63 research outputs found

    Does quantification of myocardial perfusion SPECT study differ while image reconstruction is carried out using iteration algorithm instead of filtered back-projection? - preliminary report

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of two reconstruction algorithms: conventional filtered back-projection (FBP) and an iterative algorithm -ITW- in quantitative analysis of myocardial perfusion SPECT studies. The defect size and defect severity were assessed on 99m Tc - MIBI images reconstructed using both methods and estimation of sensitivity in the detection of perfusion deficits and myocardial viability were performed as well. METHODS AND RESULTS: The study group comprised 43 patients (38 men and 5 women) in the age of 40-73 years (mean 59 years). Heart perfusion scintigraphy was performed following an injection of 22 to 25 mCi 99m Tc-MIBI for exercise and rest myocardial perfusion study. Images were reconstructed using FBP and ITW algorithms. Defect size (DS) was quantified by a threshold program and CEqual programme. Defect severity (nadir) was calculated as the ratio of minimal/maximum counts from bull?s eye polar map. Coronary arteriography was performed in all patients. RESULTS: Defect size calculated by threshold method on resting images did not differ between reconstruction methods (p=0.61 for cut-off 50% and p = 0.24 for cut-off 60%); defect severity was higher on images reconstructed with ITW (CI 0.95 = 2.4%¸5.2% of maximal counts). CONCLUSIONS: Sensitivity for detection of heart perfusion defects and estimation of myocardial viability were similar on images reconstructed by both algorithms

    Sejmowa Komisja do Spraw Petycji – podstawy prawne i praktyka funkcjonowania

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    The article is intended to present the procedural solutions adopted in the Polish Sejm’s Rules of Procedure, the purpose of which was to specify in detail the procedure for hearing petitions in the Sejm, and thus to put the constitutional right of petition into effect. The author refers to historical attempts to statutorily regulate the petition hearing procedure. Remarks on the current statutory basis for filing petitions with the Sejm and the rules on consideration of petitions by the Sejm bodies – the Marshal of the Sejm and the Petitions Committee, are presented in the context of parliamentary practice during recent years. The author presents statistical data on petitions submitted for consideration by the Petitions Committee and the most frequently used manners of processing them in the practice of petition handling. Comments for the law as it should stand regarding the procedure for hearing petitions in the Sejm, which have been the subject of consideration in recent years, are also presented.Przedmiotem artykułu jest prezentacja rozwiązań proceduralnych przyjętych w Regulaminie Sejmu, których celem było dookreślenie trybu rozpatrywania petycji w Sejmie, a zatem realizacja konstytucyjnego prawa petycji. Autor nawiązuje do historycznych prób ustawowego uregulowania trybu rozpatrywania petycji. Uwagi dotyczące aktualnych ustawowych podstaw składania petycji do Sejmu oraz przepisy dotyczące wewnątrzsejmowego rozpatrywania petycji przez organy Sejmu – Marszałka Sejmu oraz Komisję do Spraw Petycji, są przedstawione na tle praktyki parlamentarnej ostatnich lat. Autor prezentuje dane statystyczne dotyczące petycji kierowanych do rozpatrzenia przez Komisję do Spraw Petycji oraz dominujące w praktyce rozpatrywania petycji sposoby ich załatwiania. Przedstawione są również uwagi de lege ferenda odnośnie do trybu rozpatrywania petycji w Sejmie, które były przedmiotem rozważań w ostatnich latach

    Ocena wybranych wskaźników stanu zdrowia populacji dziecięcej powiatu kutnowskiego pod kątem ryzyka rozwoju chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego

