27 research outputs found

    Childlessness : concept analysis

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    The purpose of this concept analysis is to explore childlessness and provide understanding to professionals involved in the field of infertility. Walker and Avant’s method was used to identify descriptions, antecedents, consequences, and empirical referents of the concept. A model with related and contrary cases was developed. The analysis was based on the definition of the term in major dictionaries in the Greek, Lithuanian, Finnish, Maltese, and Turkish languages, while further literature searches utilized the Web of Science, PubMed, PsychInfo, Medline, Google Scholar, and National Thesis Databases. The literature search was limited to papers/books published in the authors’ national languages and English. As a result, childlessness is defined as the absence of children in the life of an individual, and this can be voluntary or involuntary. However, the deeper analysis of the concept may be preceded and amplified through cultural, psychological, biological, philosophical, theological, sociological, anthropological, and linguistic aspects throughout history. These elements presented challenges for childless individuals, ultimately influencing their choices to resort to alternative ways of becoming parents, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), surrogacy, adoption, or other forms of childbearing. Historically, childlessness has been viewed with negative connotations due to its potential impact on the survival of the human species. This negativity can be directed even to individuals who may decide to opt to voluntarily remain childfree. The long-term impact of the experience, both on an individual and collective level, continues to cause pain to those who are involuntarily childless. In conclusion, health professionals and other stakeholders who have a deep understanding of childlessness, including the antecedents and attributes, can minimize the potential negative consequences of those factors contributing to childlessness, whether voluntary or involuntary. In fact, they can capitalize on a powerful impact of change adaptation by providing support to those in their practice to recover the lost homeostasis.peer-reviewe

    Paternal peripartum depression:emerging issues and questions on prevention, diagnosis and treatment. A consensus report from the cost action Riseup-PPD

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    Introduction: Paternal peripartum depression (P-PPD) is a serious and understudied public health problem associated with impaired family functioning and child development. The lack of recognition of P-PPD may result in limited access to both information and professional help. Objective: The aim of the study was to review studies on paternal peripartum depression and to identify issues and questions where future research and theory formation are needed. Methods: A literature search for systematic reviews, meta-analyses and primary studies was conducted using PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, Scopus, Medline, PsychInfo and Informit databases. Key results within the retrieved articles were summarised and integrated to address the review objectives. Results: Based on the literature, the knowledge related to prevalence, screening, risk factorsunique to fathers, management strategies and outcomes of P-PPD is lacking. Currently, there is no consensual understanding of the definition of P-PPD and recommendations for dealing with P-PPD. Limited data were available regarding the barriers preventing fathers from accessing support systems. Conclusion: Emerging issues that need to be addressed in future research include: P-PPD definition and pathogenetic pathways; prevention strategies and assessment tools; self-help seeking and engagement with interventions; the cost-effectiveness of P-PPD management; needs of health professionals; effect on child development, and public awareness. Future studies and clinical practice should account the complexities that may arise from the father’s perceptions of health care services. Results from this review highlights the critical issues on how to plan, provide and resource health services, to meet the health needs of fathers.</p

    The use of information and communication technologies in family support across Europe: a narrative review

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to deliver parenting and mental health support services to families. This narrative review illustrates the diverse ways in which ICT is being used across Europe to provide family support to different populations. We distinguish between the use of ICT in professional-led and peer-led support and provide implementation examples from across Europe. We discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages of different ways of using ICT in family support and the main developments and challenges for the field more generally, guiding decision-making as to how to use ICT in family support, as well as critical reflections and future research on its merit

    Diagnosis of peripartum depression disorder:A state-of-the-art approach from the COST Action Riseup-PPD

