787 research outputs found

    On the challenge to improve the density response with unusual gradient approximations

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    Certain excitations, especially ones of long-range charge transfer character, are poorly described by time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) when typical (semi-)local functionals are used. A proper description of these excitations would require an exchange-correlation response differing substantially from the usual (semi-)local one. It has recently been shown that functionals of the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) type can yield unusual potentials, mimicking features of the exact exchange derivative discontinuity and showing divergences on orbital nodal surfaces. We here investigate whether these unusual potential properties translate into beneficial response properties. Using the Sternheimer formalism we closely investigate the response obtained with the 2013 exchange approximation by Armiento and K\"ummel (AK13) and the 1988 exchange approximation by Becke (B88), both of which show divergences on orbital nodal planes. Numerical calculations for Na2 as well as analytical and numerical calculations for the hydrogen atom show that the response of AK13 behaves qualitatively different from usual semi local functionals. However, the AK13 functional leads to fundamental instabilities in the asymptotic region that prevent its practical application in TDDFT. Our findings may help the development of future improved functionals, and corroborate that the frequency-dependent Sternheimer formalism is excellently suited for running and analyzing TDDFT calculations

    The Hubble Legacy Archive ACS Grism Data

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    A public release of slitless spectra, obtained with ACS/WFC and the G800L grism, is presented. Spectra were automatically extracted in a uniform way from 153 archival fields (or "associations") distributed across the two Galactic caps, covering all observations to 2008. The ACS G800L grism provides a wavelength range of 0.55-1.00 \mum,withadispersionofm, with a dispersion of 40 \ \AA / pixelandaresolutionof and a resolution of \sim 80\ \AAforpointlikesources.TheACSG800Limagesandmatcheddirectimageswerereducedwithanautomaticpipelinethathandlesallstepsfromarchiveretrieval,alignmentandastrometriccalibration,directimagecombination,cataloguegeneration,spectralextractionandcollectionofmetadata.Thelargenumberofextractedspectra(73,581)demandedautomaticmethodsforqualitycontrolandanautomatedclassificationalgorithmwastrainedonthevisualinspectionofseveralthousandspectra.Thefinalsampleofqualitycontrolledspectraincludes47,919datasets(65ofextractedspectra)for for point-like sources. The ACS G800L images and matched direct images were reduced with an automatic pipeline that handles all steps from archive retrieval, alignment and astrometric calibration, direct image combination, catalogue generation, spectral extraction and collection of metadata. The large number of extracted spectra (73,581) demanded automatic methods for quality control and an automated classification algorithm was trained on the visual inspection of several thousand spectra. The final sample of quality controlled spectra includes 47,919 datasets (65% of the total number of extracted spectra) for 32,149uniqueobjects,withamedian unique objects, with a median i_{\rm AB}bandmagnitudeof23.7,reaching26.5ABforthefaintestobjects.Eachreleaseddatasetcontainsscienceready1Dand2Dspectra,aswellasmultibandimagecutoutsofcorrespondingsourcesandausefulpreviewpagesummarisingthedirectandslitlessdata,astrometricandphotometricparameters.Inordertocharacterizetheslitlessspectra,emissionlinefluxandequivalentwidthsensitivityoftheACSdatawerecomparedwithpublicgroundbasedspectraintheGOODSSouthfield.Anexamplelistofemissionlinegalaxieswithtwoormoreidentifiedlinesisalsoincluded,coveringtheredshiftrange-band magnitude of 23.7, reaching 26.5 AB for the faintest objects. Each released dataset contains science-ready 1D and 2D spectra, as well as multi-band image cutouts of corresponding sources and a useful preview page summarising the direct and slitless data, astrometric and photometric parameters. In order to characterize the slitless spectra, emission-line flux and equivalent width sensitivity of the ACS data were compared with public ground-based spectra in the GOODS-South field. An example list of emission line galaxies with two or more identified lines is also included, covering the redshift range 0.2-4.6$.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics; 29 pages, 16 Figures, 4 Tables in text and 3Tables in Appendi

    Formation, compression and surface melting of colloidal clusters by active particles

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    We demonstrate with experiments and numerical simulations that the structure and dynamics of a suspension of passive particles is strongly altered by adding a very small (<1%) number of active particles. With increasing passive particle density, we observe first the formation of dynamic clusters comprised of passive particles being surrounded by active particles, then the merging and compression of these clusters, and eventually the local melting of crystalline regions by enclosed active particles. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015

    Equilibrium and time-dependent Josephson current in one-dimensional superconducting junctions

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    We investigate the transport properties of a one-dimensional superconductor-normal metal-superconductor (S-N-S) system described within the tight-binding approximation. We compute the equilibrium dc Josephson current and the time-dependent oscillating current generated after the switch-on of a constant bias. In the first case an exact embedding procedure to calculate the Nambu-Gorkov Keldysh Green's function is employed and used to derive the continuum and bound states contributions to the dc current. A general formalism to obtain the Andreev bound states (ABS) of a normal chain connected to superconducting leads is also presented. We identify a regime in which all Josephson current is carried by the ABS and obtain an analytic formula for the current-phase relation in the limit of long chains. In the latter case the condition for perfect Andreev reflections is expressed in terms of the microscopic parameters of the model, showing a limitation of the so called wide-band-limit (WBL) approximation. When a finite bias is applied to the S-N-S junction we compute the exact time-evolution of the system by solving numerically the time-dependent Bogoliubov-deGennes equations. We provide a microscopic description of the electron dynamics not only inside the normal region but also in the superconductors, thus gaining more information with respect to WBL-based approaches. Our scheme allows us to study the ac regime as well as the transient dynamics whose characteristic time-scale is dictated by the velocity of multiple Andreev reflections

