79 research outputs found

    Robust estimates of climate-induced hydrological change in a temperate mountainous region

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    A sustainable water resources management depends on sound information about the impacts of climate change. This information is, however, not easily derived because natural runoff variability interferes with the climate change signal. This study presents a procedure that leads to robust estimates of magnitude and Time Of Emergence (TOE) of climate-induced hydrological change that also account for the natural variability contained in the time series. Firstly, natural variability of 189 mesoscale catchments in Switzerland is sampled for 10 ENSEMBLES scenarios for the control (1984–2005) and two scenario periods (near future: 2025–2046, far future: 2074–2095) applying a bootstrap procedure. Then, the sampling distributions of mean monthly runoff are tested for significant differences with the Wilcoxon-Mann–Whitney test and for effect size with Cliff’s delta d. Finally, the TOE of a climate change induced hydrological change is determined when at least eight out of the ten hydrological projections significantly differ from natural variability. The results show that the TOE occurs in the near future period except for high-elevated catchments in late summer. The significant hydrological projections in the near future correspond, however, to only minor runoff changes. In the far future, hydrological change is statistically significant and runoff changes are substantial. Temperature change is the most important factor determining hydrological change in this mountainous region. Therefore, hydrological change depends strongly on a catchment’s mean elevation. Considering that the hydrological changes are predicted to be robust in the near future highlights the importance of accounting for these changes in water resources planning

    Robust estimates of climate-induced hydrological change in a temperate mountainous region

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    A sustainable water resources management depends on sound information about the impacts of climate change. This information is, however, not easily derived because natural runoff variability interferes with the climate change signal. This study presents a procedure that leads to robust estimates of magnitude and Time Of Emergence (TOE) of climate-induced hydrological change that also account for the natural variability contained in the time series. Firstly, natural variability of 189 mesoscale catchments in Switzerland is sampled for 10 ENSEMBLES scenarios for the control (1984-2005) and two scenario periods (near future: 2025-2046, far future: 2074-2095) applying a bootstrap procedure. Then, the sampling distributions of mean monthly runoff are tested for significant differences with the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and for effect size with Cliff's delta d. Finally, the TOE of a climate change induced hydrological change is determined when at least eight out of the ten hydrological projections significantly differ from natural variability. The results show that the TOE occurs in the near future period except for high-elevated catchments in late summer. The significant hydrological projections in the near future correspond, however, to only minor runoff changes. In the far future, hydrological change is statistically significant and runoff changes are substantial. Temperature change is the most important factor determining hydrological change in this mountainous region. Therefore, hydrological change depends strongly on a catchment's mean elevation. Considering that the hydrological changes are predicted to be robust in the near future highlights the importance of accounting for these changes in water resources planning

    In light of seasonal climatic and anthropogenic changes, is the Vaud Canton (Switzerland) vulnerable to water stress by the medium-term?

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    Observed changes in hydrological processes during the past 20 years in Switzerland are particularly preoccupying as they directly affect water use. In 2003 and 2011, local water shortage episodes occurred. Water withdrawals and supplies had to be restricted, notably in the canton of Vaud (Western Switzerland). These droughts highlighted increasing competition among water users and new water management issues arose. This study explores how hydro-climatic conditions and water needs could evolve by the 2060 horizon and assesses the vulnerability of the canton to water stress under climatic and anthropogenic changes. A daily semi-distributed hydrological model was used to simulate flows. Future changes were derived from Swiss climate scenarios relying on ten regional climate models. Regarding water needs, a population growth scenario was provided by the canton whereas a business-as-usual scenario was considered for irrigation and breeding trends. Currently, catchments in the canton experience moderate water stress from June to August, except in alpine areas. By the medium-term, water needs could reach more than 80% of rivers' total runoff in July and August. This should be due to higher temperatures and a higher ratio of liquid-to-solid precipitation causing more severe low flows. In addition, water needs should significantly increase from April to July, due to higher irrigation (+25%) and urban (+40%) water needs. This study gives a first overview of where and when water tensions are most likely to occur in the canton of Vaud. Highlighting these regional differences supports the development of strategies to cope with water stress that are currently being discussed with the cantonal authorities

    Robust changes and sources of uncertainty in the projected hydrological regimes of Swiss catchments

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    Projections of discharge are key for future water resources management. These projections are subject to uncertainties, which are difficult to handle in the decision process on adaptation strategies. Uncertainties arise from different sources such as the emission scenarios, the climate models and their post-processing, the hydrological models and natural variability. Here we present a detailed and quantitative uncertainty assessment, based on recent climate scenarios for Switzerland (CH2011 data set) and covering catchments representative for mid-latitude alpine areas. This study relies on a particularly wide range of discharge projections resulting from the factorial combination of 3 emission scenarios, 10 to 20 regional climate models, 2 post-processing methods and 3 hydrological models of different complexity. This enabled us to decompose the uncertainty in the ensemble of projections using analyses of variance (ANOVA). We applied the same modeling setup to 6 catchments to assess the influence of catchment characteristics on the projected streamflow and focused on changes in the annual discharge cycle. The uncertainties captured by our setup originate mainly from the climate models and natural climate variability, but the choice of emission scenario plays a large role by the end of the century. The respective contribution of the different sources of uncertainty varied strongly among the catchments. The discharge changes were compared to the estimated natural decadal variability, which revealed that a climate change signal emerges even under the lowest emission scenario (RCP2.6) by the end of the century. Limiting emissions to RCP2.6 levels would nevertheless reduce the largest regime changes at the end of the 21st century by approximately a factor of two, in comparison to impacts projected for the high emission scenario SRES A2. We finally show that robust regime changes emerge despite the projection uncertainty. These changes are significant and are consistent across a wide range of scenarios and catchments. We propose their identification as a way to aid decision-making under uncertainty

    Hydrological impacts of climate change in Switzerland during the 21st century

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    Relating climate change signals and physiographic catchment properties to clustered hydrological response types

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    We propose an approach to reduce a comprehensive set of 186 mesoscale catchments in Switzerland to fewer response types to climate change and to name sensitive regions as well as catchment characteristics that govern hydrological change. We classified the hydrological responses of our study catchments through an agglomerative-hierarchical cluster analysis, and we related the dominant explanatory variables, i.e. the determining catchment properties and climate change signals, to the catchments' hydrological responses by means of redundancy analysis. All clusters except for one exhibit clearly decreasing summer runoff and increasing winter runoff. This seasonal shift was observed for the near future period (2025–2046) but is particularly obvious in the far future period (2074–2095). Within a certain elevation range (between 1000 and 2500 m a.s.l.), the hydrological change is basically a function of elevation, because the latter governs the dominant hydro-climatological processes associated with temperature, e.g. the ratio of liquid to solid precipitation and snow melt processes. For catchments below the stated range, hydrological change is mainly a function of precipitation change, which is not as pronounced as the temperature signal is. Future impact studies in Switzerland can be conducted on a reduced sample of catchments representing the sensitive regions or covering a range of altitudes