1,261 research outputs found

    Translation of Legal Texts: Three English Versions of the Swiss Federal Statute on Private International Law

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    Working with translated legal materials can be frustrating and treacherous. Lawyers who are regularly forced to do this soon realize their limitations and end up wishing they had taken the trouble to study the original language. They also appreciate the difficulties confronting the translator. Mastery of the languages involved is necessary, but not sufficient, particularly where the user of a translation expects a literal translation, the legal systems of the starting languages and target language differ fundamentally and the subject matter is highly abstract

    Principles of RAFOS technology at the Institut fĂŒr Meereskunde Kiel

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    Effects of ensilability traits of forage legumes and additives on silage quality assessed by fermentation pattern and qPCR quantification of clostridia

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    The objectives of this research were to investigate the ensilability of legume bi-crops and the effect of additives on silage fermentation quality. Silages were made in laboratory scale-silos, and their quality was assessed by qPCR quantification of clostridia DNA and fermentation pattern. Mixtures of white lupin (Lupinus albus) and spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) were ensiled unwilted at early and late maturity stages (publication I) and at late maturity stage both unwilted and wilted (publication II). A mixture of red clover (Trifolium pratense), timothy (Phleum pratense) and meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis) was wilted 21 and 45 hours before ensiling (publication III). The additive treatments were untreated control (CON), formic acid (FA, 4 L t-1 fresh matter), mixtures of sodium nitrite and hexamethylenetetramine (NaHe), and sodium nitrite alone (SN). Lactic acid bacteria (LAB, homofermentative) treatment was only used in I. Dry matter (DM) concentration of forage crops ranged from 199 to 314 g kg-1 DM. The ensiled bi-crops in I were low in nitrate (0.2 g kg-1 DM), while nitrate concentrations in II and III were 3.8 and 4.0 g kg-1 DM, respectively Control and FA treatments produced high butyric acid concentrations of silages in I, and lower or zero concentrations in II and III, whereas NaHe and SN exposed no or only traces of butyric acid. Lactic acid bacteria treatment was successful only with lupin-wheat mixtures having high WSC concentrations at early maturity stage (I). Control treatment exposed high ammonia-N values between 129 and 241 g kg-1 N in all investigated lupin-wheat mixtures (I and II). The number of clostridial DNA copies (spores, vegetative cells and dead cells/spores) was highest in the CON and FA treatments. All silages were aerobically stable (I-III). The effect of hexamine (hexamethylenetetramine) on silage quality was investigated at two DM concentrations of a lupine-wheat mixture (II). Hexamine addition did not improve silage quality. Increasing hexamine concentration in a sodium nitrite solution showed no effect on clostridial activity compared to sodium nitrite alone. Clostridia was detected only in a few FA replicate silos (II). The use of SN as a sole solution (900 g-1 t) or as a mixture with hexamine (NaHe) produced silages of better quality than the treatments with FA (4 L t-1). In conclusion, legume bi-crops are difficult to ensile due to low DM, high buffering capacity, low nitrate concentration and being prone to clostridial activity and butyric acid fermentation. Nitrite-based additives were more suitable than formic acid when ensiling legume bi-crops that are prone to clostridial contamination.Palkokasvit sitovat ilmakehÀstÀ typpeÀ, joka korvaa teollisesti valmistettuja typpilannoitteita. Paljokasvien viljely lisÀÀ myös valkuaispitoisuutta seoskasvustoissa, joista tehty sÀilörehu sopii hyvin mÀrehtijöiden ruokintaan. SÀilöntÀÀn liittyy kuitenkin usein ongelmia, joita aiheuttavat palkokasvien epÀedulliset sÀilöntÀominaisuudet, suuri kosteuspitoisuus ja puskurikapasiteetti sekÀ pieni sokeri- ja nitraattipitoisuus. Kahdeksassa osakokeessa tutkittiin palkokasveja sisÀltÀvien seoskasvustojen sÀilöntÀominaisuuksia ja erilaisten sÀilöntÀaineiden vaikutusta rehun kÀymislaatuun. Erityisesti tutkittiin sÀilöntÀaineiden vaikutusta rehua pilaavien Clostridium-bakteerien esiintymiseen. Rehujen laatua ja sÀilöntÀaineiden tehokkuutta arvioitiin mÀÀrittÀmÀllÀ rehuista neljÀn Clostridium-lajin DNA:ta qPCR-menetelmÀllÀ. LisÀksi mÀÀritettiin rehun kÀymisreaktioissa syntyvÀt lopputuotteet kuten maito- ja etikkahappo, etanoli ja Clostridium-bakteerien tuottamat voihappo ja ammoniumtyppi. Valkolupiini- ja kevÀtvehnÀseosten sÀilöntöjÀ tehtiin kasvuston eri kehitysvaiheissa, erilaisilla valkolupiinin ja vehnÀn seossuhteilla sekÀ eri kuiva-ainepitoisuuksissa esikuivatuksen jÀlkeen. Myös puna-apila-timotei-nurminata -kasvusto sÀilöttiin kahdessa eri kuiva-ainepitoisuudessa esikuivatuksen jÀlkeen. NÀin saatiin sÀilöttÀvÀn kasvimateriaalin sÀilöntÀominaisuuksiin vaihtelua eri osakokeissa: kuiva-aine 199-314 g/kg kuiva-ainetta (ka), nitraatti 0,2-4,0 g/kg ka ja sokeri 43-115 g/kg ka. KÀytetyt sÀilöntÀaineet olivat muurahaishappo (annostus 4 l/t tuoretta rehua), natriumnitriitin ja heksamiinin seokset, pelkkÀ natriumnitriitti sekÀ maitohappobakteerit. Kontrollina oli kÀsittelemÀtön rehu. SÀilöntÀaineet paransivat rehun laatua useimmissa osakokeissa. Natriumnitriitin ja heksamiinin seokset sekÀ pelkkÀ natriumnitriitti estivÀt tehokkaimmin Clostridium-bakteereiden toiminnan. NiillÀ sÀilötyissÀ rehuissa ei todettu ollenkaan tai vain hyvin pieniÀ mÀÀriÀ voihappoa ja Clostridium-bakteereiden DNA-kopioiden (itiöt, vegetatiiviset solut ja kuolleet solut / itiöt) lukumÀÀrÀt olivat muita rehuja pienempiÀ. Kontrollirehuissa ja muita sÀilöntÀaineita kÀytettÀessÀ tulokset olivat vaihtelevia ja kasvimateriaalin sÀilöntÀominaisuuksien olleessa epÀedullisia rehun laatu ei ollut hyvÀ. VÀitöstutkimuksessa saatujen tulosten perusteella palkokasveja sisÀltÀvÀt seokset ovat alttiita Clostridium-bakteereiden toiminnalle ja voihappokÀymiselle. Nitriittipohjaiset sÀilöntÀaineet ovat tehokkaampia kuin muurahaishappo (annostus 4 l/t) ja maitohappobakteerit, kun kasvusto on sÀilöttÀessÀ altistunut Clostridium-kontaminaatiolle