    The Hubble Legacy Archive NICMOS Grism Data

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    The Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA) aims to create calibrated science data from the Hubble Space Telescope archive and make them accessible via user-friendly and Virtual Observatory (VO) compatible interfaces. It is a collaboration between the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC) and the Space Telescope - European Coordinating Facility (ST-ECF). Data produced by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) instruments with slitless spectroscopy modes are among the most difficult to extract and exploit. As part of the HLA project, the ST-ECF aims to provide calibrated spectra for objects observed with these HST slitless modes. In this paper, we present the HLA NICMOS G141 grism spectra. We describe in detail the calibration, data reduction and spectrum extraction methods used to produce the extracted spectra. The quality of the extracted spectra and associated direct images is demonstrated through comparison with near-IR imaging catalogues and existing near-IR spectroscopy. The output data products and their associated metadata are publicly available through a web form at http://hla.stecf.org and via VO interfaces. In total, 2470 spectra of 1923 unique targets are included in the current release.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Time-dependent quantum transport with superconducting leads: a discrete basis Kohn-Sham formulation and propagation scheme

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    In this work we put forward an exact one-particle framework to study nano-scale Josephson junctions out of equilibrium and propose a propagation scheme to calculate the time-dependent current in response to an external applied bias. Using a discrete basis set and Peierls phases for the electromagnetic field we prove that the current and pairing densities in a superconducting system of interacting electrons can be reproduced in a non-interacting Kohn-Sham (KS) system under the influence of different Peierls phases {\em and} of a pairing field. An extended Keldysh formalism for the non-equilibrium Nambu-Green's function (NEGF) is then introduced to calculate the short- and long-time response of the KS system. The equivalence between the NEGF approach and a combination of the static and time-dependent Bogoliubov-deGennes (BdG) equations is shown. For systems consisting of a finite region coupled to N{\cal N} superconducting semi-infinite leads we numerically solve the static BdG equations with a generalized wave-guide approach and their time-dependent version with an embedded Crank-Nicholson scheme. To demonstrate the feasibility of the propagation scheme we study two paradigmatic models, the single-level quantum dot and a tight-binding chain, under dc, ac and pulse biases. We provide a time-dependent picture of single and multiple Andreev reflections, show that Andreev bound states can be exploited to generate a zero-bias ac current of tunable frequency, and find a long-living resonant effect induced by microwave irradiation of appropriate frequency.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, published versio

    Broadening of the Derivative Discontinuity in Density Functional Theory

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    We clarify an important aspect of density functional theories, the broadening of the derivative discontinuity (DD) in a quantum system, with fluctuating particle number. Our focus is on a correlated model system, the single level quantum dot in the regime of the Coulomb blockade. We find that the DD-broadening is controlled by the small parameter Γ/U\Gamma/U, where Γ\Gamma is the level broadening due to contacting and UU is a measure of the charging energy. Our analysis suggests, that Kondoesque fluctuations have a tendency to increase the DD-broadening, in our model by a factor of two.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Ground state correlations and mean-field in 16^{16}O

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    We use the coupled cluster expansion (exp(S)\exp(S) method) to generate the complete ground state correlations due to the NN interaction. Part of this procedure is the calculation of the two-body G matrix inside the nucleus in which it is being used. This formalism is being applied to 16O^{16}O in a configuration space of 50 ω\hbar\omega. The resulting ground state wave function is used to calculate the binding energy and one- and two-body densities for the ground state of 16O^{16}O.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, LaTe

    Phase Transitions in the Spin-Half J_1--J_2 Model

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    The coupled cluster method (CCM) is a well-known method of quantum many-body theory, and here we present an application of the CCM to the spin-half J_1--J_2 quantum spin model with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbour interactions on the linear chain and the square lattice. We present new results for ground-state expectation values of such quantities as the energy and the sublattice magnetisation. The presence of critical points in the solution of the CCM equations, which are associated with phase transitions in the real system, is investigated. Completely distinct from the investigation of the critical points, we also make a link between the expansion coefficients of the ground-state wave function in terms of an Ising basis and the CCM ket-state correlation coefficients. We are thus able to present evidence of the breakdown, at a given value of J_2/J_1, of the Marshall-Peierls sign rule which is known to be satisfied at the pure Heisenberg point (J_2 = 0) on any bipartite lattice. For the square lattice, our best estimates of the points at which the sign rule breaks down and at which the phase transition from the antiferromagnetic phase to the frustrated phase occurs are, respectively, given (to two decimal places) by J_2/J_1 = 0.26 and J_2/J_1 = 0.61.Comment: 28 pages, Latex, 2 postscript figure