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    Introduction. Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the adult population. The prevention of cardiovascular diseases depends to a great extent on eliminating risk factors already present in early childhood, thus avoiding secondary cardiovascular events. The aim of this study was to evaluate selected indicators of health status as risk factors for the development of CVD in a paediatric population from Kutno district as part of the project: ‘You live for yourself and others — take care of your health’. Material and methods. The study included 101 children aged from one to 11 years. All children underwent a physical examination. Based on a questionnaire conducted among the parents of the children, information was obtained regarding perinatal history, physical activity, time spent in front of a television, computer or tablet, eating habits, exposure to passive smoking and any family history of CVD. Laboratory tests were also performed, including a lipid profile. A 12-lead electrocardiogram and a screening echocardiographic examination were carried out. Results. On physical examination, 9.9% of the children were observed to be overweight and 12.87% to be obese. In 3.96% of this group of children, arterial hypertension was observed. In laboratory tests, significant abnormalities were observed in the lipid profiles. Of the children with an abnormal lipid profile, 11.5% were also found to be overweight or obese or with hypertension. The questionnaire revealed that the average daily time the children spent in physical activity was 4.15 hours. More than half of the children ate fast food occasionally or regularly. Exposure to passive smoking was revealed in 15.84% of the children, and a family history of CVD was identified in 17.82% of the children. Conclusions. The health of Kutno district children is similar to the health of children from other developed countries. Despite better physical activity and normal glucose values, other risk factors did not differ significantly from other paediatric populations.Wstęp. Choroby układu sercowo-naczyniowego (CVD) są główną przyczyną chorobowości i śmiertelności w populacjiosób dorosłych. Ich profilaktyka odgrywa ogromną rolę w wyeliminowaniu niekorzystnego wpływu czynników ryzyka jużw okresie wczesnego dzieciństwa, co pozwala uniknąć wystąpienia wtórnych zdarzeń sercowo-naczyniowych. Celempracy jest ocena wybranych wskaźników stanu zdrowia populacji dziecięcej powiatu kutnowskiego pod kątem ryzykarozwoju CVD w ramach projektu „Żyjesz dla siebie i innych — zadbaj o zdrowie”. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto grupę 101 dzieci w wieku 1–11 lat. U wszystkich przeprowadzono badanie przedmiotowe.Ponadto przeprowadzono badanie ankietowe dotyczące: wywiadu okołoporodowego, aktywności fizycznej,czasu spędzanego przed telewizorem, nawyków żywieniowych, narażenia na bierne palenie tytoniu oraz występowaniaCVD w rodzinie. Wykonywano także badania laboratoryjne, w tym lipidogram oraz zapis spoczynkowego 12-odprowadzeniowegoelektrokardiogramu (EKG) i przesiewowe badanie echokardiograficzne. Wyniki. W badaniu przedmiotowym u 9,9% dzieci stwierdzano nadwagę, a u 12,87% dzieci — otyłość. W tej grupie pacjentówu 3,96% dzieci stwierdzano nieprawidłowe wartości ciśnienia tętniczego. W wykonanych badaniach laboratoryjnychistotne odchylenia obserwowano w zakresie lipidogramu. W grupie dzieci z nieprawidłowościami lipidogramu 11,5%towarzyszyły nadwaga, otyłość i nadciśnienie tętnicze. Na podstawie przeprowadzonego badania ankietowego ustalono,że średni czas spędzany przez dziecko na aktywności fizycznej to 4,15 godziny. Więcej niż połowa dzieci spożywałaokazyjnie lub często pokarmy typu fast-food. Na bierne palenie tytoniu było narażonych 15,84% dzieci. Wywiad rodzinnyw kierunku CVD był pozytywny u 17,82% dzieci. W standardowym zapisie EKG oraz w badaniu echokardiograficznymu nie stwierdzano istotnych odchyleń od normy. Wnioski. Stan zdrowia dzieci powiatu kutnowskiego jest zbliżony do stanu zdrowia dzieci z innych krajów rozwiniętych.Mimo lepszych wyników w zakresie aktywności fizycznej oraz prawidłowych wartości glikemii, inne czynniki ryzyka nieodbiegały istotnie od wyników badań dotyczących innych populacji dziecięcych

    Does the postoperative troponin I blood concentration measured in the perioperative period influence hemodynamic function of a transplanted heart?