    X-ray emission from young stars in Taurus-Auriga-Perseus: Luminosity functions and the rotation-activity-age relation

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    We report on a systematic search for X-ray emission from pre-main sequence and young main sequence stars in the Taurus-Auriga-Perseus region. Our stellar sample consists of all T Tauri stars from the Taurus-Auriga region, and all late-type stars from the Pleiades and Hyades clusters which have been observed by the ROSAT PSPC in pointed observations. We present the X-ray parameters for all observed stars in tables, and study the connection between coronal X-ray activity and stellar parameters for different subgroups of our sample. In particular we compile X-ray luminosity functions (XLF), and discuss the relations between X-ray emission and spectral type, age, and rotation, on the largest sample so far.Comment: 19 pages, plus 6 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Kondo Correlations and the Fano Effect in Closed AB-Interferometers

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    We study the Fano-Kondo effect in a closed Aharonov-Bohm (AB) interferometer which contains a single-level quantum dot and predict a frequency doubling of the AB oscillations as a signature of Kondo-correlated states. Using Keldysh formalism, Friedel sum rule and Numerical Renormalization Group, we calculate the exact zero-temperature linear conductance GG as a function of AB phase ϕ\phi and level position Ï”\epsilon. In the unitary limit, G(ϕ)G(\phi) reaches its maximum 2e2/h2e^2/h at ϕ=π/2\phi=\pi/2. We find a Fano-suppressed Kondo plateau for G(Ï”)G(\epsilon) similar to recent experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figure

    Lightweight creativity methods for idea generation and evaluation in the conceptual phase of lightweight and sustainable design

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    Regarding the implementation of lightweight design in products, there are various guidelines, principles and methods that support the developers methodically throughout the entire design process. Such methods often pursue the goal of optimizing an existing product by reducing the amount of consumed material (e.g., topology optimization). A more effective way to apply lightweight design lies in fostering the creativity and intuitiveness of engineers to develop miscellaneous concepts with the capability to provide far greater mass reductions in contrast to smaller efficiency enhancements. Supported through the breakdown of assemblies via thinking in terms of functions along the paradigm of systems engineering, existing creativity techniques (e.g., “brainstorming” or “6-hats-method”) and evaluation methods (e.g., “point scoring”) for idea generation and evaluation have been analyzed and rethought from a lightweight and sustainable design perspective resulting in so called lightweight creativity methods (LWCM). The methods were tested on a use case from the field of robotics, which enabled the identification of the potential of LWCM for a lightweight and sustainable design

    Impact of hexamine addition to a nitrite-based additive on fermentation quality, Clostridia and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a white lupin-wheat silage