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    Background: Peripartum depression (PPD) is a major depression disorder (MDD) episode with onset during pregnancy or within four weeks after childbirth, as defined in DSM-5. However, research suggests that PPD may be a distinct diagnosis. The goal of this study was to summarize the similarities and differences between PPD and MDD by synthesizing the current research on PPD diagnosis concerning different clinical features and give directions for improving diagnosis of PPD in clinical practice. Methods: To lay the groundwork for this narrative review, several databases were searched using general search phrases on PPD and its components of clinical diagnosis. Results: When compared to MDD, peripartum depression exhibits several distinct characteristics. PPD manifests with a variety of symptoms, i.e., more anxiety, psychomotor symptoms, obsessive thoughts, impaired concentration, fatigue and loss of energy, but less sad mood and suicidal ideation, compared to MDD. Although PPD and MDD prevalence rates are comparable, there are greater cross-cultural variances for PPD. Additionally, PPD has some distinct risk factors and mechanisms such as distinct ovarian tissue expression, premenstrual syndrome, unintended pregnancy, and obstetric complications. Conclusion: There is a need for more in-depth research comparing MDD with depression during pregnancy and the entire postpartum year. The diagnostic criteria should be modified, particularly with (i) addition of specific symptoms (i.e., anxiety), (ii) onset specifier extending to the first year following childbirth, (iii) and change the peripartum onset specifier to either “pregnancy onset” or “postpartum onset”. Diagnostic criteria for PPD are further discussed.</p

    Diagnosis of peripartum depression disorder:A state-of-the-art approach from the COST Action Riseup-PPD

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    Background: Peripartum depression (PPD) is a major depression disorder (MDD) episode with onset during pregnancy or within four weeks after childbirth, as defined in DSM-5. However, research suggests that PPD may be a distinct diagnosis. The goal of this study was to summarize the similarities and differences between PPD and MDD by synthesizing the current research on PPD diagnosis concerning different clinical features and give directions for improving diagnosis of PPD in clinical practice. Methods: To lay the groundwork for this narrative review, several databases were searched using general search phrases on PPD and its components of clinical diagnosis. Results: When compared to MDD, peripartum depression exhibits several distinct characteristics. PPD manifests with a variety of symptoms, i.e., more anxiety, psychomotor symptoms, obsessive thoughts, impaired concentration, fatigue and loss of energy, but less sad mood and suicidal ideation, compared to MDD. Although PPD and MDD prevalence rates are comparable, there are greater cross-cultural variances for PPD. Additionally, PPD has some distinct risk factors and mechanisms such as distinct ovarian tissue expression, premenstrual syndrome, unintended pregnancy, and obstetric complications. Conclusion: There is a need for more in-depth research comparing MDD with depression during pregnancy and the entire postpartum year. The diagnostic criteria should be modified, particularly with (i) addition of specific symptoms (i.e., anxiety), (ii) onset specifier extending to the first year following childbirth, (iii) and change the peripartum onset specifier to either “pregnancy onset” or “postpartum onset”. Diagnostic criteria for PPD are further discussed.</p

    Posttraumatic growth in women after a childbirth experience: The influence of individual characteristics and intrusive and deliberate rumination.

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    Objective: This study targets women who had a self-defined traumatic childbirth experience to (a) explore the differences between sociodemographic-, obstetric-, and trauma-related variables in relation to the rumination style; (b) determine differences between intrusive and deliberate rumination in relation to posttraumatic growth (PTG) dimensions, and (c) test whether intrusive rumination is associated with deliberate rumination, which in turn is associated with PTG dimensions. Method: A cross-sectional study design was employed using a web-based survey method for data collection. In total, 202 women who identified their childbirth experience as traumatic participated in this study. Results: Intrusive rumination and deliberate rumination were positively associated with all dimensions of PTG in women following the traumatic childbirth event. Deliberate rumination fully explained the relationship between intrusive rumination and PTG aspects of relating to others, new opportunities, and personal strength, and partially explained the relationship between intrusive rumination and PTG aspects of spiritual changes and appreciation of life. Conclusions: The results suggest that deliberate rumination can contribute to explain the occurrence of PTG. These findings could help develop psychosocial interventions to maximize opportunities for deliberate rumination for women with traumatic childbirth experiences

    Erken Dönem Uyumsuz Şemalar, Ebeveynlik Biçimleri ve Psikolojik Belirtiler İle Psikolojik DışlanmanınTehdit Ettiği İhtiyaçlar Arasındaki İlişkiler

