. ze strony ran pooperacyjnych. Wniosek. Wewnątrznaczyniowe techniki zakładania endoprotez umożliwiają szybszy powrót do zdrowia i są obciążone znacznie mniejszą liczbą dolegliwości pooperacyjnych. Jakość życia chorych w okresie 30 dni od zabiegu jest w sposób istotny lepsza w porównaniu z grupą chorych leczonych klasyczną metodą operacyjną.Aim of the study. A comparison of the results of treatment of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) in the planned procedure by means of operation method and treated by use of Y-grafts; an evaluation of the quality of life by the use of the Short Form 36-Item Health Survey and a specific survey conducted especially for this work; a specification of the results for both methods and a comparison of them. Material and methods. From January 1998 to December 2001, 384 patients suffering from AAA were treated. 39 of them were operated in the acute procedure, 301 in the planned one whereas 44 patients were treated by means of endovascular technique using Y-grafts. The patients were asked to fill in questionnaires before the surgical intervention and 30 days after it, during the control visit. The questions from the survey concerned: patients’ opinion of their actual health status, aches, troubles with moving, the ability to perform everyday activities, sleeping problems and indispositions resulting from postoperative wounds. Results. In the group of patients operated due to AAA according to the plan there were noted: 7 deaths per 301 cases, 5 reoperations because of critical leg ischaemia on the same day and 3 relaparotomies were performed due to bleeding into the abdominal cavity. All of the operations were conducted under general anaesthesia by laparotomy from the intermediate skin incision. 187 normal grafts and 114 bifurcated ones were implanted. The above group included 38 women and 263 men. In the other group 44 endoprostheses were implanted. The endovascular grafts were inserted from the surgical access in the groin to the iliac artery in one or two groins. All the 44 patients classified to the procedure of implantation stentgrafts and 61 patients operated on were asked to fill in the surveys. The results of the performed observations were the following: it was observed that in the group of patients with endoprostheses (group A) and 61 after surgical interventions (group B) in the period of 30 days after the intervention: 6% of A vs. 24% of B patients complained of pain disorders, 0% of A vs. 16% of B had problems with moving, 23% of A vs. 24% of B had troubles with sleeping, 20% of A vs. 49% of B had a feeling of low energy, 10% of A vs. 19% of B reported depression periods, 3% of A vs. 38% of B reported some disorders as a result of the performed operations, e.g. from postoperative wounds. Conclusion. Endovascular techniques of endograft implantation allow a quicker return to good condition and assure one of a significantly smaller number of postoperative disorders. The quality of patients’ life in the period of 30 days after the surgical intervention is significantly better in comparison to the patients treated by means of the classical operation method

    Antibacterial and cytocompatible coatings based on poly(adipic anhydride) for a Ti alloy surface

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    This paper describes a formation of hybrid coatings on a Ti–2Ta–3Zr–36Nb surface. This is accomplished by plasma electrolytic oxidation and a dip-coating technique with poly(adipic anhydride) ((C6_{6}H8_{8}O3_{3})n) that is loaded with drugs: amoxicillin (C16_{16}H19_{19}N3_{3}O5_{5}S), cefazolin (C14_{14}H14_{14}N8_{8}O4_{4}S3_{3}) or vancomycin (C66_{6}6H75_{75}Cl2_{2}N9_{9}O24_{24} · xHCl). The characteristic microstructure of the polymer was evaluated using scanning electron microscopy and confocal microscopy. Depending on the surface treatment, the surface roughness varied (between 1.53 μm and 2.06 μm), and the wettability was change with the over of time. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis showed that the oxide layer did not affect the polymer layer or loaded drugs. However, the drugs lose their stability in a phosphate-buffered saline solution after 6.5 h of exposure, and its decrease was greater than 7% (HPLC analysis). The stability, drug release and concentration of the drug loaded into the material were precisely analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The results correlated with the degradation of the polymer in which the addition of drugs caused the percent of degraded polymer to be between 35.5% and 49.4% after 1 h of material immersion, depending on the mass of the loaded drug and various biological responses that were obtained. However, all of the coatings were cytocompatible with MG-63 osteoblast-like cells. The drug concentrations released from the coatings were sufficient to inhibit adhesion of reference and clinical bacterial strains (S. aureus). The coatings with amoxicillin showed the best results in the bacterial inhibition zone, whereas coatings with cefazolin inhibited adhesion of the above bacteria on the surface