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    BACKGROUND Nitrite and hexamine are used as silage additives because of their adverse effects on Clostridia and Clostridia spores. The effect of sodium nitrite and sodium nitrite/hexamine mixtures on silage quality was investigated. A white lupin-wheat mixture was treated with sodium nitrite (NaHe0) (900 g t(-1) forage), or mixtures of sodium nitrite (900 g t(-1)) and hexamine. The application rate of hexamine was 300 g t(-1) (NaHe300) or 600 g t(-1) (NaHe600). Additional treatments were the untreated control (Con), and formic acid (FA) applied at a rate of 4 L t(-1) (1000 g kg(-1)). RESULTS Additives improved silage quality noticeably only by reducing silage ammonia content compared with the control. The addition of hexamine to a sodium nitrite solution did not improve silage quality compared with the solution containing sodium nitrite alone. The increasing addition of hexamine resulted in linearly rising pH values (P <0.001) and decreasing amounts of lactic acid (P <0.01). Sodium nitrite based additives were more effective than formic acid in preventing butyric acid formation. Additives did not restrict the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae compared to the control. CONCLUSION The addition of hexamine did not improve silage quality compared with a solution of sodium nitrite. (c) 2018 Society of Chemical IndustryPeer reviewe

    Refraction of Sound by Islands and Seamounts

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    We consider the propagation into shallow water of low-frequency and low-order acoustic modes trapped in the sound channel. The phase velocity slightly decreases and then increases with decreasing depth. This leads to an unusual pattern of wave refraction. Waves are “attracted” by islands and seamounts (rays turn toward shore) in “almost deep” water, and then are strongly “repelled” in shallow water. We examine the relative intensity of scattered arrivals in very long-range ocean transmissions. Forward scatter by islands and seamounts can give significant (order −10 dB) scattered arrivals, as can large-angle scatter (including backscatter) by large islands and by islands near the source or receiver. However, transmission of acoustic energy into the sea floor leads to loss of the scattered energy in the sound channel. Total reflection (no loss) is favored by glancing incidence on steep slopes of islands and seamounts with large compressional seismic velocities. We suggest a complementary relation between the intensities from an underwater explosion as recorded on axial hydrophones versus nearby land seismometers, with conditions favorable to reflection favoring hydrophones and vice versa. A preliminary attempt is made to compare measured and computed scattered intensities in the sound channel for operation WIGWAM (a deep-water nuclear explosion in 1955), operation CHASE, and the Perth to Bermuda transmission of 1960. Computed intensities are too low

    Protoporphyrin IX Analysis from Blood and Serum in the Context of Neurosurgery of Glioblastoma

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    Protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) is formed from ÎŽ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) during heme biosynthesis. Due to its cyclic tetrapyrrole core structure, it absorbs in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum and is thus colored. Both ALA and PPIX have become of great interest to neurosurgery, because in high-grade glioma, ALA diffuses into the tumor and is converted to PPIX. Fluorescence-guided resection (FGR) takes advantage of both the enrichment of PPIX in the tumor and its fluorescent properties, which enable visualization of tumor tissue. ALA-mediated FGR thus maximizes the extent of resection with better prognosis for patients. Tumor cells are able to produce porphyrins naturally or after administration of ALA, which is also reflected in elevated plasma fluorescence of cancer patients. PPIX might thus serve as a biomarker for monitoring of the tumor burden. A liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)-based method is presented to quantify PPIX in blood and serum in the context of current fluorescence-based diagnostics. The method is able to distinguish between zinc PPIX, a component of red blood cells of importance in the detection of lead poisoning and iron deficiency anemia, and metal-free PPIX. In a proof-of-principle study, it was used to follow a time course of a glioblastoma patient undergoing surgery and confirmed elevated PPIX blood levels before ALA administration. During surgery, these blood levels increased about four-fold. The here developed 10 min reversed-phase LC-target MS method now allows patient screening with high specificity and throughput

    Associations of frailty with health care costs – results of the ESTHER cohort study

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    Background: The concept of frailty is rapidly gaining attention as an independent syndrome with high prevalence in older adults. Thereby, frailty is often related to certain adverse outcomes like mortality or disability. Another adverse outcome discussed is increased health care utilization. However, only few studies examined the impact of frailty on health care utilization and corresponding costs. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate comprehensively the relationship between frailty, health care utilization and costs. Methods: Cross sectional data from 2598 older participants (57–84 years) recruited in the Saarland, Germany, between 2008 and 2010 was used. Participants passed geriatric assessments that included Fried’s five frailty criteria: weakness, slowness, exhaustion, unintentional weight loss, and physical inactivity. Health care utilization was recorded in the sectors of inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, pharmaceuticals, and nursing care. Results: Prevalence of frailty (≄3 symptoms) was 8.0 %. Mean total 3-month costs of frail participants were €3659 (4 or 5 symptoms) and €1616 (3 symptoms) as compared to €642 of nonfrail participants (no symptom). Controlling for comorbidity and general socio-demographic characteristics in multiple regression models, the difference in total costs between frail and non-frail participants still amounted to €1917; p < .05 (4 or 5 symptoms) and €680; p < .05 (3 symptoms). Among the 5 symptoms of frailty, weight loss and exhaustion were significantly associated with total costs after controlling for comorbidity. Conclusions: The study provides evidence that frailty is associated with increased health care costs. The analyses furthermore indicate that frailty is an important factor for health care costs independent from pure age and comorbidity. Costs were rather attributable to frailty (and comorbidity) than to age. This stresses that the overlapping concepts of multimorbidity and frailty are both necessary to explain health care use and corresponding costs among older adults