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    This study was designed to examine the relationship between early maladaptive schemas,parenting styles,psychological symptoms and the need threats.The sample of the study consisted of 133 students at Hacettepe University. Variables were assessed by YŞÖ-KF3,YEBÖ,SA-45, Need Threat Scale.Analyses revealed that perceived paternal Conditional Success-Oriented parenting style predicted the decrease in self esteem. The Pessimistic Anxious parenting style predicted the increase in self esteem. Extreme Permissive Unlimited and Pessimistic Anxious parenting styles predicted the increase in the need of control.Paternal Punitive parenting style predicted the decrease in perceived control.The increase in anxiety score predicted the increase in self esteem and phobic anxiety predicted the decrease in self esteem.The decrease in self esteem predicted by the increase in interpersonal sensitivity and there is no significant relationship between five schema domains and basic need threats.Üniversite öğrencilerinde erken dönem uyumsuz şemalar,ebeveynlik biçimleri ve psikolojik belirtilerle psikolojik dışlanmanın tehdit ettiği ihtiyaçlar arasındaki ilişkileri inceleyen çalışmaya 133 Hacettepe Üniversitesi öğrencisi katılmıştır.Katılımcılara YŞÖ-KF3,YEBÖ,SA-45,İhtiyaç Tehdidi Ölçeği ve Demografik Bilgi Formu uygulanmıştır.Sonuç olarak baba ebeveynlik biçimlerinden Koşullu Başarı Odaklı ebeveynlik biçimindeki artış benlik değerindeki düşüşü;Kötümser Endişeli ebeveynlik biçimindeki artış benlik değerindeki artışı,Aşırı İzin Verici Sınırsız ve Kötümser Endişeli ebeveynlik biçimindeki artış kontrol ihtiyacındaki artışı;Cezalandırıcı ebeveynlik biçimindeki artış kontrol ihtiyacındaki düşüşü yordamaktadır.Kaygı puanındaki artış benlik değerindeki artışı; fobik kaygı puanındaki ve kişilerarası duyarlılık puanındaki artış benlik değerindeki düşüşü yordamaktadır.Şema alanları ile psikolojik dışlanmanın tehdit ettiği ihtiyaçlar arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmamıştır

    Beyond the individual and society: A critical approach to cultural trauma

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    Bu çalışmada bireysel travmalara sosyokültürel perspektif geliştirilmiştir. Gündelik hayatta sıkça karşılaşılan travma kavramının kökenleri, travmanın tarihsel süreçlerinde aranabilir. On dokuzuncu yüzyılda tıbbi bir kavram olarak ortaya çıkan travma, günümüzde artık sosyal bilimlerin de çalışma konusu haline gelmiştir. Travmanın sosyolojik, sosyo-kültürel, tarihsel, ekonomik ve hukuki alanlara dahil oluşu, travmatik etkilerin salt psikolojik saiklerle açıklanamayacağının bir göstergesi niteliğindedir. Travmanın sosyokültürel yorumunu, yirminci yüzyılın savaş ve felaket deneyimleri aracılığıyla düşünmek gerekmektedir. Bu deneyimler, travmatik etkilerin daha önce görülmediği ölçüde kitleselleşmesine yol açmış ve bu kitlesel yıkımlar sosyal teorilerin yeni bir paradigma çerçevesinde ele alınmasını zorunlu kılmıştır. Travmanın sorunsallaştırılması, yirminci yüzyılın modernizme içkin yıkıcı sonuçlarına yeni bir yorum getirmektedir. Travma artık bireyi ilgilendiren ve iyileşmenin ya da sağaltımın salt birey-odaklı ele alındığı bir olgu olmaktan çıkıp; sosyal, kültürel, politik, ekonomik sonuçlarıyla bir arada düşünülmesi gereken bir kavrama dönüşmüştür. Kültürel travma teorisi ise birey ile toplum arasındaki ilişkiye dair bir yol haritası çizmektedir. Bu teorik yaklaşım, travmaların toplumsal olanla dolayımını açıklama noktasında önemli bir yol kat etmiştir. Çalışmanın temel izleğini belirlemek için ne bireyi ne de toplumu önceleyen, her ikisi arasında dolayımlı bir ilişki kuran Lacancı perspektif kullanılmıştır. Bu perspektifte, birey ve toplum, karşılıklı etkileyen ve etkilenen kavramlar olarak değil birbirlerine içkin kavramlar olarak ele alınmıştır. Buradan hareketle bireysel travmaların sosyokültürel olana içkin olduğu ve iyileşmenin toplumsal dönüşümle mümkün olduğu iddia edilecektir.In this study, a sociocultural perspective on individual traumas has been developed. The origins of the concept of trauma, which is frequently encountered in daily life, can be sought in the historical processes of trauma. Trauma, which emerged as a medical concept in the nineteenth century, has now become a subject of study in social sciences. The involvement of trauma in sociological, socio-cultural, historical, economic and legal fields is an indication that traumatic effects cannot be explained solely by psychological reasons. The sociocultural interpretation of trauma should be considered through the war and disaster experiences of the twentieth century. These experiences have led to the unprecedented massification of traumatic effects and these mass destructions have necessitated a new paradigm in social theories. The problematisation of trauma brings a new interpretation to the destructive consequences of the twentieth century that are immanent to modernism. Trauma is no longer a phenomenon that concerns the individual and where recovery or healing is solely individual-oriented; it has turned into a concept that needs to be considered together with its social, cultural, political and economic consequences. Cultural trauma theory draws a road map for the relationship between the individual and society. This theoretical approach has gone a long way in explaining the mediation of traumas with the social. The Lacanian perspective, which neither prioritises the individual nor society, but establishes a mediated relationship between both, was used to determine the basic framework of the study. In this perspective, the individual and society are not considered as mutually influencing and influenced concepts, but as concepts immanent to each other. From this point of view, it will be argued that individual traumas are inherent in the sociocultural and that healing is possible through social transformation