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    INTRODUCTION: Plasma troponin I (TnI) concentration is a well-established and widely-used marker of myocardial damage. AIM: To determine the correlation between TnI concentration measured within the first 4 days following heart transplantation (HTX) and clinical course, with consideration of hemodynamic performance. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The retrospective study included 54 patients (12-62 years) who underwent HTX. TnI levels were assessed over the first 4 post-operative days. Hemodynamic parameters were assessed daily at Swan-Ganz catheterization and echocardiography. The number of required inotropic drugs was also analyzed. RESULTS: There is a strong and positive correlation between the mean TnI levels and the mean number of required inotropic drugs (r = 0.51, p = 0.00), and also mean central venous pressure (CVP) (r = 0.33, p = 0.015). A weak trend towards a positive correlation between the mean values of pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) and the mean plasma TnI levels was observed. There was no correlation between mean TnI levels and mean values of ejection fraction (EF) and cardiac output (CO). Detailed analysis showed a statistically significant correlation between TnI levels on days 3 and 4 after HTX and PCWP on the preceding days (r = 0.32, p = 0.04; r = 0.46, p = 0.006 respectively). Furthermore, a strong, inverse correlation between TnI levels on day 3 and CO on day 4 following HTX was observed (r = –0.44, p = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Plasma TnI could be a useful marker for assessing the hemodynamic function after HTX

    Is right coronary artery chronic total vessel occlusion impacting the surgical revascularization results of patients with multivessel disease? : a retrospective study

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    Introduction Chronic total occlusion (CTO) is common in the presence of other significantly narrowed coronary arteries. The impact of total occlusion and its association with completeness of revascularization on patients with multivessel disease undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) remains largely unknown. Aim The aim of our study was to compare CABG operation characteristics, as well as 30-day mortality, incidence of post-operative major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) between patients with and without CTO in right coronary artery (RCA). Materials and Methods A total of 156 consecutive patients were included in the analysis. CTO of RCA or right posterior descending artery (RPD) was diagnosed in 57 patients (CTO-RCA group). Coronary stenosis without CTO in RCA was diagnosed in 99 patients (nonCTO-RCA group). Baseline characteristics were comparable in both groups. Results The majority of patients had class II (49.1% vs. 46%, p = 0.86) or class III (42.1% vs. 43%, p = 1.0) Canadian Cardiovascular Society grading system symptoms. Patients in the CTO-RCA group had in average 2.2 grafts implanted, as opposed to 2.4 grafts in patients in the nonCTO-RCA group (p = 0.003). Graft to the RCA was performed in 40.3% patients in the CTO-RCA group and in 81% patients in the nonCTO-RCA group (p = 0.001). The 30-day mortality from any cause or cardiac cause did not differ between groups (7% vs. 2%, p = 0.14 and 3.5% vs. 2%, p = 0.57 respectively). In a multivariate analysis CTO in RCA or RPD and peripheral artery disease were independent predictors of post-operative MACCE (7.9 (1.434–43.045) p = 0.02; 18.8 (3.451–101.833) p < 0.01, respectively). Conclusions Chronic total occlusion of RCA was found to be associated with smaller number of grafts performed during the CABG procedure. Although mortality between patients in the CTO-RCA and nonCTO-RCA groups did not differ, patients in the CTO-RCA group had higher incidence of post-operative MACCE

    Rehabilitation of patients with paraplegia - a review of the diversity of forms

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    Abstract: Background: Damage to the spinal cord most often occurs as a result of spine injury, often causing the disability. In every patient with paraplegia, complications may occur in the form of: sensory disorders, bedsores, contractures, urinary and stool incontinence, paresis or limb paralysis, as well as sexual problems. Material and methods: Analysis of available literature, articles in the Google Scholar and PubMed database using keywords: Rehabilitation, Paraplegia, Neurology Results: Losing the function of locomotion and self-care in everyday activities is a great psychological burden, both for the sick person and his family. Rehabilitation proceeding should include physical, psychological and social aspects. For paraplegics, the introduction of early and appropriately targeted treatment may reduce the risk of onerous complications and allow for maximum self-empowerment in basic activities. For a person with disability, it is a chance to achieve self-acceptance and return to a dignified life in society. Conclusions: Problems of patients with paraplegia, despite the fact that they were described in many books and articles, should still be considered in studies that would use the latest news from the world of science. Patients struggling with this problem still expect further measures to improve their quality of life