131 research outputs found

    Internal motivation for training of students of specialty "Physical culture and sports"

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    У статті розглянуто питання внутрішньої мотивації студентів до навчання, проаналізовано поняття мотивації та внутрішньої мотивації, визначено рівень мотивації до навчання у студентів та розглянуто більш детальне відношення до дисциплін студентів спеціальності "Фізична культура і спорт".In Bologna system of education, training consists of loans, which include contact hours and independent work of students. Therefore, intrinsic motivation is relevant, the student must comply with professional competence, be creative professional tasks, taking pleasure in learning. Students who are intrinsically motivated to study in the field of physical culture and sports, mastering professional skills, knowledge and abilities will be able to more competitiveness in the labor market. So study the problem of internal motivation to learn is relevant. To assess the level of intrinsic motivation in students of specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" was tested by the method of diagnosis for orientation learning motivation by Dubovytskiy T.D. 34 students 4 courses of specialty "Physical culture and sport" NTU "KPI" took part in research. Academic subjects for testing were taken from the curriculum of Bachelor specialty "Physical culture and sport" seventh term: "Theory and methods of teaching basic types of sports activities", "Organization of Physical Culture", "Fundamentals of medical knowledge", "Basic Research", "Information support of physical culture." The internal motivation for learning makes it possible to enjoy the received information and the understanding of its purpose in physical culture and sports. Studying intrinsic motivation for learning in students of specialty "Physical culture and sport", it was found that 60% of students consider obtaining knowledge valuable and interesting because most students intrinsic motivation high level. But 20% of students were found difficulties in study subjects (most of these students because of competitive training regime and miss a lot of classes. They acquire theme on their own, that making it difficult to study the material in the future)

    Orshi Drozdik: Adventure & Appropriation 1975-2001

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    Multiple time-scale approach for a system of Brownian particles in a non-uniform temperature field

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    8 pages, 2 figures.-- PACS numbers: 05.45.-a, 05.10.Gg.-- arXiv pre-print: http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0610069.-- Final full-text version of the paper available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.75.021101.The Smoluchowski equation for a system of interacting Brownian particles in a temperature gradient is derived from the Kramers equation by means of a multiple time-scale method. The interparticle interactions are assumed to be represented by a mean-field description. We present numerical results that compare well with the theoretical prediction together with an extensive discussion on the prescription of the Langevin equation in overdamped systems.C.L. acknowledges financial support from MEC (Spain) and FEDER through project CONOCE2 (FIS2004-00953) and from the bilateral project Spain-Italy HI2004-0144. He also acknowledges a Ramón y Cajal research fellow of the Spanish MEC. U.M.B.M. acknowledges a grant COFIN-MIUR 2005, 2005027808

    Effect of brushing force on the abrasive dentin wear using slurries with different abrasivity values

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    OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to investigate the resulting abrasive dentin wear using abrasive slurries with different RDA values and applying increasing brushing forces. METHODS Forty-five bovine incisors were randomly allocated in three groups (A, B, C, n = 15). One hundred and eighty dentin samples were prepared from these incisors and allocated to twelve groups (A1-A4, B1-B4, C1-C4; n = 15). The groups were subjected to a brushing cycle (120 strokes/min, 25 min) as follows: groups A1 to A4 with an abrasive slurry (RDA = 71) applying increasing brushing forces (1, 2, 3 and 4 N). Groups B1 to B4 were brushed using an abrasive slurry (RDA = 85) and C1 to C4 (RDA = 133) applying the same above-mentioned brushing forces. Abrasive dentin wear was recorded using a stylus profilometer and compared amongst the groups using robust models. Pairwise comparisons in each model were tested and corrected after Tukey's method (α = 0.05). RESULTS Applying 1-N brushing force resulted in the same amount of abrasive dentin wear in all groups regardless of the abrasivity of the used slurry. Increasing the brushing force to 2 N resulted in statistically significantly higher abrasive wear in all groups. This increase in abrasive wear was much higher when the slurry with high abrasivity was used (RDA = 133) compared with the lower abrasive slurry (RDA = 71). CONCLUSION The abrasivity of the used slurry does not add to the resulting abrasive wear when the brushing force is kept at 1 N. It seems better to advise and help the patients (showing signs of non-carious cervical lesions) calibrating their brushing force to 1 N, than only to advise them to use toothpastes with lower abrasivities