    Siberkondriya ölçeği (Sibkö): Geliştirme, geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması

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    Objective: The aim of the current study is to develop culture specific, multidimensional and self-report Cyberchondria Scale (CS) which can be used to evaluate one’s emotional, cognitive and behavioral tendency to cyberchondria and to determine the psychometric properties of this scale. Method: The study was conducted with two different samples consisted of Internet users. To investigate the factor structure, the first sample was composed of 250 (49.6% women, 50.4% men) individuals aged between 18 and 65. The second sample in which confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted consisted of 360 (61.1% women, 38.3% men) individuals aged between 18 and 65. In addition to CS, Internet Addiction Scale (IAS), Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) and Health Anxiety Inventory (HAI) were used in this study. Results: The exploratory and CFA revealed a five-factor structure called “Factors Increasing Anxiety”, “Compulsion/Hypochondria”, “Factors Decreasing Anxiety”, “Doctor-Patient Interaction”, “Dysfunctional Internet Use”. The model obtained by CFA represented acceptable goodness of fit values and other reliability and validity values were found to be satisfactory. Conclusion: CS could be evaluated as a valid and reliable scale which would be used in clinical and health psychology studies conducted in Turkey.Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, bireyin siberkondriyaya ilişkin duygusal, bilişsel ve davranışsal yatkınlığını değerlendirmede kullanılabilecek kültürümüze özgü, çok faktörlü, öz bildirime dayalı bir Siberkondriya Ölçeği (SİBKÖ) geliştirmek, geliştirilen bu ölçeğin psikometrik özelliklerini belirlemektir. Yöntem: Çalışma, İnternet kullanabilen iki ayrı örneklem grubuyla yürütülmüştür. Ölçeğin faktör yapısının belirlendiği ilk örneklem grubunu, yaşları 18-65 arasında değişen 250 (%49.6’sı kadın, %50.4’ü erkek) kişi oluşturmuştur. Ölçeğin doğrulayıcı faktör analizinin (DFA) gerçekleştirildiği ikinci örneklem grubunu ise 18-65 yaş arasında 360 (%61.1’i kadın, %38.3’ü erkek) kişi oluşturmuştur. Çalışmada SİBKÖ’nün yanı sıra, İnternet Bağımlılığı Ölçeği (İBÖ), Kısa Semptom Envanteri (KSE) ve Sağlık Anksiyetesi Envanteri (SANKE) kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Yapılan açımlayıcı ve DFA sonucunda, “Kaygıyı Artıran Faktörler”, “Kompulsiyon/Hipokondri”, “Kaygıyı Azaltan Faktörler”, “Doktor-Hasta Etkileşimi” ve “İşlevsel Olmayan İnternet Kullanımı” olarak adlandırılan beş faktörlü yapı elde edilmiştir. DFA’da elde edilen model uyum indekslerinin kabul edilebilir sınırlar içinde olduğu görülmüş; elde edilen diğer geçerlik ve güvenirlik değerleri de uygun bulunmuştur. Sonuç: SİBKÖ, Türkiye’de yürütülen klinik psikoloji ve sağlık psikolojisi alanındaki çalışmalarda kullanılabilecek, geçerli ve güvenilir nitelikte bir ölçek olarak değerlendirilebilir.Ankara Universit