    Perturbation theory for non-spherical fluids based on discretization of the interactions

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    7 páginas, 5 figuras; PACS: 65.20.De, 61.20.JaAn extension of the discrete perturbation theory [A. L. Benavides and A. Gil-Villegas, Mol. Phys. 97(12), 1225 (1999)10.1080/00268979909482924] accounting for non-spherical interactions is presented. An analytical expression for the Helmholtz free energy for an equivalent discrete potential is given as a function of density, temperature, and intermolecular parameters with implicit shape dependence. The presented procedure is suitable for the description of the thermodynamics of general intermolecular potential models of arbitrary shape. The overlap and dispersion forces are represented by a discrete potential formed by a sequence of square-well and square-shoulders potentials of shape-dependent widths. By varying the intermolecular parameters through their geometrical dependence, some illustrative cases of square-well spherocylinders and Kihara fluids are considered, and their vapor-liquid phase diagrams are tested against available simulation data. It is found that this theoretical approach is able to reproduce qualitatively and quantitatively well the Monte Carlo data for the selected potentials, except near the critical region.A.L.B. acknowledges funding received by Grant No. 152684 CONACYT (México). F.G. acknowledges funding through Project No. P07-FQM-02600 (Junta de Andalucía-FEDER) for his postdoctoral fellowship.Peer reviewe

    Классификация удержаний из заработной платы

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    В данной научной статье поставлена задача, выяснить, как классифицируются удержания из заработной платы, отметить основные моменты для удержания. Также в статье рассматривается ситуация, когда один вид удержаний относится к разной классификации, на примере алиментов

    Sharp transition towards shared vocabularies in multi-agent systems

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    What processes can explain how very large populations are able to converge on the use of a particular word or grammatical construction without global coordination? Answering this question helps to understand why new language constructs usually propagate along an S-shaped curve with a rather sudden transition towards global agreement. It also helps to analyze and design new technologies that support or orchestrate self-organizing communication systems, such as recent social tagging systems for the web. The article introduces and studies a microscopic model of communicating autonomous agents performing language games without any central control. We show that the system undergoes a disorder/order transition, going trough a sharp symmetry breaking process to reach a shared set of conventions. Before the transition, the system builds up non-trivial scale-invariant correlations, for instance in the distribution of competing synonyms, which display a Zipf-like law. These correlations make the system ready for the transition towards shared conventions, which, observed on the time-scale of collective behaviors, becomes sharper and sharper with system size. This surprising result not only explains why human language can scale up to very large populations but also suggests ways to optimize artificial semiotic dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Critical behavior of the random-anisotropy model in the strong-anisotropy limit

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    We investigate the nature of the critical behavior of the random-anisotropy Heisenberg model (RAM), which describes a magnetic system with random uniaxial single-site anisotropy, such as some amorphous alloys of rare earths and transition metals. In particular, we consider the strong-anisotropy limit (SRAM), in which the Hamiltonian can be rewritten as the one of an Ising spin-glass model with correlated bond disorder. We perform Monte Carlo simulations of the SRAM on simple cubic L^3 lattices, up to L=30, measuring correlation functions of the replica-replica overlap, which is the order parameter at a glass transition. The corresponding results show critical behavior and finite-size scaling. They provide evidence of a finite-temperature continuous transition with critical exponents ηo=0.24(4)\eta_o=-0.24(4) and νo=2.4(6)\nu_o=2.4(6). These results are close to the corresponding estimates that have been obtained in the usual Ising spin-glass model with uncorrelated bond disorder, suggesting that the two models belong to the same universality class. We also determine the leading correction-to-scaling exponent finding ω=1.0(4)\omega = 1.0(4).Comment: 24 pages, 13 figs, J. Stat. Mech. in pres